Ujian2 F42012 Skemajaw

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Program Juara Tingkatan 4

Section A (30m)
1. (a)(i) L+ (1m)
(ii) E2- (1m)
(b)(i) 10 (1m)
(ii) 2.8 (1m)
(c) M (1m)
(d)(i) LJ (1m)

all electrons and number of shells filled with electron correctly (1m)
nucleus of atom labelled and charges of ion shown correctly (1m)

(iii)in aqueous solution // molten state (1m)

ions can move freely // free to move (1m)
2. (a) XY3 (1m)
(b)(i) Covalent bond (1m)
(ii) X: 2.8 ;

Y: 2.8


(iii) X: Group 15, Period 2 (1m)

Y: Group 17, Period 2 (1m)
(c) Low melting and boiling point // cannot conduct electricity // dissolve in organic solvent
(e) X2 + 3Y2 2XY3 (2m)
Correct reactants : 1m
Correct products : 1m

3. (a) An electrolyte is a substance that can conduct electricity either in molten state or in
aqueous solution and undergo chemical changes. (2m)

(b) (i) K+ ion and Cl- ion (1m)

(ii) Electrode W: chlorine gas (1m)
Electrode X: potassium metal (1m)
(iii) 2Cl- (l) Cl2 (g) + 2e(c) (i) gas bubbles are released (1m)
(ii) Lower a glowing splinter into the test tube filled with the gas. The glowing wooden
splinter is relighted. (1m)
(iii) Ag+ ion
(iv) Ag+ ion is lower than H+ ion in the electrochemical series.

Section B (20m)
4. (a) The electron arrangement of P atom is 2.4. (1m)
- and Q atom is 2.6. (1m)
- Q atom is in group 16 because (1m)
- it has 6 valence electrons and (1m)
- it is in period 2 because (1m)
- it has 2 shells occupied with electrons. (1m)
(b) Ionic bond (6m)
- X atom has 7 valence electrons and Y atom has 2 valence electrons. (1m)
- These electron arrangements are unstable. (1m)
- To achieve a stable electron arrangement, Y atom donates 2 valence electrons and
form Y2+ ion. (1m)
- 2 atoms X receive one electron each and form X- ions. (1m)
- Y2+ ion and X- ions are attract to each other (1m)
- to form an ionic compound with formula YX2. (1m)

Covalent bond (4m)


W atom has 4 valence electrons and X atom has 7 valence electrons. (1m)


To achieve a stable electron arrangement, one W atom share 4 valence with 4 atom
X. (1m)

They will form 4 single covalent bond (1m)

With a formula WX4 (1m)

Ionic compound

Covalent compound

Soluble in water
Insoluble in organic solvent
Conduct electricity in molten and
aqueous solution
High melting and boiling point

Insoluble in water
Soluble in organic solvent
Cannot conduct electricity
in any state
Low melting and boiling
Usually exists as liquids or
gases at room temperature /

Exists as solid at room

temperature / non volatile


Prepared by,

(Pn. Nur Diana binti Othman)

Chemistry Subject Coordinator
Form 4 2012

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