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Tutorial Letter 102/2/2015


Semester 2
Department of Psychology of Education

This tutorial letter contains errata of your assignments reflecting in the
You need to complete the assignments contained in THIS tutorial letter
and NOT in tutorial letter 101.
This is very important. Please read carefully.

Open Rubric


INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3

CONTACT DETAILS ....................................................................................................................3


PRESCRIBED BOOK ...................................................................................................................4


ASSIGNMENTS ............................................................................................................................4


Unique assignment numbers.........................................................................................................4


Submission of assignments...........................................................................................................4

ASSIGNMENTS: ......................................................................................................................................7
ASSIGNMENT 01: COMPULSORY ASSIGNMENT..................................................................................7
ASSIGNMENT 02 (Semester 2) ...............................................................................................................9



Dear Student
Welcome to the module The Learning Child. We are delighted to have you as a student, and we trust
that you will find your studies interesting and informative. We will do our best to make your study of
this module successful. You will be well on your way to success if you start studying early in the
semester and resolve to do the assignments properly. You will receive a number of tutorial letters
during the semester. A tutorial letter is our way of communicating with you regarding teaching, learning
and assessment.
Tutorial Letter 102 contains important information regarding your assignments for this
We urge you to read it carefully. In this tutorial letter, you will find the assignments and assessment
criteria as well as instructions on the preparation and submission of the assignments.
Right from the start, we would like to point out that you must read all the tutorial letters you receive
during the semester immediately and carefully since they always contain important and, sometimes,
urgent information.
We hope that you will enjoy this module and wish you all the best!


Note that all administrative enquiries should be directed to the my Studies @ Unisa.
Enquiries will then be channelled to the correct department. The details are as follows:
All queries regarding the content of this module should be directed to the lecturer/s.
Please have your study material with you when you contact us.


Professor Kesh Mohangi

Tel: (012) 429 2126

Dr Maynard van Breda

Tel: (012) 3524131

Secretary for the Department of Psychology of Education:
Ms F Johnson
Tel: (012) 429 4900



The following book is prescribed for ETH102L for 2014 and you MUST buy it:
Dryden, G & Vos, J. 2005. The NEW learning revolution. Stafford: The Learning Web.
Note that the prescribed book does not form part of the study material you receive from the university.
You can order the book from Protea Bookshop (Tel no: 012 362 5663/4). Alternatively, you can order it
online on the or websites. Your study guide will provide you with guidelines
on how to utilise your prescribed book.
Although the focus will be on chapters 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of the prescribed book, we
strongly recommend that you read through the entire book and familiarise yourself with the
learning content.



Assignments are numbered consecutively per module, starting from 01. The general assignment
numbers for this module are 01 and 02.
Important: Your year mark contributes 20% towards your total final mark and will be the average of
the marks obtained for Assignments 01 and 02. Your examination mark will contribute 80% towards
your total final mark.


Unique assignment numbers

Assignment 01: Multiple-choice questions: Please write the unique assignment number, the module
code, as well as the assignment number and your student number on the mark-reading sheet.
Assignment 02: Please write the unique assignment number, module code, assignment number, as
well as your student number, on the cover page to be attached to your assignment. Assignment 02
can be handwritten or printed and sent by mail, or it can be submitted online.

Due dates for assignments

Please note that ALL students MUST submit Assignment 01 before or on the due date, in order
to obtain admission to write the examination.
Assignment 02 MUST also be completed and submitted for marking before or on the due date.


Submission of assignments

Assignments can be submitted to the Assignment Section either online or by mail, or it can be placed
in the assignment boxes on the main campus in Pretoria. Ask the security guards on the campus for
directions to the assignment boxes.
Please note: If you submit online, or even if you only try to submit online, the system will only allow
you to do this once. If you want to submit the same assignment for a second time, or even if you try to
submit it for a second time, the system will block you. Then you will have to send it to the university
via mail.
Please do not submit your assignments to your lecturer by means of a fax or e-mail. The
lecturer cannot receive these, as the Assignment Section needs to deal with all the
assignments received.

Assignments are seen as part of the learning material for this module. As you do the assignment,
study the reading texts; consult other resources; discuss the work with fellow students or tutors; or do
research, you are actively engaged in learning. Reading through the assessment criteria given for
each assignment will help you to understand more clearly what is required of you. In some cases,
additional assessment for your module might be available on the myUnisa website. For students
attending tutorial sessions, tutors may also set additional tasks and give feedback in class. Complete
your assignments to the best of your ability, since you need to study them when preparing for the
We will give feedback on the multiple-choice questions. The markers will give constructive feedback
on written assignments. Feedback on written compulsory assignments will be given in a tutorial letter
that will be sent to all students registered for the module and not only to those who submitted
the assignments. When you receive the memoranda of your assignments, compare your answers
with the model answers to see where you went wrong. Compile your assignments in such a way that
they are well-structured and can easily be studied when preparing for the examination. Then you will
not have to summarise the study content again.
If you experience a problem after you have received your assignment, contact your lecturer via email
or telephonically.
We want to encourage you to use Unisas online facilities to submit your assignments. If you submit
your assignments electronically, you will avoid delays or losses that could occur if you use the mail
service. Please submit Assignment 2 in PDF format.
In view of the importance of assignments, we advise you to make copies of all your completed
assignments before submitting them, and retain these copies in case there are any queries.
Semester 02
Assignment 01
Unique number: 569257
Due date: 28 August 2015

