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Topic: Site Specific Dance Drama Education

To establish a relationship between the body and the landscape/space
To consolidate or explore knowledge
To be independent learners and actively problem solve
Elements: Shape, space, form
Body parts: Shape, levels
Body actions: gesture, elevation, falling, stillness
Performance design: Extend
Learning outcomes the children will be able to extend the natural movements of their external surroundings, and
interpret these in their dance moves using psychomotor thinking skills and cognitive artistic expression.
Explain how you will monitor their progress:
Their progress will be monitored by informal discussing with them what is influencing their movement, how is it an
extension of their exterior, and how are they doing it safely.
Explain where your lesson plan fits in with ACARA, AusVELS or Early Years Framework progression point and/or
level of kinesthetic ability:
Dance level 3/4
Students will make and perform dances by exploring and selecting movement, using dance elements to express
ideas. They will combine these elements and movement skills with expressive qualities to communicate through the
body. They will develop awareness of ownership in making dance, either using their own or others ideas. Students
will discuss the use of dance elements and meaning in their own and others dance works. They will learn that
dances are made in different cultural contexts for a range of reasons. When making their own dances they will think
critically about why people make and perform dances in a variety of contexts. They will share opinions about the
meaning of dances.
Arts Level 3-4 progression
Students select, combine and experiment with ways of using a range of arts elements, principles and/or
conventions, skills, techniques and processes, to explore arts ideas sourced from their imagination and from their
own and other cultures
WHAT - content
HOW strategies and approaches
Warm up Kinesthetic tune-up
Introduction of the concept/theme
-Students discuss the movements in nature
Exploring and developing ideas (creating & making):
Students make a list of objects that move in nature, e.g
trees, plants, leaves, etc.
Practicing their voice, physical (technique) and social
Students compare the movements of the nature elements
they discussed. What makes their movements different?

Pace and length of each activity:

introduction: 2 minutes
Exploring of ideas: 4minutes
Practicing voice: 4 minutes
Development: 10 minutes
Culmination: 10 minutes
Discussion: 5 minutes
Closure: 5 minutes

Development - Exploration
-students act out some of these various movements,
making similar movements/gestures.
-Students practice doing these various extensions of
nature in unison, e.g to act as a group of trees blowing in
the wind.
Culminating Dance/Play - Presentation
Introduction (beginning)
Students introduce their chosen nature element.
Development (middle)
Students discuss how these influence and relate to each
Resolution (ending)
Students act/dance/perform this interaction of nature,
through the students extensions of natures movements.
Discussion Memory integration
- Their physical skills: what skills did X illustrate?
- Their safety skills: how was it safe/unsafe?
- What could be changed/improved?
- What worked well in the performance?
- Their creative skills: what was unique about their
Students relax their bodies in the form of grass blowing in
the wind. Stretching out their bodies in different directions,
smoothly and relaxed.

Management of children in the space safely for each

Children participate outside in play areas.
Must stay in sight of teacher
Teacher stays in a position that can view all
Establishing rules and expectations of behavior in
each activity?
Students move when teacher approves.
Students raise hands to speak and take turns.
Monitoring safe movement practice of physical skills in
each activity
body alignment, placement of knees, back,
neck, personal and shared space.
Aesthetic Awareness
How will you plan to facilitate the development of their
movement/character response through the use of:
Teacher voice: speak clearly and loudly
Dance terminology and vocabulary action
words verbs, adverbs, adjectives:
Talk about form, shape, and space.
Proposition of questions:(How can you extend
the trees natural movements into your own?)
Feedback to children about their movement
response: (I like how I can visually recognize
what element of nature you are portraying.

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