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Oracle Application Express Listener

Installation and Developer Guide

Release 1.1

March 2011

Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide, Release 1.1
Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Primary Author: Terri Jennings
Contributors: Colm Divilly, Hilary Farrell, Sharon Kennedy, Elizabeth Saunders, and Jason Straub
This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on
use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your
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Preface ................................................................................................................................................................ vii
Topic Overview ..........................................................................................................................................
Documentation Accessibility ...................................................................................................................
Related Documents ...................................................................................................................................
Conventions .................................................................................................................................................
Third-Party License Information...............................................................................................................


1 Installing Oracle Application Express Listener

About Oracle Application Express Listener........................................................................................ 1-1
Supported Java Enterprise Edition Application Servers .............................................................. 1-1
About System Requirements ................................................................................................................. 1-2
Oracle Application Express Listener Installation Overview .......................................................... 1-2
Downloading Oracle Application Express Listener.......................................................................... 1-2
Installing in Standalone Mode .............................................................................................................. 1-3
Install and Run in Standalone Mode............................................................................................... 1-3
About Standalone Configuration Options ..................................................................................... 1-4
About Stopping the Server in Standalone Mode........................................................................... 1-4
About JServ Protocol (AJP) Support................................................................................................ 1-5
Installing with Oracle WebLogic Server.............................................................................................. 1-5
Download and Unzip Oracle Application Express Listener ....................................................... 1-5
Create Web Archive for Oracle Application Express Images...................................................... 1-5
Launch the Administration Server Console................................................................................... 1-6
Install the Deployment ..................................................................................................................... 1-6
Create Users and Roles...................................................................................................................... 1-9
View Security Realms................................................................................................................. 1-9
Create Users .............................................................................................................................. 1-10
Create Roles .............................................................................................................................. 1-10
Access Oracle Application Express Listener Administration................................................... 1-12
Installing with Oracle GlassFish Server........................................................................................... 1-12
Download and Unzip Oracle Application Express Listener .................................................... 1-13
Copy Oracle Application Express Images ................................................................................... 1-13
Launch the Administration Console ............................................................................................ 1-13
Create Users and Roles................................................................................................................... 1-13
About Roles............................................................................................................................... 1-14


Create Users ..............................................................................................................................

Install the Deployment ...................................................................................................................
Access Oracle Application Express Listener Administration...................................................
Installing with Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J) ........................................................................
Download and Unzip Oracle Application Express Listener ....................................................
Copy Oracle Application Express Images ...................................................................................
Start the OC4J Server ......................................................................................................................
Start the Application Server Control Console.............................................................................
Create Users and Roles...................................................................................................................
Create Roles ..............................................................................................................................
Create Users ..............................................................................................................................
Install the Deployment ..................................................................................................................
Access Oracle Application Express Listener Administration...................................................
Upgrading Oracle Application Express Listener ............................................................................
Redeploy Oracle WebLogic Server ...............................................................................................
Redeploy Oracle GlassFish Server................................................................................................
Redeploy Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J)..............................................................................
Upgrading Oracle Application Express Images ..............................................................................
Copy Application Express Images When Using Oracle WebLogic Server.............................
Copy Application Express Images When Using Oracle GlassFish Server .............................
Copy Application Express Images When Using Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J) ...........


2 Configuring Oracle Application Express Listener

Accessing Oracle Application Express Listener ................................................................................. 2-1
Access Oracle Application Express Listener Administration...................................................... 2-1
View Status Information ................................................................................................................... 2-2
About Oracle Application Express Listener Administration .......................................................... 2-2
Establishing a Database Connection .................................................................................................... 2-2
Establish a Basic Connection ............................................................................................................ 2-3
Establish a TNS Connection ............................................................................................................. 2-3
Establish an Advanced Connection................................................................................................. 2-3
About JDBC Settings.......................................................................................................................... 2-4
Configuring Security ............................................................................................................................... 2-5
About Allowed Procedures .............................................................................................................. 2-5
Advantages of Allowed Procedures ........................................................................................ 2-6
About Blocked Procedures ............................................................................................................... 2-6
About the Internal Exclusion List ............................................................................................. 2-6
About Database Validation Function.............................................................................................. 2-7
About the Database Validation Function Format .................................................................. 2-7
About Security Settings ..................................................................................................................... 2-8
Understanding Security Processing ................................................................................................ 2-8
Defining Caching ..................................................................................................................................... 2-9
Specify Procedure Names to Cache Files........................................................................................ 2-9
Creating Pre- Post Processing Procedures ........................................................................................ 2-10
About Pre-processing Procedures ................................................................................................ 2-10
About Post-processing Procedures............................................................................................... 2-10
Viewing Status ....................................................................................................................................... 2-11


About Statistics ................................................................................................................................

About Error Tracking .....................................................................................................................
About Logging.................................................................................................................................
Configuring Miscellaneous Options.................................................................................................


3 RESTful APIs and Resource Templates

What is a RESTful API? .......................................................................................................................... 3-1
About Resource Templates ............................................................................................................... 3-1
About Resource Template Administration.......................................................................................... 3-2
Create a Resource Template ............................................................................................................. 3-2
About URI Templates................................................................................................................. 3-2
About the Entity Tag ......................................................................................................................... 3-3
About Resource Handlers................................................................................................................. 3-3
Add Other Handlers................................................................................................................... 3-3
About Supported HTTP Methods ............................................................................................ 3-3
Strategies When Choosing a Resource Handler Type........................................................... 3-4
About Resource Handler Parameters ...................................................................................... 3-4
Referencing Parameters ............................................................................................................. 3-4
About Acceptable Media Types................................................................................................ 3-5
About Security Constraints ....................................................................................................... 3-5
About Resource Handler Types............................................................................................................. 3-5
Query ................................................................................................................................................... 3-5
With One Result Only ................................................................................................................ 3-6
Comma Separated Values Query..................................................................................................... 3-6
Media Resource .................................................................................................................................. 3-7
PL/SQL Block ..................................................................................................................................... 3-8
Example: Creating an Image Gallery.................................................................................................... 3-9
Before You Begin ................................................................................................................................ 3-9
About URIs .................................................................................................................................. 3-9
About API Entry Points .......................................................................................................... 3-10
Create a Database Schema ............................................................................................................. 3-10
Upload Images................................................................................................................................. 3-10
Create an Image Upload Form ...................................................................................................... 3-11
Display the Image ........................................................................................................................... 3-12
Display the Gallery ......................................................................................................................... 3-12
Improve the Appearance of the Gallery ...................................................................................... 3-14
Create gallery.css ..................................................................................................................... 3-14
Create gallery.js ........................................................................................................................ 3-15
About the RESTful API .................................................................................................................. 3-15
About Resource Template Security.................................................................................................... 3-16
Integration with Oracle Single Sign On ....................................................................................... 3-17
External Authentication Using Apache JServ Protocol ............................................................. 3-17
Example: Protecting Gallery Uploads.......................................................................................... 3-17
Protect Upload Form ............................................................................................................... 3-17
Protect Gallery POST Handler ............................................................................................... 3-18
Test the Changes ...................................................................................................................... 3-18

A About the Configuration File

About the Listener Configuration File................................................................................................
Locating the Configuration File ......................................................................................................
How the Listener Searches for the Configuration File .........................................................
Setting the Value of the config.dir Parameter...............................................................................
Understanding Configuration File Parameters .................................................................................
About Configurable Parameters...........................................................................................................


B Troubleshooting
Oracle Application Express Images Not Displaying........................................................................ B-1
Cannot Log In to Oracle Application Express Listener Administration ...................................... B-3



Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide explains how to
install and configure Oracle Application Express Listener as well as utilize exposed
RESTful Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

Topic Overview


Documentation Accessibility

Related Documents


Third-Party License Information

Topic Overview
This document contains the following sections:


Installing Oracle Application

Express Listener

Describes how to download and install Oracle

Application Express Listener in various environments.

Configuring Oracle Application

Express Listener

Explains how to use Oracle Application Express Listener

Administration to set up a database connection,
configure security and file caching, and perform other

RESTful APIs and Resource


Explains how to use RESTful APIs to expose data stored

in the Oracle Database.

About the Configuration File

Describes the Oracle Application Express Listener

configuration file.


Describes common installation issues and offers


This document is intended for system administrators or application developers who
are installing Oracle Application Express Listener. This guide assumes you are familiar
with Web technologies and have a general understanding of Windows and UNIX


Documentation Accessibility
Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation
accessible to all users, including users that are disabled. To that end, our
documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive
technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to
facilitate access by the disabled community. Accessibility standards will continue to
evolve over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading
technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be
accessible to all of our customers. For more information, visit the Oracle Accessibility
Program Web site at http://www.oracle.com/accessibility/.
Accessibility of Code Examples in Documentation
Screen readers may not always correctly read the code examples in this document. The
conventions for writing code require that closing braces should appear on an
otherwise empty line; however, some screen readers may not always read a line of text
that consists solely of a bracket or brace.
Accessibility of Links to External Web Sites in Documentation
This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or
organizations that Oracle does not own or control. Oracle neither evaluates nor makes
any representations regarding the accessibility of these Web sites.
Access to Oracle Support
Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For
information, visit http://www.oracle.com/support/contact.html or visit
http://www.oracle.com/accessibility/support.html if you are hearing

Related Documents
For more information, see these Oracle resources:

Oracle Application Express Listener Release Notes

Oracle Application Express Installation Guide

Oracle Application Express Release Notes

Oracle Database 2 Day + Application Express Developer's Guide

Oracle Application Express Application Builder User's Guide

Oracle Application Express SQL Workshop and Utilities Guide

Oracle Application Express API Reference

Oracle Application Express Migration Guide

Oracle Application Express Administration Guide

Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Advanced Application Developer's Guide

Oracle Database Administrator's Guide

For information about Oracle error messages, see Oracle Database Error Messages.
Oracle error message documentation is available only in HTML. If you have access to
the Oracle Database Documentation Library, you can browse the error messages by


range. Once you find the specific range, use your browser's "Find in Page" feature to
locate the specific message. When connected to the Internet, you can search for a
specific error message using the error message search feature of the Oracle online
Many books in the documentation set use the sample schemas of the seed database,
which is installed by default when you install Oracle. See Oracle Database Sample
Schemas for information about how these schemas were created, and how you can use
them yourself.
For additional application examples, go to the Learning Library. Search for free online
training content, including Oracle by Example (OBE), demos, and tutorials. To access
the Oracle Learning Library, go to:

Printed documentation is available for sale in the Oracle Store at:

To download free release notes, installation documentation, white papers, or other
collateral, visit the Oracle Technology Network (OTN). You must register online before
using OTN; registration is free and can be done at:
If you have a user name and password for OTN, then you can go directly to the
documentation section of the OTN Web site at:

The following text conventions are used in this document:



Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated

with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.


Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for

which you supply particular values.


Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code

in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

Third-Party License Information

Oracle Application Express contains third-party code. Please see the Oracle Database
Licensing Information book for notices Oracle is required to provide.
Note, however, that the Oracle program license that accompanied this product
determines your right to use the Oracle program, including the third-party software,
and the terms contained in the following notices do not change those rights.


Installing Oracle Application Express

This section describes how to install Oracle Application Express Listener.


About Oracle Application Express Listener

About System Requirements

Oracle Application Express Listener Installation Overview

Downloading Oracle Application Express Listener

Installing in Standalone Mode

Installing with Oracle WebLogic Server

Installing with Oracle GlassFish Server

Installing with Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J)

Upgrading Oracle Application Express Listener

Upgrading Oracle Application Express Images

About Oracle Application Express Listener

Oracle Application Express Listener is a J2EE-based alternative for Oracle HTTP
Server (OHS) and mod_plsql. The J2EE implementation offers increased functionality
including a Web-based configuration, enhanced security, and file caching. Oracle
Application Express Listener also provides increased flexibility by supporting
deployments using Oracle WebLogic Server (WLS), Oracle Glassfish Server, and
Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J) as well as a standalone mode.
The Oracle Application Express architecture requires some form of Web server to
proxy requests between a Web browser and the Oracle Application Express engine.
Oracle Application Express Listener satisfies this need but its use goes beyond that of
Oracle Application Express configurations. Using Oracle Application Express Listener
simplifies the deployment process because there is no Oracle home required as
connectivity is provided using an embedded JDBC driver.

Supported Java Enterprise Edition Application Servers

Oracle Application Express Listener supports the following Java Enterprise Edition
application servers:

Installing Oracle Application Express Listener


About System Requirements

Application Server

Supported Release

Oracle WebLogic Server

11g Release 1 (10.3.3) or higher

Oracle GlassFish Server

Release 3 or higher

Oracle Containers for J2EE

Release or higher

About System Requirements

Oracle Application Express Listener system and space requirements are as follows:

Oracle Database (Enterprise Edition, Standard Edition or Standard Edition One)

release or higher, or Oracle Database 10g Release 2 Express Edition or

Java 6 Update 20 JDK or higher.

