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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam October 04, 2015

Why should we perfect the art of concentration? Bhagawan explains to us the

purpose and benefit of all learning.
When people complain that they cannot concentrate, I laugh, for even
the driver of a car is a master of the art of concentration. The taxi driver
does not pay heed to the chatter from the seat behind or to the radio.
He is watching the road ahead with single-pointed attention. If you have
earnestness and faith (shraddha), more than half the battle is won. That
is why, Krishna asks Arjuna, "Have you listened to what I have said with
one-pointed attention?" Arjuna, even in the midst of the opposing
armies in the battle-field, affirmed he listened to the words of the Lord
with keen concentration. Practice concentration and it will stand you in
good stead. Also, do not mistake the technique for the goal; do not lose
your way in the tangle of scholarship. Scholarship and learning are only
the means for the mastery of the Mind, to turn it from the Creation to the
- Divine Discourse, Jan 22, 1960.

The essence of education is concentration of the mind and not collection of facts. Baba
04 AkqUbr,2015
sweI ieMspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:swnUM,iekwgrqw dw A`iBAws ikauN p`kw krnw cwhIdw hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ies dI zrUrq Aqy lwB dsdy
au`qr:jd lok ieh iSkwieq krdy hn ik AsIN Awpxw iDAwn ,kyNidRq nhIN kr skdy qW mYN hsdw hW ik jy kwr dw
frweIvr,kwr clwaux leI iDAwn kyNidRq kr skdw hY qW bwkI swry lok,iDAwn kyNidRq ikauN nhIN kr
skdy?tYksI fRweIvr nUM ies gl dI icMqw nhIN huMdI ik aus dI ipClI sIt au`qy bYTw kI g`lW kr irhw hY jW
ryfIau iv`c koeI kI bol irhw hY[aus dw iDAwn qW kyvl sVk qy hI huMdw hY ik aus au`qy koeI rukwvt qW nhIN
hY[jy quhwfy iv`c,kMm dI idlcspI hY Aqy kMm krn dI SRDw hY qW smJo ik qusW AwpxI A`DI jMg ij`q leI
hY[iehI kwrx hY jd ikRSn ny Arjux nUM ikhw sI ik kI qusW auh swrw ku`J iDAwn nwl suixAw hY ijhVw mYN quhwnUM
ikhw hY?lVweI dy dOrwn vI Arjun ny ikRSn nUM ikhw sI ik auh jo ku`J kih rhy hn,auh aus nUM bVy iDAn nwl
sux irhw hY[iDAwn kyNidRq dw A`iBAws kro[ieh quhwnUM hmySw lwBdwiek hovy gw[ies dy nwl-nwl,Awpxy lkS
iv`c koqwhI nw kro Aqy AwpxI bu`DImqw dw iesqymwl kro[mn au`qy kwbU pwaux dw iehI FMg hY ik qusIN AwpxI
bu`DImqw Aqy hunr dw iesqymwl kro Aqy Awpxw iDAwn,Bgvwn au`qy kyNidRq kro[(22 jnvrI,1960 dy idvX
is`iKAw dw ieh incoV hY ik qusIN,mn au`qy Awpxw iDAwn kyNidRq kro nw ik swrIAW cIzW nUM Xwd r`Ko[(bwbw)[

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