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The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits


Seventh Edition

Basic Circuit Analysis

Exercise Solutions

Exercise 21. A 6-V lantern battery powers a light bulb that draws 3 mA of current. What is the resistance
of the lamp? How much power does the lantern use?
= 2 k. The
Using Ohms law, we have v = iR or R = vi , so we can compute the resistance as R = 36mA
power is p = vi = (6 V)(3 mA) = 18 mW.
Exercise 22. What is the maximum current that can flow through a 18 -W, 6.8-k resistor? What is the
maximum voltage that can be across it?
The resistor can dissipate up to 0.125 W of power. We have pMAX = i2MAX R, which we can solved for
iMAX and then substitute in values for the power and resistance
iMAX =
= 4.2875 mA
Similarly, we can use pMAX =



to solve for the maximum voltage as follows:

= R pMAX = (6800)(0.125) = 29.155 V

Exercise 23. A digital clock is a voltage that switches between two values at a constant rate that is used
to time digital circuits. A particular clock switches between 0 V and 5 V every 10 s. Sketch the clocks i-v
characteristics for the times when the clock is at 0 V and at 5 V.
When the clock has a value of 0 V, its voltage is constant and zero for a wide range of currents. In this
case, the i-v characteristic is a vertical line at 0 V. Likewise, when the clock has a value of 5 V, the voltage
is constant at 5 V for a wide range of currents. In this case, the i-v characteristic is a vertical line at 5 V.
Exercise 24. Refer to Figure 212.

Figure 212

(a). Write KCL equations at nodes A, B, C, and D.

KCL states that the sum of the currents entering a node is zero at every instant. As we sum the
currents at a node, if the current enters that node, it is positive and if the current leaves the node, it is
negative. At node A, both currents i1 and i2 are leaving the node, so the equation is i1 i2 = 0. At
node B, current i2 enters the node and currents i3 and i4 leave the node, so we have i2 i3 i4 = 0.
At node C, current i4 enters the node and currents i5 and i6 leave the node, so we have i4 i5 i6 = 0.
At node D, currents i1 , i3 , i5 , and i6 enter the node, so we have i1 + i3 + i5 + i6 = 0.
(b). Given i1 = 1 mA, i3 = 0.5 mA, i6 = 0.2 mA, find i2 , i4 , and i5 .

Applying the KCL equation for node A, we can find i2 = i1 = 1 mA. Applying the KCL equation
for node B, we have i4 = i2 i3 = 1 0.5 = 0.5 mA. Finally, applying the KCL equation for node C,
we have i5 = i4 i6 = 0.5 0.2 = 0.3 mA.

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The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits

Seventh Edition

Figure 214

Exercise 25. Find the voltages vx and vy in Figure 214.

To find vx , write the KVL equation around Loop 1 as vx + 2 + 6 = 0 and solve for vx = +8 V. To find
vy , write the KVL equation around Loop 2 as vy + 1 6 = 0 and solve for vy = +5 V.
Exercise 26. Find the voltages vx , vy , and vz in Figure 215.

Figure 215

In Figure 215, some of the unknown voltages do not appear across elements, but we can still write KVL
equations. For Loop 1 starting with the lowest element, the KVL equation is 10 40 + 5 + vx = 0, which can
be solved to yield vx = 25 V. For Loop 2, the KVL equation is vx + 20 + vy = 0, which can be solved for
vy = 2520 = 5 V. Finally, for Loop 3, the KVL equation is vy 5+vz = 0, which yields vz = 5+5 = 10 V.
Exercise 27. Identify the elements connected in series or parallel when a short circuit is connected between
nodes A and B in each of the circuits in Figure 218.




Figure 218

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Seventh Edition

In the solution, the short circuit has been applied in each of the circuits and Element 2 has been shorted
out of the circuit. For the circuit in Figure 218(a), all of the elements share the same two nodes, A and
C, so Elements 1, 2, and 3 are in parallel. For the circuit in Figure 218(b), Elements 1 and 3 share nodes
A and C, so they are in parallel. In addition, Elements 4 and 5 are the only elements connects to node D,
so they are in series. For the circuit in Figure 218(c), Elements 1 and 3 are in parallel because they share
nodes A and C. In addition, Elements 4 and 6 are in parallel, because they share nodes A and D.

Exercise 28. Identify the elements in Figure 219 that are connected in (a) parallel, (b) series, or (c)
Refer to the figure in the textbook.

(a). Elements 1, 8, and 11 share the upper left node and ground, so they are in parallel. In addition,
Elements 3, 4, and 5 share the center node and ground, so they are in parallel.

(b). Elements 9 and 10 are in series, because they share a single node and no other elements with current
connect to that node. Likewise, Elements 6 and 7 share a single node with no other elements, so they
are also in series.

(c). The remaining element, Element 2, is neither in series nor parallel with any other elements.

Exercise 29. A 1-k resistor is added between nodes A and B in Figure 220. Find ix , vx , iO , and vO if
iS = 1 mA and R = 2 k.

Figure 220

The resulting circuit is shown in Figure 220. Note that the 1-k resistor has been inserted and the
current through it labeled as i1 and the voltage across it labeled as v1 . Using KCL at the current source,
we have ix = iS . Writing KCL at the top node, we have ix i1 iO = 0. Writing KVL around the left
loop yields vx + v1 = 0. Writing KVL around the right loop yields v1 + vO = 0. Alternately, we can see
that the three elements all share the top and bottom nodes, so they are all in parallel and have the same
voltage, vx = v1 = vO . Using these equations and Ohms law, v = Ri, we can solve for the unknown values

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Seventh Edition

as follows:

iS = 1 mA



R 1 i1

R O iO





ix + i1 + iO

i1 + iO

ix = 1 mA

2iO + iO

1 mA


1 mA


333 A


vO = (2 k)(333 A) = 667mV

Exercise 210. The wire connecting R1 to node B in Figure 2-21 is broken. What would you measure for
iA , v1 , i2 , and v2 ? Is KVL violated? Where does the source voltage appear across?

Figure 221

Figure 221 shows the resulting circuit. If the circuit is broken between R1 and node B, then no current
can flow in the circuit and all currents are zero, iA = i1 = i2 = 0. Using Ohms law, v = Ri, for the voltages
across the resistors, the current is zero, so the voltages must also be zero and we have v1 = v2 = 0. Note
that a new voltage, vx , has been labeled across the gap where the circuit is broken. We can now write KVL
as vA + v1 + vx + v2 = 0. With v1 = v2 = 0, we get vx = vA = VO . KVL is not violated because the voltage
from the source now appears across the gap in the open (broken) circuit.

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Seventh Edition

Exercise 211. Repeat the problem of Example 2-10 if the 30-V voltage source is replaced with a 2-mA
current source with the arrow pointed up towards node A.

Figure Ex211

Figure Ex211 shows the resulting circuit. The description of the circuit requires four element equations
and four connection equations. The element equations are







2 mA

The four connection equations are

KCL : Node A

iA i1 i3 = 0

KCL : Node B

i1 i2 = 0

KVL : Loop 1

vA + v3 = 0

KVL : Loop 2

v3 + v1 + v2 = 0

The KCL equation at node B implies i1 = i2 . We can then start with the KVL equation around loop 2 and
solve as follows:

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v3 + v1 + v2

v1 + v2


100i1 + 200i2


100i1 + 200i1






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The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits

Seventh Edition

Now using the KCL equation at node A, we have

iA i1 i3

i1 + i3

iA = 2 mA

i1 + i1

2 mA


2 mA


i3 = i2 = 1 mA

Now apply Ohms law to solve for the voltages


100i1 = 100 mV


200i2 = 200 mV


300i3 = 300 mV

Exercise 212. In Figure 224, i1 = 200 mA and i3 = 100 mA. Find the voltage vx .
The KCL equation at the center node is i1 i2 i3 = 0. Solving for i2 , we have i2 = i1 i3 =
200 + 100 = 300 mA. Apply Ohms law to solve for v1 = 100i1 = (100)(200 mA) = 20 V, and v2 = 50i2 =
(50)(300 mA) = 15 V. Write the KVL equation around the left loop as vx + v1 + v2 = 0. Solve for
vx = v1 + v2 = 20 + 15 = 35 V.
Exercise 213. In Figure 225(a), the 2-A source is replaced by a 100-V source with the + terminal at the
top, and the 3-A source is removed. Find the current and its direction through the voltage source.

Figure Ex213
Figure Ex213 shows the resulting circuit. Writing KCL at node C, we have i3 5 = 0, which yields
i3 = 5 A. Write the KCL equation at node B to get i1 i2 i3 = 0, which can be solved for i1 = i2 +i3 = i2 +5.
Write the KVL equation around loop 1 to get 100 + v1 + v2 = 0, which yields the following

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v1 + v2


100i1 + 50i2


100(i2 + 5) + 50i2


100i2 + 500 + 50i2





2.667 A

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The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits

Seventh Edition

We can then solve for i1 = i2 + 5 = 2.333 A and iA = i1 = 2.333 A. Since iA is negative, the current
follows in the opposite direction through the voltage source, which is up, and has a magnitude of 2.333 A.
Exercise 214. Find the equivalent resistance for the circuit in Figure 229.
Redraw the original circuit to an equivalent circuit without the diagonal resistor. Starting from the right
side, combine resistors in series or parallel as appropriate to reduce the circuit to a single resistor. The
following sequence of circuits shows the progress in reducing the circuit.

Figure Ex214
Starting at the far right, combine the 500- and 1-k resistors in series to get a 1.5-k resistor. Next,
combine the three 1.5-k resistors in parallel to get a 500- resistor. Combine the two 500- resistors in
series to get a 1-k resistor. Combine the two 1-k resistors in parallel to get the final equivalent resistance
of 500-.
Exercise 215. Find the equivalent resistance between terminals AC, BD, AD, and BC in the circuit
in Figure 230.

Figure 230
If current flows only between terminals A and C, then no current flows through terminals B and D and
resistors R2 and R3 are not active in the circuit. The equivalent resistance RAC = R1 . If current flows

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Seventh Edition

only between terminals B and D, then no current flows through terminals A and C and none of the resistors
are active in the circuit. The equivalent resistance RBD = 0. If current flows between terminals A and
D, resistors R2 and R3 are in parallel and that combination is in series with R1 . The equivalent resistance
. If current flows between terminals B and C, then no current flows
RAD = R1 + R2 k R3 = R1 + RR22+R
through R1 and it is not part of the circuit. The equivalent resistance is the parallel combination of R2 and
R3 or RBC = R2 k R3 = RR22+R
Exercise 216. Find the equivalent resistance between terminals AB, AC, AD, BC, BD, and CD in
the circuit of Figure 2-31. For example: RAB = (80 k 80) + 60 = 100 .