Java Servlet Specification 2.3 or higher.

Web browser requirements:

Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 or higher.

Mozilla Firefox 3.0 or higher.

Google Chrome 2.0 or higher.

Oracle Application Express Listener Installation Overview

To install Oracle Application Express Listener:

Download and unzip Oracle Application Express Listener. See "Downloading

Oracle Application Express Listener" on page 1-2.


Install Oracle Application Express Listener. Options include:


Standalone Mode. See "Installing in Standalone Mode" on page 1-3.

Oracle WebLogic Server. See "Installing with Oracle WebLogic Server" on
page 1-5.
Oracle GlassFish Server. See "Installing with Oracle GlassFish Server" on
page 1-12.
Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J). See "Installing with Oracle Containers for
J2EE (OC4J)" on page 1-17.

Configure Oracle Application Express Listener. See "Configuring Oracle

Application Express Listener" on page 2-1.
See Also: "Upgrading Oracle Application Express Listener" on
page 1-20 and "Troubleshooting" on page B-1

Downloading Oracle Application Express Listener

To install Oracle Application Express Listener:

Download the file apex_listener.version.number.zip from the Oracle

Application Express Listener download page. See:

1-2 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

Installing in Standalone Mode

Note that the version.number in the filename reflects the current release number.

Unzip the downloaded zip file into a directory (folder) of your choice:

UNIX and Linux: Unzip apex_listener.version.number.zip

Windows: Double click the file apex_listener.version.number.zip in
Windows Explorer

Installing in Standalone Mode

Although Oracle Application Express Listener supports the Java Enterprise Edition
application servers described in "Supported Java Enterprise Edition Application
Servers" on page 1-1, you also have the option of running in standalone mode.
Standalone mode enables you to quickly deploy Oracle Application Express Listener,
at the cost of control and manageability gained when using a JEE application server

Install and Run in Standalone Mode

About Standalone Configuration Options

About Stopping the Server in Standalone Mode

About JServ Protocol (AJP) Support

Install and Run in Standalone Mode

To launch Oracle Application Express Listener in standalone mode:

Download and unzip Oracle Application Express Listener. See "Downloading

Oracle Application Express Listener" on page 1-2.


Execute the following command:

java jar <temp directory>\apex.war

Where <temp directory> is the directory location of the unzipped Oracle

Application Express Listener.

When prompted, specify the location of the folder containing the static resources
used by Oracle Application Express.


When prompted, choose a user name and password for the Oracle Application
Express Listener Administrator and Manager roles.
Tip: You will only be prompted for the usernames and passwords
the first time you launch Oracle Application Express Listener.

You default Web browser starts and navigates to:




<host> is the DNS name or IP address of the Administration Server

<port> is the listen port on which the Administration Server is listening for
requests (port 8080 by default)

Configure Oracle Application Express Listener. See "Configuring Oracle

Application Express Listener" on page 2-1.

Installing Oracle Application Express Listener


Installing in Standalone Mode

About Standalone Configuration Options

Oracle Application Express Listener provides several configuration options when
running in standalone mode. For example, you can configure the location of the Oracle
Application Express images directory, the home directory where Oracle Application
Express Listener stores run-time files, and the HTTP listen port. Additionally, you can
also remove run-time files from the Oracle Application Express home directory.
To display a full list of available commands, execute the following command:
java jar <temp directory>\apex.war --help

Where <temp directory> is the directory location of the unzipped Oracle

Application Express Listener.
The following output displays:
java [options] -jar apex.war [--help]
: Path to the folder used to store the
web container runtime, defaults to:

: HTTP listen port, default 8080


: AJP (mod_jk) listen port, default none

If an AJP Port is specified then
HTTP access is disabled

-Dapex.images=/images/location : Path to the folder containing static

resources required by APEX

: Erase the contents of ${apex.home}

before launching


: Print this usage message

Consider the following example:

java -Dapex.home=/tmp/apex -Dapex.images=/usr/local/apex/images
-Dapex.port=8585 -Dapex.erase -jar <temp directory>/apex.war

Specifying the options above produces the following results:


Erase the contents of /tmp/apex.


Extract the run-time files to /tmp/apex.


Configure the run-time to listen on HTTP port 8585.


Use the contents of /usr/local/apex/images for serving the static content

required by Oracle Application Express.

About Stopping the Server in Standalone Mode

To stop the Oracle Application Express Listener server in standalone mode, at a
command prompt press CTRL+C.

1-4 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

Installing with Oracle WebLogic Server

About JServ Protocol (AJP) Support

Standalone mode supports the Apache JServ Protocol (AJP), enabling it to be
integrated with Web servers that support AJP (for example, Apache 2.2 and mod_jk).
To enable the AJP, use the -Dapex.ajp command line parameter to indicate the port
to listen on (usually 8009).
Tip: Enabling AJP implicitly disables HTTP. It is not possible to listen
for both protocols simultaneously.

Installing with Oracle WebLogic Server

You can install Oracle Application Express Listener with Oracle WebLogic Server.
Oracle WebLogic Server is available for download from Oracle Technology Network.

To learn more about installing Oracle WebLogic Server, see Oracle Fusion Middleware
Getting Started With Installation for Oracle WebLogic Server and Oracle Fusion Middleware
Installation Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.
Tip: This section assumes that you have completed the installation
process and are familiar with Oracle WebLogic Server. If you are
unfamiliar with domains, managed servers, deployment, security,
users and roles, refer to your Oracle WebLogic Server documentation.


Download and Unzip Oracle Application Express Listener

Create Web Archive for Oracle Application Express Images

Launch the Administration Server Console

Install the Deployment

Create Users and Roles

Access Oracle Application Express Listener Administration

Download and Unzip Oracle Application Express Listener

For more information, see "Downloading Oracle Application Express Listener" on
page 1-2.

Create Web Archive for Oracle Application Express Images

Before you begin, you must create a Web archive (WAR) file to contain the Oracle
Application Express image files. Using the Java Archive (jar) command, enter the
following command to create a Web archive file named i.war:
jar cvf0 <temp directory>\i.war C <apex directory>\images .


<temp directory> is the directory location of the unzipped Oracle Application

Express Listener file.
<apex directory> is the directory location of Oracle Application Express.

Installing Oracle Application Express Listener


Installing with Oracle WebLogic Server


The space and period (.) at the end of the command is required.

Launch the Administration Server Console

To launch the Administration Server console:

Start an Administration Server.


Launch the WebLogic Administration Console by typing the following URL in

your Web browser:


<host> is the DNS name or IP address of the Administration Server

<port> is the listen port on which the Administration Server is listening for
requests (port 7001 by default)


Enter your WebLogic Administrator username and password.


If your domain is in Production mode, click the Lock & Edit button on the left-pane
below the submenu Change Center. If your domain is in Development mode this
button will not appear.

Install the Deployment

Tip: The Oracle Application Express Listener files, apex.war and
i.war, must be available before you start this task. See "Downloading
Oracle Application Express Listener" on page 1-2 and "Create Web
Archive for Oracle Application Express Images" on page 1-5

To install the deployment:


Go to the WebLogic Server Home Page. Below Domain Configuration, select

The Summary of Deployments displays.


Click Install.

1-6 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

Installing with Oracle WebLogic Server


Specify the location of the apex.war file and click Next.

The apex.war file is located in the folder where you unzipped the Oracle
Application Express Listener ZIP file. See "Downloading Oracle Application
Express Listener" on page 1-2.
Install Application Assistant appears.


Select Install this deployment as an application and click Next.


Select the servers and/or clusters to which you want to deploy the application or
module and click Next.
Tip: If you have not created additional Managed Servers or clusters,
you will not see this assistant page.


In the Optional Settings, specify the following:


Name - Enter:


Security - Select the following:

Custom Roles: Use roles that are defined in the Administration Console; use
policies that are defined in the deployment descriptor


Source accessibility - Select:

Use the defaults defined by the deployments targets


Click Next.

Installing Oracle Application Express Listener


Installing with Oracle WebLogic Server

A summary page appears.


Under Additional configuration, select one of the following:


Yes, take me to the deployments configuration - Displays the Configuration

No I will review the configuration later - Returns you to the Summary of
Deployments page.

Review the summary of configuration settings that you have specified.

10. Click Finish.

11. Repeat the previous steps and deploy the i.war file.

In the optional settings, specify the following:


Name - Enter:


Security - Select:
DD Only: Use only roles and policies that are defined in the deployment


Source Accessibility - Select:

Use the defaults defined by the deployments targets

12. If your domain is in Production Mode, then on the Change Center click Activate

Verifying the State and Health of apex and i
In the Summary of Deployments, select the Control tab and verify that both the apex
and i State are Active and the Health status is OK.

1-8 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

Installing with Oracle WebLogic Server

If apex or i are not Active, then enable them. In the Deployments table, select the check
box adjacent to apex and/or i. Click Start and select Servicing all requests to make
them active.

Create Users and Roles

Oracle Application Express Listener requires users be assigned roles to access Oracle
Application Express Listener Administration. This section describes how to create
users and roles. For more information on security realms, users, and roles, see your
Oracle WebLogic Server documentation.

View Security Realms

Create Users

Create Roles

View Security Realms

A security realm consists of a set of configured security providers, users, groups,
security roles, and security policies. You must define each user in a security realm in
order to access any WebLogic resources belonging to that realm. For more information
on security realms, see your Oracle WebLogic Server documentation.
To view a summary of security realms:

If your domain is in Production mode, click Lock & Edit on the left pane below
Change Center. If your domain is in Development mode, this button does not


On the left pane below Domain Structure, click Security Realms.

The Summary of Security Realms displays.

Installing Oracle Application Express Listener


Installing with Oracle WebLogic Server

Create Users
Next, create two users. Create an administrator user to access the Oracle Application
Express Listener Administration page and a manager user to access the Oracle
Application Express Listener Status page.
To create users:

In the left pane of the Administration Console, select Security Realms. See "View
Security Realms" on page 1-9.


Select a security realm by clicking the security realm name (for example,
The Settings page displays.


Click the Users and Groups tab and then click the Users tab.
The User table displays the names of all defined users.


Click New.


In Name, enter the name of the user. For example:


User names are case sensitive and must be unique. Do not use commas, tabs or
any other characters in the following comma-delimited list:
<>, #, |, &, ?, ( ), { }

In Description, enter a description (optional). For example:

APEX Listener administrator user


From the Provider list, select the Authentication provider for the user.
Next, define a password for the user. Note that the minimum password length for
a user defined in the WebLogic Authentication provider is 8 characters.


In Password, enter a password.


In Confirm Password, reenter the password.

10. Click OK.

The user appears in the User table.

11. Create another user to access the Oracle Application Express Listener Status page.

Specify the following:

Name - managerlistener

Description - APEX Listener manager user

Create Roles
Oracle Application Express Listener requires you assign users roles to access the
Application Express Listener Administration. There are two types of roles:

Admin - The user has permission to access the Oracle Application Express
Listener Administration page.
Manager - The user has permission to access the Oracle Application Express
Listener Status Information Page.

To create roles:

1-10 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

Installing with Oracle WebLogic Server


In the left pane of the Administration Console, select Security Realms. See "View
Security Realms" on page 1-9.


On the Summary of Security Realms page, select the name of the realm you want
to secure the resource (for example, myrealm).
The Settings page displays.


Select the Roles and Policies tab and then select the Realm Roles.
The Roles page organizes all of the domain's resources and corresponding roles in
a hierarchical tree control.


On the Roles page, expand apex and click Roles.


In the Roles table, expand the Deployment node in the Names column until
you find the resource apex.


Expand apex and click Roles.


On the Stand-Alone Web Application Scoped Roles table, click New.


On Create Stand-Alone Web Applications Scoped Roles, specify the following:


Name - Enter Admin


Select the Provider Name for the role mapper (for example,


Click OK.

The Stand-Alone Web Application Scoped Roles table with the Admin role

Click the Admin role.

The Edit Stand-Alone Web Application Scoped Roles page displays.


Create a role condition, which specifies who is in the scoped role and under which
set of conditions:

Under Role Condition, click Add Conditions.


In Predicate List, select User and click Next.


In User Argument Name, add adminlistener. Then, click Add and then
The user adminlistener appears.


Click Save.
A status message appears.


Repeat the steps above starting at step 5 and create another role with the following

Name field - Enter Manager

Installing Oracle Application Express Listener 1-11

Installing with Oracle GlassFish Server


In the Role Conditions Predicate List for Manager, select User and add


Once you have completed creating the Manager role, click Save.

10. If your domain is in Production Mode, in the left pane below the Change Center,

click Release Configuration.

Access Oracle Application Express Listener Administration

To access Oracle Application Express Listener Administration, in your Web browser go

Next, configure Oracle Application Express Listener. See "Configuring Oracle

Application Express Listener" on page 2-1.

