Coagulation and Flocculation Report

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Coagulation and flocculation are essential processes in various disciplines.
In potable water treatment, clarification of water using coagulating agents has
been practiced from ancient times. As early as 2000 BC the Egyptians used
almonds smeared around vessels to clarify river water. The use of alum as a
coagulant by the Romans was mentioned in around 77 AD. By 1757, alum was
being used for coagulation in municipal water treatment in England.
In modern water treatment, coagulation and flocculation are still essential
components of the overall suite of treatment processes understandably, because
since 1989 the regulatory limit in the US for treated water turbidity has
progressively reduced from 1.0 NTU in 1989 to 0.3 NTU today. Many water
utilities are committed to consistently producing treated water turbidities of less
than 0.1 NTU to guard against pathogen contamination.
Coagulation is also important in several wastewater treatment operations.
A common example is chemical phosphorus removal and another, in
overloaded wastewater treatment plants, is the practice of chemically enhancing
primary treatment to reduce suspended solids and organic loads from primary

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To study the treatment of waste water using coagulation and flocculation method.


1. To determine the effectiveness of coagulation and flocculation methods
towards reduction of turbidity.
2. To investigate the optimal amount of coagulant.


Stated below are the significance of the study:

To understand the process of coagulation and flocculation in waste water



To understand how to determine the optimal amount of coagulant needed

based on the different types of waste water.

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All waters, especially surface water, contain both dissolved and suspended
particles. Coagulation and flocculation processes are used to separate the suspended
solids portion from the water. The suspended particles vary considerably in source,
composition charge, particle size, shape, and density. Correct application of coagulation
and flocculation processes and selection of the coagulants depend upon understanding the
interaction between these factors. The small particles are stabilized by the action of
physical forces on the particles themselves. One of the forces playing a dominant role in
stabilization results from the surface charge present on the particles. Most solids
suspended in water possess a negative charge and, since they have the same type of
surface charge, repel each other when they come close together. Therefore, they will
remain in suspension rather than clump together and settle out of the water.
In coagulation, the first step destabilizes the particles charges. Coagulants with
charges opposite those of the suspended solids are added to the water to neutralize the
negative charges on dispersed non-settable solids such as clay and color- producing
organic substances. Once the charge is neutralized, the small suspended particles are
capable of sticking together. The slightly larger particles formed through this process and
called microflocs, are not visible to the naked eye. The water surrounding the newly
formed microflocs should be clear. If it is not, all the particles charges have not been
neutralized, and coagulation has not been carried to completion. More coagulant may
need to be added. High- energy, rapid- mix to properly disperse the coagulant and
promote particle collisions is needed to achieve good coagulation. Over- mixing does not
affect coagulation, but insufficient mixing will leave this step incomplete. Coagulants
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should be added where sufficient mixing will occur. Proper contact time in the rapid- mix
chamber is typically 1 to 3 minutes.
Following the first step of coagulation, a second process called flocculation.
Flocculation, a gentle mixing stage, increases the particle size from submicroscopic
microflocs to visible suspended particles. The microflocs are brought into contact with
each other through the process of slow mixing. Collisions of the microfloc particles cause
them to bond to produce larger, visible flocs called pinflocs. The floc size continues to
build through additional collisions and interaction with inorganic polymers formed by the
coagulant or with organic polymer added. Macroflocs are formed. High molecular weight
polymers, called coagulant aids, may be added during this step to help bridge, bind and
strengthen the floc, add weight, and increase settling rate. Once the floc has reached it
optimum size and strength, the water is ready for the sedimentation process. Design
contact times for flocculation range from 15 to 20 minutes to an hour or more.

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1. The plastic jar that contains the wastewater sample was shaken.
2. Turbidity in NTU and pH of the sample were measured.
3. 1L of sample was filled in six different beakers and all the beakers were labeled with
number 1 to 6.
4. Beaker 1 was used as the control beaker.
5. The coagulant ( Al(SO4)3 or FeCI3) was weighted according to these dosage:
Beaker Number

Amount of Coagulant (g)


6. The paddles were lowered in each beaker and the paddles were set at 250rpm. When
the speed was stable, the coagulant was poured in side each beaker simultaneously.
The mixing was left for 1 to 3 minutes (the starting time was recorded).
7. The paddles speed was changed to 30rpm for 30 minutes for flocculation process.
8. After 30 minutes, the paddles were removed and the mixtures were left to settle for
another 30 minutes.
9. A sample from each beaker was taken by using a syringe. The turbidity and pH for
each sample was measured.
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Initial turbidity of the water sample (NTU): 240
Initial pH value of the water sample: 5.45
Fixed variable:
Volume of water = 1 L (fixed for the six beakers)
Time to pour coagulant = Simultaneously in each beaker
Paddle speed = 30 rpm
Duration flocculation process = 30 minutes with the paddles + 30
minutes to settle

Table 1: Amount of Coagulant added and The Quality of Water End of the Experiment
End Quality Water

Amount of
Al2(SO4)3 (g)

Turbidity (NTU)




















Beaker Number

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Table 1 shows the amount of coagulant which is Al 2(SO4)3 added for each beaker during
the experiment. At the end of the experiment, the turbidity and the pH value is measured. From
the data obtained, a graph of turbidity against coagulant amount is plotted as shown in figure 1.


