MA0461-Probability and Statistics

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15.4. bil Perform a two-way ANOVA on the data given below. Pos ofland [AT BT C{D] 7 38a] ai p39] 1 45 42 49 | 36 | m | 40/38 | 2 | 2 ‘Ten pieces of cloth out of different rolls of equal length contained the following numberof defects. 1, 3, 5,0, 6,0, 9,4, 4, 3. Draw a control chart for the number of defects and state whether the process is in a state of statistical ‘contro. Construct control chart forthe proportion of dectives obiained in repeated random samples of size 100 from & process whichis considered to be under control when the proportion of defeccve p is equal to 020. Draw the control line and the upper and the lower contol limits (oR) Te fllovng be it he no, of ees in Cats manufactured (Corpetseral no. [12 [3 [4 [5 [6] 7]8]9 [10 (Nowofdefers 13 /4|5]6 (33/5 [3]6|2 | Detemine the conto ine and contol limits for C char. Each of 20 lots of rubber belts contains 200 rubbers belts. Number of defective bels in those lots are 410, 420, 324, 332, 292, 310, 282, 300, 320, 296, 392, 432, 294, 324, 220, 400, 258, 226, 460, 280. Calculate control limits for fraction defective chart and give your conclusions. Time: [ae a i a a [B.Tech, DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER 2012 ‘Seventh Semester MA0461 — PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS (Forth canieesaditd fom yor 207-208 cards) ‘Three hours ‘Max. Marks: 100, Answer ALL Questions PART—A (10x 2=20 Marks) 1. From6 positive and 8 negative numbers 4 numbers are chosen at random and multiplied. What is the probability thatthe producti positive? 2 f(s)=Ke20-2) (i) The smallest valuo of. for which P(x 2)>1/2. (OR) Ao const of 10 god ails, 4 with ino dees and 2 with major defects. Two arcles are chosen from the lot at random, Find the probability tat () both are 00d (i) both have major defects (i) atleast 1 good Go atmost 1 good (9) exactly 1 good (i) neither bas ‘majo defects (i) neither s good. ‘A continuous RV X has the pdf f(x)=K(L+3),225) (Gi) he distribution funtion. Find the MGF of Poisson distribution and hence find the mean and variance af Poisson distribution. Ina Normal distribution 7% ofthe items are under 35 and 80% are under 63. What are the mean and standard Aeviation ofthe distribution? What % of items ae under 4 (oR) bi. Bai bi Ma ‘State and prove memoryless property of Exponential distribution. Fit a Binomial distribution forthe following data x) o i apa 4 f 5 12 20 103 Before en increase in excise duty on tax, 800 people out ‘of a sample of 1000 were consumers of tea. After the increase in duty, 800 peaple were consumers of ta in @ sample of 1200 persons. Find whether there is @ significant decease in the consumption of tex after the inrease in duty. ‘Theory predicts thatthe proportion of beans in 4 groups ‘A.B, Cand D should be 9:33: In an experiment among, 1600 beans the numbers in the 4 groups were 882, 313, 287 and 118. Does the experiment support the theory? (oR) ‘The fasliy rate of typhoid patients is belived to be 17.26%. In a certain year 640 patients suffering fom |yphoid were treated in a metropolitan hospital and only (63 patients died. Can you consider the hospital efficent? ‘The heights of 10 males of given locality ae found to be 175, 168, 155, 170, 152, 170, 175, 160, 160 and 165 ems. ‘Based on this sample find the 95% confidence limits for the heights of males in that locality. (Obtain the equations of the regression lines from the following data. Hence find the correlation co-efficient Also estimate the value of () Y when X = 38 (i) X when Y=i8, x [22 [26 [39 [a0 [a_i [e [35 fy —|20~J20 [21 [29 [2724 [27 [31 (oR)

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