Installing with Oracle GlassFish Server

You can install Oracle Application Express Listener with Oracle GlassFish Server.
Oracle GlassFish Server is available for download from the Oracle Technology
Network. See:

To learn more about installing Oracle GlassFish Server, see GlassFish Server Quick Start
Guide and Oracle GlassFish Server Installation Guide.
Tip: This section assumes that you have completed the installation
process and are familiar with GlassFish Server. If you are unfamiliar
with domains, servers, applications, security, or users, see your Oracle
GlassFish Server documentation.


Download and Unzip Oracle Application Express Listener

Copy Oracle Application Express Images

Launch the Administration Console

Create Users and Roles

Install the Deployment

Access Oracle Application Express Listener Administration

1-12 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

Installing with Oracle GlassFish Server

Download and Unzip Oracle Application Express Listener

For more information, see "Downloading Oracle Application Express Listener" on
page 1-2.

Copy Oracle Application Express Images

Before you begin, you must copy Oracle Application Express images.
To copy Oracle Application Express images:

Create folder named i in:

<glassfish directory>/domains/<domainName>/docroot


Copy all files and folders in the Oracle Application Express images directory:
<apex directory>/images

Tip: Do not include the images folder. Copy only the files and
folders below the Oracle Application Express images folder.

Paste the copied files and folder to:

<glassfish directory>/domains/<domainName>/docroot/i

If the images are not in this location, the Oracle Application Express login page
will appear to be missing images and style sheets.

Launch the Administration Console

At least one GlassFish server domain must be started before you start the
Administration Console.
To launch the Administration Console:

Launch the Administration Console by typing the following URL in your Web


If prompted, log in to the Administration Console.

Tip: You will be prompted to log in if you chose to require an
administration password at the time GlassFish server was installed.

Create Users and Roles

Oracle Application Express Listener requires users be assigned roles to access Oracle
Application Express Listener Administration. This section describes how to create
users and roles. For more information on security realms, users, group list, or roles, see
your Oracle GlassFish Server documentation.

About Roles

Create Users

Installing Oracle Application Express Listener 1-13

Installing with Oracle GlassFish Server

About Roles
Oracle Application Express Listener requires you assign users roles to access the
Application Express Listener Administration. There are two types of roles:

Admin - The user has permission to access the Oracle Application Express
Listener Administration page.
Manager - The user has permission to access the Oracle Application Express
Listener Status Information Page.

You can enable a default principal-to-role mapping on the Application Server using
the Admin Console if the group list names is defined the same as the role names
To enable a default principal-to-role mapping:

On the navigation tree, select Configuration and then Security.

The Security page displays.


Select the check box next to Default Principal to Role Mapping.


Click Save.
Tip: Enabling the Default Principal to Role requires the Group List to
be the same as the role name as described in the sect section.

Create Users
You must create users to access the Oracle Application Express Administration page
and Status page.
To create users:

In the navigation tree, expand the Configuration node.


Expand the Security node.


Expand the Realms node.


Select the realm to which to add your user (for example, file).
The Edit Realm page appears.


On the Edit Realm page, click the Manage Users button.

The File Users page appears.


On the File Users page, click New.

The New File Realm User page appears.


On the New File Realm User page, create an Admin user:


User ID - Enter the name of the Oracle Application Express Listener



Group List - Enter the role to which the user belong:



New Password - Enter a unique password.


Confirm New Password - Enter the password again.


Click OK.

1-14 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

Installing with Oracle GlassFish Server


Repeat the previous steps and create another user for the Oracle Application
Express Listener manager, by specifying the following:

User ID: managerlistener


Group List: Manager


Click OK.

Install the Deployment

Tip: The Oracle Application Express Listener files, apex.war must
be available before you start this task. See "Downloading Oracle
Application Express Listener" on page 1-2.

To install the deployment:


On the navigation tree, click the Application node.

The Applications page displays.


Click the Deploy button.

The Deploy Applications or Modules page displays.


Select Packaged File to be Uploaded to the Server and click Browse.


Navigate to the location of the apex.war file, select the file, and click Open.
The Deploy Applications or Modules page displays.


On the Deploy Applications or Modules page, specify the following:


Type: Web Application


Context Root: apex


Application Name: apex


Status: Enabled


Description: Application Express Listener


Accept all other default settings and click OK.

Installing Oracle Application Express Listener 1-15

Installing with Oracle GlassFish Server

The Applications page appears. A check mark should appear in the Enabled field
for apex

If a check mark does not appear in the Enabled column for apex,
then select the check box next to apex and click Enable.


Access Oracle Application Express Listener Administration

To access Oracle Application Express Listener Administration, in your Web browser go


<host> is the DNS name or IP address of the Administration Server

<port> is the listen port on which the Administration Server is listening for

Next, configure Oracle Application Express Listener. See "Configuring Oracle

Application Express Listener" on page 2-1.

1-16 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

Installing with Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J)

Installing with Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J)

You can install Oracle Application Express Listener with Oracle Containers for J2EE
(OC4J). Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J) is available for download from the Oracle
Technology Network. See:

To learn more about installing Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J), see Oracle Containers
for J2EE Installation Guide.
Tip: This section assumes that OC4J is already installed and you are
familiar with OC4J. If you are unfamiliar with servers, deployment,
security, users, and roles, refer to your Oracle Containers for J2EE


Download and Unzip Oracle Application Express Listener

Copy Oracle Application Express Images

Start the OC4J Server

Start the Application Server Control Console

Create Users and Roles

Install the Deployment

Access Oracle Application Express Listener Administration

Download and Unzip Oracle Application Express Listener

For more information, see "Downloading Oracle Application Express Listener" on
page 1-2.

Copy Oracle Application Express Images

Before you begin, you must copy Oracle Application Express images.
To copy Oracle Application Express images:

Create a folder named i in:

<oc4j install directory>/j2ee/home/default-web-app


Copy all files and folders in the Oracle Application Express images directory:
<apex directory>/images

Tip: Do not include the images folder. Copy only the files and
folders below the Oracle Application Express images folder.

Paste the copied files and folder to:

<oc4j install directory>/j2ee/home/default-web-app/i

If the images are not in this location, the Oracle Application Express login page
will appear and be missing images and style sheets.

Installing Oracle Application Express Listener 1-17

Installing with Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J)

Start the OC4J Server

The default port for the OC4J Server is 8888. If you must change the port number, edit
the following file:
<oc4j install directory>/j2ee/home/config/default-web-site.xml

You must start the OC4J Server before you start the Application Server Control
Console. Consider the following example:
cd <oc4j install directory>/j2ee/home
java -jar oc4j.jar

To learn more, see your Oracle for Containers J2EE documentation.

Tip: If this is your first-time initializing the server, you will be
prompted to enter a password for the OC4J administrator account.
The username for this account defaults to oc4jadmin.

Start the Application Server Control Console

To start the Application Server Control Console:

Typing the following URL in your Web browser:



When prompted, log in with the oc4jadmin account.

Create Users and Roles

Oracle Application Express Listener requires users be assigned roles in order to access
Oracle Application Express Listener Administration. This section describes how to
create users and roles. For more information on security realms, users, and roles refer
to your Oracle for Containers J2EE documentation.

Create Roles

Create Users

Create Roles
Oracle Application Express Listener requires you assign users roles to access the
Application Express Listener Administration. There are two types of roles:

Admin - The user has permission to access the Oracle Application Express
Listener Administration page.
Manager - The user has permission to access the Oracle Application Express
Listener Status Information Page.

To create roles:

On the OC4J Home page, click the Administration tab.


Expand the Security node.


Locate Security Providers and click the Go To Task icon.


Click Instance Level Security.

The Instance Security Level page displays.

1-18 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

Installing with Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J)


Click the Realms tab.


Use an existing realm or create a realm.


Click the selected realms Roles number.

The Roles page displays.



Create the role, Admin:


Click the Create button.


On the Name field enter Admin.


Click OK.

Create the role, Manager:


Click the Create button.


In Name, enter Manager


Click OK.

Create Users
You must create users to access the Oracle Application Express Administration page
and Status page.
To create users:

In the Instance Security Level page, click the selected realms Users number.
The Users page displays.




Create a user for the Oracle Application Express Listener admin:


Click the Create button.


In Name, enter adminlistener and a password.


For Selected Roles, select Admin.


Click OK.

Create another user for the Oracle Application Express Listener manager:

Click the Create button.


In Name, enter managerlistener and specify a password.


For Selected Roles, select Manager.


Click OK.

On the top page, click the OC4J:home link.

Install the Deployment

Tip: The Oracle Application Express Listener files, apex.war must
be available before you start this task. See "Downloading Oracle
Application Express Listener" on page 1-2.

To install the deployment:


On the OC4J Home page, click the Applications tab.

The Applications page displays.

Installing Oracle Application Express Listener 1-19

Upgrading Oracle Application Express Listener


Click the Deploy button.

The Deploy: Select Archive page displays.


On the Deploy: Select Archive page:


Select Archive is present on local host. Upload the archive to the server
where Application Server Control is running.


Specify the location of the apex.war. file.


Click Next.

The Deploy: Application Attributes page displays.


In the Application Name field, enter apex and click Next.

The Deploy: Deployment Settings displays.


In the Deployment Tasks, click Configure Class Loadings Go To Task.

The Deployment Settings: Configure Class Loading page displays.


On the Deployment Settings: Configure Class Loading page:


In the Import Shared Libraries, deselect the Inherit parent applications

shared library imports check box.
Oracle Application Express Listener contains its own libraries in the
apex.war file and does not use the OC4J Shared Libraries. Also, verify that
the Import column check boxes for all the Shared Library deselected.


Click OK.

Click the Deploy button.

A confirmation message with the following message displays:
The Application apex has been successfully deployed.


Return to the Application page by clicking the Return button.


Verify that apex is listed on the Applications page and the Status displays a green
up-arrow indicating that it is Active.

Access Oracle Application Express Listener Administration

To access Oracle Application Express Listener Administration, in your Web browser go

Next, configure Oracle Application Express Listener. See "Configuring Oracle

Application Express Listener" on page 2-1.

Upgrading Oracle Application Express Listener

Upgrading Oracle Application Express Listener requires that you redeploy the
Tip: Before you begin the upgrade process, you must download and
unzip Oracle Application Express Listener. See "Downloading Oracle
Application Express Listener" on page 1-2.

1-20 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

Upgrading Oracle Application Express Listener


Redeploy Oracle WebLogic Server

Redeploy Oracle GlassFish Server

Redeploy Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J)

Redeploy Oracle WebLogic Server

This section describes how to upgrade Oracle Application Express Listener when
Oracle WebLogic Server.
To redeploy Oracle WebLogic Server:

Download and unzip Oracle Application Express Listener. See "Downloading

Oracle Application Express Listener" on page 1-2.


Start an Administration Server domain.


Launch the Administration Server console:


Start an Administration Server.


Launch the WebLogic Administration Console by typing the following URL in

your Web browser:



<host> is the DNS name or IP address of the Administration Server

<port> is the listen port on which the Administration Server is listening

for requests (port 7001 by default)


Enter the WebLogic Administrator username and password.


If your domain is in Production mode, click the Lock & Edit button on the
left-pane below the submenu Change Center. If your domain is in Development
mode this button will not appear.

Go to the WebLogic Server Home Page. Below the Domain Configuration, select
The Summary of Deployments displays.


Click the check box next to apex to enable the Update button.


Click the Update button.

The Update Application Assistant displays.


Specify the location of your apex.war file.


Click Next.


Review your choices and click the Finish button.

The Summary of Deployments. Messages appear indicating the status of apex

10. Follow any additional instructions provided in the Messages.

11. If your domain is in Production Mode, on the Change Center click Activate


Installing Oracle Application Express Listener 1-21

Upgrading Oracle Application Express Listener

Redeploy Oracle GlassFish Server

To redeploy Oracle GlassFish Server:
Tip: At least one GlassFish server domain must be started before you
start the Administration Console.

Unzip Oracle Application Express Listener. See "Downloading Oracle Application

Express Listener" on page 1-2.


Launch the Administration Console:


Launch the Administration Console by typing the following URL in your Web


If prompted, log in to the Administration Console.

Tip: You will be prompted to log in if you chose to require an
administration password at the time GlassFish server was installed.


On the navigation tree, click the Application node.

The Applications page displays.


Select the check box next to apex.


Click the Disable button.

An X appears in the Enabled field next to apex.


Click the Redeploy link for apex.

The Redeploy Applications or Modules page displays.


Specify the location of your apex.war file.


Click OK.
The Application page appears.


Verify that a check mark displays on the Enabled field next to apex.

Redeploy Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J)

To redeploy Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J):

Unzip Oracle Application Express Listener. See "Downloading Oracle Application

Express Listener" on page 1-2.


Start the OC4J Server. See "Start the OC4J Server" on page 1-18.
Tip: You must start the OC4J Server before you start the Application
Server Control Console.


