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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam October 03, 2015

What is true Dharmic way of life? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us in crystal

clear terms today.

Why complain that the ground cannot be seen when all the while your
gaze is fixed on the sky? Watch the ground and look at the sheet of
water that reflects the sky then you can see, at the same time, the
sky above and the earth below. So too, to adhere to the law of
truth (sathya-dharma), in your every act, you must see the reflection of
the glory of the Divine (Atma); then this attachment to the Lord will
transmute your attachment to the world into a pure offering. Adherence
to the law of truth is in fact the practice of the immanent Atmic principle.
The goal of purity should not be altered or lowered; the essentials
should be kept intact. Righteousness (Dharma) does not depend on the
various names and forms that its application entails; they are not so
basic. Dharmadepends more on the motives and the feelings that direct
and channelise your every act.
- Dharma Vahini, Ch 2

Any act that is done with purity in thought, word and deed is Dharma. Baba
03 AkqUbr,2015
sweI ie`nspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:izMdgI ibqwaux dw Dwrimk FMg ikhVw hY? Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: jd quhwfw iDAwn,Awsmwn v`l huMdw hY qW qusIN ikauN kihMdy ho ik mYnUM DrqI ivKweI nhIN idMdI?DrqI v`l
vyKo Aqy DrqI qy pey pwxI iv`c vyKo qW hI quhwnUM AwkwS ivKweI dvy gw Aqy ies dy nwl-nwl,DrqI vI ivKweI
dvy gI[ausy qrHW,jy qusIN scweI dy Drm nUM Awpxy hr kIqy krm iv`c vyKxw cwhuMdy ho qW qusIN Awpxy Awqmw dw
prCwvW vyKo[ies qrHW krn nwl,quhwfw sMswrI krm ,Bgvwn leI krm bx jwvy gw[scweI qy jIvn bsr krn
nwl hI Awqimk jIvn hovy gw[Awpxy piv`qrqw vwly jIvn iv`c kdy Gwt nw hox dvo Aqy scweI au`qy hI
rho[Drm,Bgvwn dy v`K-v`K nwmW Aqy rUpW au`qy inrBr nhIN krdw[Drm,kyvl quhwfy ivcwrW Aqy quhwfI
BwvnwvW au`qy inrBr krdw hY ijhVIAW quhwfy hr krm nUM syD idMdIAw hn[(Drm vwihnI,A`iDAwey do iv`coN)[
ijhVw vI krm,Su`D ivcwrW,bwxI Aqy mMSw nwl kIqw jWdw hY,auh AslI Drm hY[(bwbw)[

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