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Helping Donald

Written by Zachary Robinson

Directed by Aileen Wolk
Donald -- John Jake Singer (Wednesday);
Andrew Johns (Thursday)
Man -- Annie Delay
Billy -- Jacob Grosche
Written by Nina Valdez
Marissa -- Mary Wolk
Directed by Lisa Pavia-Higel
Ruthie -- Allyssa Downs
James -- Skyler Hunt
Moon Child
Written by Sarah Kidwell
Directed by Annie Delay
Ennellia -- Krista Waldron
Alex -- Mike Singer (Wednesday);
Billy Busch (Thursday)
Production Team
Rachel Mary Wolk
Artistic Director Aileen Wolk
Technical Director Eli Cooper
Technical Assistant Keith Henderson
Sound Expert Madi Perry
Counter Clockwise
Stage Manager Lexi Sims
Written by John Jake Singer
Assistant Stage Manager Julia Conway
Directed by Jacob Grosche
Stagehand Lydia Bennett
Tim Travail-- Jacob Grosche
Ben Biggers -- John Jake Singer (Wednesday);
Billy Busch (Thursday)
Tales from the Mommy Wars
Written by Lisa Pavia-Higel
Directed by Jo Bennett
Sally: Nina Valdez
Hope: Candice Syberg
Monica: Annie Delay
Christine: Aileen Wolk
Fae: Allyssa Downs
Andrea: Mary Wolk
Doctor and Hippymama: Lisa Pavia-Higel
Pop Ad, Troll, Clara: Krista Waldron
Mike and John: Andrew Johns
Little Girl: Neveah Valdez

~ Intermission ~

The Arnold Community Theatre Troupe

Presents the

2 0 1 5 O n e A c t F e s ti v a l
October 7th & 8th 7 pm
Windsor C-1 Auditorium
For more information about ACTT, visit or
email us at

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