To start the Application Server Control Console:


Typing the following URL in your Web browser:



When prompted, log in with the oc4jadmin account.

On the navigation tree, click the Application node.

1-22 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

Upgrading Oracle Application Express Images

The Applications page displays.


Click the check box next to apex and then select the Redeploy button.
The Redeploy: Select Archive and deployment plan page displays.


Specify the location of your apex.war file.


Click Next.
The Redeploy: Application Attributes page displays.


Review the information.


Click Next.
The Redeploy: Deployment Settings displays.

10. Click the Redeploy button.

The Applications tab appears.

11. Verify that the apex Status displays a green up-arrow indicating that the Status is

Up (Active).

Upgrading Oracle Application Express Images

If you are upgrading Oracle Application Express, you must copy the Oracle
Application Express images from the upgraded version. Having Oracle Application
Express images on your application server from a previous release, will result in

Copy Application Express Images When Using Oracle WebLogic Server

Copy Application Express Images When Using Oracle GlassFish Server

Copy Application Express Images When Using Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J)

Copy Application Express Images When Using Oracle WebLogic Server

To copy Application Express images when using Oracle WebLogic Server:

Create a Web archive for the images directory. See "Create Web Archive for Oracle
Application Express Images" on page 1-5.


Start an Administration Server domain.


Launch the Administration Server console:


Start an Administration Server.


Launch the WebLogic Administration Console by typing the following URL in

your Web browser:



<host> is the DNS name or IP address of the Administration Server

<port> is the listen port on which the Administration Server is listening

for requests (port 7001 by default)

Enter the WebLogic Administrator username and password.

Installing Oracle Application Express Listener 1-23

Upgrading Oracle Application Express Images



If your domain is in Production mode, click the Lock & Edit button on the
left-pane below the submenu Change Center. If your domain is in Development
mode this button will not appear.

Go to the WebLogic Server Home Page. Below the Domain Configuration, select
The Summary of Deployments displays.


Click the check box next to i to enable the Update button.


Click the Update button.

The Update Application Assistant displays.


Specify the location of your i.war file.


Click Next.


Review your choices and click the Finish button.

The Summary of Deployments. Messages appear indicating the status of apex

10. Follow any additional instructions provided in the Messages.

11. If your domain is in Production Mode, on the Change Center click Activate


Copy Application Express Images When Using Oracle GlassFish Server

To copy Application Express images when using GlassFish Enterprise Server:

Delete all files and folders in folder i in:

<glassfish directory>/domains/<domainName>/docroot/i


Follow the instructions in "Copy Oracle Application Express Images" on page 1-13.

Copy Application Express Images When Using Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J)
To copy Application Express images when using J2EE (OC4J):

Delete all files and folders in folder i in:

<oc4j install directory>/j2ee/home/default-web-app/i


Follow the instructions in "Copy Oracle Application Express Images" on page 1-17.

1-24 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

Configuring Oracle Application Express

This section explains how to use Oracle Application Express Listener Administration
to configure Oracle Application Express Listener. It describes how to set up a database
connection, configure security, define file caching, create pre and post processing
procedures, and perform other tasks.

Accessing Oracle Application Express Listener

About Oracle Application Express Listener Administration

Establishing a Database Connection

Configuring Security

Defining Caching

Creating Pre- Post Processing Procedures

Viewing Status

Configuring Miscellaneous Options

Accessing Oracle Application Express Listener

Oracle Application Express Listener Administration enables you to configure Oracle
Application Express Listener. Note that some of the URLs listed in the section require
the user have a specified role. To learn more, see the section for creating users and
roles for your application server in "Installing Oracle Application Express Listener" on
page 1-1.

Access Oracle Application Express Listener Administration

View Status Information

Access Oracle Application Express Listener Administration

To access Oracle Application Express Listener Administration initially, enter the
following URL in your Web browser:

Configuring Oracle Application Express Listener


About Oracle Application Express Listener Administration

Once you have completed the configuration process, use the following URL to access
Oracle Application Express Listener Administration:

In your Web browser, enter the following URL:



When prompted, enter your credentials.

Note that in order to log in using this URL, a user must have the Admin role.

View Status Information

You can view Oracle Application Express Listener Status information, by entering the
following URL in your Web browser:

Note that in order to log in using this URL, a user must have the Manager role.

About Oracle Application Express Listener Administration

This section describes the Oracle Application Express Listener Administration user
interface which is separated into six categories:

Connection - See "Establishing a Database Connection" on page 2-2.

Security - "Configuring Security" on page 2-5.

Caching - "Defining Caching" on page 2-9.

Pre-Post Processing - "Creating Pre- Post Processing Procedures" on page 2-10.

Status - "Viewing Status" on page 2-11.

Miscellaneous - "Configuring Miscellaneous Options" on page 2-12.

Tip: Every category (or tab) has an Apply button. Every time you
click Apply, Oracle Application Express Listener Administration saves
the information and returns you to the defined default Web page. If
you need to update information on multiple tabs, make all your
updates and then click Apply.

Establishing a Database Connection

Use the Connection tab to enter database credentials. Key elements of this page

Username - Defines the name of the database user for the connection.

Password - Defines the password of the specified database user.

Connection Type - Select Basic, TNS, or Advanced. The fields that display depend
on the type selected.

Note that Username, Connection Type, Port, and SID contain default values.
Establish a Basic Connection

Establish a TNS Connection

Establish an Advanced Connection

2-2 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

Establishing a Database Connection

About JDBC Settings

Establish a Basic Connection

To configure a basic database connection:

Click the Connection tab.


For Username, enter the name of the database user for the connection.


For Password, enter the password of the specified database user.


For Connection Type, select Basic.


Specify the following:




Hostname - Enter host system for the Oracle database.


Port - Enter the database listener port.

Select one of the following:

SID - Enter the name of the database.

Service name - Network service name of the database.

Click Apply.

Establish a TNS Connection

To configure a TNS database connection:

Click the Connection tab.


For Username, enter the name of the database user for the connection.


For Password, enter the password of the specified database user.


For Connection Type, select TNS.


Specify the following:


TNS Alias Name - The TNS alias name must match the name in the
tnsnames.ora file.


TNS Directory - The directory location of your tnsnames.ora file.

If you define the environment variables TNS_ADMIN or ORACLE_HOME, then the

listener checks if the file, tnsnames.ora, exists in either the TNS_ADMIN
directory or [ORACLE_HOME]/NETWORK/ADMIN directory. If the file exists, then
the TNS Directory will contain the default directory location. Otherwise, the user
required to specify the TNS Directory.

Click Apply.

Establish an Advanced Connection

You can specify a custom JDBC URL to connect to the database by selecting the
Connection Type, Advanced on the Connection tab.
To configure an Advanced database connection:

Click the Connection tab.


For Username, enter the name of the database user for the connection.


For Password, enter the password of the specified database user.

Configuring Oracle Application Express Listener


Establishing a Database Connection


For Connection Type, select Advanced.

The Custom JDBC URL field displays.


In Custom JDBC URL, enter a custom URL.

You can specify different formats for the custom JDBC URL. Consider the
following examples:



Service name:


Oracle Net keyword-value pair:



Click Apply.
See Also: Oracle Database Net Services Administrator's Guide for more
information about connection formats.

About JDBC Settings

Use the JDBC Settings section of the Connection tab to configure JDBC option.
To configure JDBC settings:

Click the Connection tab.


For Username, enter the name of the database user for the connection.


For Password, enter the password of the specified database user.


For Connection Type, select a connection type.


To expand the JDBC Settings heading, click JDBC Settings.


Specify the following:

JDBC Driver Type - Select either thin or oci8.

Initial Pool Size - Specify the initial pool size for the number of connections
that will be created.

Minimum Connections - Define the minimum number of connections.

Maximum Connections - Specify the maximum number of connections.

Maximum Statements - Define the maximum number of statements to cache

for each connection.

2-4 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

Configuring Security


Inactivity Timeout - Indicate how long (in seconds) an available connection

can remain idle before it is closed.
Abandoned Connection Timeout - Determine how long a borrowed (in use)
connection can remain unused (in seconds) before it is considered as
abandoned and reclaimed.

Click Apply.
Tip: Except for the JDBC Driver type, JDBC options can also be
changed during run time

Configuring Security
Use the Security tab to validate procedure requests and determine if a user is allowed
to access the procedure. Click each section heading to expose the content.

About Allowed Procedures

About Blocked Procedures

About the Internal Exclusion List

About Database Validation Function

About Security Settings

Understanding Security Processing

About Allowed Procedures

Use Allowed Procedures to specify procedures, packages, or schema names that can be
executed from the Web browser.
To specify Allowed Procedures:

Click the Security tab.


Click Allowed Procedures to expand or hide the content.


In Inclusion list, enter the procedure name or procedure patterns separated by


Note that the wildcard characters asterisk (*) and question mark (?) are
supported. Use an asterisk (*) to substitute zero or more characters and a question
mark (?) to substitute for any one character.

Configuring Oracle Application Express Listener


Configuring Security

If the Inclusion list field is left blank, then the Oracle Application Express Listener
does not validate the procedure names to determine if the procedure is allowed for

Click Apply.
Tip: The advantage of using Allowed Procedures is that the
procedure names and procedure patterns are stored in the Oracle
Application Express Listener, whereas invoking the Database
Validation Function requires a database round-trip.

Advantages of Allowed Procedures

The advantage of using Allowed Procedures is that the procedure names and
procedure patterns are stored in the Oracle Application Express Listener. In contrast,
invoking the Database Validation Function requires a database round-trip.

About Blocked Procedures

Use Blocked Procedures to specify procedures, packages, or schema names that cannot
be executed from the Web browser.
To specify Blocked Procedures:

Click the Security tab.


Click Blocked Procedures to expand or hide the content.


In Inclusion list, enter the procedure name or procedure patterns separated by


Note that the wildcard characters asterisk (*) and question mark (?) are
supported. Use an asterisk (*) to substitute zero or more characters and a question
mark (?) to substitute for any one character.
If the Exclusion list field is left blank, then the Oracle Application Express Listener
does not validate the procedure names to determine if the procedure is allowed for

To disable this feature, select Disable Default Internal Exclusion List. See "About
the Internal Exclusion List" on page 2-6.


Click Apply.

About the Internal Exclusion List

The Oracle Application Express Listener includes an internal exclusion list which
blocks users from accessing the following:

2-6 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

Configuring Security

sys.*, dbms_*, utl_*, owa_*, owa.*, htp.*, htf.*, wpg_docload.*

This option enables you to disable the default internal exclusion list, however, Oracle
does not recommend this approach. Instead, Oracle recommends using the external
exclusion list solely for debugging purposes.
Disabling the Internal Exclusion List To disable the internal exclusion list:

Click the Security tab.


Click Blocked Procedures to expand the content.


Select the Disable Default Internal Exclusion List check box.


Click Apply.

About Database Validation Function

Use Database Validation Function to determine if the requested procedure in the URL
should be allowed for processing. Oracle Application Express Listener executes the
validation function you specify for each requested procedure, or checks the security
cache to determine if a procedure is valid or invalid. To learn more, see "About
Security Settings" on page 2-8.
To specify a Database Validation Function:

Click the Security tab.


Click Database Validation Function to expand or hide the section.


In the field provided, enter the name of the Database Validation Function.

The validation function you specify is a stored function that resides in the
database. If the validation function you specify does not exist, an error message
The validation function returns true if the procedure is allowed for processing.
Otherwise, it returns false.
If the Validation Functions field is left blank, then Oracle Application Express
Listener does not validate the procedure name to determine if the procedure
should be allowed for processing.

Click Apply.

About the Database Validation Function Format

The validation function must return a boolean and have one argument for the
procedure name. Consider the following example:
IF (UPPER(Procedure_Name) LIKE ('CUST%')) THEN

Configuring Oracle Application Express Listener


Configuring Security

RETURN true;
RETURN false;

About Security Settings

When you specify a Database Validation Function, Oracle Application Express
Listener uses the Security Cache to cache the procedures names and determine if they
are valid or invalid. Using a caching mechanism, reduces the number of database
round-trips needed to execute the above Validation Function.
To specify Security Settings:

Click the Security tab.


Click Security Settings to expand or hide the content.


Specify the following:

Maximum Cache Entries - Specify the maximum cache size.

When the maximum entries have been reached, the older (or stale) procedure
name that was least recently used is removed from the cache and a new
procedure name is added to the cache.

Total Cache Entries - Displays the total number of procedure names that are
valid or invalid in the Security Cache.
Clear Cache - If the total cache entries is greater than zero, then the Clear
Cache button displays, enabling you to delete the cache entries.
As a best practice, clear the cache whenever a Database Validation Function is


Click Apply.

