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ASSIGNMENT: Webquest for Compiling Company Data.

Surf the net and gather information on the company you most desire to be
employed at. Complete the company data sheet below:


Company Name:Arsenal.FC


Business Line:Sports marketing

Location:London, United Kingdom

Year Established:1886

CEO:Peter Hill-Wood

Number of Employees:generally 1.5k


Types of Products/Services:Arsenal has many fan. So they make

Money by subscription fee

Why do you want to work at this company?

1. Unlike other many teams arsenal has special policy
It’s not buy olderplayer.
They always invest young player.
So many young who has talent but hasn’t money
Want to be a arsenal player.
I’ll give dream for this young player

2. They always effort to make perfect match

Their play make me fantastic

3. I respect Aresene Wenger(coach)

He has creative thinking
Match by match he show new strategy.

4. Arsenal’s young players have a fever

They run faster then other team
and more stronger and technical

5. Most of all
I love soccer
That’s why I want to working Arsenal

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