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EDU 342

Task 2
Lesson Plans
EDU342 Curriculum A Primary Years P-7
Semester 1 2012
Assessment Task2 Unit Plan: NAME: ____________________ ACHIEVEMENT LEVEL AWARDED____ WEIGHT: 50%
Students will be judged on
their ability to:
Demonstrate their
understanding of the
pedagogy of integrated
learning within a P-7
context and within the unit
context. (Unit rationale






The lesson plans

demonstrate a
understanding of integrated
curriculum and detail
learning activities which are
highly effective and highly
appropriate for the chosen
level with P-7.

The lesson plans

demonstrate a detailed
understanding of
integrated curriculum and
detail learning activities
which are effective and
highly appropriate for the
chosen level within P 7.

The lesson plans

demonstrate a thorough
understanding of
integrated curriculum and
detail learning activities
which are effective and
appropriate for the
chosen level within P 7.

The lesson plans

demonstrate an
understanding of
integrated curriculum and
learning activities and
include evidence of
learning activities
appropriate to the chosen
level within P-7.

The lesson plans

demonstrate little
understanding of
integrated curriculum and
little understanding of
learning approaches
appropriate to the chosen
level within P-7.

Demonstrate alignment
between the elements of the
lesson plan as linked to the
curriculum requirements
including formative
assessment and through the
selection of appropriate
learning activities and
teaching approaches.

There is clear and

thorough evidence of the
relationship and alignment
between the elements
within and across the
lesson plans including the
appropriate curriculum
elements. There is highly
significant and effective
alignment between the
formative assessment item
offered and the selection of
highly appropriate and
effective learning activities
and teaching approaches.

There is clear and

thorough evidence of the
relationship and alignment
between the elements
within and across the
lesson plans including the
appropriate curriculum
elements. There is
significant and effective
alignment between the
formative assessment item
offered and the selection
of highly appropriate and
effective learning activities
and teaching approaches.

There is clear evidence of

the relationship and
alignment between the
elements within and
across the lesson plans
including the appropriate
curriculum elements.
There is effective
alignment between the
formative assessment
item offered and the
selection of appropriate
and effective learning
activities and teaching

There is evidence of a
relationship and some
alignment between the
elements within and
across the lesson plans
including the appropriate
curriculum elements.
There is some alignment
between the formative
assessment item offered
and the selection of
appropriate learning
activities and teaching

There is no evidence of
the relationship and
alignment between the
elements within and
across the lesson plans.
There is no alignment
between the formative
assessment item, or no
formative assessment
item included, and the
selection of learning
activities and teaching

Design an appropriate
formative assessment
element to gather evidence
about the current state of
the students knowledge
understanding and ways of
working in relationship to
the KLAs and the unit

Formative assessment item

is designed to gather valid,
authentic and highly
appropriate data about the
current state of the
students knowledge,
understanding and ways of
working in relationship to
the KLAs and the unit

The formative assessment

item is designed to gather
valid, authentic and
appropriate data about the
current state of the
students knowledge,
understanding and ways of
working in relationship to
the KLAs and the unit

The formative
assessment is designed
to gather valid and
authentic data or
appropriate data about
the current state of
students knowledge,
understanding and ways
of working in relationship
to the KLAs and the unit

The formative
assessment is designed
to gather data about the
current state of students
understanding and ways
of working in relationship
to the KLAs and the unit

Either there is no
formative assessment
item included or the
assessment item is not
designed to gather any
data which will support
the teacher developing an
understanding of the
students current
knowledge, understanding
and ways of working.

including framework of
unit should be a half
page introduction in
front of lesson plans)


Robert Gianduzzo


EDU 342

Task 2

Lesson Plans

Lesson Planning Framework

Week 5
Day One

Robert Gianduzzo

Lesson Title:
Water Consumption



Year level(s):

Duration of lesson:
1 hour+

Identify classroom context

Rationale and Purpose
Catering for diversity
EDU 342
Task 2
Lesson Plans
During this activity a teacher aide will be present to give assistance
The unit for this term is exploring how the sustainability of local
if needed.
natural, social and built environments can be influenced by positive
and negative attitudes and behaviours of the community. The focus
of the unit is exploring how negative and positive attitudes have an
impact towards water conservation.
This lesson is used to engage students on the topic of water
consumption in the community. It links to the SOSE unit on exploring
how the sustainability of local natural, social and built environments
can be influenced by positive and negative attitudes and behaviours
of the community. It allows students to have hands on learning
visual. They key question: How does the community affect water
sources gives students to opportunity to see the impact their choices
will have outside of school on the environment.