Figure 231

If current flows between terminals A and C, then no current flows through the 60- and the 25- resistors
and they are not part of the circuit. The two 80- resistors are in parallel and that combination is in series
with the 30- resistor, so we have RAC = (80 k 80) + 30 = 70 . If current flows between terminals A
and D, then no current flows through the 60- and the 30- resistors and they are not part of the circuit.
Again, the two 80- resistors are in parallel and that combination is in series with the 25- resistor, so we
have RAD = (80 k 80) + 25 = 65 . If current flows between terminals B and C, then no current flows
through the 25- resistor and it is not part of the circuit. In addition, in the remaining circuit, the two 80-
resistors are shorted out. The resulting circuit is a series combination of the 60- and 30- resistors, which
yields RBC = 60 + 30 = 90 . If current flows between terminals B and D, then no current flows through
the 30- resistor and it is not part of the circuit. In addition, in the remaining circuit, the two 80- resistors
are again shorted out. The resulting circuit is a series combination of the 60- and 25- resistors, which
yields RBD = 60 + 25 = 85 . Finally, with current flowing between terminals C and D, the 60- resistor
is not part of the circuit and the two 80- resistors are shorted out. The equivalent resistance is the series
combination of the 30- and 25- resistors, which yields RCD = 25 + 30 = 55 .
Exercise 217. A practical current source consists of a 2-mA ideal current source in parallel with a 500-
resistance. Find the equivalent practical voltage source.
The equivalent practical voltage source will have the same 500- resistance. To transform the current
source into a voltage source, we compute vS = iS R = (2 mA)(500 ) = 1 V.
Exercise 218. Find the equivalent circuit for each of the following
(a). Three ideal 1.5-V batteries connected in series.
For voltage sources connected in series, the voltages add. Assuming all three sources are oriented in
the same direction, the equivalent voltage is 1.5 + 1.5 + 1.5 = 4.5 V.
(b). A 5-mA current source in series with a 100-k resistor.
A current source in series with a resistor acts as a current source without the resistor, so the equivalent
circuits is a single 5-mA current source.

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Seventh Edition

(c). A 40-A ideal current source in parallel with an ideal 10-A current source.
For ideal current sources in parallel, the currents add, so the equivalent circuit is a 50-A current source.
(d). A 100-V source in parallel with two 10-k resistors.
A voltage source in parallel with any resistance acts like a voltage source, so the equivalent circuits is
a single 100-V voltage source.
(e). An ideal 15-V source in series with an ideal 10-mA source.
This is not a valid combination of sources and the two cannot be combined in a theoretical perspective.
(f). A 15-V ideal source and a 5-V ideal source connected in parallel.
This is not a valid combination of voltage sources, since a parallel combination of elements must have
the same voltage.
Exercise 219. Find the voltages vx , vy , and vz in the circuit of Figure 239. Show that the sum of all the
voltages across each of the individual resistors equals the source voltage.

Figure 239

For each resistor, use voltage division to find its corresponding voltage.

vx =
24 = 1.9835 V
100 + 560 + 330 + 220

24 = 11.1074 V
vy =
100 + 560 + 330 + 220

24 = 6.5455 V
vO =
100 + 560 + 330 + 220

vz =
24 = 4.3636 V
100 + 560 + 330 + 220
Sum the voltages to get 1.9835 + 11.107 + 6.5455 + 4.3636 = 24 V, which matches the source voltage.

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Seventh Edition

Exercise 220. In Figure 2-40, Rx = 10 k. The output voltage vO = 20 V. Find the voltage source that
would produce that output. (Hint: It is not 10 V.)

Figure 240

Combine the two 10-k resistors in parallel to get a single 5-k resistor in series with the 2-k resistor.
The 5-k resistor still has 20 V across it. Use the voltage division equation to solve for the voltage of the
source as follows:

5000 + 2000



5000 + 2000

20 = 28 V

Exercise 221. In Figure 241, suppose that a resistor R4 is connected across the output. What value
should R4 be if we want 12 vS to appear between node A and ground?
Using the concept of voltage division, for one-half of vS to appear between node A and ground, the
resistance between node A and ground will have to match R1 so that the source voltage divides equally
between the two parts of the circuit. The equivalent resistance between node A and ground is the series
combination of R3 and R4 in parallel with R2 or REQ = R2 k (R3 + R4 ). Setting REQ = R1 we can solve
for R4 as follows:
R2 (R3 + R4 )
R2 + R3 + R4


R2 k (R3 + R4 ) =

R1 (R2 + R3 + R4 )

R2 R3 + R2 R4

R1 R4 R2 R4

R2 R3 R1 R2 R1 R3

R4 (R1 R2 )

R2 R3 R1 R2 R1 R3


R2 R3 R1 R2 R1 R3
R1 R2

R2 R3 + R2 R4
R2 + R3 + R4

R1 R3 + R1 R2 R3 R2
R2 R1

Exercise 222. Ten volts (vs ) are connected acorss the 10-k potentiometer (RTOTAL ) shown in Figure
242(c). A load resistor of 10 k is connected across its output. At what resistance should the wiper
(RTOTAL R1 ) be set so that 2 V appears at the output, vO ?

To solve this problem, first define R2 = RTOTAL R1 , which is the resistance we want to find. For a
10-k potentiometer, R1 + R2 = 10 k, so R1 = 10 k R2 . The equivalent resistance of the output is
REQ = R2 k 10 k. Now use the voltage division equation and the specified source and output voltages to

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Seventh Edition

solve for R2 as follows:

2 =

R1 + REQ

104 R2

104 + R2


10 R2
104 R2 +
104 + R2


104 R2
2 104 R2 +
104 + R2

(104 R2 )(104 + R2 ) + 104 R2

(104 R2 )(5)

R22 + 108 + 104 R2

(5 104 )R2

R22 + (4 104 )R2 108

104 R2
104 + R2


Solving for the positive root of the quadratic equation, we get R2 = 2.36 k. The other root is negative, so
it is not a valid solution for a resistance.
Exercise 223. (a). Find ix and iz in the circuit of Figure 246(a).
Use current division to find all of the currents. Note that iz flows through an equivalent resistance of
10 .

5 = 1.25 A
ix =
20 + 20 + 10







5 = 1.25 A


5 = 2.5 A

(b). Show that the sum of ix , iy , and iz equals the source current.
Sum the currents found in part (a), ix + iy + iz = 1.25 + 1.25 + 2.5 = 5 A.
Exercise 224. The circuit in Figure 2-47 shows a delicate device that is modeled by a 90- equivalent
resistance. The device requires a current of 1 mA to operate properly. A 1.5-mA fuse is inserted in series with
the device to protect it from overheating. The resistance of the fuse is 10 . Without the shunt resistance
Rx , the source would deliver 5 mA to the device, causing the fuse to blow. Inserting a shunt resistor Rx
diverts a portion of the available source current around the fuse and device. Select a value of Rx so only 1
mA is delivered to the device.
The equivalent resistance of the device and its fuse is 100 . Write the current division equation such
that the current through the device is 1 mA and then solve for the shunt resistance Rx .

1 =
Rx + 100 + Rx
2Rx + 100
100 + Rx + 100
2Rx + 100






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Seventh Edition

Exercise 225. Repeat the problem of Example 222 if the batterys internal resistance increases to 70
m. Will there be sufficient current available to start the car?
Perform a source transformation with the 12.6-V battery and the 70-m resistor. The resulting current
source has a value of 180 A, so it cannot supply 210.1 A to the starter and accessories. Using the second
approach described in Example 222, the current through the source resistance is 210.1 A and the resistance
is 70 m. The voltage drop across the source resistance is (210.1)(0.070) = 14.707 V. This voltage is greater
than the battery rating, so there will not be sufficient current to start the car.
Exercise 226. In Figure 251, R = 15 k. The voltage source vS = 5 V. Find the power delivered to the
circuit by the source.
We can apply the analysis completed in Example 224 to solve for the source current
iS =

3 vS
= 200 A
5 R
5 15 103

We can now solve for the source power ps = vS iS = (5)(200 106 ) = 1 mW.
Exercise 227. In Figure 253, find the current through the 2R resistor.
Using Figure 253(b) and current division, we can solve for i2R directly as follows:


i2R =
2+1+2 R
R 2R R

Exercise 228. Find vx and ix using circuit reduction on the circuit in Figure 254.

Figure Ex228

Figure 228 shows the circuit reduction process. In the first step, perform a source transformation and
combined the two 15- resistors in series on the right. Next, combined the 10- and 20- resistors in series
and the two 30- resistors in parallel. Finally, combine the 30- and 15- resistors in series. Throughout this
reduction process we have not disturbed current ix so we can compute it directly as ix = 20/45 = 444 mA.

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Seventh Edition

Tracing back to the first circuit with the voltage source, we see that ix enters a circuit where the current
divides equally between two 30- resistors. The current through each resistor is half of the original or
222 mA. Therefore, 222 mA flows through each 15- resistor in the original circuit. We can then compute
vx = (15)(0.222) = 3.33 V.
Exercise 229. Find vx and vy using circuit reduction on the circuit in Figure 255.
Combine the two voltage sources in series together to get a single 12-V source. To solve for vx , first
note that the voltage source is in parallel with the series combination of resistors on the far right. From the
perspective of the left side of the circuit, we can safely ignore the resistors to the right of the voltage source.
Perform a source transformation on the 12-V source and the 1-k to its left to get a 12-mA current source
in parallel with a 1-k resistor. Now perform current division to find the current through the 1.5-k resistor
as follows

1.5 + 2.2
(12) = 2.0614 mA
1.5 + 2.2 3.3 1
Note the sign convention for vx introduces the negative sign for the current. Apply Ohms law to find the
voltage vx = (1500)(0.0020614) = 3.092 V.
To solve for vy , perform voltage division using the equivalent 12-V source as follows:

12 = 9.2093 V
vy =
1 + 3.3

ix =

Exercise 230. Find the voltage across the current source in Figure 257.
Combine the resistors on the left in series to get an equivalent resistance of 2.2 + 1.5 + 1 = 4.7 k.
Combine the resistors on the right in series to get an equivalent resistance of 1 + 3.3 = 4.3 k. Combine the
two equivalent resistance in parallel to get a final equivalent resistance of 4.7 k 4.3 = 2.2456 k. The current
flowing through the equivalent resistance yields a voltage of (2.2456 k)(0.1 mA) = 224.56 mV. Given the
sign convention in Figure 257, the source voltage is negative and vS = 224.56 mV.

