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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam October 02, 2015

Human beings are blessed with many abilities, but which of these are the true
gifts of God? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today.

Speaking truth is the foremost quality of a human being. In fact, truth must
dance on your tongue. To speak untruth and talk irresponsibly does not
behove a human being. If you indulge in useless and indiscriminate talk,
how can it be called truth? Before you speak something, you must enquire
whether it is truth or not. Speak only truth which emerges from the heart.
The entire world has emerged from truth and everything merges into truth.
The clouds moving in the sky sometimes obscure the Sun; once the
clouds move away, the resplendent Sun is fully visible. Similarly it is only
when the dark clouds of resolutions and confusions in our heart are
cleared, truth manifests. The five human values are not independent of
each other. They closely follow one another. These qualities are Gods gift
to humanity. All human beings must manifest these five human values by
practicing them.
- Divine Discourse, Sep 29, 2006.

02 AkqUbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:Bgvwn ny mnu`K nUM keI gux id`qy hoey hn pr aunHW iv`coN ikhVw qohPw AslI qohPw hY? Bgvwn,A`j
swnUM,ies bwry smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: s`c bolxw,mnu`K dw swirAW qoN v`fw gux hY[Asl iv`c,s`c hr vyly,quhwfI zbwn qy hoxw cwhIdw hY[s`c nw
bolxw Aqy gYr iz`myvwrI nwl gl krnw,iek AslI mnu`K nUM,SoBw nhIN idMdw[jy qusIN ,PzUl g`lW krdy rho gy qW
ies nUM scweI ikvyN ikhw jw skdw hY?bolx qoN pihlW,quhwnUM ieh socxw cwhIdw hY ik ieh s`c hY ik nhIN[scweI
hI bolo ijhVI ik quhwfy ihrdy iv`coN inkldI hY[ieh swrw sMswr,scweI iv`coN hI pYdw hoieAw hY Aqy scweI iv`c hI
vlIn ho jwvy gw[keI bwr,b`dl sUrj nUM F`k lYNdy hn pr jd b`dl sUrj qoN pry ho jWdy hn,sUrj dI cmk
ivKweI dyx lg pYNdI hY[ausy qrHW ,jd idl iv`coN bysmJI dI prq dw prdw Kqm ho jWdw hY,swfy idl iv`c,scweI
dw vws ho jWdw hY[mnu`K ivcly pMj mwnv gux,iek dUjy qoN v`K nhIN hn[ieh gux,iek dUjy iv`c vlIn huMdy
hn[ieh gux,mnu`K nUM Bgvwn v`loN qohPw hI hn[mnu`K nUM,ieh mwnv mu`lW dw A`iBAws jrUr krnw cwhIdw hY[(29
sqMbr,2006 dy idvX pRvcn)[
pMjW ieMdRIAW dI Su`Dqw dy hox qy hI ,mnu`K AMdr scweI dw vws huMdw hY[(bwbw)[

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