Ict 2

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Unit reflection:

Ways to
learning and

Teachers meet to collaboratively plan the teaching, learning and

assessment to meet the needs of all students within the year 1
Teachers can work collaboratively to have a shared
understanding of the level of achievement for the students.
Teachers can co-mark or cross mark at key points to ensure
consistency of student result.


What will be assessed

Collaboration, organisation,
participation, cooperation,
contribution, understanding,
vocabulary and ICT use.


Questioning and research

skills, vocabulary and ICT
use, collaboration,
contribution, and
understanding through
visual representation.

Throughout the unit, students will be

provided with formative feedback in each
lesson. This will take place through written
feedback in the workbook given to students
for this unit, as well as verbal assessment
through whole-class, group and individual
Throughout the unit, as stated above, the
students will be provided with formative
feedback on their organisation,
understanding within their
workbook/activities, as well as their
collaboration, contribution and participation
within whole class approaches to teaching.
This feedback will ultimately form one
component of the summative assessment.
Alongside this will be the final assessment in
the last class, whereby the students
participate and contribute to a classroom
discussion, then moves into collaborative
Appendix 2 for the student assessment

Safety Considerations
Reinforce to students the importance of Internet and computer safety (cyber safety).
Giving students an avenue to report unsafe or inappropriate material they have come
across without getting into trouble.
Overall safety of students within the classroom and whilst on school grounds. Rules
and regulations must be followed.
Adjustments for needs of diverse learners/ teaching strategies.
Use the Australian Curriculum Student Diversity and General Capabilities section of
ACARA to assist in adjusting teaching.
Scaffold student learning, allowing for diverse student learning styles and ability.
Be adaptable to the diverse learning needs of each student and adopt a differentiated
classroom where necessary.
(Gradual release of responsibility) Model all activities as a whole class, and then
send students off to complete individually.
Also use multiple examples when outlining activity requirements and scaffold where
Pair students up fairly and ensure each pair will work collaboratively together and

Ensure students are not singled out when asked a question or when volunteering to
present their work at the conclusion of each lesson.
EAL/D Learners:
Providing support and resources to enhance learning opportunity.
Teach explicitly.
Alter teaching strategies to meet the needs of these students.
Work with the students level of language proficiency in each lesson, spending time
elaborating and modelling learning activities.
Gifted and Talented Students:
Align individual learning goals and plan to meet the students needs. (Meet with
parents to go over plan and adjustments to teaching).
As such, alter teaching to suit students needs.

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