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Seventh Edition

Problem Solutions

Problem 21. The current through a 56-k resistor is 2.2 mA. Find the voltage across the resistor.
Using Ohms law we have v = Ri = (56 103 )(2.2 103 ) = 123.2 V.
Problem 22. The voltage across a particular resistor is 6.23 V and the current is 2.75 mA. What is the
actual resistance of the resistor? Using the inside back cover, what is the likely standard value of the resistor?
Using Ohms law we can solve for resistance as R = v/i = (6.23)/(2.75 103 ) = 2.2655 k. Using the
table of standard values, the resistor is likely marked as a 2.2-k resistor.
Problem 23. A 100-k resistor dissipates 100 mW. Find the current through p
the resistor.
The power dissipated by a resistor is p = i2 R. Solving for current, we have i = p/R = (101 )/(105 ) =
1 mA.
Problem 24. The conductance of a particular resistor is 0.5 mS. Find the current through the resistor
when connected across a 5-V source.
Using the conductance version of Ohms law, we have i = Gv = (0.5 103 )(5) = 2.5 mA.
Problem 25. In Figure P25 the resistor dissipates 25 mW. Find Rx .
The power dissipated by a resistor can be written as p = v 2 /R. Solving for the resistance, we have
Rx = v 2 /px = (152 )/(25 103 ) = 9 k.
Problem 26. In Figure P26 find Rx and the power delivered to the resistor.
Using Ohms law to solve for resistance, we have Rx = v/i = 100/(102 ) = 10 k. The power delivered
to the resistor is p = vi = (100)(102 ) = 1 W.
Problem 27. A resistor found in the lab has three orange stripes followed by a gold stripe. An ohmmeter
measures its resistance as 34.9 k. Is the resistor properly color coded? (See inside back cover for color
Since there are three colored stripes and a gold stripe, the first two stripes are the significant digits,
the third stripe is the multiplier, and the gold stripe is the tolerance. Using the color code table, the
significant digits for the first two stripes are 3 and 3. The multiplier associated with orange is 1 k, so we
have 33 1000 = 33 k. The tolerance associated with the gold stripe is 5%, which gives a range of
resistances from 31.35 to 34.65 k. The resistor measured outside of this range, but its measured value is
within 10% of 33 k, so it should have a silver tolerance stripe in place of the gold one.
Problem 28. The i-v characteristic of a nonlinear resistor is v = 82i + 0.18i3 .
(a). Calculate v and p for i = 0.5, 1, 2, 5, and 10 A.

Since there are 10 values for the current to examine, this problem is best solved with MATLAB. We
will solve the problem for one current and then automate the process. Given i = +0.5 A, use the
expression to calculate the voltage as v = 82i + 0.18i3 = (82)(0.5) + (0.18)(0.5)3 = 41.023 V. We can
now calculate the power as p = vi = (41.023)(0.5) = 20.511 W. To compute the other solutions, we
use MATLAB as shown below.

ii = [-10, -5, -2, -1, -0.5, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10];

v = 82*ii + 0.18*ii.3;
p = v.*ii;
Results = [ii' v' p']

The corresponding MATLAB output is shown below.

Results =


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Seventh Edition


The results are summarized in the following table.

i (A)

v (V)

p (W)

(b). Find the maximum error in v when the device is treated as a 82- linear resistance on the range
|i| < 0.5 A.

The term 0.18i3 makes the expression for v nonlinear and represents the difference between the actual
device and an 82- resistor. The maximum error will occur when the absolute value of the cubic term
is maximized. That occurs at the extreme values for i, which are 0.5 A, in this case. At +0.5 A, the
actual voltage is 41.0225 V and the voltage across a 82- resistor is exactly 41 V. The error is 22.5 mV.
At 0.5 A, the actual voltage is 41.0225 V and the voltage across a 82- resistor is exactly 41 V, so
the error is 22.5 mV. In both cases, the percentage of error is 0.055%, which is exceptionally small.

Problem 29. A 100-k resistor has a power rating of 0.125 W. Find the maximum voltage that can be
applied to the resistor.
p dissipated by a resistor can be expressed as p = v /R. Solving for the voltage, we have
v = pR = (0.125)(10 ) = 111.803 V.

Problem 210. A certain type of film resistor is available with resistance values between 10 and 100 M.
The maximum ratings for all resistors of this type are 500 V and 0.25 W. Show that the voltage rating is
the controlling limit for R > 1 M, and that the power rating is the controlling limit when R < 1 M.
The power dissipated by a resistor can be expressed as p = v 2 /R. Solving for the resistance, we have
R = v 2 /p. With both maximum ratings applied, the resistance is R = (500)2 /(0.25) = 1 M. Therefore
at R = 1 M there are no issues with either type of rating. If the resistance increases above 1 M, then
using R = v 2 /p, the maximum power must be less than 0.25 W. Therefore, the resistor will never dissipate
0.25 W and the voltage rating will be the only active constraint. If the resistance is less than 1 M, then
the maximum voltage must be less than 500 V and power rating will be the only active constraint.
Problem 211. Figure P211 shows the circuit symbol for a class of two-terminal
devices called diodes.

The i-v relationship for a specific pn junction diode is i = 2 1016 e40v 1 A.

(a). Use this equation to find i and p for v = 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, and 0.8 V. Use these data to plot the
i-v characteristic of the element.
For each voltage, use the given equation to compute the current and then use p = vi to compute the
associated power. MATLAB is appropriate for these calculations and plotting.
v = [-0.8, -0.4, -0.2, -0.1, 0 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8];
ii = 2e-16*(exp(40*v)-1);
p = v.*ii;
Results = [v' ii' p']

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The corresponding MATLAB output is shown below followed by a plot of the data in Figure P211.
Results =




x 10



Current (A)






Voltage (V)





Figure P211

(b). Is the diode linear or nonlinear, bilateral or nonbilateral, and active or passive?
The plot in Part (a) shows that the device is nonlinear and nonbilateral. The power for the device is
always positive, so it is passive.
(c). Use the diode model to predict i and p for v = 5 V. Do you think the model applies to voltages in this
range? Explain.
For v = 5 V, i = 1.45 1071 A and p = 7.23 1071 W. The model is not valid because the current and
power are too large.
(d). Repeat (c) for v = 5 V.

For v = 5 V, i = 2.00 1016 A and p = 1.00 1015 W. The model is valid because the current
and power are both essentially zero.

Problem 212. A thermistor is a temperature-sensing element composed of a semiconductor material which

exhibits a large change in resistance proportional to a small change in temperature. A particular thermistor
has a resistance of 5 k at 25 C. Its resistance is 340 at 100 C. Assuming a straight-line relationship
between these two values, at what temperature will the thermistors resistance equal 1 k?
Find the rate at which the resistance changes for each degree of temperature.

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5000 340
= 62.13 / C
25 100

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To go from 5 k to 1 k, the resistance changes by 4 k, which means the temperature change is

4000/(62.13) = 64.38 C. The final temperature is 25 + 64.38 = 89.38 C.
Problem 213. In Figure P213 i2 = 5 A and i3 = 2 A. Find i1 and i4 .
The KCL equations for nodes B and C are
i1 i2

i2 + i3 i4

Using the first equation, we can solve for i1 = i2 = 5 A. Using the second equation, we can solve for
i4 = i2 + i3 = 5 + 2 = 3 A.
Problem 214. In Figure P214 v1 = 3 V and v3 = 5 V. Find v2 , v4 and v5 .
We can use a KVL equation on the left loop and the two given voltages to solve for v2 . The KVL equation
is v1 + v2 + v3 = 0. Solving for v2 = v1 v3 = 3 5 = 2 V. In examining the circuit, there is a ground on
each side of v5 , so the voltage difference across this element is zero, v5 = 0 V. We can now use KVL around
the right loop to solve for v4 . The KVL equation is v3 + v4 + v5 = 0. Solve for v4 = v3 v5 = 5 0 = 5 V.
Problem 215. For the circuit in Figure P215:
(a). Identify the nodes and at least two loops.
The circuit has three nodes and three loops. The nodes are labeled A, B, and C. The first loop contains
elements 1 and 2, the second loop contains elements 2, 3, and 4, and the third loop contains elements
1, 3 and 4.
(b). Identify any elements connected in series or in parallel.
Elements 3 and 4 are connected in series. Elements 1 and 2 are connected in parallel.
(c). Write KCL and KVL connection equations for the circuit.
The KCL equations are
Node A i1 i2 i3 = 0
Node B

i3 i4 = 0

Node C

i1 + i 2 + i 4 = 0

Loop 1 2

v1 + v2 = 0

The KVL equations are

Loop 2 3 4

v2 + v3 + v4 = 0

Loop 1 3 4

v1 + v3 + v4 = 0

Problem 216. In Figure P215, i2 = 20 mA and i4 = 10 mA. Find i1 and i3 .

The KCL equations for the circuit are
Node A i1 i2 i3 = 0
Node B

i3 i4 = 0

Node C

i1 + i2 + i4 = 0

Using the equation for node C, we can solve i1 = i2 i4 = 20 10 = 10 mA. Using the equation for node
B, we can solve i3 = i4 = 10 mA.

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Problem 217. For the circuit in Figure P217:

(a). Identify the nodes and at least three loops in the circuit.
The are four nodes and at least five loops. There are only three independent KVL equations. The
nodes are labeled A, B, C, and D. Valid loops include the following sequences of elements: (1, 3, 2),
(2, 4, 5), (3, 6, 4), (1, 6, 5), and (2, 3, 6, 5).
(b). Identify any elements connected in series or in parallel.
In this circuit, none of the elements are connected in series and none of them are connected in parallel.
(c). Write KCL and KVL connection equations for the circuit.
The KCL equations are
Node A i2 i3 i4 = 0
Node B

i1 + i3 i6 = 0

Node C

i1 + i2 + i5 = 0

Node D

i4 i5 + i6 = 0

Three independent KVL equations are

Loop 1 3 2

v1 v3 + v2 = 0

Loop 2 4 5

v2 + v4 + v5 = 0

Loop 3 6 4

v3 + v6 v4 = 0

Problem 218. In Figure P217 v2 = 10 V, v3 = 10 V, and v4 = 3 V. Find v1 , v5 , and v6 .

The KVL equations are
Loop 1 3 2

v1 v3 + v2 = 0

Loop 2 4 5

v2 + v4 + v5 = 0

Loop 3 6 4

v3 + v6 v4 = 0

Using the first equation, we can solve for v1 = v2 v3 = 10 + 10 = 20 V. Using the second equation, we can
solve for v5 = v2 v4 = 10 3 = 7 V. Using the third equation, we can solve v6 = v4 v3 = 3 + 10 = 13 V.
Problem 219. In many circuits the ground is often the metal case that houses the circuit. Occasionally a
failure occurs whereby a wire connected to a particular node touches the case causing that node to become
connected to ground. Suppose that in Figure P217 Node B accidently touches ground. How would that
affect the voltages found in Problem 218?
If Node B is connected to ground, then element 6 is connected to ground on both sides, so its voltage
is v6 = 0 V. If we define v6 = 0 V, all of the original KVL equations found in Problem 217 are still valid.
Even though the equations are valid, Problem 218 is no longer valid because there is a conflict with the
given voltages. Using the KVL equation v3 + v6 v4 = 0 and substituting in v6 = 0, we get v3 = v4 . In
Problem 218, the given values are v3 = 10 V and v4 = 3 V, which is not possible if Node B is connected
to ground.
Problem 220. The circuit in Figure P220 is organized around the three signal lines A, B, and C.
(a). Identify the nodes and at least three loops in the circuit.
The are four nodes and at least five loops. The nodes are labeled A, B, C, and D. Valid loops include
the following sequences of elements: (1, 3, 2), (2, 4, 5), (3, 6, 4), (1, 6, 5), and (2, 3, 6, 5).

