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Situation 2 - A research study was under taken in order to identify and analyze a disabled boy's coping

reaction pattern during stress.

6. This study which is a depth study of one boy is a:

a. case study
b. longitudinal study
c. cross-sectional study
d. evaluative study

7. The process recording was the principal tool for data collection. Which of the following is NOT a part of
a process recording?

a. Non verbal narrative account

b. Audio and interpretation
c. Audio-visual recording
d. Verbal narrative account

8. Which of these does NOT happen in a descriptive study?

a. Exploration of relationship between two or more phenomena

b. Exploration of relationships between two or more phenomena
c. Manipulation of phenomenon in real life context
d. Manipulation of a variable

9. The investigator also provided the nursing care of the subject. The investigator is referred to as a/an.

a. Participant-observer
b. Observer researcher
c. Caregiver
d. Advocate

10. To ensure reliability of the study, the investigator analysis and interpretations were:

a. subjected to statistical treatment

b. correlated with a list coping behaviors
c. subjected to an inter-observe agreement
d scored and compared standard criteria

Situation 10 - As a beginner in research, you are aware that sampling is an essential element of the research

46. What does a sample group represent?

a. Control group
b. Study subjects
c. General population
d. Universe

47. What is the most important characteristics of a sample?

a. Randomization
b. Appropriate location
c. Appropriate number
d. Representativeness
48. Random sampling ensures that each subject has:

a. Been selected systematically

b. An equal change of selection
c. Been selected based on set criteria
d. Characteristics that match other samples

49. Which of the following sampling methods allows the use of any group of research subject?

a. Purposive
b. Convenience
c. Snow-bail
d. Quota

50. You decided to include 5 barangays in your municipality and chose a sampling method that would get
representative samples from each barangay. What should be the appropriate method for you to use in this

a. Cluster sampling
b. Random sampling
c. Stratifies sampling
d. Systematic sampling

Situation 15 - In a disaster there must be a chain of command in place that defines the roles of each member
of the response team. Within the health care group there are pre-assigned roles based on education,
experience and training on disaster.

71. As a nurse to which of the following groups are you best prepared to join?

a. Treatment group
b. Triage group
c. Morgue management
d. Transport group

72. There are important principles that should guide the triage team in disaster management that you have
to know if you were to volunteer as part of the triage team. The following principles should be observed in
disaster triage, EXCEPT:

a. any disaster plan should have resource available to triage at each facility and at the disaster site if
b. make the most efficient use of available resources
c. training on disaster is not important to the response in the event of a real disaster because each
disaster is unique in itself
d. do the greatest good for the greatest number of casualties

73. Which of the following categories of conditions should be considered first priority in a disaster?

a. Intracranial pressure and mental status

b. Lower gastrointestinal problems
c. Respiratory infection
d. Trauma

74. A guideline that is utilized in determining priorities is to assess the status of the following, EXCEPT?

a. perfusion
b. locomotion
c. respiration
d. mentation

75. The most important component of neurologic assessment is:

a. pupil reactivity
b. vital sign assessment
c. cranial nerve assessment
d. level of consciousness/responsiveness

Situation 19 - As a nurse you are expected to participate in initiating or participating in the conduct of
research studies to improve nursing practice. You have to be updated on the latest trends and issues
affecting profession and the best practices arrived at by the profession

91. You are interested to study the effects of meditation and relaxation on the pain experienced by cancer
patients. What type of variable is pain?

a. Dependant
b. Correlational
c. Independent
d. Demographic

92. You would like to compare the support system of patients with chronic illness to those with acute
illness. How will you best state your problem?

a. A descriptive study to compare the support system of patients with chronic illness and those with acute
illness in terms of demographic data and knowledge about interventions
b. The effect of the Type of Support system of patients with chronic illness and those with acute illness
c. A comparative analysis of the support: system of patients with chronic illness and those with acute
d. A study to compare the support system of patients with chronic illness and those with acute illness

93. You would like to compare the support, system of patients with chronic illness to those with acute
illness. What type of research it this?

a. Correlational
b. Descriptive
c. Experimental
d. Quasi-experimental

94. You are shown a Likert Scale that will be used in evaluating your performance in the clinical area.
Which of the following questions will you not use in critiquing the Likert Scale?

a. Are the techniques to complete and score the scale provided?

b. Are the reliability and validity information on the scale described?
c. If the Likert Scale is to be used for a study, was the development process described?
d. Is the instrument clearly described?

95. In any research study where individual persons are involves, it is important that an informed consent for
the Study is obtained. The following are essential information about the consent that you should disclose to
the prospective subjects EXCEPT:

a. Consent to incomplete disclosure

b. Description of benefits, risks and discomforts
c. Explanation of procedure
d. Assurance of anonymity and confidentiality
Situation 17 - You are actively practicing nurse who just finished your Graduate Studies. You earned the
value of Research and would like to utilize the knowledge and skills gained in the application of research to
Nursing service. The following questions apply to research.

81. Which type of research Inquiry investigates the issue of human complexity (e.g. understanding the
human expertise)

a. Logical position
b. Naturalistic inquiry
c. Positivism
d. Quantitative Research

82. Which of the following studies is based on quantitative research?

a. A study examining the bereavement process in spouses of clients with terminal cancer
b. A study exploring factors influencing weight control behavior
c. A study measuring the effects of sleep deprivation on wound healing
d. A study examining client's feelings before, during and after a bone marrow aspiration

83. Which of the following studies is based on qualitative research?

a. A study examining clients reactions to stress after open heart surgery

b. A study measuring nutrition and weight, loss/gain in clients with cancer
c. A study examining oxygen levels after endotracheal suctioning
d. A study measuring differences in blood pressure before during and after a procedure

84. An 85 year old client in a nursing home tells a nurse, "I signed the papers for that research study
because the doctor was so insistent and I want: him to continue taking care of me." Which client right is
being violated?

a. Right of self determination

b. Right to privacy and confidentiality
c. Right to full disclosure
d. Right not to be harmed

85. "A supposition or system of ideas that is proposed to explain a given phenomenon," best defines:

a. a paradigm
b. a concept
c. a theory
d. a conceptual framework

Situation 2 - The use of massage and meditation to help decrease stress and pain have been strongly
recommended based on documented testimonials.

6. Martha wants to do a study on, this topic. "Effects of massage and meditation on stress and pain." The
type of research that best suits this topic is:

a. applied research
b. qualitative research
c. basic research
d. quantitative research

7. The type of research design that does not manipulate independent variable is:
a. experimental design
b. quasi-experimental design
c. non-experimental design
d. quantitative design

8. This research topic has the potential to contribute to nursing because it seeks to:

a. include new modalities of care

b. resolve a clinical problem
c. clarify an ambiguous modality of care
d. enhance client care

9. Martha does review of related literature for the purpose of:

a. determine statistical treatment of data research

b. gathering data about what is already known or unknown
c. to identify if problem can be replicated
d. answering the research question

10. Client’s rights should be protected when doing research using human subjects. Martha identifies these
rights as follows EXCEPT:

a. right of self-determination
b. right to compensation
c. right of privacy
d. right not to be harmed

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