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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam October 06, 2015

What is the test of a learned person? Bhagawan shares with us the precious
lessons we must digest in our daily living.
Egoism and greed are still rampant; hatred has not
abated and envy eats into the vitals of society. There is
no dearth of scriptural books telling you how to be free
from grief. All sacred and holy books including Gita,
Bhagavata and Ramayana are available in all
languages at a very low cost and most books are sold
in more than thousands of copies per day; but there is
nothing to indicate that they have been read and
assimilated. The breath of the mouth must give an
inkling of the food partaken, is it not? But the habits,
the conduct, the character of the readers of these
books have not undergone any change for the better.
Hence each of you must examine your own mental
make-up and evaluate whether you have used your
discrimination and worldly knowledge to clothe yourself
in detachment (vairagya), so that you do not suffer
from attachment to things that will fade away.
- Dharma Vahini, Ch 2.

Offer your virtues as flowers at Gods altar. Virtues spread beauty and fragrance. Baba
06 AkqUbr,2015
sweI ienMpwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: koeI mnu`K,piVHAw-il`iKAw hY,ies dw kI tYst hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,iek kImqI sbk isKwauNdy hn ijhdy
nwl swnUM Awpxw jIvn ibqwauxw cwhIdw hY[
au`qr: A`j-k`l,smwj iv`c,hMkwr,lwlc Aqy eIrKw hox kwrx,mnu`Kqw iv`c igrwvt AweI hoeI hY[Dwrimk
ikqwbW,ijhVIAW mnu`K nUM,musIbqW qoN Cutkwrw idlvw skdIAW hn,aunHW ikqwbW dI Gwt nhIN hy[swrIAW Dwrimk
ikqwbW,ijvyN gIqw,Bwgvq Aqy rwmwiex,hr BwSw Aqy G`t kImqW iv`c auplBd hn Aqy hr roz hzwrW dI qwdwd
iv`c ibk rhIAW hn pr ieh swrw ku`J hox dy bwvjUd,ieh mihsUs nhIN huMdw ik lokW dy ivcwrW iv`c koeI Prk
ipAw hovy[jyhVw Bojn qusIN KWdy ho aus dw pqw,mUMh dy svws qoN lgxw cwhIdw hY[kI ieh TIk hY nw?pr ijhVy
lok ieh Dwrimk ikqwbW pVHdy hn aunHW dy cwl-clx qoN ieh pqw nhIN lgdw ik aunHW dy ivcwr Su`D hoey
hn[ies leI,quhwnUM hr iek nUM Awpxw mUlWkx krnw cwhIdw hY ik kI myry ivcwr Su`D hoey hn ik nhIN Aqy myry
iv`c moh-mwieAw G`t hoeI hY ik nhIN[ies leI,moh mwieAw qoN dUr rho Aqy muSklW qoN Cutkwrw pwau[(Drm
vwihnI,A`iDAwey do)[

Awpxy cMgy guxW dy Pu`lW nUM,Bgvwn nUM Aripq kro[cMgy gux,KUbsUrqI Aqy KuSbU PYlwauNdy hn[(bwbw)[

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