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(b). Write KCL connection equations for the circuit.

The KCL equations are
Node A i2 i3 i4 = 0
Node B

i1 + i3 i6 = 0

Node C

i1 + i2 + i5 = 0

Node D

i4 i5 + i6 = 0

(c). If i1 = 20 mA, i2 = 12 mA, and i3 = 50 mA, find i4 , i5 , and i6 .

Using the KCL equation at node A, we can solve for i4 = i2 i3 = 12 50 = 38 mA. Using the
KCL equation are node C, we can solve for i5 = i1 i2 = 20 + 12 = 32 mA. Using the KCL equation
at node D, we can solve for i6 = i5 i4 = 32 + 38 = 70 mA.

(d). Show that the circuit in Figure P220 is identical to that in Figure P217.
The circuits have the same nodes, connections, and current directions, so they must be equivalent.
Problem 221. In Figure P221 v2 = 10 V, v4 = 5 V, and v5 = 15 V. Find v1 , v3 , and v6 .
The KVL equations for the circuit are
Loop 1 2 3

v1 + v2 + v3 = 0

Loop 3 4 5

v3 + v4 + v5 = 0

Loop 2 6 4

v2 + v6 v4 = 0

Using the second loop equation, we can solve for v3 = v4 + v5 = 5 + 15 = 20 V. Using the first loop
equation, we can solve for v1 = v2 + v3 = 10 + 20 = 30 V. Finally, using the third loop equation, we can
solve for v6 = v2 + v4 = 10 + 5 = 15 V.
Problem 222. In Figure P222 i1 = 25 mA, i2 = 10 mA, and i3 = 15 mA. Find i4 and i5 .
The KCL equations for the circuit are
Node A

i1 i 2 + i 3 i 4 = 0

Node B

i1 + i2 i5 = 0

Node C

i3 + i4 + i5 = 0

Using the first node equation, we can solve for i4 = i1 i2 + i3 = 25 10 15 = 0 mA. Using the second
node equation, we can solve for i5 = i1 + i2 = 25 + 10 = 15 mA.
Problem 223.
(a). Use the passive sign convention to assign voltage variables consistent with the currents in Figure P222.
Write three KVL connection equations using these voltage variables.
Figure P223 shows the original Figure P22 with the voltages labeled following the passive sign
convention. The KVL equations for the circuit are
Loop 1 2
Loop 2 4 5
Loop 3 4

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v1 + v2 = 0
v2 + v4 v5 = 0
v3 + v4 = 0

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Figure P223

(b). If v4 = 0 V, what can be said about the voltages across all the other elements?
If v4 = 0 V, then the third loop equation indicates that v3 = 0 V. Applying these voltages to the other
two loop equations, we have v1 = v2 and v2 = v5 .
Problem 224. The KCL equations for a three-node circuit are:
Node A

i1 + i2 i4 = 0

Node B

i2 i3 + i5 = 0

Node C

i1 + i 3 + i 4 i5 = 0

Draw the circuit diagram and indicate the reference directions for the element currents.
There are many equivalent diagrams to solve this problem. One possible solution is shown in Figure P2
Problem 225. Find vx and ix in Figure P225.
The current ix points in the opposite direction as the 500-A current source, so ix = 500 A. Using
Ohms law, we have vx = Rix = (68 103 )(500 106 ) = 34 V.
Problem 226. Find vx and ix in Figure P226.
The circuit has a single current, ix , which flows clockwise. Label the 22-k resistor as R1 with voltage
drop v1 following the passive sign convention (positive on left and negative on right). The KVL equation for

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Figure P224

the circuit combined with Ohms law provides the solution.

18 + v1 + vx

v1 + vx


R 1 ix + R x ix


(22 103 )ix + (68 103 )ix


(90 103 )ix



200 A


(68 103 )ix = 13.6 V

Problem 227. Find vx and ix in Figure P227. Compare the results of your answers with those in Problem
226. What effect did adding the 33-k resistor have on the overall circuit? Why isnt iy zero?
Label the 22-k resistor as R1 with voltage drop v1 following the passive sign convention (positive on
left and negative on right). Label the 33-k resistor with voltage vy following the passive sign convention
(positive on top and negative on bottom). Label the source current as iS following the passive sign convention
(flowing into the positive terminal of the voltage source). The KVL equations for the circuit are:
18 + vy

vy + v1 + vx

The KCL equation for the circuit is

iS ix iy = 0
Solving the first KVL equation, we have vy = 18 V. Substituting this result into the second KVL equation,

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we get v1 + vx = 18. Current ix flows through both R1 and Rx , so we can solve as follows:
v1 + vx


R 1 ix + R x ix


(22 103 )ix + (68 103 )ix


(90 103 )ix



200 A


(68 103 )ix = 13.6 V

These results for vx and ix match those in Problem 226. We can also find iy using Ohms law, iy = vy /Ry =
(18)/(33 103 ) = 545.5 A. Applying the KCL equation, we get iS = ix iy = 200 545.5 = 745.5
A. Adding the 33-k resistor increased the amount of current flowing from the source. The current iy is
not zero because there is a voltage across the 33-k resistor.
Problem 228. A modeler wants to light his model building using miniature grain-of-wheat light bulbs
connected in parallel as shown in Figure P228. He uses two 1.5-V C-cells to power his lights. He wants
to use as many lights as possible, but wants to limit his current drain to 500 A to preserve the batteries.
If each light has a resistance of 36 k, how many lights can he install and still be under his current limit?
The two 1.5-V batteries are connected in series to provide a total of 3 V to the circuit. Since the light
bulbs are connected in parallel, the entire 3 V appears across each one. Using Ohms law, the current through
each bulb is i = v/R = 3/(36 103 ) = 83.3 A. The design requires the batteries to provide no more the
500 A, so we can connect up to 500/83.3 = 6 bulbs in parallel across the batteries.
Problem 229. Find vx and ix in Figure P229.
In the circuit, 0.5 A flows through the 10- resistor in the center. The voltage drop across this resistor
is v = Ri = (10)(0.5) = 5 V. The 10- resistor is connected in parallel to the 5- resistor, so they have the
same voltage drop. The associated KVL equation verifies this fact. With 5 V across the 5- resistor, the
current is ix = v/R = 5/5 = 1 A. KCL at the top node requires that the current entering the node equal
the current leaving the node. Since we have 0.5 + 1.0 = 1.5 A leaving the node, 1.5 A must enter the node
through the 4 resistor. The voltage drop across the 4 resistor is v = Ri = (4)(1.5) = 6 V. We can now
write a KVL equation around the first loop to get vx + 6 + 5 = 0, which implies vx = 11 V.
Problem 230. In Figure P230:
(a). Assign a voltage and current variable to every element.
Figure P230 shows the voltage and current labels following the passive sign convention.
(b). Use KVL to find the voltage across each resistor.
The KVL equations are
vS1 + v1 + vS3

= 0

vS1 + v2 vS2

= 0

vS2 + v3 + vS3

= 0

Solving the first equation, we have v1 = vS1 vS3 = 10 15 = 5 V. Solving the second equation, we
have v2 = vS1 + vS2 = 10 + 5 = 15 V. Solving the third equation, we have v3 = vS2 vS3 = 5 15 =
20 V.
(c). Use Ohms law to find the current through each resistor.

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Figure P230

Applying i = v/R to each resistor, we have



= 25 mA



= 75 mA



= 100 mA

(d). Use KCL to find the current through each voltage source.
The KCL equations are
i1 i2 iS1

i2 i3 + iS2

i1 + i3 iS3

Solving the first equation, we have iS1 = i1 i2 = 25 75 = 50 mA. Solving the second equation,
we have iS2 = i3 i2 = 100 75 = 175 mA. Solving the third equation, we have iS3 = i1 + i3 =
25 100 = 125 mA.

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Problem 231. Find the power provided by the source in Figure P231.
Figure P231 shows the voltage and current labels following the passive sign convention. The KCL

Figure P231

equations are
iS i1 i2

i2 i3

The KVL equations are

vS + v1

v1 + v2 + v3

The current source requires iS = 5 mA. The first KCL equation implies i1 = 5 mA i2 and the second
implies i2 = i3 . Using Ohms law and substituting these equations into the second KVL equation, we can
solve for the source power as follows:

v2 + v3

R 1 i1

R 2 i2 + R 3 i3

R1 (0.005 i2 )

R 2 i2 + R 3 i2

1000(0.005 i2 )

500i2 + 1500i2

5 1000i2




1.667 mA


i2 = 1.667 mA


5 i2 = 5 1.667 = 3.333 mA


v1 = R1 i1 = (1000)(0.003333) = 3.333 V


v S iS

= (3.333)(0.005) = 16.667 mW

Problem 232. Figure P232 shows a subcircuit connected to the rest of the circuit at four points.

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(a). Use element and connection constraints to find vx and ix .

