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Strategy # 1 !


-Students are able to gain
confidence within their learning
abilities !
- Promotes problem-solving.!
- Not time consuming for
teacher preperation.!
- Can almost be done at every
grade level!


(Small group, or


This can be done as an individual, in small

groups, or event in large groups.!
Students are supposed to think of as many
creative ideas that they can. !

Resources Needed!
- Possibly paper and pencil if writing down
- Teacher instruction for what topic needs to
be brainstormed.!

knowledge and skills!

-Students must have creative thinking skills,
and have some application knowledge.!


Students are taught material by the teacher!

Students are then asked to think critically
themselves, or in groups to think of ideas
revolving around the material.!
Once students have gained a valuable
amount of knowledge they can then explore
more advanced material as this strategy
stimulates thinking and problem-solving.!

-May include writing down topics on a paper,
and ideas surrounding that topic.!
- May include alphabet brainstorming- which is
writing down each letter of the alphabet, and
then writing down ideas that are correlated to
different letters ( T= Time, P= people etc..)


-Requires a safe environment for
students to speak up if working
in groups!
-If limited vocabulary within the
classroom this can be difficult
coming up with ideas. !


This strategy assumes that most
students are good at coming up
with their own ides, and that they
are able to critically think!


Power Dynamics !
The teacher is the source of
knowledge, and directs this
knowledge into student learning
through motivation for students.




Strategy # 2!



-Teacher will present a specific skill or

technique to the students !
-This can then lead to students asking
questions and then thinking about how the
demonstration happened!
-Students are taught through the process of
being show by the teacher!
-After demonstration, teacher might ask
students to join in and try it themselves.!

-This shows the students visually
how to perform the skill being
- This can be engaging students
to inquiry.!
- Demonstration is also
modelling a skill to the student!
- !
- Unless asked, students are
not hands on practicing
themselves, and are learning
strictly through observation. !


( Skill instruction
modelling )

Resources Needed!
-Teacher Instruction to class on step by step
processes of how demonstration is being done.!

- Demonstrations can be done in many
different forms. For example, In a science
class, the teacher might do a chemistry
experiment of mixing different liquids to see
what the outcome is. This may be done as a
demonstration to show the kids what they will
need to do for their experiement. !


It can be assumed that through
demonstration students will then
be able to do it themselves right
away .!




Strategy # 3 !

-Students are quite often expected to apply
their own knowledge to the case study.!
-There may be problem solving, and critically
thinking about the topic of case study. !
-Students must find or create an engaging
case study that meets the expectations of
-Engaging questions should be attached to
case study!
-Discussion should be involved to allow more
thought provoking ideas. !

Benefits !
- Is a hands on learning tool for
students to engage with!
- If done as a group, allows
students to collaborate skills!
- teaches students to critically
think and look at world views.!


Case Study !

- Students need to be involved
in discussion in order to
- students must be interested in
Resources Needed!
the activity to appreciate this
-There are many variables to how a case study
style of learning!
- students may not feel
might be accomplished. !
-Students may need computer, books, pens,
comfortable speaking and
pencils. !
expressing their ideas
Case studies can happen in many different
amongst their peers !
forms. !
- A teacher may present a case study to a
During case studies, the
Sociology Highschool class surrounding
underlying can sometime be
human interaction. This would then lead to a
confusing for students, and can
set of questions and a discussion. !
then lead to misinterpreted
information. !
- It can also be assumed that
students know how to break
down a case study and
understand. !



Power Dynamics. !
Students are able to discuss or
record their personal opinions of
what happened.




Strategy # 4!

Implementing !
-Groups of students work at different locations
that are set up (Centers)!
-Teachers must know what outcomes they are
looking for.!
-materials must be specific towards each
centre !
-students will be assigned to each centre in
small groups at a time. !

Benefits !
-Allows choice to students and
offers a variety of different
learning techniques.!
-effectively uses resources. !
-provides different interests to
students !
- Promotes Differentiation !




Resources Needed!
- Can vary depending on the type of centre
being set up!
- games, pens, pencils, markers, paper,
poster board, books, use of space,
instructions for each center, some style of
managing technique for center. !


- centres may be limited to the
teachers own creativity!
- If direct instruction is not given
clearly, then there may be a
- Lack of supervision, if centres
are in various rooms!


It may be assumed that students
different tables set up with different techniques on interests are determining what is
how to evaluate and assess students. !
being taught/ learned. !
- one table had books and lesson plans!
- Students may not actually be
- one table had case studies, !
doing what they are supposed
- one table had sheets with different strategies!
to be if there is lack of
supervision. !

- Universty Education program example, included


Power Dynamics!
Allows opportunity for students
and teachers to work together to
best suit the needs of the



Strategy # 5!

Implementations !


Talking Circles !
Learning )


Benefits !
- This establishes a safe
-Students sit in a circle and talk about a
environment for students to
specific topic, or answer questions. !
talk and to express
- There is usually only one speaker, and
students take turns going around the circle. ! - This can have multiple
- There is direction from the teacher about
purposes- assessment,
what will be discussed. !
brainstorming, and
- Students are encouraged to share their
encouraging further thoughts.!
Resources !
-If it is a sitting circle then there needs to be
-There needs to be direct
chairs set up in a circle!
instruction of what needs to be
- There needs to be a large space to fit all
discussed. !
- Some students may feel that it
people in a circle !
- Often needs to be a talking object!
is not very comforting. !
- Some students may dominate
the circle, over other students.!
Power Dynamic!
Students might sit in a circle within their
Teachers are needed to direct
classroom, and talk about what they enjoyed
the circle at the beginning, but
regarding an activity they just did. There might students are then the ones that
be a rock that they pass around in the circle,
direct most of the discussion.
and whoever is holding the rock is the person
who gets to talk.