Learning Statements/Essential Learnings


Communicate descriptions, decisions and conclusions, using

text types selected to match audience and purpose

Share opinions, identify possibilities and propose actions to

respond to finding

Cross Curricular Priorities

Physical activity
Working cooperatively, and being aware of others and fair play,
can enhance the experience of physical activities for individuals
and groups

Knowledge and Understanding

Place and space

Interactions between people and places affect the physical features of the
land, biodiversity, water and atmosphere

features of environments influence the ways in which people live1059876
work in communities

EDU 342

Task 2

Lesson Plans

Lesson Focus
Lesson Objectives

How will they be assessed

During this lesson students will have the opportunity to

demonstrate their ability to:
1. Understand how the communities water usage impacts

Summative observations will be made from oral explanations from

the students. The students will not be provided feedback on these

Learning Sequence
Engaging Learners

Safe and Supportive Learning Environment

Students will be engaged by this activity through the use of play

based learning.

A teacher aide will be present during the outside activity

Rules have been created and explained to the students when
Rules of the game will be explained to students

Lesson Structure
10 minutes to
15 minutes

Robert Gianduzzo

Lesson Organisation


Prior to the lesson, have the students sit on the floor will. The teacher will
start a conversation with the students on how society uses water. Key
words in this discussion are: consumption, usage and community. When
the students understand all the key words the teacher then tells them they
are going to do an outside activity. The teacher will remind the students of
the rules of when participating in an outside activity.

Floor space

EDU 342

Task 2

Lesson Plans

These rules are:

Stay with the class

Twenty to thirty

Robert Gianduzzo

Do not hurt other students

Listen and follow teacher instructions.

After the rules are reminded to the students allow sort them into two lines
outside the classroom door then lead them to the sports oval.
When the students have reached the oval sit them down in a group again.
Assign each student with a number depends on how many buckets are
available e.g. one to five. When the students have been assigned, set up
the buckets in a circle around one of the buckets filled with water and
allocate a number to the bucket. Have the students sit in a line behind their
allocated bucket then begin to explain the rules of the game.
Each group will have one foam cup
The person at the front of the line will walk over to the bucket of
water, collect some water with their foam cup, walk back to their
bucket and empty their cup in the bucket then hand the cup to the
next person, they will repeat this process while the first student
walks to the back of the line
The bucket in the middle is not allowed to move
During the game the teacher will pour more water into the centre at
random times
The team with the most amount of water in their bucket when the
game is finished wins.
When the game is finished have the students place their foam cups in the
bin then form a circle around the bucket.


An Oval

Five to seven buckets, depending on

class size
Two bucket filled with water

Fifteen plastic cups


EDU 342
Fifteen to
twenty minutes:


Task 2

Lesson Plans

With the students seated in a circle around the bucket, the teacher begins
to describe how each bucket represented something in the community and
the centre bucket was a water source. The teacher then allows students to
discuss as a group the implications the game had compared to real life.
E.g. All the groups in the community were rushing to get as much water as
possible draining the water source. Before twelve oclock the teacher will
have the students form two straight lines and walk back to the classroom
before the lunch bell.

Extended activities for students who finish early

An Oval

Six to Eight buckets

Resources and Transitions


Lesson Planning Framework

Week 5
Day One to
Week 6
Day One

Robert Gianduzzo

Lesson Title:
Record School Water



Year level(s):

Duration of lesson:
One Week

EDU 342

Task 2

Lesson Plans

Identify classroom context

Rationale and Purpose

Catering for diversity

This lesson is to continue on the topic of water consumption in the

community. It links to the SOSE unit on is exploring how the
sustainability of local natural, social and built environments can be
influenced by positive and negative attitudes and behaviours of the
community. This activity allows students to have scaffold on previous
knowledge and provide them with an opportunity to extend their
learning. The key question in this activity is How much water does
the school consume a day? What are ways to reduce the usage?

During this activity a teacher aide will be present to give assistance

if needed.

Learning Statements/Essential Learnings/

Collect and organise information and evidence
Plan investigations based on questions and inquiry model
Communicate descriptions, decisions and conclusions, using
text types selected to match audience and purpose
Share opinions, identify possibilities and propose actions to
respond to finding
Knowledge and Understanding
Interactions between people and places affect the physical
features of the land, biodiversity, water and atmosphere

Cross Curricular Priorities

Pose questions and collect categorical or numerical data by
observation or survey

Physical features of environments influence the ways in which

people live and work in communities

Sustainability of local natural, social and built environments

Robert can
be influenced by positive and negative attitudes and 1059876

EDU 342

Task 2

Lesson Plans

Lesson Focus
Lesson Objectives

How will they be assessed

During this lesson students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their ability
1. Collect and organise information
2. Express an opinion with a justificatio

Students will be assessed summative through their worksheet activity

in groups.