Label the 5-k resistor as R1 with the current flowing from left to right. Label the 2-k resistor as R2
with the positive sign at the bottom. Using Ohms law, we can compute i1 = v1 /R1 = 20/5000 = 4 mA.
The KCL equation at the center node is 4 mA + i1 i2 ix = 0. Substituting in the known values, we
can solve for ix as ix = 4+i1 i2 = 4+46 = 2 mA. Using Ohms law vx = Rx ix = (8000)(0.002) = 16
(b). Show that the sum of the currents into the rest of the circuit is zero.
The sum of the currents entering the rest of the circuit is i1 + i2 4 + ix = 4 + 6 4 + 2 = 0 mA.
(c). Find the voltage vA with respect to the ground in the circuit.
From the ground to vA there are three voltages. First, there is an increase across the voltage source
of 12 V. Next, there is an increase across Rx of 16 V. Finally, there is a decrease across R2 of v2 =
R2 i2 = (2000)(0.006) = 12 V. Therefore, vA = 12 + 16 12 = 16 V.
Problem 233. In Figure P233, ix = 0.5 mA. Find the value of R.
Label the left 10-k resistor as Rx , with voltage vx . Label the unknown resistor as R1 , with current i1
flowing down. Label the right 10-k resistor as R2 with the current flowing right to left. Apply the passive
sign convention to label the voltages. Use Ohms law to solve for vx = Rx ix = (10000)(0.0005) = 5 V. Write
the KVL equation for the left side as 4 vx + v1 = 0 and solve for v1 as v1 = 4 + vx = 4 + 5 = 9 V. Write
the KVL equation for the right side as v1 v2 + 15 = 0 and solve for v2 as v2 = 15 v1 = 15 9 = 6 V.
Use Ohms law to solve for i2 = v2 /R2 = 6/10000 = 0.6 mA. Write the KCL equation for the center
node as i1 + i2 ix = 0 and solve for i1 as i1 = i2 ix = 0.6 0.5 = 0.1 mA. Use Ohms law to find
R1 = v1 /i1 = 9/(0.0001) = 90 k.
Problem 234. Figure P234 shows a resistor with one terminal connected to ground and the other
connected to an arrow. The arrow symbol is used to indicate a connection to one terminal of a voltage
source whose other terminal is connected to ground. The label next to the arrow indicates the source voltage
at the ungrounded terminal. Find the voltage across, current through, and power dissipated in the resistor.
The voltage across the resistor is the voltage on the left side minus the voltage on the right side. Therefore,
vx = 0 (12) = 0 + 12 = 12 V. Use Ohms law to find ix = vx /Rx = 12/(39 103 ) = 307.692 A. The
power dissipated by the resistor is px = vx ix = (12)(307.692 106 ) = 3.6923 mW.
Problem 235. Find the equivalent resistance REQ in Figure P235.
The 10- resistor and the 30- resistor are in parallel. That combination is in series with the 7.5-
resistor. We can calculate the equivalent resistance as follows:
REQ = 7.5 + (30 k 10) = 7.5 +

= 7.5 + 7.5 = 15
= 7.5 +
30 + 10
30 10

Problem 236. Find the equivalent resistance REQ in Figure P236.

Combine the 33-k and 47-k resistors in series to get an equivalent resistance of 33+47 = 80 k. The 80k resistance is in parallel with the 100-k resistor, which yields an equivalent resistance of 100 k 80 = 44.4
k. That resistance is in series with the 68-k resistor, which yields REQ = 68 + 44.4 = 112.4 k.
Problem 237. Find the equivalent resistance REQ in Figure P237.
Working from the right to the left, combine the 10-k resistor in parallel with the 15-k resistor to get an
equivalent resistance of 6 k. That resistance is in series with the 33-k resistor, which yields an equivalent
resistance of 39 k. Finally, combine the 39-k resistance in parallel with the 56-k resistor to get REQ =
22.99 k.
Problem 238. Equivalent resistance is defined at a particular pair of terminals. In the following figure
the same circuit is looked at from two different terminal pairs. Find the equivalent resistances REQ1 and
REQ2 in Figure P238. Note that in calculating REQ2 the 33-k resistor is connected to an open circuit and
therefore doesnt affect the calculation.

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Seventh Edition

For REQ1 , ignore the two terminals on the right and collapse the circuit from right to left. The 10-k
and the two 22-k resistors are in series; that result is in parallel with the 56-k resistor; and that result is
in series with the 33-kresistor. We can calculate the equivalent resistance as follows:
REQ1 = 33 + [56 k (10 + 22 + 22)] = 33 + [56 k 54] = 33 + 27.49 = 60.49 k
For REQ2 , ignore the two terminals on the left and the 33-k resistor. Collapse the circuit from left to
right. The 10, 56, and lower 22-k resistors are in series and that result is in parallel with the right 22-k
resistor. We can calculate the equivalent resistance as follows:
REQ2 = [(10 + 56 + 22) k 22] = [88 k 22] = 17.6 k
Problem 239. Find REQ in Figure P239 when the switch is open. Repeat when the switch is closed.
When the switch is open, the two 100- resistors are in parallel and that result is in series with the two
50- resistors. We can calculate REQ = 50 + (100 k 100) + 50 = 50 + 50 + 50 = 150 . With the switch
closed, the wire shorts out the two 100- resistors, so they do not contribute to the equivalent resistance.
The results is that the two 50- resistors are in series, so REQ = 50 + 50 = 100 .
Problem 240. Find REQ between nodes A and B for each of the circuits in Figure P240. What conclusion
can you draw about resistors of the same value connected in parallel?
We can calculate the equivalent resistance for Circuit (a) as follows:

+ +

For Circuit (b), we have:

+ + + +
In general, for Circuit (c), we have:

1 + 1 + 1 + + 1
+ + + +
We can conclude that for identical resistors connected in the parallel, the equivalent resistance is the value
of one resistor divided by the number of resistors.

Problem 241. Show how the circuit in Figure P241 could be connected to achieve a resistance of 100 ,
200 , 150 , 50 , 25 , 33.3 , and 133.3 .
For 100 , we need a single 100- resistor, which is a connection between terminals A and D. For 200
, we need two 100- resistors in series, which is a connection between terminals A and B. For 150 , we
need a 100- resistor in series with a 50- resistor, which is a connection between terminals A and C. For
50 , we need a single 50- resistor, which is a connection between terminals C and D. We can get 25 by
connecting the two 100- resistors in parallel, which yields 50 , and then connecting that result in parallel
with the 50- resistor, to get 25 . The required combination is to connect the A, B, and C terminals
together on one side and have the D terminal on the other. For 33.3 , connect the 100 and 50- resistors
in parallel, which requires B and C to be connected on one side and the D terminal on the other. Finally, to
get 133.3 , connect a 100- resistor in series with a parallel combination of a 100 and a 50- resistor. This
requires a connection to the A terminal on one side and the B and C terminals connected on the other. The
following table summarizes the results.
Resistance ()

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Terminal 1

Terminal 2

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Seventh Edition

Problem 242. In Figure P242 find the equivalent resistance between terminals A-B, A-C, A-D, B-C,
B-D, and C-D.
For A-B, ignore the 20- resistor and the 10- resistor connected to terminal D. We then have
RAB = [100 k (60 + 40)] + 30 = [100 k 100] + 30 = 50 + 30 = 80
For A-C, ignore the 30- resistor and the 10- resistor connected to terminal D. We then have
RAC = [60 k (100 + 40)] + 20 = [60 k 140] + 20 = 42 + 20 = 62
For A-D, ignore the 30- resistor and the 20- resistor. We then have
RAD == [60 k (100 + 40)] + 10 = [60 k 140] + 10 = 42 + 10 = 52
For B-C, ignore the A terminal and the 10- resistor. We then have
RBC = 30 + [40 k (100 + 60)] + 20 = 30 + [40 k 160] + 20 = 30 + 32 + 20 = 82
For B-D, ignore the A terminal and the 20- resistor. We then have
RBD = 30 + [40 k (100 + 60)] + 10 = 30 + [40 k 160] + 10 = 30 + 32 + 10 = 72
For C-D, ignore the A terminal and the 30- resistor. In the center of the circuit, the wire shorts out the
60, 100, and 40- resistors, so we then have
RCD = 20 + 0 + 10 = 30
Problem 243. In Figure P243 find the equivalent resistance between terminals A-B, A-C, A-D, B-C,
B-D, and C-D.
For RAB , only the 33-k resistor is active, so RAB = 33 k. Similarly for RAC , only the 33-k resistor
is active, so RAC = 33 k. For RAD , the two 100-k resistors are in parallel and that result is in series with
the 33-k resistor, so RAD = 33 + (100 k 100) = 33 + 50 = 83 k. For RBC , there is a path between the two
terminals with no resistors, so RBC = 0 . For RBD , ignore the 33-k resistor, and the two 100-k resistors
are in parallel to give RBD = 100 k 100 = 50 k. Similarly for RCD , ignore the 33-k resistor, and the two
100-k resistors are in parallel to give RCD = 100 k 100 = 50 k.
Problem 244. Select a value of RL in Figure P244 so that REQ = 6 k. Repeat for REQ = 5 k.
Create an expression for REQ in terms of RL and then solve for RL . Use the new expression to find the
appropriate values for RL for the given values of REQ. All resistance are in kilohms.

10 k (10 + RL ) =

100 + 10RL


100 + 10RL


100 20REQ

(REQ 10)RL

100 20REQ


100 20REQ
REQ 10

REQ (20 + RL )

100 + 10RL
10(10 + RL )
10 + 10 + RL
20 + RL

For REQ = 6 k, we have

RL =

100 (20)(6)
= 5 k
6 10

RL =

100 (20)(5)
= 0 k
5 10

For REQ = 5 k, we have

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Problem 245. Using no more than four 1-k resistors, show how the following equivalent resistors can be
constructed: 2 k, 500 , 1.5 k, 333 , 250 , and 400 .
The following table presents the solutions.
REQ ()

Combination of 1-k Resistors

Two resistors in series: R + R
Two resistors in parallel: R k R
One resistor in series with a parallel combination of two resistors: R + (R k R)
Three resistors in parallel: R k R k R
Four resistors in parallel: R k R k R k R
Two resistors in series in parallel with two resistors in parallel: (R + R) k R k R

Problem 246. Do a source transformation at terminals A and B for each practical source in Figure P246.
(a). After the transformation, we will have a voltage source in series with a resistor. The resistance will
not change, so R = 100 . Apply vS = iS R to find the voltage source vS = (0.005)(100) = 500 mV.
Figure P246 (a) shows the results.
(b). After the transformation, we will have a current source in parallel with a resistor. The resistance
will not change, so R = 5 k. Apply iS = vS /R to find the current source iS = 5/5000 = 1 mA.
Figure P246 (b) shows the results.


Figure P246

Problem 247. Find the equivalent practical voltage source at terminals A and B in Figure P247.
A current source in series with a resistor is equivalent to just the current source, so we can remove the
5- resistor without affecting the performance of the circuit between terminals A and B. That leaves a 5-A
current source in parallel with a 10- resistor. The current source and parallel resistor can be converted
into a voltage source in series with the same resistor. The value for the voltage source follows Ohms Law,
so vS = iS R = (5)(10) = 50 V. Figure P247 shows the resulting circuit.

Figure P247

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Problem 248. In Figure P248, the i-v characteristic of network N is v + 50i = 5 V. Find the equivalent
practical current source for the network.
When the circuit is open between nodes A and B, there is no current, i = 0 A, and the voltage must
be v = 5 V in order to satisfy the i-v characteristic. When a short is placed between nodes A and B,
the voltage is zero, v = 0 V, and the current is i = 100 mA in order to satisfy the i-v characteristic.
The corresponding practical current source will have a current iS = 100 mA and a parallel resistance
R = vS /iS = (5)/(0.1) = 50 .
Problem 249. Select the value of Rx in Figure P249 so that REQ = 75 k.
Combining the resistors from right to left, we can find the following expression for REQ , where all
resistances are in k.