Assignment 02
Unique number: 569275
Due date: 17 September 2015

PLEASE NOTE: These two assignments do not cover all the aspects relating to the learning child and
consequently do not provide you with a complete overview of these aspects. This implies that you
cannot only study your assignments when preparing for your examination.
Assignments have two important purposes:

The first purpose is to orientate you, as first-year students, to an academic style of writing and
thinking. This implies that you need to learn how to do a literature search, by searching for
information sources in the library. You will use these sources to verify the facts and statements
you make, and indicate that the statements are supported by other academics or research
findings. You need to make use of the Harvard referencing method. You cannot present your
own thoughts or opinions as facts or insights without providing some support or proof from
literature, since it is not academically or scientifically acceptable.

The second and very important purpose of the assignments is to enable you to understand the
importance of integrating theory and practice. In other words, you must be able to utilise the
knowledge, skills and expertise acquired when dealing with learners in the classroom. You will
also note that, by understanding the theory better and having become sensitive as to how it
relates to learners, you will be empowered to assist them more effectively.

We trust that you will enjoy your studies and be enriched by the new knowledge obtained, the skills
acquired, and a changed attitude. If you do experience any problems regarding your studies, please
do not hesitate to contact your lecturers.

Professor Kesh Mohangi and Dr Maynard van Breda


Unique number: 569257
Due date: 28 August 2015
This assignment is compulsory, which means that ALL students MUST complete it. The
submission of Assignment 01 grants you admission to the examination. Admission is
based on the submission of the assignment and NOT on the marks you obtained for it.
Failure to submit Assignment 01 means that you will not be admitted to the examination,
irrespective whether you submitted Assignment 02. You will then have to pay again to
register for the next semester.
Since Assignment 01 is marked by a computer according to a cut-off date that matches
the due date of the assignment, NO extension of time can be granted.
After studying the following chapters of the textbook, you will be able to decide whether the
statements/questions are correct / incorrect. Please note that, while studying these
demarcated chapters, your focus must be on how you as a teacher can benefit from the
guidelines/tips included in these chapters in order to be a more effective teacher:
Chapters: 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11.
After studying the contents of your textbook, you need to indicate the MOST CORRECT answer
to each of the following statements or questions. Read each statement and then decide
whether the statement is correct or incorrect; then indicate your answer accordingly. See the
example provided. Indicate your answer on the mark-reading sheet supplied.
Correct: 1. Incorrect: 2
Question 1. Mr Zuma is the Rector of Unisa.
Answer 1: 2. You will thus colour in the number 2.
Assignment 1: Questions:

Most schools teach learners for a world that no longer exists.


According to Maria Montessori, and later, Jean Piaget, children do not develop through a
period of critical stages.


According to Dewey, learning is a passive experience in real education.


For Franz Boas, it is culture that shapes nature.


Neuroscience combines how the brain, mind and body work together.


Comenius, a Moravian-born Czech bishop, advised teachers to help learners to read

through all their senses.


There is only one form of intelligence.


The school is the only place to learn.


Intelligence is the same as logical thinking.


According to the anatomy of the brain, the limbic system is at the bottom of the brain.


The cortex is at the highest level of the brain. .


If you feed your brain a high energy diet, it will perform well.


Regular exercise oxygenates the blood.


People with high verbal-linguistic intelligence perform well in careers like journalism and


Intelligence is fixed at birth.


Human talents are not the major highways in your mind.


According the mind mapping principle, our brain cells are like tree branches.


Many modern schools introduce subjects through textbook lectures.


The subconscious mind never sleeps.


Smoking does not starve the brain of oxygen.


All minerals can be obtained from organic sprouts and seeds


Organic flax seeds and walnuts are good and safe sources of Omega 3.


Infants are born explorers.


Multiple intelligence teaches us that all kids are smart in exactly the same way.


To learn anything effectively you have to see it, hear it and feel it.


25x4=100 marks

ASSIGNMENT 02 (Semester 2)
Unique number: 569275
Due date: 17 September 2015
This assignment also requires a unique number. The assignment must either be typed
and printed, or handwritten on your Unisa writing pad no other A4 paper is accepted.
Write only on one side of the paper and not in the margins. The assignment must be
submitted inside the Unisa assignment cover. Make sure that you fill out your student
number, address, the module code and the CORRECT assignment number. If you are
submitting the assignment online, please ensure that it is in PdF format.

List seven types of intelligences and provide two skills and careers that can be linked to
each type of intelligence.



State the nine points you will discuss with your learners when explaining the mind map
method of studying.



Discuss five tips on brain-friendly food.



Explain how you will use lessons from sport to develop learners leaning skills.



Differentiate between the following thinking styles: concrete sequential and abstract



Explain eight ways in which music can aid learning.



Discuss six helpful hints to improve childrens spelling.



Explain how the four minute reading catch-up programme can be applied effectively to
assist learners who struggle to read.

[TOTAL: 100]

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