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* Fixed
* Added
t stuck

a bug that caused an error on non-english systems
an option to disable the loaders random file padding (Use this if you ge
in a reboot loop and can't access GRUB)

Version 1.7.8
* Fixed loader file padding issue that caused some systems to fail to boot into
* Fixed Windows Server 2008 R2 support
* Fixed loader pointer issues (For when each OS needs it's own active partition
exclusive while other primaries are set to hidden)
* Added an option to set the boot menu timeout
* Added an option to install the loader without changing your systems MBR (Good
for Linux users & FirstDefense-ISR)
* Added support for Haier, Hasee, HCL, Jooyon, NEC, Tongfang and Viliv
* Added various new OEM SLP serials
* Blocked title version modifications
* Cleaned up some code for better performance (May help fix the rare partition f
inder error)
Version 1.7.7
* Fixed loader modes to stop system hangs
* Changed the way the loader is wrote to the partition (no more mounting)
Version 1.7.6
* Improved the encryption support
* Added support for Gigabyte
* Added Toshiba Professional serial
Version 1.7.5
* Removed the beta SLIC detection (caused crashes on 1.7.4)
* Added support for LG
* Added various new OEM SLP serials
Veraion 1.7.4
* Improved SLIC detection (still not tied to anything, it's simply a BETA featur
e until I get more feedback)
* Fixed file write errors caused by version 1.7.3
* Added support for Server Standard R2
* Added support for FSC, Quanmax and Trigem
* Added various new OEM SLP serials
Version 1.7.3
* Improved free drive letter assignment
* Corrected some grammar
* Added random SLIC encryption support, this means everyones SLIC will have a un
ique encryption
* Added GRLDR file size randomization
* Added GRLDR v0.97-DAZ+SEC-R2. This is just a minor version to support the rand
om encryption
* Added SLIC table detection (BIOS mod and software, it can tell the difference)
* Added support for Advent, Medion and Nokia
* Added various new OEM SLP serials
* Added
* Added
* Added
* Added

encrypted SLIC support
random loader names
byte differences (everyones GRLDR loader won't be byte for byte the same
a new GRLDR version (0.97) from zsmin (custom edition for my program)

* Added /norestart argument

* Added support for Windows 7 Home Basic (4 new keys)
Version 1.7.1
* Removed window transparency to fix a Windows 7 artifacts bug and improve respo
nsiveness on older systems using onboard graphics
* Improved the "Custom menu.lst" loader option. It will now show all people usin
g this setting the GRUB menu at system startup
* Upgraded some certificates to version 2.1
* Added a new GRLDR version (0.96) from zsmin (custom edition for my program)
* Added external SLIC support (read "How to add support.txt" for more info)
* Added support for BenQ and Sony machines
* Added support for Windows 7 Starter Edition
* Added various new OEM SLP serials
Version 1.7
* Removed the older loader
* Added loader mode options
* Changed the UI so that it's now slightly transparent as well as resized to sui
t the new options
* Added Samsung support for Windows 7 Ultimate, Professional & Home Premium edit
* Improved internal resources security
Version 1.6.9
* Added amber as a color to the application integrity checking as well as a few
tweaks to the existing code (you should still always check the displayed applica
tion path even when green)
* Cleaned up some code for better performance
* Added new GRLDR 0.94 from zsmin
Version 1.6.8
* Added application integrity checking. This is a new feature which will display
you with information about how the application was launched when the mouse is h
overed over the green or red icon. It's goal is to inform you if you are running
an untouched version of the application or one that could have been modified in
some way by a script kiddie. Of course green is the best result, if it's red th
en be cautious as someone's likely binded a trojan!
* Fixed
* Added
to wait

Windows Vista activation status
Windows 7 Enterprise editions as a supported OS, although you will need
for OEM SLP keys to leak