15 + 47 + [22 k (Rx + 10)]


62 +

(32 + Rx )REQ

(32 + Rx )62 + 22Rx + 220 = 2204 + 84Rx

32REQ + REQ Rx

2204 + 84Rx

(84 REQ )Rx

32REQ 2204


32REQ 2204
84 REQ

22(Rx + 10)
22 + Rx + 10

= 62 +

22Rx + 220
32 + Rx

For REQ = 75 k, we have

Rx =

(32)(75) 2204
= 21.78 k
84 75

Problem 250. Two 10-k potentiometers (a variable resistor whose value between the two ends is 10 k
and between one end and the wiperthe third terminalcan range from 0 to 10 k) are connected as
shown in Figure P250. What is the range of REQ ?
At the limits of their settings, the two poteniometers are either in series or parallel. These represent
the maximum and minimum equivalent resistances that the combination can take. When the poteniometers
are arranged in parallel, the equivalent resistance is REQ = 10 k 10 = 5 k. When the poteniometers are
arranged in series, the equivalent resistance is REQ = 10 + 10 = 20 k. The equivalent resistance ranges
between 5 and 20 k.
Problem 251. Select the value of R in Figure P251 so that RAB = RL .
Find an expression for RAB in terms of R and RL . Set RAB equal to RL . Solve for R in terms of RL and
choose the positive solution for the resistance.

R + [4R k (R + RL )] = R +

(5R + RL )RAB

(5R + RL )R + 4R2 + 4RRL

(5R + RL )RL

5R2 + RRL + 4R2 + 4RRL

5RRL + RL2

9R2 + 5RRL




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4R(R + RL )
5R + RL

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Problem 252. What is the range of REQ in Figure P252?

The poteniometer can range from 0 to 10 k and it is in parallel with a 10-k resistor. That parallel
combination is in series with a 5.6-k resistor. When the poteniometer has a value of 0 , it shorts out the
10-k resistor, so only the 5.6-k resistor is active and REQ = 5.6 k. When the poteniometer has a value
of 10 k, the parallel combination is 10 k 10 = 5 k. That result is in series with the 5.6-k resistor, so we
have REQ = 5.6 + 5 = 10.6 k. REQ varies between 5.6 and 10.6 k.
Problem 253. Find the equivalent resistance between terminals A and B in Figure P253.
Place a voltage source, vS, between terminals A and B and redraw the circuit as the equivalent circuit
shown in Figure P253. The figure is labeled with currents through and voltages across each of the resistors.

Figure P253

Using KVL, we can show that the voltage drop across each resistor is vS and it appears in the direction labeled
in the figure. Since the resistors are all equal, the current through each resistor is vS /R. Applying KCL at
the node above the voltage source, we have iS vS /R vS /R vS /R = 0, which implies iS = 3vS /R.
The equivalent resistance is the ratio of vS to the current flowing into the circuit, which iS . Therefore, we
Problem 254. Use voltage division in Figure P254 to find vx .
Apply the equation for voltage division to get
vx =


(12) = 3.4286 V

Problem 255. Use voltage division in Figure P255 to obtain an expression for vL in terms of R, RL , and
The two right resistors are in parallel and the voltage vL appears across that combination. Combine the
parallel resistors and then use voltage division to develop the expression for vL .

R k RL =



RL v S
R + 2RL

R + RL


R + RL

R + RL

R2 + RRL + RRL

Problem 256. Use current division in Figure P256 to find ix and vx .

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Combine the 500- and the 1.5-k resistors in series to get an equivalent resistance of 2 k. Now apply
current division as follows:





(3) =

(3) = 1.5 A

(1500)(1.5) = 2250 V = 2.25 kV

Problem 257. Use current division in Figure P257 to find an expression for vL in terms of R, RL , and
iS .
Combine the two right resistors in series to get an equivalent resistance REQ = R + RL . Apply the
two-path current division rule to solve for the current through RL .
iL =

(iS ) =
(iS ) =
(iS )
R + R + RL
2R + RL

Apply Ohms law to solve for the voltage vL

v L = R L iL =

2R + RL

Problem 258. Find ix , iy , and iz in Figure P258.

Combine the 20- and 5- resistors in parallel to get an equivalent resistance of 4 . Combine that
result with the 6- resistor in series to get a total equivalent resistance of 10 in the right branch. Apply
the two-path current division rule to solve for ix and iz .

(200) = 80 mA
15 + 10


(200) = 120 mA
15 + 10

Apply the two-path current division rule again to solve for iy by dividing iz
iy =

(120) = 96 mA
20 + 5

Problem 259. Find vO in the circuit of Figure P259.

The circuit can be treated as a voltage source in series with three resistors, so voltage division applies.
The output voltage, vO , appears across 75% of the 5-k poteniometer or, equivalently, 3.75 k. The 5-k
resistor and the remaining 25% of the potentiometer, or 1.25 k, are the other two resistors in the circuit.
Compute vO directly as follows:
vO =

(5) =
(5) = 1.875 V
5 + 1.25 + 3.75

Problem 260. (A) The 1-k load in Figure P260 needs 5 V across it to operate correctly. Where should
the wiper on the potentiometer be set (RX ) to obtain the desired output voltage?
Figure P260 shows an equivalent circuit with the poteniometer split into its two equivalent components.
To solve the problem, find an equivalent resistance for the parallel combination of resistors and then apply

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Figure P260

voltage division to find an expression for Rx . Solve for Rx and select the positive result.
1000 + Rx


Rx k 1000 =


(24 V)
5000 Rx + REQ

5 =

1 =


1000 + Rx

(24) =

(5000 Rx )(1000 + Rx ) + 1000Rx
5000 Rx +
1000 + Rx
5 106 + 4000Rx Rx2 + 1000Rx

Rx2 + 5000Rx + 5 106


Rx2 200Rx 5 106


2138 or 2338


2.338 k

Problem 261. Find the range of values of vO in Figure P261.

If we combine the right resistor with the poteniometer in parallel, we can use voltage division to solve
for vO . The poteniometer takes on values from 0 to 1.5 k. When the poteniometer is 0 , the output
is shorted out and the voltage is vO = 0 V. When the poteniometer is 1.5 k, the parallel combination is
1500 k 1500 = 750 . The output voltage is therefore
vO =

(50) = 21.4286 V
1000 + 750

Problem 262. Use current division in the circuit of Figure P262 to find RX so that the voltage out is
3 V.
If the output voltage is 3 V, then the current flowing through the right branch in the circuit is ix =
v/R = 3/10 = 300 mA. Note that Rx is in series with the right 10 resistor. Apply the two-path current

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division rule to solve for Rx .


10 + Rx + 10

(20 + Rx )(0.3)


20 + Rx




Problem 263. (A) Figure P263 shows a voltage bridge circuit, that is, two voltage dividers in parallel
with a source vS. One resistor RX is variable. The goal is often to balance the bridge by making vx = 0 V.
Derive an expression for RX in terms of the other resistors when the bridge is balanced.
Let the node between resistors RA and RB have a voltage v1 and let the node between resistors RC and
RX have a voltage v2 . The goal is to make v1 equal v2 so that vx is zero. Use voltage division to derive
expressions for v1 and v2 , set those expressions equal, and solve for RX .


(vS )


(vS )

RB v S

RX v S

RB (RC + RX )

RX (RA + RB )





Problem 264. (A) Ideally, a voltmeter has infinite internal resistance and can be placed across any
device to read the voltage without affecting the result. A particular digital multimeter (DMM), a common
laboratory tool, is connected across the circuit shown in Figure P264. The expected voltage was 10.2 V.
However, the DMM reads 7.73 V. The large, but finite, internal resistance of the DMM was loading the
circuit and causing a wrong measurement to be made. Find the value of the internal resistance RM of this
Apply voltage division to find the equivalent resistance of the parallel combination of the 10-M resistor
with the DMM.

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7.73 V

(15 V)
4.7 + REQ

7.73(4.7 + REQ )





4.99739 M

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Now use the expression for a parallel combination of resistors to find the internal resistance of the DMM.


10 + RM


10 + RM

4.99739(10 + RM )





9.98955 M

Problem 265. (D) Select values for R1 , R2 , and R3 in Figure P265 so the voltage divider produces the
two output voltages shown.
There are many valid solutions to this problem. One approach is to constrain the resistor values so that
the series combination has an equivalent resistance of R1 + R2 + R3 = 5 k. Then the current will be
i = v/REQ = 5/5000 = 1 mA. With a current of 1 mA, we must have R3 = 1 k to get a voltage drop of
1 V. The second resistor, R2 , increases the voltage drop by 2.3 V, so we must have R2 = 2.3 k. Finally,
the resistors must sum to 5 k, so R1 = 1.7 k.

Problem 266. (D) Select a value of Rx in Figure P266 so that vL = 2 V.

Combine the two right 1-k resistors in parallel to get an equivalent resistance of 500 . Voltage vL
appears across the parallel combination, so apply voltage division to solve for Rx .

vL = 2 V

(12 V)
1000 + Rx + 500

2(1500 + Rx )





1500 = 1.5 k

Problem 267. (D) Select a value of Rx in Figure P267 so that vL = 2 V. Repeat for 4 V and 6 V.
Caution: Rx must be positive.
First, combine Rx in parallel with the 50- resistor. Use voltage division with the equivalent resistance

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to find a general expression for Rx in terms of vL and then substitute in the desired values for vL .

50 + Rx


100 + REQ

vL (100 + REQ )



(12 vL )REQ


(12 vL )

100vL (50 + Rx )

50Rx (12 vL )

5000vL + 100vL Rx

600Rx 50vL Rx

(600 150vL )Rx



600 150vL

50 + Rx

For vL = 2 V, we get Rx = 10000/300 = 33.3 . For vL = 4 V, we get Rx = 20000/0 = , which is

an open circuit. For vL = 6 V, we get Rx = 30000/(300) = 100 , which is not possible, so there is no
solution for vL = 6 V.
Problem 268. Use circuit reduction to find vx and ix in Figure P268.
Find vx by combining the 2.2-k and 1-k resistors in series to get REQ1 = 2.2 + 1 = 3.2 k and then
combine that result in parallel with the 3.3-k resistor to get a total equivalent resistance of REQ2 = 3.3 k
3.2 = 1.6246 k. The voltage vx appears across this equivalent resistance with a current of 300 mA, so we
have vx = REQ2 i = (1624.6)(0.300) = 487.4 V. To solve for ix , perform a source transformation to convert
the current source in parallel with a 3.3-k resistor into a voltage source vS = iS R = (0.300)(3300) = 990 V
in series with a 3.3-k resistor. Combine the resulting resistors in series and solve for ix using Ohms law,
ix = vS /(3300 + 2200 + 1000) = 990/6500 = 152.3 mA.
Problem 269. Use circuit reduction to find vx , ix , and px in Figure P269. Repeat using OrCAD.
Find px first by finding an equivalent resistance for all of the resistors combined. To do so, collapse the
circuit from right to left to develop the following expression:

= 3.3 k {2.2 + [2 k (1 + 1)]} = 3.3 k {2.2 + [2 k 2]} = 3.3 k {2.2 + 1} = 3.3 k 3.2


= 1.6246 k

Solve for the power px = i2 REQ = (0.5)2 (1624.6) = 406.15 W.