Understanding Security Processing

If the user enters data for Allowed Procedures, a Database Validation Function, or
Blocked Procedures, the Oracle Application Express Listener determines if the entered
procedure name is valid by checking the security information in the following order:

Database Validation Function - Checks if the procedure name is valid.


Allowed Procedures - Checks if the procedure name is in the inclusion list.


Blocked Procedures - Checks if the procedure is NOT in the exclusion list.

If these validations pass, then the procedure is valid for processing.

2-8 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

Defining Caching

Defining Caching
The Oracle Application Express Listener enables you to cache file-based content for
quick access. Caching is only enabled if you specify the procedure names.

Specify Procedure Names to Cache Files

Specify Procedure Names to Cache Files

To specify procedure names to allow the caching of files:

Click the Caching tab.

The Cache Files page appears.


Specify the following:

Procedure Name

Specify the procedure names to allow for caching of their files.
The procedure names can contain the wildcard characters
asterisk (*) and question mark (?). Use an asterisk (*) to
substitute zero or more characters and a question mark (?) to
substitute for any one character
Separate multiple procedures with a comma, for example:
p, wwv_flow_file*, download_my_file

Keep most recently used files

If selected, files that are most recently used will remain in the

Maximum entries

Specify the maximum number of files to cache. When the

maximum entries have been reached, the older files are
removed from the cache when a new file is added.

Keep files for the specified


If selected, files that are cached expire after the specified

length of time.

Expires after

Specify the length of time after the files expire. Note the
selected value must be a numeric value greater than 0.


Select the amount of time from the list. Options include: days,
hours, or minutes.

Configuring Oracle Application Express Listener


Creating Pre- Post Processing Procedures

Tip: Once you specify a Procedure Name, the Keep files for the
specified duration and Keep most recently used files button are

To configure Cache Settings, click Cache Settings.

Specify the following Cache Settings options:



Total Cache Entries - Displays the total number of files that are cached.


Clear Cache - If the total cache entries is greater than zero, then the Clear
Cache button displays, enabling you to delete the cache entries.


Directory - Specify the directory location for the cache files.

Click Apply.

Creating Pre- Post Processing Procedures

Click the Pre-Post Procedures tab to specify database procedures to invoke before or
after executing the procedure specified on the URL.

About Pre-processing Procedures

About Post-processing Procedures

About Pre-processing Procedures

Click Pre-Processing to expand or hide this section. In Procedure Names, enter the
procedure names to execute after executing the procedure specified on the URL and
click Apply. Separate multiple procedure names with a comma.

Oracle Application Express Listener executes the procedures in the order specified in
the Procedure Names field (for example, proc1, proc2, . . . , procN).

About Post-processing Procedures

Click Post-Processing to expand or hide this section. In Procedure Names, enter the
procedure names to execute after executing the procedure specified on the URL and
click Apply. Separate multiple procedure names with a comma.
2-10 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

Viewing Status

Oracle Application Express Listener executes the procedures in the order specified in
the Procedure Names field (for example, proc1, proc2, . . . , procN).

Viewing Status
Click the Status tab to view statistics, error tracking, and logging information.

Users with the manager role only see the Status tab.


About Statistics

About Error Tracking

About Logging

About Statistics
Click Statistics to expand or hide this section.
Statistics displays the following Oracle Application Express Listener information:

Server uptime.
Total accesses, total traffic, total errors, total file downloads, and total processing

Processing time in milliseconds for minimum, average, median, and maximum.

Database time in milliseconds for minimum, average, median, and maximum.

Active requests.

Active and available connections in the pool.

Security enabled or disabled, and its cache entries and maximum entries.

Cache file enabled or disabled, and its cache entries and maximum entries.

Configuring Oracle Application Express Listener 2-11

Configuring Miscellaneous Options

About Error Tracking

Click Error Tracking to expand or hide recent error message. Message display in
descending order. Error Tracking provides the total number of errors, date, time, and
elapsed time for each error message.

About Logging
Click Logging to expand or hide the log of the different types of activities that occur in
the Oracle Application Express Listener. The log includes activities such as adding a
procedure to the cache, finding a procedure in the cache, or reloading a procedure. The
log displays the database time and processing time in milliseconds for that procedure.

Configuring Miscellaneous Options

The Miscellaneous tab provides various configuration options, including specifying
the default Web page, enabling the different types of error reporting, and whether to
clear logging.
To specify options on the Miscellaneous tab:

Click the Miscellaneous tab.

The Miscellaneous tab appears.

2-12 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

Configuring Miscellaneous Options


Specify the following options.

Under Error Reporting:

Default Web Page - Specify the default page to display (for example, apex).
Show debug messages on console - Select this option to display debugging
messages on the application server console.
Show error messages on browser - Select this option to display error messages
on the browser.
Keep most recent error messages - Select this option to retain the error
Maximum Error Entries - Specify the total number of error messages to retain.
Total Error Entries - If the total error entries is greater than zero, then the Clear
Cache button is enabled. Click the Clear Cache button to delete the error

Under Logging:

Keep most recent log messages - Select this option to retain log messages.

Maximum Log Entries - Specify the total number of error messages to retain.


Total Log Entries - If the total log entries is greater than zero, then the Clear
Cache button is enabled. Click the Clear Cache button to delete log entries.

Click Apply.
If the Oracle Application Express Listener detects missing data or incorrect
information, then an error message displays. When saved, the data is written to
the Oracle Application Express Listener configuration file and the specified default
Web page appears.
See Also:

"About the Configuration File" on page A-1

Configuring Oracle Application Express Listener 2-13

Configuring Miscellaneous Options

2-14 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

RESTful APIs and Resource Templates

This section describes how to use Oracle Application Express Listener RESTful
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to expose data stored in an Oracle

What is a RESTful API?

About Resource Template Administration

About Resource Handler Types

Example: Creating an Image Gallery

About Resource Template Security

What is a RESTful API?

Representational State Transfer (REST) is a style of software architecture for
distributed hypermedia systems such as the World Wide Web. An API is described as
RESTful when it conforms to the tenets of REST. Although a full discussion of REST is
outside the scope of this document, a RESTful API has the following characteristics:

Data is modelled as a set of resources. Resources are identified by URLs.

A small set of operations are used to manipulate resources (for example, PUT,
A resource can have multiple representations (for example, a blog might have a
HTML representation and a RSS representation).
Services are stateless and since it is likely that the client will want to access related
resources, these should be identified in the representation returned, typically by
providing hypertext links.

About Resource Templates

RESTful APIs are created by configuring resource templates. A resource template is a
configuration file that binds a set of Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) to a SQL
query or anonymous PL/SQL block. The set of URIs is identified by a URI template. A
URI template is simple syntax for describing URIs, for example:

The URI template may contain zero or more parameters (for example, {userid})
which along with the HTTP headers sent with a HTTP request can be bound to
parameters in the SQL query or anonymous PL/SQL block.
RESTful APIs and Resource Templates


About Resource Template Administration

About Resource Template Administration

To access the Resource Template Administration, go to:

In your Web browser, go to:



Enter your Oracle Application Express Listener Administrator credentials.

The Oracle Application Express Listener Administration Resource Templates page

The Oracle Application Express Listener Administration Resource Templates page

displays a list of the currently defined resource templates and provides buttons to
create a new resource template, import resource template definitions, and to export the
existing definitions to a zip file.
Create a Resource Template

About the Entity Tag

About Resource Handlers

Create a Resource Template

A resource template is a configuration file that binds a set of Uniform Resource
Identifiers (URIs) to a SQL query or anonymous PL/SQL block. To create a new
resource template, click Add Resource Template. A pre-populated sample resource
template displays.
Hover the mouse over a field on the page to see a tooltip that describes the purpose of
the field.

About URI Templates

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) template is a compact syntax for describing a range
of URIs. For example, assume the Oracle Application Express Listener is running on a
machine named example.com then the URI Template hello?who={person} would
match the following URI:

The literal value World is bound to the URI Template parameter named person.
About URI Template Grammar Currently there is no standardized URI Template syntax.
Oracle Application Express Listener supports a limited subset of the current draft
specification. The following grammar rules apply:

URI Templates must not start with a slash (/) character.

URI Templates can contain any Unicode character.

Parameters are declared with the use of curly braces ({})

Parameter names must start with an alphabetic character followed by zero or more
alphanumeric characters and the characters: underscore (_) or hyphen (-).
There is no support for optional parameters.

3-2 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

About Resource Template Administration

About the Entity Tag

An entity tag (ETag) is a HTTP Header that acts as a version identifier for a resource.
Use ETag headers to avoid retrieving previously retrieved resources and to perform
optimistic locking when updating resources.
Oracle Application Express Listener provides three strategies for generating entity

Secure Hash - The contents of the returned resource representation are hashed
using a secure digest function to provide a unique fingerprint for a given resource
Query - Manually define a query that uniquely identifies a resource version.
Instead of hashing the entire resource representation, only the result of the query is
hashed. A manually defined query can often generate an entity tag more
efficiently than hashing the entire resource representation.
None - Do not generate an entity tag.

About Resource Handlers

A resource handler is a query or an anonymous PL/SQL block responsible for
handling a particular HTTP method. Although multiple resource handlers can be
defined for a resource template, only one handler per HTTP method is permitted.

Add Other Handlers

About Supported HTTP Methods

Strategies When Choosing a Resource Handler Type

About Resource Handler Parameters

Referencing Parameters

About Acceptable Media Types

About Security Constraints

Add Other Handlers

To add other handlers to a resource template:

Click the Add Handler button.

The Add HTTP Method Handler dialog box appears.


Choose the HTTP method you wish to implement. See "About Supported HTTP
Methods" on page 3-3.


Click Add.
Each resource handler displays as a separate tab identified by the HTTP method
that it implements.

About Supported HTTP Methods

The HTTP specification defines several standard methods which are used to operate
on a resource. The four most commonly used operations are:

GET - Retrieves a representation of a resource

POST - Creates a new resource or adds a resource to a collection

RESTful APIs and Resource Templates


About Resource Template Administration

PUT - Updates an existing resource

DELETE - Deletes an existing resource

Strategies When Choosing a Resource Handler Type

Many different strategies are supported for generating representations:

Comma Separated Values Query - Executes an SQL and transforms the result set
into a CSV representation.
Query - Executes an SQL Query and transforms the result set into a JSON
(JavaScript Object Notation) representation. A specialization of this strategy,
generates a single JSON result. Note that the result is not wrapped in a JSON
PL/SQL Block - Executes an anonymous PL/SQL block and transforms any OUT
or INOUT parameters into a JSON representation.
Media Resource - Executes a SQL Query conforming to a specific format and
turns the result set into a binary representation with an accompanying HTTP
Content-Type header identifying the internet media type of the representation.

About Resource Handler Parameters

Parameters declared in the URI template are implicitly passed to the resource handler.
For example if the URI template is people/{userid} then a parameter userid is
automatically made available to the resource handler.
Parameters to a resource handler can also be manually defined to bind HTTP headers
to the resource handler, or to cast a URI template parameter to a specific data type. For
example, a resource handler might need to know the value of the HTTP
Accept-Language header in order to localize the generated representation.
To add a parameter:

Click the Add Parameter button.


Specify the following:

Name - Enter the name of the parameter as passed to the resource handler
Aliasing - Enter the original name of the parameter if you wish to rename a
parameter (optional).
Source - Enter either the header (that is, the HTTP header) or URI (that is, the
parameter from the URI template).
Access - IN, INOUT, or OUT. URI Template parameters can only be IN. A value
of IN for a header parameter implies the header will be present in the HTTP
request. A value of INOUT indicates the value will be present in both the HTTP
request and response. A value of OUT indicates the value will only be present
in the HTTP response.
Type - The primitive data type of the parameter: String, Integer, Double,
Boolean, or Long

To delete a parameter, select the icon on the immediate right.

Referencing Parameters
You can reference parameters in the resource handler definition by prefixing the
parameter name with a colon character, for example:
3-4 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

About Resource Handler Types

select 'Hello ' || :person || ' from APEX' greeting from dual

This example causes the :person token to be replaced with the actual value of the
person parameter when the resource template is evaluated. Parameter substitution
uses the standard Oracle Prepared Statement facilities, so the normal rules apply as to
when and where parameters can be placed.
For example the following example is not valid, because the table name cannot be
specified using a parameter:
select * from :table where some_id = :id

About Acceptable Media Types

For resource handlers that accept a content body (POST and PUT), you can define what
types of content the handler is able to accept by specifying acceptable MIME types in
the Acceptable field. You can specify more than one content type by separating types
with a comma. You can also specify a wildcard character to accept a range of types, for

About Security Constraints

Resource handlers can define a security constraint to provide a degree of access
control. You can specify the following options:

None - Any user is allowed access to the resource.

Authenticated - A user must be logged in to access the resource.

Secure - The resource must be accessed over a secure channel (for example,
Secure & Authenticated - User must be logged in and the channel must be secure.