Strategy # 6!


Implementations !

Learning Games! There can be a variety of different games.!

-Students play games that are related to the
(Small Groups)
curriculum and topic that they are learning!
-Students can have a choice of the game they
play (from a variety of options), or Students are
directed by teacher. !

Resources !
- Cards, Computer, Internet, TV, Board
Games, Teacher developed games !


Examples !
In an Elementary language arts classroom,
there might be a board/card game. The board
has a wheel and when you spin the arrow, it
will land on a topic, ( TH sounds, or SH
sounds) Depending what the arrow lands on,
the student then needs to pick up those cards
and sound out the sounds that are on the card.
There is also examples of animals, or items
that have that sound word in them.


-Kids find games very fun and

engaging, so this might be an
easy way to help a kid gain
knowledge in an area that they
may be struggling with. !
- Games also provide variety to
students to help with their
learning. !

Depending on the students

learning level, the game may be
to advanced, or not advanced
enough. !
-students might also not be on
track with the curriculum part of
the game. !





Strategy #7!


Journals !

Students write down their thoughts and ideas

in a book, or on a piece of paper.!
- Students should be given a variety of
questions, or open ended questions that
they can take in any direction that they feel
best suits them. !

- Journals can be used as an
assessment strategy. !
- Students are able to express
their ideas in a safe
environment with no judging!
- Students are able to critically
think about what they are
learning about!




Resources !
- Pen, Pencil, Paper,!
- Computer !


Questions may be written on the board-!
- What would you like to know more about?!
- Is there any Questions you have?!
- What was your favourite part? !
Students can then use these questions to write
down any thoughts that come to mind.

-If students have struggles with
writing/ spelling, they may feel
less inclined to write anything at
all. !
-If teachers are not taking into
consideration what students are
putting into their journals, or are
not reading them at all, then
teachers may not be able to
adjust their teaching methods to
better help their students. !

- Students will learn better if
they are able to reflect on their
own experiences and ideas.!
- Assumes that students are
able to express their ideas
onto paper using pen/pencil.!


Power Dynamic!
This is a times for students to
truly express their thoughts and
ideas, and is used as a way for
communication and expression.




Strategy # 8!

Implementation !

K,W,L Chart

This is a chart that shows teachers, and

students, what the students KNOW, what the
students WANT to know, and what the
students have LEARNT. !
- Let the students know what topic you want
them to write there notes about. !
- Give students the three piece chart, or ask
them to draw it down on a pice of paper with
two line down the Middle Separating the
letters K l W l L !
- Students can then start filling out there
charts by answering the questions
associated to each letter. !

Can be an effective tool to see
where students understandings
on a topic can be.!
- can see if there has been any
misunderstandings. !
- Can be a great way to see at
the end of a topic what has
been learned,!
- Can also be used at the
beginning of a topic to see
what knowledge students
already have on the topic. !

Resources !
-Pen/ Pencil!

Example !
-An example of this would be in Social
Students, ask your students to talk about the
Inuit settlement in Northern Canada. They can
they discuss what they already know, what
they want to know, and what they have learnt
so far.

-Students may not take this mini
assignment seriously, and can
therefore lead to false
information. !
-If a teacher does not look at
what has been recorded, this can
then hinder the students learning
outcomes !

Power Dynamic!
- Students can use this tool as a
form of self assessment to see
where they are in relation to
class material.




Strategy # 9!

Implementation !
Benefit !
- This allows students to learn
Students explore an idea within a subject and
Jigsaw Learning! then share their knowledge with other
through the process of
students. It works as puzzle pieces by using
teaching their classmates.!
- Students may gain bette
(Interactive )
students as the pieces.!
-By bringing the students together, this will
communication skills, and
hopefully allow students to connect and gain
encourages team building
information through other students.!
skills !
-Teacher will need to direct students, and
possible help them with what information they
should individually or as a group be collecting. ! Limitations !


Resources needed!
- Books, Pen/pencil, Paper, Resource
materials for gather information !
-Handouts with instruction and separation of
groups. !

Students might be given a chapter of a text
book, and they are in charge, individually, to
collect information from a specific section.
They then share their gathered information
with the rest of their group in order to gain
understanding of the whole chapter.


-Students may not do there fair

share, and then does not allow
the puzzle to fit together nicely. !
-Some students may not be very
good at communicating their
ideas, and findings. !


Power Dynamic!
Students are enabled to become
the teacher themselves, and
discover a topic that they can
then teach their classmates. !




Strategy # 10 !

Implementations !



Think Pair Share ! This strategy allows students to first think on

their own about what ideas or thoughts that
they might have regarding a specific topic.
They can then pair up with a partner or two, to
discuss their thoughts and ideas. After this the
Class shares as a whole the thoughts, ideas,
and questions that were brought up amongst
the separate paired groups. !

-Students are paired so they

have insight to other peoples
ideas, so they can elaborate
more on the topic then what they
might of done individually. !
- Students feel safe expressing
ideas to the whole class
because the ideas are from
their group and not
themselves individually. !

-Students are given a topic or a question that

they must discuss!
- Students are then expected to think critically, - Students may feel nervous to
express their thoughts when they
and to question the topic. !

Resources !
- Multiple Students to be able to pair with, and
then share to other groups the separate ideas
that were discussed.

are first paired up with partners. !

- All students in the group may not

be on the right track with what is

expected of them. !
- Assumes that students will stay on
task when they are in their groups !
- assumes that students will gain a
key understanding of topic.!


Power Dynamic !
Students gain insight to the idea at
hand, and lead the class discussions
based on their individual group

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