Smha Sep 2015 Minutes

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Approved 10/6/2015

Scott Mountain Homeowners Association

Board Meeting of September 1, 2015
Location: Fire Station, 9339 SE Causey
Board Members Present: John Short, Nancy Hall, Pam Cunningham, Dave Gilman, Jim Graham,
Dan Otis Ted Seble
Absent: John Chapman
Homeowners Present: Bob Stallman
Guests: none
Call to Order: 7:05 pm by President Carl Feague
Approval of Meeting Minutes Board Meeting July 2015
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made by Carl to approve
the July minutes as submitted. It was seconded by Ted and all Board members present approved.
Homeowner Issues
The fire at the house on 99th was discussed. Bill Casey, the owner, was a former Board President.
They were able to find a house in the Association to rent. They plan to rebuild.
President: Carl Feague
Carl said he cleared the drain at the north end of the common area above 100th Drive.
He called the sheriff regarding the red trailer parked on the street at 9821 SE King Way. The
sheriff said that an unattached trailer cant be parked on the street. The home owner then
attached a car making it legal, but he said he would soon move it to a storage area.
He called PGE regarding street lights that were staying on, on King Way and 100th Drive.
Carl requested $300 for the holiday decoration contest, including mailers and five awards. Ted
made a motion to allocate $300 for the holiday contest. John Short seconded and all Board
members present approved.
The annual meeting is to be held in October. Carl suggested that the annual meeting and the
regular October Board meeting be combined. All Board members present agreed.
Carl said he would invite the Board members to his place for cocktails. Time to be determined.
He brought up the issue for discussion of amending the covenants to not allow rentals in the
Association. It was noted that this would be difficult and may have some legal issues.
Carl tried to talk to the homeowner on 98th (with the tile roof) about needed yard upkeep.
Neighbors say they have not seen her. Jim handed out the County ordinance on vegetation that
is a fire danger (attached).
He discussed the tree limb that fell onto a homeowners fence, which he recently inspected. The
damage was minor. It was agreed that the Association should remove the limb, but the fence
damage is the home owners responsibility.
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Prepared by Jim Graham/ Dave Gilman

Approved 10/6/2015
Vice-president: Ted Seble
Ted reminded the Board to keep the drains clean with the fall rain coming.
Secretary: Dave Gilman
Dave reported completion of the minutes for the July 2015 Board meeting.
Treasurers Report: John Chapman
John Chapman is absent but provided a written report. See attached.
Environmental Committee: Jim Graham
Jim explained the current approved expenses for environmental work and that it is significant.
The drain work is $2200 and is scheduled for 9/30. He checked the drain during the recent
storm and there was no problem.
He talked with the next door neighbor to the house that keeps chickens and she said there was
a rooster in addition to the hens. He called the County Department of Agriculture about the rules
for livestock, specifically chickens. They told him that if he sends in a complain, the Department
will come check.
He has an estimate for removing two large dead trees in the common area on the path from
Kela Court to Derrick. It is $4395 form Clays Tree Service. He also has estimates to remove
several dead limbs on other trees.
Carl made a motion to spend up to $2000 to cut the limbs by Mrs. Mick house, the whole tree at
10347 SE 99th, and the limbs Diane Rose complained about. This was seconded by Ted and all
Board members present approved.
He discussed work done by Mosaic in the green belt. He and Dave Gilman inspected the work.
They noted that there were still invasive plants in the common area. The Mosaic owner offered
to walk thru the area with Board members. The proposed time is 3:30 pm next Wednesday.
Dumpsters are scheduled for weekend of Nov. 13.
Covenant Compliance: Dan Otis
Dan had nothing new.
Architectural: John Short
John Short met with Todd Yost at 9800 SE King Way and approved construction of a gazebo.
He asked John if the safety committee could look at the tree roots on the path to the west of the
house. Pamela said she would review the roots.
He finalized his discussion with Sue at 10655 SE 93 rd Court about the yard and tool shed at
10686 SE 93rd Court. The yard has been cleaned up and when the weather cools the landscape
will be planted to hide the tool shed from view.
Sue reported a trailer parked in a driveway on Stevenss road but there was none there when
John checked and no address given.
He approved the paint colors for the homeowner at 9825 SE Kela Court.
Pamela located all sidewalks with cracks and separations greater than 1/2. It was noted that to
do all of these would be very costly. John proposed to do only the concrete walkways
connecting streets, and not the access to the green spaces. The Board was in agreement.
Pamela and John will identify the walkways to be done.
He approved the roof patch for Larry Nelson on 98th Court.
He approved tree removal at 10347 SE 99th for Mark and Sheri.
He approved tree removal at 9841 SE King Way for Dan Hamilton.
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Prepared by Jim Graham/ Dave Gilman

Approved 10/6/2015
Safety: Pamela Cunningham
Pamela discussed signs warning about roots and uneven path on the blacktop pathways.
She needs the file for Newsletter. The newsletter is to be out for fall. She would like articles for
the newsletter.
Eagle Landing: Nancy Hall
Nancy asked when we would plant the tree for Jenny. It was agreed that fall would be a good
Nancy reported that there was no new info on Eagles landing.
She reported that Altamont area has a proposal to build a 4 story senior care building. The
proposal is by Prestige Care. Happy Valley is the ruling body for the permits and the city council
will be addressing this at a meeting on September 15.
She will look into reactivating the West Mt Scott CPO.
Open Forum
Adjournment: at 9:05 pm by Carl
Next Regular Board Meetings: October 6, 2015 at 7 pm at the Fire Station. This will also be the
annual meeting. Regular meeting are held each first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in
August and December.

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Prepared by Jim Graham/ Dave Gilman

Approved 10/6/2015

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Prepared by Jim Graham/ Dave Gilman

Approved 10/6/2015

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Prepared by Jim Graham/ Dave Gilman

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