Learning Sequence
Engaging Learners
To engage students in this activity the teacher allows the
students to gather and analysis data themselves.

Safe and Supportive Learning Environment

A teacher aide will be present at times during the activity

Rules have been created and explained to the students when outside
Rules have been created for when students collaborate in group

Lesson Structure

Lesson Organisation

Robert Gianduzzo



EDU 342

Ten to

Twenty to
minutes +
for the
days in the

Task 2
The lesson begins with students sitting at their desks. The teacher will
begin a small discussion among the class about the game from the last
lesson and its implications. During this conversation, each student will
receive a coloured block from the teacher. The colours are red, blue, green
and yellow. When every student has received a coloured block, the teacher
will tell students to form groups of four on the floor that contain at least one
of each colour.

When every student is apart of a group and on the floor, the teacher will
begin to hand out the worksheet to all the students that have a red
coloured block. The teacher will explain to the students that they will be
measuring the schools water usage, frequently checking the water meter
on the school grounds. On the whiteboard, the teacher will draw a
timetable for when and which coloured blocks can go outside, e.g. At 2pm
students with green blocks, and record the number from the water meter.
Then the teacher will have the students move from the floor to outside the
door and form two straight lines. The teacher will walk the students, in their
lines, to the closet water meter. Students with red blocks will be asked to
check and record the number on the water meter. Then the class will walk
back to class in two lines. At the classroom the teacher will take the
worksheets and place them under the timetable so that students may
collect them during their turn. During the remaining school days of the
week, allocated students will take their worksheet, go to the water meter,
record the number and return to class. This will occur hourly but students
will only take five to ten minutes.
When the students have recorded all their results, the teacher will make
them sit in their groups at their desks. The teacher will tell the groups to
complete the questions on the back of the table. During this the teacher
will walk around the room and observe the groups collaboration to answer
the questions and provide assistance if needed.

Robert Gianduzzo


Lesson Plans
Twenty to thirty coloured Duplo blocks: five to
seven blocks of each colour
Floor Space

White Board
White Board Marker
Water Meter
Work sheet School Water Usage (see
Twenty to thirty coloured Duplo blocks: five to
seven blocks of each colour
Floor space
Student desks

EDU 342
Fifteen to


Task 2

Lesson Plans

When all the groups complete the worksheet, the teacher will pick a colour
and have those students read their answer to the first question. The
teacher will listen to each groups justification of their answer and repeat
the process for the next three questions. When all groups have presented
their answer, the teacher will collect all the coloured blocks and worksheets
from the students.

Work sheet School Water Usage

Twenty to thirty coloured Duplo blocks: five to
seven blocks of each colour

Extended activities for students who finish early

Resources and Transitions


Robert Gianduzzo


EDU 342

Task 2

Lesson Plans

Lesson Planning Framework

Week 6
Day Two

Robert Gianduzzo

Lesson Title:
Water Measurement:



Year level(s):

Duration of lesson:
2 hours and thirty

Identify classroom context

EDU 342

Rationale and Purpose

Catering for diversity

Lesson Plans

Task 2

During this activity a teacher aide will be present to give assistance

if needed.

This lesson is used to assess students using the topic of water

consumption in the community. It focuses to the SOSE unit on
exploring how the sustainability of local natural, social and built
environments can be influenced by positive and negative attitudes
and behaviours of the community. But is also linked to other learning
statements. This lesson is used for students to demonstrate their
knowledge on the topic and use an effective form of presenting.

Learning Statements/Essential Learnings/


Plan investigations based on questions and inquiry models

Collect and organise information and evidence

Evaluate sources of information and evidence to determine

different perspectives, and distinguish facts from opinions

Draw and justify conclusions based on information and


Cross Curricular Priorities

Show how ideas and points of view in texts are conveyed
through the use of vocabulary, including idiomatic, objective and
subjective language, and that these can change according to

Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive

print and multimodal texts, choosing text structures, language
features, images and sound appropriate to purpose
and audience

Reread and edit student's own and others work using agreed
criteria for text structures and language features

Use a range of software including word processing programs

with fluency to construct, edit and publish written text, and select,
edit and place visual, print and audio elements

Communicate descriptions, decisions and conclusions, using

text types selected to match audience and purpose
Share opinions, identify possibilities and propose actions to
respond to findings

Reflect on and identify personal actions and those of others to

clarify values associated with social justice, the democratic
Robert process,
Gianduzzosustainability and peace

Knowledge and Understanding

EDU 342

Task 2

Lesson Plans

Lesson Focus
Lesson Objectives

How will they be assessed

During this lesson students will have the opportunity to

demonstrate their ability to:
1. Plan, draft and publish a informative text
2. Use a variety of software
3. Communicate and justify opinion

Students will be formatively assessed against a rubric (see

Gianduzzo_Robert_1059876_EDU342_Task2rubric) individually. It
will assess the knowledge and justification skills of students on the
topic of water consumption.

