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Course: Art 1

1-Point Perspective

Students will learn how to use one point linear perspective to create the
illusion of depth on a 2D surface.

Students will learn to create cubes, cylinders, and openings in each using
one point perspective.

Students will demonstrate the skills they developed to create a cityscape

and room interior using one point perspective.

Art Production
Day 1

Day 2

Day 4

Introduction: PPT
Create a horizon line and vanishing point.
Creating Cubes: Above, below, & on the horizon line.
Creating Cylinders: Above, below, & on the horizon line.
Guided Practice:
Create a horizon line and vanishing point.
Creating Cubes: Above, below, & on the horizon line.
Creating Cylinders: Above, below, & on the horizon line.
Creating open spaces/holes in objects
Stacking forms
Guided Practice:
Draw your initials in 1-Point Perspective (one above, below & on the
horizon line) Your letters can go as far back in space as you would like
but they must have an end. Leave all perspective lines visible; darken
lines that form the letters. (Sketchbook)
Independent Practice:
Draw your first name above the horizon line and last name below the
horizon line. Your letters can go as far back in space as you would like
but they must have an end. Leave all perspective lines visible; darken
lines that form the letters. Add color using colored pencil
(12x18 Drawing Paper) (3 days)

Continue & Finish:

Perspective Names (30minutes)
Creating pitched roofs, sidewalks, adding windows & doors.
Guided Practice:
Create a small building with pitched roof, add sidewalk, tree lines, etc.

1-Point Perspective

Medium: Graphite
Duration: 10 days

12x18 Drawing Paper
HB Pencils
15 Ruler

Elements of Art
Line, Form

Principles of Design

Horizon Line The apparent intersection
of the earth and sky as seen by an
Vanishing Point The point in linear
perspective at which all imaginary lines of
perspective converge. The point at which
parallel lines receding from an observer
seem to converge. The point at which a
thing disappears or ceases to exist from
the vantage pint of the viewer.
Convergence Lines The lines that make
up the sides of an object in a perspective
drawing that relate directly back to the
vanishing point.

Art History/Resources
Video With Step by Step Perspective:

Dyllon & Hunter Y.

Reduce number of objects needed for

larger projects. Provide detailed videos via
Google Classroom for reference.

Independent Practice:
Buildings- Create a building or house that displays understanding of
one point perspective. Your drawing must include the following:
-Vanishing Point not in center of paper
-A street and sidewalk
-A building with a door, window, & chimney
You can also include bricks, wood paneling, a porch, trees, street
signs, fire hydrants, etc. for added interest to your building.
(4 days)

Day 8

Creating a room interior in one point perspective.
Creating a bed & bookshelf
Adding softness to a object in perspective (ex. Couch or Bed).
Creating wood floors and tile floors
Independent Practice:
Create a drawing of the inside of a room using 1-Point Perspective.
Your drawing must include:
-Vanishing Point not in center of paper
-At least 3 pieces of furniture, a window, & a door.
-Wood Flooring or Bookshelf
-Something soft in perspective (couch, chair, bed, etc.)
Add color using colored pencil
(5 days)

Day 12
Discuss and critique finished room interiors as a class.

Aesthetic Questions
Before discussing perspective what other illusion of space have we been using?

Art Criticism/Analysis Questions

-Do your projects clearly demonstrate illusion of space on a 2D plane?
-What would you do differently in your pieces if you were to do it over?



understanding of 1point perspective

experimented with
various shapes in one
point perspective.

Student created clear

and descriptive
convergence lines in
each drawing.

Student included all

required objects and
concept outlined in
each of the project

Student created a
cityscape and room
interior with distinct
and interesting
shapes and objects.

Student used a ruler

to create strait lines
where appropriate
and softened/curved
lines to create plush
objects where

Student completed
each step of the
project within
designated class
Student completed
all assigned tasks for
this project including

TOTAL: __ / 20 pts.
1-Point Perspective

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