The security constraint can only be applied when the Oracle Application Express
Listener is correctly configured to use one of the supported security configurations.
For more information, see "About Resource Template Security" on page 3-16

About Resource Handler Types

This section describes supported resource handler types.


Comma Separated Values Query

Media Resource

PL/SQL Block

This resource handler type evaluates the supplied query and turns the resulting rows
into a JSON representation. Consider the following example:
select 'Hello ' || :person || ' from APEX' greeting from dual

RESTful APIs and Resource Templates


About Resource Handler Types

This example generates a response similar to the following:

"items": [
"greeting":"Hello World from APEX"

In this example:

The Content-Type of the response will be application/json

The root the JSON document will be a JSON Object

The JSON Object will contain a property named: items

The value of the property will be an array

Each row in the result set will map to a JSON object

Each column in a row will map to a JSON property

The column name will always be in lower-case and the case of the value will be
If the query has no results, the items property referred to above will just contain an
empty array

Since a query can only retrieve data and can never change the state of the database, the
Query resource handler can only be used the HTTP GET Method.

With One Result Only

A variation of the Query resource handler enables the production of JSON resources
that correspond to a result set with exactly one row, for example:
select * from oe.orders where order_id = :id

This example generates a response similar to:


If an invalid order_id value is provided then a 404 - Not Found response is


Comma Separated Values Query

This resource handler type is very similar to the Query resource handler except that
the results are returned as a comma separated values instead of JSON. Consider the
following example:
select * from oe.categories_tab

This example generates a response similar to:

3-6 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

About Resource Handler Types

hardware4,memory components/upgrades,14,10
hardware5,"processors, sound and video cards, network cards, motherboards",15,10

In this example:

Each column is delimited by a comma

Each row is delimited by a new line character

Columns containing commas or double quotes will be quoted with the double
quote character

Media Resource
This resource handler type evaluates a specially structured SQL query and returns the
resulting row as a binary representation. The query must follow the following format:
select <content_type>, <content_body> from ... where ...

In this format:

The query must return one row and one row only

The result set must consist of two columns:

The first <content_type> must be a string indicating the internet media

type of the representation

The second <content_body> must contain the content of the representation.

This column must be one of the following types: VARCHAR, CLOB, BLOB, RAW,

Similar to the Query resource handler, the Media resource handler can only be used for
the HTTP GET method, since it can only evaluate an SQL Query. This resource handler
type is very useful for generating XML and HTML representations.
The following example generates a KML representation of customer locations by state,
making it possible to easily share customer location data with GIS applications:
select 'application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml', xmlquery('
<k:kml xmlns:k="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
{ for $c in ora:view("oe","customers")/ROW
<k:name>{concat($c/CUST_FIRST_NAME," ",
</k:kml>' passing :state as "state" returning content) from dual

RESTful APIs and Resource Templates


About Resource Handler Types

PL/SQL Block
This resource handler type evaluates the supplied PL/SQL block and turns any
outbound parameters into a JSON representation. This resource handler type is
typically used to service HTTP POST,PUT and DELETE operations. This handler has
several features aimed at increasing ease of use, including:

When a HTTP request includes a content body, two parameters named

:contentType and :body are automatically passed to the handler. The former
provides the Content-Type of the request and the latter provides the content
body of the request as a BLOB.
When the HTTP request includes a content body with a Content-Type of
application/x-www-form-urlencoded, the body is automatically parsed
and each field in the form is converted to a parameter passed to the handler.
The PL/SQL block can indicate the HTTP Status code using the
X-APEX-STATUS-CODE response header.
The PL/SQL block can indicate the location of the updated resource using the
X-APEX-FORWARD response header.

For example, suppose you have a Resource Template with the following definition:

URI Template - gallery/

HTTP Method - POST

Handler Type - PL/SQL Block

Assume the following parameters are defined:





















Assume the following PL/SQL block is defined:

insert into scott.gallery values(:name,:contentType,:body);
:status := 201;
:location := 'gallery/' || :name;

The above handler inserts the supplied image into the scott.gallery table, returns
the location of the stored image, and indicates the operation created a new resource.
Note the following:

The :contentType and :body parameters are automatically passed to the

handler. You do not need to define them manually.
You must manually define the :name parameter to map it from the Slug header.
The :status parameter is mapped to the X-APEX-STATUS-CODE header as an
Integer. The value of 201 is specified by HTTP to indicate a new resource was
The :location parameter is mapped to the X-APEX-FORWARD header.

3-8 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

Example: Creating an Image Gallery

When the Oracle Application Express Listener sees this header in the response, it
abandons generating a JSON representation of the outbound parameters and
attempts to return a representation of the indicated location.
Note that this example assumes that there is a separately defined Resource
Template that retrieves resources of the form gallery/<name>.

Example: Creating an Image Gallery

This example builds an image gallery that displays thumbnails of all images and
upload new images. Additionally, this example creates a Web application suitable for
use with modern Web browsers and a RESTful API for non-browser-based clients.

Before You Begin

Create a Database Schema

Upload Images

Create an Image Upload Form

Display the Image

Display the Gallery

Improve the Appearance of the Gallery

About the RESTful API

Before You Begin

This section describes some common conventions used in this example as well as best
practices regarding API entry points.

About URIs

About API Entry Points

About URIs
Throughout this example, URIs and URI Templates are referenced using an
abbreviated form that omits the host name and context path. Consider the following

To access this URI in your Web browser, you would use a URI in the following format:


<host> is the host on which the Oracle Application Express Listener is running.

<port> is the port on which the Oracle Application Express Listener is running.

apex is the Web application context where the Oracle Application Express
Listener is deployed.

RESTful APIs and Resource Templates


Example: Creating an Image Gallery

About API Entry Points

In RESTful designs it is a best practice to have only one well known entry point. This
minimizes the hard-coded footprint of the API, making it much easier to evolve the
API over time. In this example, the entry point of our application will be a URI named:

This URI will provide a HTML representation that:

Enumerates all the images in the gallery. For each image, you must know:

The URI of the image

The title of the image

Provides a link to the URI to which to post new images

Provides a link to an alternate JSON representation of the gallery that includes all
the information above

Create a Database Schema

First, create two tables and two sequences to store the image gallery data. Note this
exercise assumes that you have configured Oracle Application Express Listener to
connect to the database using apex_public_user.
Execute the following scripts as the database user, scott.
create sequence gallery_seq;
grant select on gallery_seq to apex_public_user;
create table gallery (image_id number, title varchar2(1000),
content_type varchar2(1000), image blob);
grant all on gallery to apex_public_user;

Upload Images
This gallery URI functions as the endpoint to which clients can submit new images.
The upload facility should be able to accept requests containing the actual image data
and also requests containing multipart form-data (as generated by HTML forms).
To build the upload features:


Create a new Resource Template with the following data:

URI Template - gallery

HTTP Method - POST

Handler Type - PL/SQL Block

Manually define the following parameters:





















3-10 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

Example: Creating an Image Gallery


Define the following PL/SQL block:

image_id integer;
select scott.gallery_seq.nextval into image_id from dual;
insert into scott.gallery
:status := 201;
:location := 'gallery/' || image_id;

Note that the:


PL/SQL block assigns a unique id to the image (image_id) and inserts the
image data, image title, and image content type into the scott.gallery
Block returns a 201 status which indicates a new resource has been created.
Block indicates the location of the created resource is of the form

Once you create the Resource Template, save it, and proceed to the next step.

Create an Image Upload Form

To invoke the previously defined image upload handler, you need a HTML form that
enables users to specify the image to upload.
To create an upload form:


Create a new Resource Template with the following data:

URI Template - upload

HTTP Method - GET

Handler Type - Media Resource

Include the following SQL Query:

select 'text/html',
<title>Choose Image to Upload</title>
<h1>Choose Image to Upload</h1>
<form action="gallery"
<label for="title">Title</label>
<input type="text" id="title" name="title"><br/>
<label for="file">File</label>
<input type="file" id="file" name="file"><br/>
<div class="buttons">
<button type="submit" class="button">Upload</button>
<a href="gallery" class="button">Cancel</a>

RESTful APIs and Resource Templates 3-11

Example: Creating an Image Gallery

</html>' from dual

Note that:

This illustrates a simple way to generate static text resources using Oracle
Application Express Listener. Notice that the first column in the query is
mapped to the content type of the resource and the second column becomes
the body of the resource.
Oracle does not typically recommend this approach since the SQL literal
strings cannot be very big and it involves a database round-trip for data that is
not actually retrieved from the database.
Instead, Oracle recommends having your Web application serve static
resources directly.


This form contains two fields. The first indicates the image title and the second
the image content

When you have created the Resource Template, try it in your browser. Enter a URL
with the format:

Try choosing an image, giving it a title, and uploading it.

When you click the Upload button, the browser should result in a 404 Not
Found error. Remember that the POST handler you configured tells the Web
browser to redirect to a gallery/<imageid> URI which you have not yet
defined. However the image data will be stored in the scott.gallery table.

Display the Image

To display the image:


Create a new Resource Template with the following data:

URI Template - gallery/image/{imageid}

HTTP Method - GET

Handler Type - Media Resource

Manually define the following parameters:










Include the following SQL Query:

select content_type, image from scott.gallery where image_id =

Note that this query retrieves the content type and image data for the specified

Display the Gallery

To display the gallery:

Open the gallery Resource Template and add the following data for a GET
resource handler:

3-12 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

Example: Creating an Image Gallery

HTTP Method


Handler Type

Media Resource

This will enable you to display the data stored in the gallery.

Include the following SQL Query:

select 'text/x-apex-html', xmlquery('
<link rel="alternate" type="application/json" href="gallery?
<h1>Image Gallery</h1>
<div class="buttons">
<a href="upload" >Upload Image</a>
<span itemscope="itemscope"><a itemprop="gallery"
<ol id="images">
for $i in ora:view("scott","gallery")/ROW
order by $i/IMAGE_ID descending
<li itemscope="itemscope">
<a href="./gallery/{$i/IMAGE_ID/text()}">
<img itemprop="image" src="./gallery/images/
<div itemprop="title">{$i/TITLE/text()}</div>
' returning content) from dual

Note that the:

Media resource handler is used to define a HTML resource and the HTML is
generated dynamically using the xmlquery() SQL function.
Content type of the resource is specified as text/x-apex-html. This is an
Oracle Application Express specific content type. When Oracle Application
Express Listener encounters this content type it expects the content of the
resource to be well formed XML. It then transforms this XML into HTML.
Generated HTML includes a link to an alternate JSON representation of the
gallery data:
<link rel="alternate" type="application/json"

This representation is automatically generated by Oracle Application Express

Listener using its capability to transform HTML marked up with Microdata
into JSON.
RESTful APIs and Resource Templates 3-13

Example: Creating an Image Gallery

For each image in the gallery a <li> element is generated. The <li> element
is marked up with Microdata to assist clients in extracting the gallery data
from the HTML. Microdata is a feature of HTML5 enabling structured
semantic data to be interwoven into HTML documents. This semantic data can
be easily and reliably parsed by clients.

When you have updated the Resource Template go ahead and try it. In your Web
browser, enter a URL using the format:

You should see the image you previously uploaded.

Improve the Appearance of the Gallery

Next, create some JavaScript and CSS resources to improve the appearance of the

Create gallery.css

Create gallery.js

Create gallery.css
To create gallery.css:


Create a new Resource Template with the following data:

URI Template - gallery.css

HTTP Method - GET

Handler Type - Media Resource

Include the following SQL Query:

select 'text/css', '
html { font-size: 100%; }
body { font-size: 1em; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
background : #e2e1e1; margin-left: 3em; margin-right: 3em;}
h1, h2, h3, h4, label { text-shadow: 0px 1px 0px #e5e5ee;}
h1 { text-align: center;}
a img { border:none; }
#images { margin: 1em auto; width: 100%; }
#images li { display: inline; }
#images a { background: #fff; display: inline; float: left;
margin: 0 0 27px 30px; width: auto; padding: 10px 10px 15px; textalign:
center; text-decoration: none; color: #333; font-size:
18px; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 3px 6px rgba(0,0,0,.25); -moz-boxshadow:
0 3px 6px rgba(0,0,0,.25); -webkit-transform: rotate(2deg); -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform .15s linear; -moztransform:
rotate(-2deg); }
#images img { display: block; width: 190px; margin-bottom: 12px; }
#images li:nth-child(3n) a { -webkit-transform: none; position:
relative; top: -5px; -moz-transform: none; }
#images li:nth-child(3n) a { -webkit-transform: none; position:
relative; top: -5px; -moz-transform: none; }
#images li:nth-child(5n) a { -webkit-transform: rotate(5deg);
position: relative; right: 5px; -moz-transform: rotate(5deg); }

3-14 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

Example: Creating an Image Gallery

#images li:nth-child(8n) a { position: relative; right: 5px; top:

8px; }
#images li:nth-child(11n) a { position: relative; left: -5px; top:
3px; }
#images li.messy a { margin-top: -375px; margin-left: 160px;
-webkit-transform: rotate(-5deg); -moz-transform: rotate(-5deg); }
#images li a:hover { -webkit-transform: scale(1.25); -moztransform:
scale(1.25); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 3px 6px
rgba(0,0,0,.5); -moz-box-shadow: 0 3px 6px rgba(0,0,0,.5);
position: relative; z-index: 5; }
.buttons { float: right; margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; }
label {font-weight: bold; text-align: right;float: left; width:
120px; margin-right: 0.625em; }
label :after {content(":")}
input, textarea { width: 250px; margin-bottom: 5px;textalign:
textarea {height: 150px;}
br { clear: left; }
' from dual

This style sheet transforms the numbered list of images into a series of thumbnails.
It uses some modern CSS features such as transforms and shadows which will not
work on older Web browsers.