To solve for vx , perform a source transformation on the left and combine the three resistors on the right to
get the circuit shown in Figure P269(a). The source transformation yields vS = iS R = (0.500)(3300) = 1650
V in series with a 3.3 k resistor. Use voltage division to calculate vx as follows
vx =

(1650) = 558.46 V
3.3 + 2.2 + 1

To find ix , leave the resistors on the right intact and perform a source transformation as described above.
Combine the 3.3-k and 2.2-k resistors in series to yield the circuit shown in Figure P269(b). Perform
another source transformation to get a 300-mA current source in parallel with a 5.5-k resistor as shown
in Figure P269(c). Also in Figure P269(c), the two 1-k resistors in series have been combined, since ix

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Figure P269

flows through both of them. Now combine the 5.5-k and 2-k resistors in parallel to get the circuit in
Figure P269(d). Apply the two-path current division rule to calculate ix as follows
ix =

(300 mA) = 126.92 mA
1.4667 + 2

The following OrCAD circuit confirms the solution. In Figure P269(e), voltage vx appears across R1
and has a value vx = 812.3 253.8 = 558.5 V. Current ix flows through R5 and has a value ix = 126.9 mA.
The power px = (0.5)(812.3) = 406.15 W.

Figure P269

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Problem 270. Use circuit reduction to find vx and ix in Figure P270.

Figure P270(a) displays a circuit that is electrically equivalent to the original circuit. Combine the two
sets of R and 2R resistors in parallel to get the circuit in Figure P270(b), which retains vx . Apply voltage
division to solve for vx as follows
(vS ) =
vx =
(v ) =
2R 2R S
2R +



Figure P270

To solve for ix , combine only the top resistors in parallel to get an equivalent resistance of REQ1 = 2R/3
in series with the top 2R resistor and the source. Combine those two resistors in series to get an equivalent
resistance of REQ2 = 8R/3 in series with the source. Perform a source transformation to get the circuit
in Figure P270(c) with iS = 3vS /8R. Apply current division to solve for ix , noting that its direction is
oppostive that of the source, so it will be negative.

ix =
+ +
8R R 2R
Problem 271. Use circuit reduction to find vx , ix , and px in Figure P271.
To find px , collapse the resistors working from right to left. The two 1-k resistors are in parallel and
combine to yield a 500- resistor. That equivalent resistance is in series with the 1.5-k resistor, which
combine to yield a 2-k resistor. That equivalent resistance is in parallel with the 3-k resistor, which yields
a 1.2-k resistor. That resistor is in series with the 2-k resistor, which yields a total equivalent resistance
of 3.2 k. The following expression summarizes these calculations, where all resistances are in k.
REQ = 2 + {3 k [1.5 + (1 k 1)]} = 2 + {3 k [1.5 + 0.5]} = 2 + {3 k 2} = 2 + 1.2 = 3.2 k

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Compute the power as

px =

Seventh Edition

= 3.125 W

To find ix , perform a source transformation on the left side and combine the three resistors on the right side
as described above. The resulting cicuit is shown in Figure P271(a). Apply current division to solve for ix




Figure P271

as follows, noting the direction of ix is opposite that of the source

(50 mA) =
ix =
(50 mA) = 12.5 mA
1 1 1
+ +
2 3 2
To find vx , start with the original circuit and perform a source transformation as above, but leave the three
right resistors intact. After the source transformation, combine the 2-k and 3-k resistors in parallel to get
the circuit in Figure P271(b). Perform another source transformation to get the circuit in Figure P271(c).
Combine the 1.2-k and 1.5-k resistors in series and perform one final source transformation to get the
circuit in Figure P271(d). Combine the three resistors in parallel to get a single equivalent resistance of
421.875 , which still has vx across it. Compute the voltage by multiplying the current by the equivalent
resistance to get vx = (0.02222)(421.875) = 9.375 V.
Problem 272. Use circuit reduction to find vx and ix in Figure P272.
To find ix , combine the two right resistors in series and perform a source transformation to get an
equivalent circuit with a 1.3333-mA current source in parallel with a 18-k and two 12-k resistors. Apply
current division to find ix as follows
(1.3333 mA) = 500 A
ix =
18 12 12
In the reduced circuit, there are two 12-k resistors in parallel, so they share the same voltage drop and
current. Therefore, 500 A flows through the 4-k resistor. We can calculate its voltage directly as vx =
(4000)(500 106 ) = 2 V.
Problem 273. Use source transformation to find ix in Figure P273.
Perform the source transformation on the current source in parallel with the 220- resistor to get the
circuit in Figure P273(a). All of the elements in the circuit are in series, so we can combine the two voltage

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Figure P273

sources and the two resistors to get the equivalent circuit in Figure P273(b). Throughout the process, we
have not disrupted ix , so we can calculate ix = 37/370 = 100 mA.
Problem 274. Select a value for Rx so that ix = 0 A in Figure P274.
Perform a source transformation on both voltage sources to get the equivalent circuit shown in Figure P2
74. Note the negative voltage source influences the direction of the current in the left transformation. In the

Figure P274

equivalent circuit, all three resistors are in parallel and, therefore, share the same voltage. If ix = 0 A, then
the voltage drop across each resistor must be zero and no current flows through them. Therefore, all of the
current from one source flows through the other source. Solve for Rx as follows




Problem 275. Use source transformations in Figure P275 to relate vO to v1 , v2 , and v3 .

Perform a source transformation on each voltage source to get the equivalent circuit shown in Figure P2
75. The current sources are in parallel, so they combine by summing to give an equivalent current source of

Figure P275

iS = (v1 + v2 + v3 )/R. The three resistors are in parallel, so they combine to yield an equivalent resistance
of REQ = R/3. Apply Ohms law to compute the output voltage vO = iS REQ = (v1 + v2 + v3 )/3.

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Problem 276. The current through RL in Figure P276 is 100 mA. Use source transformations to find
RL . Validate your answer using OrCAD.
Perform a source transformation on the voltage source to get a 1-A current source in parallel with a
100- resistor. Combine the resulting two 100- resistors in parallel to get a 50- resistor. Perform another
source transformation to get a 50-V source in series with a 50- resistor, which is also in series with the
other 100- resistor and RL . The 50-V source produces 100 mA through the circuit, so the equivalent
resistance is REQ = 50/(0.1) = 500 . The equivalent resistance is also the sum of the three resistors in
series REQ = 50 + 100 + RL , so we can solve for RL = 350 .
The OrCAD circuit in Figure P276 confirms the solution.

Figure P276

Problem 277. Select Rx so that 50 V are across it in Figure P277.

On the left side of the circuit, perform a source transformation to get a 400-mA current source in parallel
with a 500- resistor. Combine the 500- resistor in parallel with the 1-k resistor to get a 333.33- resistor.
Perform a second source transformation to get a 133.33-V source in series with the 333.33- resistor. That
resistor is in series with Rx . On the right side of the circuit combine the 800- and 200- resistors in series
to get a 1-k resistor. That resistor is in parallel with the right 1-k resistor, which combine to yield a
500- resistor. Figure P277 displays the resulting circuit. Apply voltage division to solve for Rx

Figure P277

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50 V

(133 V)
333 + Rx + 500

50(Rx + 833)






Problem 278. The box in the circuit in Figure P278 is a resistor whose value can be anywhere between
8 k and 80 k. Use circuit reduction to find the range of values of vx .
Perform a source transformation to get a 5-mA current source in parallel with a 10-k resistor. In the
resulting circuit, combine the two 10-k resistors in parallel to get a 5-k resistor in parallel with the current
source. Perform another source transformation to get a 25-V voltage source in series with a 5-k resistor,
which are also in series with the variable resistor and the right 10-k resistor. Apply voltage division, once
with each extreme value of the variable resistor, to find the range of values for vx .

(25) = 2.6316 V
5 + 80 + 10


(25) = 10.8696 V
5 + 8 + 10

Problem 279. A circuit is found to have the following element and connection equations:
v1 = 24 V

v1 + v2 + v3 = 0

v2 = 8000 i2

v3 + v4 + v5 = 0

v3 = 5000 i3

i1 + i2 = 0

v4 = 4000 i4

i2 + i3 + i4 = 0

v5 = 16000 i5

i4 + i5 = 0

Use MATLAB to solve for all of the unknown voltages and currents associated with this circuit. Sketch one
possible schematic that matches the given equations.
There are many valid approaches to solve this problem using MATLAB. One way is to write the equations
in matrix form and solve by inverting the matrix. Choose a vector of variables as
x = [v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 ]

and write the equations in matrix form as follows.

Ax = B



0 1

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0 8000






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Solve for the unknown values by calculating

x = A1 B
The following MATLAB code provides the solution.
A = [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
0 1 0 0 0 0 -8000 0 0 0;
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 -5000 0 0;
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 -4000 0;
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 -16000;
-1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
0 0 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 1 1 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 1];
B = [24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]';
x = A\B

The corresponding MATLAB output is shown below.

x =

Figure P279 displays one possible circuit that corresponds to the given equations.

Figure P279

In summary, the voltages and currents are as follows

Solution Manual Chapter 2

v1 = 24 V

i1 = 2 mA

v2 = 16 V

i2 = 2 mA

v3 = 8 V

i3 = 1.6 mA

v4 = 1.6 V

i4 = 0.4 mA

v5 = 6.4 V

i5 = 0.4 mA

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Problem 280. Consider the circuit of Figure P280. Use MATLAB to find all of the voltages and currents
in the circuit and find the power provided by the source.
Label the source as v1 with current i1 and the resistors from left to right as R2 to R7 with corresponding
voltages and currents. Write the following element and connection equations by applying Ohms law, KVL,
and KCL:
v1 = 120 V

v1 + v2 + v3 = 0

v2 = 150000 i2

v3 + v4 + v5 = 0

v3 = 220000 i3

v5 + v6 + v7 = 0

v4 = 68000 i4

i1 + i2 = 0

v5 = 56000 i5

i2 + i3 + i4 = 0

v6 = 47000 i6

i4 + i5 + i6 = 0

v7 = 33000 i7

i6 + i7 = 0

Using a matrix approach, define a vector of variables as

x = [v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 ]

and write the equations in matrix form as follows.

Ax = B
The following MATLAB code provides the solution.
A = [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -150000 0 0 0 0 0;
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -220000 0 0 0 0;
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -68000 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -56000 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -47000 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -33000;
-1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
0 0 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 1 1 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 1 1 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 1;
B = [120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]';
x = A\B

The corresponding MATLAB output is shown below.

x =

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Problem 281. Consider the circuit of Figure P280 again. Use OrCAD to find all of the voltages, currents
and power delivered or absorbed. Verify that the sum of all power in the circuit is zero.
The OrCAD circuit in Figure P281 presents the solution. The power supplied by the voltage source is
65.70 mW and the power dissipated by the resistors is 44.96 + 6.523 + 9.577 + 2.729 + 1.122 + 0.788 = 65.70
mW, so the sum of all power in the circuit is zero.

