Tugas Kuliah Bahasa Inggris Descriptive Text About Family Wiji Dwi Lestari (AIE015052)

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Tugas Kuliah Bahasa Inggris

Wiji Dwi Lestari

Agroteknologi Paralel
English :
My Family
My name is Wiji Dwi Lestari. I was 17 years old. I was born in Jakarta on October 6,
1997. I studied at Jenderal Soedirman University in Purwokerto, Central Java. When other
people ask about my family, I was always sad. My parents divorced in 2012, the reason is
because my father was cheating on my mother. Then my mother demand my father to divorce her
because she did not want two-timed. All children choose to live with my mother. And since then,
I never again met with my father. I was jealous of my friends had a father who could protect,
which can provide the attention and affection to his daughter, but I never get all of it. I only have
the affection of a mother. My mother is a wonderful person and strong. She struggled to feed
their children. My mother named Sukirah, she was born in Kebumen on September 18, 1966.
She worked as an entrepreneur. I'm very love my mother.
I have two brothers and one sister. My oldest brother named Bibit Setyo Pambudi. He
was born in Jakarta on September 12, 1989. He just got married, his wife named Meristy Krisnu
Triasningrum. They met at school in 48 Senior High School of Jakarta. They dated for seven
years, and then they got married. I pray that they can undergo the marriage relationship to death
that separated them. Now their lives in Yogyakarta and make the car rental business. My younger
sister named Sinta Puspito Rini. She was born in Jakarta on May 2, 2002. Although she was a
girl, but she has the nature of boys. He often gets taekwondo gold medal from the race. My little
brother named Bayu Rahma Jati. He was born in Jakarta on December 3, 2008. He is very cute
and adorable. Now my mother, Sinta, and Bayu live in Jakarta. That's the story of my family,
although the family is not intact anymore but I still thank God for still able to run live happily.
Indonesia :
Namaku Wiji Dwi Lestari. Usiaku 17 tahun. Aku lahir di Jakarta tanggal 6 Oktober 1997.
Aku kuliah di Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah. Ketika orang lain
menanyakan tentang keluargaku, aku selalu bersedih. Orang tuaku bercerai pada tahun 2012,
alasannya adalah karena ayahku selingkuh dari ibuku. Lalu ibuku meminta ayahku untuk
menceraikannya karena dia tidak ingin diduakan. Semua anak memilih untuk tinggal bersama
ibuku. Dan sejak saat itu, aku tidak pernah lagi bertemu dengan ayahku. Aku iri melihat temantemanku memiliki ayah yang bisa melindungi, yang bisa memberikan perhatian dan kasih sayang
kepada anak perempuannya, tapi aku tidak pernah mendapatkan semua itu. Aku hanya memiliki

kasih sayang dari seorang ibu. Ibuku adalah orang yang hebat dan kuat. Dia berjuang untuk bisa
menghidupi anak-anaknya. Ibuku bernama Sukirah, dia lahir di Kebumen tanggal 18 September
1966. Ibuku bekerja sebagai wiraswasta. Aku sangat menyayangi Ibuku.
Aku memiliki dua saudara laki-laki dan satu saudara perempuan. Kakak laki-lakiku
bernama Bibit Setyo Pambudi. Dia baru saja menikah, istrinya bernama Meristy Krisnu
Triasningrum. Mereka bertemu saat sekolah di SMA Negeri 48 Jakarta. Mereka berpacaran
selama tujuh tahun, lalu mereka menikah. Aku berdoa semoga mereka dapat menjalani hubungan
pernikahannya sampai maut yang memisahkannya. Sekarang mereka tinggal di Yogyakarta dan
membuat bisnis rental mobil. Adik perempuanku bernama Sinta Puspito Rini. Dia lahir di Jakarta
tanggal 2 Mei 2002. Meskipun dia seorang anak perempuan, tetapi dia memiliki sifat seperti
anak laki-laki. Dia sering mendapatkan medali emas dari perlombaan taekwondo. Adik lakilakiku bernama Bayu Rahma Jati. Dia lahir di Jakarta tanggal 3 Desember 2008. Dia sangat lucu
dan menggemaskan. Sekarang Ibuku, Sinta, dan Bayu tinggal di Jakarta. Itulah kisah keluarga
saya, meskipun keluarga tidak utuh lagi tapi aku masih bersyukur kepada Tuhan karena masih
mampu menjalankan hidup bahagia.

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