When you have created the Resource Template edit the gallery Resource
Template and add the following in the <head> section:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="gallery.css" type="text/css"/>


Save your changes and view the gallery again using a URL in the format:

Create gallery.js
To create gallery.js:


Create a new Resource Template with the following data:

URI Template - gallery.js

HTTP Method - GET

Handler Type - Media Resource

Include the following SQL Query:

select 'application/javascript', '
$(function() {
$(".buttons a").button();
$(".buttons button").button();
' from dual

This script uses the JQuery UI framework to transform the Upload Image link to a
clickable button.

About the RESTful API

The previous example created both a Web application and a RESTful API. This section
explores the RESTful API.

RESTful APIs and Resource Templates 3-15

About Resource Template Security

The structured semantic data that clients need to interact with the API is encoded in
the HTML as microdata. Clients have two choices for processing this microdata, they
can either:

Parse it directly from the HTML (browser-based applications will be able to use
the HTML5 Microdata JavaScript APIs)
Process the alternate JSON representation that Oracle Application Express Listener
generates automatically

The alternate representation is identified by the <link> element in the <head>

section of the gallery resource. The link element has a rel attribute with the value
alternate and a type attribute of application/json.
Consider the following example:
"items": [
"properties": {
"gallery": ["http://localhost:8080/apex/gallery"]
"properties": {
"image": ["http://localhost:8080/apex/gallery/images/13"],
"title": ["Cherries"]
"properties": {
"image": ["http://localhost:8080/apex/gallery/images/4"],
"title": ["Bay"]

To successfully navigate the API, clients need the following information:

The location of an image is indicated by the image property

The title of an image is indicated by the title property

New Images can be uploaded by posting data to the URI indicated by the
gallery property.

Note that the client only knows about a single URI (gallery) and discovers all other
URIs from this initial URI. It does not know anything about the structure of the URIs.
It only knows the names of properties that identify certain link types. As the
application evolves, the URIs are free to change and clients will not be affected.

About Resource Template Security

Oracle Application Express Listener supports two mechanisms for securing access to
Resource Templates:

Oracle Single Sign On Integration (OSSO)

External authentication using Apache JServ Protocol (AJP)

When you configure either of these two options, Oracle Application Express Listener
can honor any Security Constraint values specified in the Resource Template. Note
3-16 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

About Resource Template Security

that the identity of the authenticated user is available to the Resource Template using
the X-APEX-USER header that is passed with the request.

Integration with Oracle Single Sign On

External Authentication Using Apache JServ Protocol

Example: Protecting Gallery Uploads

Integration with Oracle Single Sign On

When you correctly configure a supported JEE application container (for example,
WebLogic or OC4J) to integrate with Oracle Single Sign On (OSSO), Oracle
Application Express Listener attempts to determine the authenticated user identity
using the Proxy-Remote-User header that mod_osso provides to the JEE
application container. In addition the Oracle Application Express Listener produces a
dynamic authentication request which causes the client to be redirected to the single
sign on page if the user credentials are missing.
Since Oracle Application Express Listener is trusting a HTTP header
(Proxy-Remote-User) to assert the user identity, you must configure Oracle
Application Express Listener to only accept requests from the HTTP proxy where
mod_osso is deployed. To accomplish this task, add the following line to the
apex-config.xml configuration file:
<entry key="apex.security.trustedProxies">ossoproxy.example.com</entry>

In this example, osso-proxy.example.com is the hostname of the server that

forwards requests to Oracle Application Express Listener.

External Authentication Using Apache JServ Protocol

When running Oracle Application Express Listener in embedded mode, you can
configure it to listen using the Apache JServ Protocol (AJP) protocol instead of HTTP.
The AJP protocol has the capability to propagate a user identity. For example, you can
configure an Apache HTTPD instance to perform user authentication and to
communicate with Oracle Application Express Listener using mod_jk. This means
that Resource Templates can be protected with any of the many authentication
solutions available to Apache HTTPD.

Example: Protecting Gallery Uploads

You can reconfigure the Gallery's Resource Templates to require users be authenticated
before they can upload images to the gallery. This will protect both the upload
Resource Template and the POST handler of the gallery Resource Template.

Protect Upload Form

Protect Gallery POST Handler

Test the Changes

Protect Upload Form

To protect the upload form:

Edit the upload Resource Template.

RESTful APIs and Resource Templates 3-17

About Resource Template Security


Change the Security Constraint of the GET handler to Authenticated.


Click Save.

Protect Gallery POST Handler

To protect the gallery POST handler:

Edit the gallery Resource Template.


Change the Security Constraint of the POST handler to Authenticated.


Click Save.

Test the Changes

Tip: This section assumes you are running Oracle Application
Express Listener on a JEE Application Container with OSSO

To test the changes:


In your Web browser go to:

http://<host>:<port>/apex/gallery link


Click Upload Image.

The Oracle Single Sign On page appears.


Enter your credentials.

The Upload page appears.

3-18 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

About the Configuration File

The section describes the Oracle Application Express Listener configuration file.

About the Listener Configuration File

Understanding Configuration File Parameters

About Configurable Parameters

About the Listener Configuration File

The Oracle Application Express Listener Administration creates and updates a
configuration file, named apex-config.xml. This file is an XML file that conforms
to the Java Properties policy. You can create or edit this file manually.

Locating the Configuration File

Setting the Value of the config.dir Parameter

Locating the Configuration File

To determine the location of the apex-config.xml:

Go to the web.xml file:

/<application server directory>/apex/WEB-INF/web.xml


Locate the web.xml initialization parameter, config.dir.

This parameter specifies the location of the configuration file.

How the Listener Searches for the Configuration File

The Oracle Application Express Listener searches for the apex-config.xml
configuration file at the following locations and in the following sequence:

${config.dir}/<Mount-Point>/apex-config.xml (from web.xml, if



${config.dir}/apex-config.xml (from web.xml, if specified)




${java.io.tmpdir}/<Mount-Point>/apex-config.xml (default for new


About the Configuration File


Understanding Configuration File Parameters




${java.io.tmpdir}/apex/apex-config.xml (default for new installs)

If no existing apex-config.xml is found in any of the above locations, then a new

apex-config.xml is created and stored as follows:

If a config.dir value was specified in web.xml, then apex-config.xml is

stored in $config.dir/<Mount-Point>. If the folder does not exist, then it is
Otherwise, if a folder named ${user.home}/<Mount-Point> exists, then
apex-config.xml is stored in there.
Otherwise, apex-config.xml is created in the default location


${config.dir} is the initialization parameter named config.dir in the Oracle

Application Express Listener web.xml file.
<Mount-Point> is the Context Path at which Oracle Application Express
Listener is deployed on the application server. Note if the application is deployed
in the default context path ('/'), then <Mount-Point> defaults to a value of apex.
${user.home} is the value of the Java System Property named user.home.
${java.io.tmpdir} is the value the Java System Property named:

Setting the Value of the config.dir Parameter

The config.dir parameter specifies the location of the web.xml configuration file.
To specify the value of the config.dir parameter:

Unzip apex.war into a temporary folder.


Edit the WEB-INF/web.xml file.


Remove the comment markers (<!--, -->) around the <init-param> for


Edit the value of the <param-value> element to point to the location where you
created apex-config.xml.


Rezip the modified files into a new apex.war file.


Deploy the modified apex.war file.

Note that some application servers unzip the apex.war file into a folder after
deploying the application. In that case, navigate to the unpacked version of web.xml
created by the application server and edit it directly. After editing the file, restart the
application server.

Understanding Configuration File Parameters

Each entry in the apex-config.xml contains a key and a corresponding value. The
following is an example of an XML file document containing the declaration, entry key
and value format:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd">

A-2 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

About Configurable Parameters

<entry key="key.name">value</entry>
<entry key="key.name">value</entry>
. . .
<entry key="key.name">value</entry>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd">
<comment> Created: Tue Apr 27 03:00:39 PDT 2010 Version: </comment>
<entry key="apex.db.username">APEX_PUBLIC_USER</entry>
<entry key="apex.db.password">@05D783103A9583BF206ABCA52F7D2E850B</entry>
<entry key="apex.db.connectionType">basic</entry>
<entry key="apex.db.hostname">localhost</entry>
<entry key="apex.db.port">1521</entry>
<entry key="apex.db.sid">ora111</entry>
<entry key="apex.db.servicename"></entry>
<entry key="apex.db.tnsAliasName">MY_TNSALIAS</entry>
<entry key="apex.db.tnsDirectory">C:\ORACLE\NETWORK\ADMIN</entry>
<entry key="apex.db.customURL">
<entry key="apex.jdbc.DriverType">thin</entry>
<entry key="apex.jdbc.InitialLimit">3</entry>
<entry key="apex.jdbc.MinLimit">1</entry>
<entry key="apex.jdbc.MaxLimit">10</entry>
<entry key="apex.jdbc.MaxStatementsLimit">10</entry>
<entry key="apex.jdbc.InactivityTimeout">1800</entry>
<entry key="apex.jdbc.AbandonedConnectionTimeout">900</entry>
<entry key="apex.security.inclusionList">apex, p, v, f, wwv_*, apple, y*,
<entry key="apex.security.exclusionList">customer_account,bank*, employe?</entry>
<entry key="apex.security.disableDefaultExclusionList">false</entry>
<entry key="apex.security.requestValidationFunction">CHECK_VALID_PROCEDURE</entry>
<entry key="apex.security.maxEntries">2000</entry>
<entry key="apex.cache.caching">true</entry>
<entry key="apex.cache.procedureNameList">p,download_file</entry>
<entry key="apex.cache.type">lru</entry>
<entry key="apex.cache.maxEntries">500</entry>
<entry key="apex.cache.expiration">7</entry>
<entry key="apex.cache.duration">days</entry>
<entry key="apex.cache.monitorInterval">60</entry>
<entry key="apex.cache.directory">C:\data\cachefiles</entry>
<entry key="apex.procedure.preProcess">SCOTT.PREPROC1, INITIALIZE,
<entry key="apex.procedure.postProcess">SCHEMA1.SUBMIT.REQUEST,FINISHTASK</entry>
<entry key="apex.misc.defaultPage">apex</entry>
<entry key="apex.debug.debugger">false</entry>
<entry key="apex.debug.printDebugToScreen">false</entry>
<entry key="apex.error.keepErrorMessages">true</entry>
<entry key="apex.error.maxEntries">50</entry>
<entry key="apex.log.logging">true</entry>
<entry key="apex.log.maxEntries">50</entry>

About Configurable Parameters

Table A1 lists editable parameters in the apex-config.xml configuration file.
About the Configuration File


About Configurable Parameters

Table A1

Oracle Application Express Listener Configuration File Parameters







Supported values:



false (default)

For caching to be enabled, this must

be set to true and the
procedureNameList must have a


The directory location for the cache





Supported values:


days (default)



Required for expire cache type.



Required for expire cache type.

Defaults to 7.


Required for lru cache type.


Defaults to 500.
apex.cache.monitorInter numeric

Interval time is specified in



If the cache type is expire, Oracle

Application Express Listener will
check the cache every NN minutes
for files that have expired. For
example, if the monitorInterval is
60, then it will check the cache
every 60 minutes.
Defaults to 60.
apex.cache.procedureNam string

Specify the procedure names to

allow for caching of their files.

p, download_file

Procedure names can contain the

wildcard characters asterisk (*) or
question mark (?). Use an asterisk
(*) to substitute zero or more
characters and a question mark (?)
to substitute for any one character.
Each procedure name must be
separated by a comma.




Supported values:


iru (default)

The type of connection. Supported





A-4 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide



About Configurable Parameters

Table A1 (Cont.) Oracle Application Express Listener Configuration File Parameters







The JDBC URL connection to

connect to the database.




The host system for the Oracle





The password of the specified

database user. Include an
exclamation at the beginning of the
password so that it can be stored




The database listener port.




The network service name of the





The name of the database.




The TNS alias name that matches

the name in the tnsnames.ora file.




The directory location of your

tnsnames.ora file.




