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Chicago Manual of Style, 15th ed.

, 2006






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Chicago Manual of Style, 15th ed.
15- Chicago Manual of Style
: 1) 2)
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1. , ,
(: , 1996), 129.
2. W. Bronzwaer, Pojam fokalizacije Mieke Bal, Putevi 2 (1988): 92.
3. O / ,
(: , 1994), 232.

, . .
. : , 1996.
Bronzwaer, W. Pojam fokalizacije Mieke Bal. Putevi 2 (1988): 50-96.
, /, .
. : , 1994.

( / -)
( 1996, 129)
(Bronzwaer 1988, 92)
(/ 1994, 232)

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, . 1996. .
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Bronzwaer, W. 1988. Pojam fokalizacije Mieke Bal. Putevi 2:50-96.

, ./, . 1994. .
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Chicago Manual of Style, 15th ed.

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/ (/, /)
. !
. (Pacini 1997)
(Woodward 1987)
. (C. Doershuk 2000)
(J. Doershuk 2001)
2: . . ,
, . .
3: ,

. (Beijing Zoo 1974a)

(Beijing Zoo 1974b)
4: ,
. , ,
et al. ( ).
. (Zipursky et al. 1997)
In a study by Zipursky and others (1997)...

, ,
, .
. (Piaget 1980, 74)
(Johnson 1979, sec. 24)
(Fowler and Hoyle 1965, eq. 87)
(Barnes 1998, 2:354-55, 3:29)
(Fischer and Siple 1990, 212n3)
(Hellman 1998, under The Battleground) [upaginated lectronic work]
(Garcia 1987, vol. 2)
(Garcia 1987, 2:345)

, ,
. (Doe 1999; t-tests are used here)

, .
. ,
, .
. (Armstrong and Malacinski 1989; Beigl 1989; Pickett and White 1985)
(Whittaker 1967, 1975; Wiens 1989a, 1989b)
(Wong 1999, 328; 2000, 475; Garcia 1998, 67)

. Recent literature has examined long-run price drifts following initial public
offerings (Ritter 1991; Loughran and Ritter 1995), stock splits (Ikenberry,

Rankine, and Stice 1996), seasoned equity offerings (Loughran ad Ritter

1995), and equity repurchases (Ikenberry, Lakonishok, and Vermaelen 1995).
1: ,

. Litman (1983) finds that the Academy Award nominations or winnings are
significantly related to revenues.
Tuftes excellent book on chart design (2001) warns against a common
, ,
. As Edward Tufte points out, a graphical element may carry data
information and also perform a design function usually left to nondata-ink (2001,139).
As Edward Tufte points out (2001, 139), a graphical element may
carry data information and also perform a design function usually left
to non-data-ink.
3: (
) ,
! , 1999,

, . (1999) ....
, ,
( ., Porter 1987).
, , :
( , Porter [1987]).
, , ,
.: ( Porter
4: /,

( /),
. , , ,
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. ,
5: Chicago
. , ,

. .

. . ( . 49
6: Chicago ,
ibid. .
. Ibid. [ ],
, ,
, ,

Nota bene: -

, ,
( /
, .,
, . ,
( ).
. 10. James Wilson has noted that no politician ever lost votes by
denouncing the bureaucracy (1989, 235). Yet little is actually ever done
to bring major reforms to the system.

II. /

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. , ,

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Chicago Manual of Style

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Chicago style .
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