Figure P281

Problem 282. The circuit of Figure P282 is called a bridge-T circuit. Use OrCAD to find all of the
voltages and currents in the circuit.
The OrCAD circuit in Figure P282 presents the solution. Note that resistor R3 has no current following
through it.

Figure P282

Problem 283. Nonlinear Device Characteristics (A)

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The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits

Seventh Edition

The circuit in Figure P283 is a parallel combination of a 50- linear resistor and a varistor whose i-v
characteristic is iV = 2.6 105 v 3 . For a small voltage, the varistor current is quite small compared to the
resistor current. For large voltages, the varistor dominates because its current increases more rapidly with
(a). Plot the i-v characteristic of the parallel combination.
For a given voltage v, the current through the 50- resistor is i1 = v/50 and the current through the
varistor is iV = 2.6 105 v 3 . The total current is i = i1 + iV . The following MATLAB code plots the
i-v characteristic.
% Set the range of voltages to plot
v = -200:1:200;
% Compute the current through the resistor
iR = v/50;
% Compute the current through the varistor
iV = 2.6e-5*v.3;
% Sum the two path currents to get the total current
iTotal = iR + iV;
% Plot the i-v characteristic
xlabel('Voltage (V)')
ylabel('Current (A)')
grid on

The corresponding MATLAB output is shown below.





Current (A)










Voltage (V)





(b). State whether the parallel combination is linear or nonlinear, active or passive, and bilateral or nonbilateral.
The parallel combination is nonlinear based on the curved shape of the i-v characteristic. The combination is passive because the power is always positive, which means it is absorbing power. The
combination is bilateral because the i-v charateristic has odd symmetry.
(c). Find the range of voltages over which the resistor current is at least 10 times as large as the varistor

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The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits

Seventh Edition

Solve the following expression for a range of voltages.

i1 10iV

10 2.6 105 v 3
v 0.013v 3

v 2 76.923
|v| 8.77 V

(d). Find the range of voltages over which the varistor current is at least 10 times as large as the resistor
Solve the following expression for a range of voltages.
iV 10i1
2.6 105 v 3 10


v 2 7692.3

|v| 87.7 V
Problem 284. Transistor Biasing (D)
The circuit shown in Figure P284 is a typical biasing arrangement for a BJT-type transistor. The actual
transistor for this problem can be modeled as 0.7-V battery in series with a 200-k resistor. Biasing allows
signals that have both a positive and negative variation to be properly amplified by the transistor. Select
the two biasing resistors RA and RB so that 3 V 0.1 V appears across RB .
Label the voltage across the 220-k resistor as vT . Write a KVL equation with resistor RB and the
transitor to get
3 + 0.7 + vT = 0
Solve for vT = 2.3 V. The current through the 220-k resistor is iT = 2.3/200000 = 11.5 A. The voltage
across RB is 3 V, which makes the voltage across RA = 15 3 = 12 V. As part of the design, choose the
current through RB to be approximately equal to the transistor current of 11.5 A. The required resistance
is RB = 3/(11.5 106 ) = 260.87 k. A standard resistor value that is close is 270 k. With RB = 270 k,
the current through RB is iB = 3/(270000) = 11.11 A. Applying KCL, the current through RA is the sum
of the currents through RB and the transistor, which yields iA = 11.5 + 11.11 = 22.61 A. The required
resistance is RA = 12/(22.61 106 ) = 530.71 k. Create RA by combining a 330-k and two 100-k
resistors in series.
Problem 285. Center Tapped Voltage Divider (A)
Figure P285 shows a voltage divider with the center tap connected to ground. Derive equations relating
vA and vB to vS , R1 , and R2 .
Using the passive sign convention and KCL, we have iS = iA = iB . Calculate the magnitude of the
current by combining the resistors in series and using Ohms law.
iA =

Solution Manual Chapter 2

R1 + R2

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The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits

Seventh Edition

Apply Ohms law to each resistor to find vA and vB

v A = iA R 1 =

R1 v S
R1 + R2

v B = iB R 2 =

R2 vS
R1 + R2

Problem 286. Active Transducer (A)

Figure P286 shows an active transducer whose resistance R(VT ) varies with the transducer voltage VT
as R(VT ) = 0.5VT2 + 1. The transducer supplies a current to a 12- load. At what voltage will the load
current equal 100 mA?
The resistors are in series, so REQ = R(VT ) + 12 . Apply Ohms law to find an expression for iL in
terms of VT and set iL = 100 mA.
iL = 0.1 =

R(VT ) + 12
0.5VT2 + 1 + 12
0.5VT2 + 13

(0.1)(0.5VT2 + 13) = VT
0.05VT2 + 1.3 = VT
VT2 20VT + 26 = 0
VT = 1.3977 V or 18.6023 V
Problem 287. Interface Circuit Choice (E)
You have a practical voltage source that can be modeled as a 5-V ideal source in series with a 1-k source
resistor. You need to use your source to drive a 1-k load that requires exactly 2 V across it. Two solutions
are provided to you as shown in Figure P287. Validate that both meet the requirement then select the best
solution and give the reason for your choice. Consider part count, standard parts, accuracy of meeting the
specification, power consumed by the source, etc.
In the circuit with Interface #1, combine the two right resistors in parallel to get an equivalent resistance
of 666.7 . Using voltage division, we can confirm that 2 V appears across the 1-k load resistor.
vL =

(5) = 2 V
1000 + 666.7

In the circuit with Interface #2, apply voltage division directly to confirm that 2 V appears across the 1-k
load resistor.
vL =
(5) = 2 V
1000 + 500 + 1000
Both circuits exactly meet the specification. In addition, both interface designs use a single, non-standard
resistor value when considering resistors at the 10% tolerance level. With Interface #1, the source experiences an equivalent resistance of 1.667 k and provides pS = vS2 /REQ = 25/1667 = 15 mW of power. With
Interface #2, the source experiences an equivalent resistance of 5 k and provides ps = 25/5000 = 5 mW.
If we want to minimize the power provided by the source, Interface #2 is a better choice, since all other
factors are equal.
Problem 288. Programmable Voltage Divider (A)
Figure P288 shows a programmable voltage divider in which digital inputs b0 and b1 control complementary analog switches connecting a multitap voltage divider to the analog output vO . The switch positions
in the figure apply when digital inputs are low. When inputs go high the switch positions reverse. Find the
analog output voltage for (b1 , b0 ) = (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), and (1, 1) when vREF = 12 V.
There are four equal resistors in series with a voltage source, so each drops one quarter of the total
voltage, or 3 V in this case. As we cycle through the four combinations of the digital inputs, the switchs
connect the output voltage to be across zero, one, two, or three resistors, in that order. The output voltages
are therefore 0 V, 3 V, 6 V, and 9 V. The following table summarizes the results.

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The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits

Seventh Edition



vO (V)

Problem 289. Analog Voltmeter Design (A, D, E)

Figure P289(a) shows a voltmeter circuit consisting of a DArsonval meter, two series resistors, and a
two-position selector switch. A current of iFS = 400 A produces full-scale deflection of the DArsonval
meter, whose internal resistance is RM = 25 .
(a). (D) Select the series resistances R1 and R2 so a voltage vx = 100 V produces full-scale deflection when
the switch is in position A, and voltage vx = 10 V produces full-scale deflection when the switch is in
position B.
First, solve for R2 such that a 10-V input at position B causes 400 A to flow through the two resistors.
R2 + RM =

= 25 k
400 106

Solving for R2 , we get R2 = 25000 25 = 24.975 k. Now solve for R1 such that a 100-V input at
position A causes 400 A to flow through all three resistors.
R1 + R2 + RM =

= 250 k
400 106

R1 = 225 k

(b). (A) What is the voltage across the 20-k resistor in Figure P289(b)? What is the voltage when
the voltmeter in part (a) is set to position A and connected across the 20-k resistor? What is the
percentage error introduced connecting the voltmeter?
Using voltage division, the voltage across the 20-k resistor is 20 V when the voltmeter is not connected.
When the voltmeter is set in position A and connected in parallel to the 20-k resistor, it is equivalent
to placing a 250-k resistor in parallel with the 20-k resistor. The equivalent resistance of the
parallel combination is REQ = 20 k 250 = 18.5185 k. Applying voltage division to this case yields
the following result:
(50) = 19.084 V
vM =
30 + 18.5185
The percentage error in this case is 4.58%.
(c). (E) A different DArsonval meter is available with an internal resistance of 100 and a full-scale
deflection current of 100 A. If the voltmeter in part (a) is redesigned using this DArsonval meter,
would the error found in part (b) be smaller or larger? Explain.
With a full-scale deflection current of 100 Afor an applied voltage of 100 V, (switch in position A,) the
total resistance of the meter must be 1 M. The increased meter resistance will draw less current when
it is connected to the 20-k resistor and have a smaller impact on the voltage. The error will decrease.
The new equivalent resistance of the meter in parallel with the 20-k resistor is REQ = 19.6078 k,
the measured voltage is 19.7628 V, and the error is 1.19%.
Problem 290. MATLAB Function for Parallel Equivalent Resistors (A)
Create a MATLAB function to compute the equivalent resistance of a set of resistors connected in parallel.
The function has a single input, which is a vector containing the values of all of the resistors in parallel, and
it has a single output, which is the equivalent resistance. Name the function EQparallel and test it with
at least three different resistor combinations. At least one test should have three or more resistor values.

Solution Manual Chapter 2

Page 2-48

The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits

Seventh Edition

The MATLAB function will compute the reciprocal of each value in the vector of inputs. It will then sum
those reciprocals and take the reciprocal of that sum to get the equivalent parallel resistance. The function
does not perform any error checking.
The following MATLAB script saved as EQparallel.m provides the solution:
function Zp = EQparallel(Z)
% Compute the equivalent parallel impedance of a list of impedances
Zinv = 1./Z;
Zp = 1/sum(Zinv);

To test the script, we entered the following three commands:

R1 = EQparallel([1000 1000])
R2 = EQparallel([5e3 20e3])
R3 = EQparallel([4e3 5e3 20e3])

which yielded the following accurate results:

R1 = 500.0000e+000
R2 = 4.0000e+003
R3 = 2.0000e+003

Problem 291. Finding an Equivalent Resistance using OrCAD (A)

Use OrCAD to find the equivalent resistance at terminals A and B of the resistor mesh shown in Figure
P291. (Hint: use a 1-V dc source and measure the current provided by the source.)
The OrCAD circuit in Figure P291 presents the solution. The 1-V source causes a current of 9 mA, so
the equivalent resistance at terminals A and B is REQ = v/i = 1/0.009 = 111.11 .

Figure P291

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