The name of the database user for

the connection.




Indicate whether to display

debugging messages on the
application server console.


Supported values:

apex.debug.printDebugTo boolean


false (default)

Indicate whether to display error

messages on the browser.


Supported values:

apex.error.keepErrorMes boolean


false (default)

Indicate whether to retain the error



Supported values:




false (default)

Specify the total number of error

messages to retain.


Defaults to 50.

About the Configuration File


About Configurable Parameters

Table A1 (Cont.) Oracle Application Express Listener Configuration File Parameters



apex.jdbc.AbandonedConn numeric



Specify how long a borrowed (in
use) connection can remain unused
before it is considered as
abandoned and reclaimed. The
abandoned connection timeout is in
Defaults to 900.



apex.jdbc.InactivityTim numeric

The JDBC driver type. Supported





Specify how long an available

connection can remain idle before it
is closed. The inactivity connection
timeout is in seconds.
Defaults to 1800.



Specify the initial size for the

number of connections that will be

Defaults to 3


Specify the maximum number of



Defaults to 10
apex.jdbc.MaxStatements numeric

Specify the maximum number of

statements to cache for each


Defaults to 10.


Specify the minimum number of


Defaults to 1.


Indicate whether to retain the log



Supported values:




false (default)

Specify the total number of log

messages to retain.


Defaults to 50.


apex.procedure.postProc string

The default page to display. The

Oracle Application Express home
page, apex, is commonly used.


Specify the procedure name(s) to

execute after executing the
procedure specified on the URL.
Multiple procedure names must be
separated by commas.


A-6 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

About Configurable Parameters

Table A1 (Cont.) Oracle Application Express Listener Configuration File Parameters





apex.procedure.preProce string

Specify the procedure name(s) to

execute prior to executing the
procedure specified on the URL.
Multiple procedure names must be
separated by commas.


apex.security.disableDe boolean

Supported values:


apex.security.exclusion string


false (default)

Specify a pattern for procedures,

packages, or schema names which
are forbidden to be directly
executed from a browser.


Procedure names can contain the

wildcard characters asterisk (*) or
question mark (?). Use an asterisk
(*) to substitute zero or more
characters and a question mark (?)
to substitute for any one character.
Note: Separate multiple patterns
using commas.
apex.security.inclusion string

Specify a pattern for procedures,

packages, or schema names which
are allowed to be directly executed
from a browser.

apex, p, v, f, wwv_*,
y*, c*

Procedure names can contain the

wildcard characters asterisk (*) or
question mark (?). Use an asterisk
(*) to substitute zero or more
characters and a question mark (?)
to substitute for any one character.
Note: Separate multiple patterns
using commas.
apex.security.maxEntrie numeric
apex.security.requestVa string

Specify the maximum cache size.


Defaults to 2000.
Specify a validation function to
determine if the requested
procedure in the URL should be
allowed or disallowed for
processing. The function should
return true if the procedure is
allowed; otherwise, return false.


About the Configuration File


About Configurable Parameters

A-8 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide


This appendix contains information on troubleshooting.


Oracle Application Express Images Not Displaying

Cannot Log In to Oracle Application Express Listener Administration

Oracle Application Express Images Not Displaying

If your login page is missing images or has images that only partially display (for
example, links display instead of images), then Oracle Application Express images
have not been copied to your application server.
To correct this issue, you must copy Oracle Application Express images to your
application server. To learn more see:

For Oracle WebLogic Server - See "Create Web Archive for Oracle Application
Express Images" on page 1-5 and "Install the Deployment" on page 1-6.
For Oracle GlassFish Server - See "Copy Oracle Application Express Images" on
page 1-13.
For Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J) - See "Copy Oracle Application Express
Images" on page 1-17.

Issue 1: Oracle Application Express Images Copied But Still Not Displaying
You have copied the Oracle Application Express images to your application server as
described in "Installing Oracle Application Express Listener" on page 1-1. However,
the images are still not displaying:
1. Make sure the Oracle Application Express images that you copied to your
application server are the same Oracle Application Express version that is installed
in your database.

If you upgraded Oracle Application Express, see "Upgrading Oracle Application

Express Images" on page 1-23.

Issue 2: Images Copied Using a Different Web Applications Context Root

You have copied Oracle Application Express images and used a different Web
applications context root other than the default context root (for example, i). The
images are not displaying.

Troubleshooting B-1

Oracle Application Express Images Not Displaying

1. Execute reset_image_prefix.sql utility located in Oracle Application
Express to change the default image prefix path (for example, /i/ ) to your Web
applications context root for the images. Execute this utility using SQL*Plus and
connect as SYS. See Oracle Application Express Installation Guide.
The default Web applications context root for the Oracle
Application images is i. Oracle recommends to use the default context
root, i, for the Oracle Application images unless your business
practice requires to change it.

Example: If you copied Oracle Application Express images using a different

context root name (for example, apeximages) instead of using the default context
root name (for example, i), then you must specify the different context root in the
prefix path (for example, /apeximages/).
If the images are located in a folder (for example, myfolder) of a context root,
then you must specify the context root and the folder in the prefix path, for

The prefix path is case-sensitive and must begin and end with a forward slash.
Consider the following example:
SQL> @<apex directory>\utilities\reset_image_prefix.sql
Enter the Application Express image prefix [/i/] /apeximages/myfolder/
. . .
Image Prefix update complete


Next, update the image prefix for each application in Oracle Application Express
Application Builder.
To update the image prefix for each application in Oracle Application Express,
release 4.0:

Log in to Oracle Application Express.


On the Workspace home page, click the Application Builder icon.


Select an application.


Click the Edit Application Properties button to the right of the application
The Edit Application page appears.


Under Name, locate Image Prefix.

By default, this attribute is defined as /i/. Change Image Prefix to the prefix
that you specified in the reset_image_prefix.sql utility as described in
the previous section. For example:


Click Apply Changes.

To update the image prefix for each application in Oracle Application Express,
release 3.0:

B-2 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

Cannot Log In to Oracle Application Express Listener Administration


Log in to Oracle Application Express.


On the Workspace home page, click the Application Builder icon.


Select an application.


Click Shared Components.

The Shared Components page appears.


Under Application, click Application Definition.

The Edit Definition page appears.


Scroll down to Image Prefix.

By default, this attribute is defined as /i/. Change Image Prefix to the prefix
that you specified in the reset_image_prefix.sql utility as described in
the previous section. For example:


Click Apply Changes.

Cannot Log In to Oracle Application Express Listener Administration

If you cannot log in to Oracle Application Express Listener, check if the user is
assigned the role Admin or Manager and if the roles are setup properly on your
application server. Note that roles, Admin and Manager, are case-sensitive.
To learn more about users and roles see the following sections and review your
application server documentation:

"Installing with Oracle WebLogic Server" on page 1-5

"Installing with Oracle GlassFish Server" on page 1-12

"Installing with Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J)" on page 1-17

Troubleshooting B-3

Cannot Log In to Oracle Application Express Listener Administration

B-4 Oracle Application Express Listener Installation and Developer Guide

Apache JServ Protocol (AJP), 3-17
apex-config.xml, A-1
about configuration parameters, A-2
configurable parameters, A-3
locating, A-1
setting config.dir parameter, A-2
apex-config.xml parameters
apex.cache.caching, A-4
apex.cache.directory, A-4
apex.cache.duration, A-4
apex.cache.expiration, A-4
apex.cache.maxEntries, A-4
apex.cache.monitorInterval, A-4
apex.cache.procedureNameList, A-4
apex.cache.type, A-4
apex.db.connectionType, A-4
apex.db.customURL, A-5
apex.db.hostname, A-5
apex.db.port, A-5
apex.db.servicename, A-5
apex.db.sid, A-5
apex.db.tnsAliasName, A-5
apex.db.tnsDirectory, A-5
apex.db.username, A-5
apex.debug.debugger, A-5
apex.debug.printDebugToScreen, A-5
apex.error.keepErrorMessages, A-5
apex.error.maxEntries, A-5
apex.jdbc.DriverType, A-6
apex.jdbc.InactivityTimeout, A-6
apex.jdbc.InitialLimit, A-6
apex.jdbc.MaxLimit, A-6
apex.jdbc.MaxStatementsLimit, A-6
apex.jdbc.MinLimit, A-6
apex.log.logging, A-6
apex.log.maxEntries, A-6
apex.misc.defaultPage, A-6
apex.procedure.postProcess, A-6
apex.procedure.preProcess, A-7
apex.security.disableDefaultExclusionList, A-7
apex.security.exclusionList, A-7
apex.security.inclusionList, A-7
apex.security.maxEntries, A-7
apex.security.requestValidationFunction, A-7

Application Express
missing images, B-1
Application Express Listener
about, 1-1
about RESTful APIs, 3-1
about upgrading, 1-20
accessing Listener Administration, 2-1
configuration file, A-1
configuration file, locating, A-1
configuring, 2-1
default Web page, 2-12
downloading, 1-2
error reporting, 2-12
installation overview, 1-2
logging, 2-12
redeploying Oracle Containers for J2EE
(OC4J), 1-22
redeploying Oracle GlassFish Server, 1-22
redeploying Oracle WebLogic Server, 1-21
supported Java Enterprise Edition application
servers, 1-1
system requirements, 1-2
viewing status information, 2-2
Application Express Listener Administration
about, 2-2
accessing, 2-1
cannot log in, B-3
configuring miscellaneous, 2-12
configuring security, 2-5
creating Pre-Post processing procedures, 2-10
defining caching, 2-9
establishing a database connection, 2-2
viewing status, 2-11
Application Express Listener caching
specifying procedure names to allow, 2-9
Application Express Listener post-processing
about, 2-10
Application Express Listener pre-processing
about, 2-10

database connection
Advanced connection, 2-3
Basic connection, 2-3
establishing, 2-2


JDBC settings, 2-4

TNS connection, 2-3
default Web page, 2-12

installing the deployment, 1-15

installing with, 1-12
launching Administration Console, 1-13
redeploying when upgrading, 1-22
Oracle Web Logic Server, 1-2
Oracle WebLogic Server
accessing Application Express Listener
Administration, 1-12
copying Application Express images
directory, 1-23
creating roles, 1-10
creating users, 1-10
creating users and roles, 1-9
installing, 1-5
installing the deployment, 1-6
installing with, 1-5
redeploying when upgrading, 1-21

entity tag
strategies to generate, 3-3
error reporting, 2-12

GlassFish Server
See Oracle GlassFish Server,


overview, 1-2
installation options
Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J), 1-17
Oracle GlassFish Server, 1-12
Oracle WebLogic Server, 1-5
standalone mode, 1-3

Listener security
about security settings, 2-8
specifying allowed procedures, 2-5
specifying blocked procedures, 2-6
specifying database validation functions,
understanding security processing, 2-8
logging, 2-12


Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J), 1-2
accessing Application Express Listener
Administration, 1-20
copying Application Express images, 1-17
copying Application Express images
directory, 1-24
creating roles, 1-18
creating users, 1-19
creating users and roles, 1-18
installing the deployment, 1-19
installing with, 1-17
redeploying when upgrading, 1-22
starting the Application Server Control
Console, 1-18
starting the OC4J server, 1-18
Oracle GlassFish Server, 1-2
about roles, 1-14
accessing Application Express Listener
Administration, 1-16
copying Application Express images, 1-13
copying Application Express images
directory, 1-24
create users and roles, 1-13
creating users, 1-14


resource handler, 3-3

about parameters, 3-4
about security constraints, 3-5
about types, 3-5
acceptable media types, 3-5
Comma Separated Values type, 3-6
Media Resource type, 3-7
PL/SQL Block type, 3-8
Query type, 3-5
type strategies, 3-4
resource handler type, 3-5
Comma Separated Values, 3-6
Media Resource, 3-7
PL/SQL block, 3-8
Query, 3-5
Resource Template Administration
accessing, 3-2
resource template security
example, 3-17
integration with Oracle Single Sign On, 3-17
using Apache JServ Protocol (AJP), 3-17
resource templates, 3-1
about entity tags (ETag), 3-3
about resource handlers, 3-3
about security, 3-16
about Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), 3-2
adding other handlers, 3-3
adding other handles to a resource template, 3-3
creating, 3-2
resource handler parameters, 3-4
resource handler type strategies, 3-4
RESTful APIs, 3-1
about, 3-1
about resource templates, 3-1
example, 3-9

standalone mode
about JServ Protocol (AJP) support, 1-5

configuration options, 1-4

installing and running in, 1-3
stopping the server, 1-4

troubleshooting, B-1
Application Express missing images, B-1
cannot log in to Listener Administration, B-3

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), 3-2
grammar, 3-2
upgrading Application Express
about, 1-23
copying images directory with J2EE (OC4J), 1-24
copying images directory with Oracle GlassFish
Server, 1-24
copying images directory with Oracle WebLogic
Server, 1-23



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