Version 1.6.6
* Fixed activation checking for non-english systems (This release is just to add
ress confusion as to if a system is activated or not)
Version 1.6.5
* Improved profile matchups (for matching a SLIC, certificate and serial)
* Added activation checking for Windows 7, Vista and Server 2008
* Added tokens checking for Windows 7 (alerts the user, repair is manual so that
later on down the line this loader will never frankenbuild your system itself!)
* Added error handling should UAC fail to elevate the application
* Added Asus SLIC, certificate and Home Premium serial
* Added new GRLDR beta 0.93 from zsmin
Version 1.6.4
* Fixed a missing serial issue when run as a standalone
* Added checking to elevate to an administrator only when run on Vista or Window

s 7
* Corrected a typo found during an uninstall
Version 1.6.3
* Fixed a missing serial issue caused by the new bios type detection feature
* Fixed an issue which would cause the application to start hidden behind other
Version 1.6.2
* UAC control reworked
* Changed the default loader to zsmin's
* Bios type detection now assigns a SLIC, certificate and if possible a serial t
o match
* Added leaked Dell Home Premium key
* Fixed
* Added
* Added

Windows Vista version detection
new Dell Windows 7 Professional key
new GRLDR beta 0.91 from zsmin

Version 1.6
* Fixed Windows version detection (name spaces were off)
* Added support for Windows 7 Home Premium
* Compressed the internals a litte so the executable size has been shaved just a
Version 1.5.9
* Added new GRLDR beta 0.90 from zsmin
* Fixed missing OS information on unsupported OS's
Version 1.5.8
* Keys and certificates now use internals when external files cannot be found (t
his means you can run just the executable as a standalone application)
* Added future OS key support (via Keys.ini)
* Changed how an unsupported OS is displayed
* Added new GRLDR beta 8c from zsmin
* Fixed
* Fixed
* Added

unicode text string issue which caused activation to fail
title assignment for unsupported operating systems
new GRLDR beta 8b from zsmin

Version 1.5.6
* Full recode so that debugging is easier for me and performance and reliability
is better for you
* User interface redesigned for simplicity
* Added new GRLDR beta 8 from zsmin (Thanks go to him)
* Added external certificate support for bios modders
* Added external key input support
* Added argument support
Version 1.5.5
* Improved error handling even more
* Rewrote drive mounting code (should fix the x64 mounting issue and letter assi
* Mac users should now automatically have the experimental loader option selecte
d for them
* Tweaked UI layout just a little (width was off)
* Fixed other minor issues

Version 1.5.4
* Tweaked free drive letter handling just a little
* Corrected a typo on the experimental loader option
* Corrected Windows Vista version ID
Version 1.5.3
* Fixed a rare issue that would select a network drive as a free drive letter
* Performing an uninstall now restores to the default Windows 7/Vista bootsect (
wasn't required, but some machines need this!)
* Performing an uninstall now inserts trial keys so you will have x amount of da
ys remaining (On Windows 7)
* Upgraded support for error handling (errors get logged to the system event vie
* The loader window will now start centered when launched
* Added a custom file icon (Thanks to my friend Logie)
* Added support for Starter, HomeBasicN and BusinessN versions of Windows Vista
* Upgraded experimental GRLDR to beta 6 (Thanks to zsmin)
* Added another GRLDR for older Dell and HP machines to try (the older loader op
* Cleaned up code in general
Version 1.5.2
* Fixed a rare issue which could cause a nil object exception
* The window title will now change to a more suiting "Windows Vista Loader v1.5.
2 - By Daz" when run on Windows Vista
Version 1.5.1
* Updated GRLDR v0.4.4 to beta version 4 (Thanks to zsmin)
Version 1.5
* Fix to prevent hangs at boot when each OS needs it's own active partition excl
usive while other primaries are set to hidden. Every other loader has this bug!
(Thanks to endeavor for working with me to fix this issue)
* Can now activate both Windows 7 and Windows Vista, just run the loader on eith
er OS
* Optional new beta GRLDR v0.4.4 can be used on Mac or Windows (New GRLDR create
d by zsmin, boots Windows 7 on a Mac much faster)
* Updates to GRLDR v0.4.4 to become dynamic and allow slic change
* Fixed UI font sizes for users who have changed their system font
Version 1.4
* Added x64 support
* Drive letter assignment is now automatic
* Changed how the key input is handled
* Made UI a little more user friendly
Version 1.3
* Added brand support to the loader creator
* Added certificate and serial install only for bios modded users
* Added new Ultimate and Professional keys
* The loader now automatically displays keys only for your installed version of
Windows 7
Version 1.2
* UAC settings modified in manifest
* Added future support for Windows 7 Professional
Version 1.1
* Silent certificate and key installs
* Fixed file overwriting issue

* Lists some BIOS information

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