Learning Sequence
Engaging Learners

Safe and Supportive Learning Environment

Students will be engaged in this activity as the are allowed to create

their preferred type of document to meet the requirements of the

Robert Gianduzzo


A teacher aide will be present at times during the activity

Rules have been created and explained to the students when
Rules have been established for when students work in the
computer lab and on the computers
An up to date website block system in the school

EDU 342

Task 2

Lesson Plans

Lesson Structure
Ten to fifteen

Two hours and
ten minutes two
hours and twenty

Robert Gianduzzo

Lesson Organisation


At the beginning of the lesson have the students sit on the floor. The
teacher will begin by having students recall the last activity and answers to
the questions from the worksheet. After the discussion, the teacher will tell
the students that they will be going to the computer lab to investigate ways
the school can reduce water consumption and present their results in the
form of a informative text. This can include a PowerPoint presentation,
Essay in Word or a brochure in Publisher. The teacher will go over the rules
for the library:
Dont yelling

Floor Space

Dont run

Hands to yourself

Dont touch another person computer without permission

Dont play games

The teacher will have the students form two lines outside the door and lead
them into the computer lab.
In the computer lab the students will take be told to take a seat at a
computer. The teacher will clarify the task again to students, creating an
informative text on how the school can reduce water consumption. In the
informative text, students need to demonstrate an understanding of how
water consumption can affect the environment and at least four justified
ways to reduce water consumption. While students complete their work, the
teacher will walk around the lab and assist students if necessary.


Computer Lab
Internet explorer

Power Point



EDU 342
Five to ten

Remaining Time

Robert Gianduzzo

Task 2
As students begin to complete the activity, students will print their
informative text and hand the teacher the printed version. If the printer is
not working, the teacher will demonstrate to the students how to save their
documents into a drop box folder for the teacher to retrieve later. Students
who complete the task early will move onto the extended activity. When all
students have completed their informative text and submitted a copy to the
teacher, the teacher will have students log off the computer and line up in
two lines outside the computer lab. When all the students are outside the
teacher will lead them back to the classroom.

Extended activities for students who finish early

If a student completes the activity early. They will be given the opportunity
to play the missionh20 game on the computer. This game is an exploration
of how to save water. The student will continue playing this game until the
teacher leads the class out of the room.


Lesson Plans
Computer Lab

Computer Lab

Informative Text : School Water Usage

EDU 342

Task 2

Lesson Plans

Teacher Name: Mr. Gianduzzo

Student Name:



development in
understanding on how
the environmental
features impacts work in
the community and/or
peoples lives

Explore how sustainability

of local natural, social and
built environments can be
influenced by positive and
negative attitudes and

Demonstrates a high
level of understanding on
how positive and
negative attitudes and
behaviours can affect the

Demonstrates an
understanding on how
positive and negative
attitudes and behaviours
can affect the

Demonstrates a limited
understanding on how
positive and negative
attitudes and behaviours
can affect the

Uses relevant evidence

and examples to
supports the authors

All of the evidence and

examples are specific,
relevant and explanations
are given that show how
each piece of evidence
supports the authors

Most of the evidence and

examples are specific,
relevant and explanations
are given that show how
each piece of evidence
supports the author's

At least three of the

pieces of evidence and
examples is relevant and
has an explanation that
shows how that piece of
evidence supports the
author\'s position.

Evidence and examples

are NOT relevant
AND/OR are not

Includes evidence (facts,

statistics, examples,
real-life experiences)
that support the position

Includes nine or more

pieces of evidence (facts,
statistics, examples, reallife experiences) that
support the position

Includes six to eight

pieces of evidence (facts,
statistics, examples, reallife experiences) that
support the position

Includes four to five

pieces of evidence (facts,
statistics, examples, reallife experiences) that
support the position

Includes three or fewer

pieces of evidence
(facts, statistics,
examples, real-life

Robert Gianduzzo


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