Turbidity (NTU)


Coagulant (g)

Figure 1: Effect of alum dosage on pH and turbidity

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Determination of Optimal Amount of Coagulant (Aluminium Sulfate) in

Wastewater Sample.
A total of 6 jar test experiments were conducted by varying parameters such as pH
and amount of coagulant (aluminium sulfate). The main objectives of the experiments
were to determine the optimum amount of coagulant to be added to the wastewater
sample and pH for turbidity removal. Changes in pH and turbidity were noted. Jar tests
have been used to evaluate the effectiveness of various coagulants and flocculants under a
variety of operating conditions for water treatment. This procedure allows individual





characteristics, and clarity. Generally,



the best





performing products provide fast


formation, rapid settling rate, and clear supernatant. This test should be performed on-site,
since large amounts of water may be required for testing.
By varying the coagulant and fixing the initial pH of the sample, the optimum
amount of coagulant required for turbidity removal was determined. Coagulants varying
from 0- 1.0 g were chosen. The effects of the turbidity and final pH were compared in
figure 1.

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Measured pH and Turbidity (NTU)



Amount of coagulant (g)

Figure 2: Effect of alum dosage on pH and turbidity

Based on this experiment, the first jar is serving as a control and no coagulant was
added. (Figure 1). Besides, it shows the highest turbidity. This is because, in the absence
of coagulants, the particles cannot become destabilized and clump together. Then,
turbidity showed a gradual decrease with increase in amount of coagulant. Optimal
coagulant dosages are critical to proper floc formation and filter performance.
Maintaining the proper control of these chemicals can mean the difference between an
optimized surface plant and a poorly run surface plant. Inadequate mixing of chemicals or
their addition at inappropriate points in the treatment plant can also limit performance.
Hence, an optimal amount of coagulant in this experiment is at 0.8 g since it achieves the
lowest turbidity.
Other than that, the graph above shows that the pH value of wastewater sample
was decreased when the amount of coagulant is increased. From that, we can know that if
the water is poorly buffered, any addition of coagulants results in a drop in pH. In our
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study, addition of 1.2 g of coagulant resulted in a drop of approximately 0.1 pH unit. The
pH of the water plays an important role when aluminium sulfate is used for coagulation
because the solubility of the aluminium species in water is pH dependent. If the pH of the
water is between 4 and 5, alum is generally present in the form of positive ions (i.e.,
Al(OH)2+, Al8(OH)4+, and Al3+).


Determination of effectiveness of coagulant and flocculation methods toward

reduction method.
As we know in introduction, all waters, especially surface waters, contain both
dissolved and suspended particles. Coagulation and flocculation processes are used to
separate the suspended solids portion from the water. They occur in successive steps
intended to overcome the forces stabilizing the suspended particles, allowing particle
collision and growth of flocs. If step one is incomplete, the following step will be
In the flash mixer, coagulant chemicals are added to the water and the water is
mixed quickly and violently. The purpose of this step is to evenly distribute the chemicals
through the water. Flash mixing typically lasts a minute or less. If the water is mixed for
less than thirty seconds, then the chemicals will not be properly mixed into the water.
However, if the water is mixed for more than sixty seconds, then the mixer blades will
shear the newly forming floc back into small particles.
After flash mixing, coagulation occurs. During coagulation, the coagulant
chemicals neutralize the electrical charges of the fine particles in the water, allowing the
particles to come closer together and form large clumps.

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The final step is flocculation. During flocculation, a process of gentle mixing

brings the fine particles formed by coagulation into contact with each other. Flocculation
typically lasts for about thirty to forty-five minutes. The flocculation basin often has a
number of compartments with decreasing mixing speed by slow down the paddles speed
as the water advances through the basin.

This compartmentalized chamber allows

increasingly large floc to form without being broken apart by the mixing blades.
The end product of a well-regulated coagulation/flocculation process is water in
which the majority of the turbidity has been collected into floc, clumps of bacteria and
particulate impurities that have come together and formed a cluster. The floc will then
settle out in the sedimentation basin, with remaining floc being removed in the filter.

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As conclusion, this experiment is successfully been done and it is because the

objective of this experiment which to conduct experiments on chemical



flocculation and to determine the optimum amount of coagulant which will produce the highest
removal of wastewater sample has achieved.
Jar testing is an experimental method where optimal conditions are determined
empirically rather than theoretically. Jar test are meant to mimic the conditions and
processes that take place in the clarification portion of water and wastewater treatment
plants. The values that are obtained through the experiment are correlated and adjusted in
order to account for the actual treatment system. After the experiment, graph turbidity and
pH versus amount of coagulant are plot, from the graph we get the optimal amount of
coagulant is 0.8 g at pH 3.58.
The proper type and concentration of coagulant are essential to the coagulation

The coagulant choice will depend on the conditions at the plant.


concentration of coagulant also depends on the water conditions, and a jar test can be
used to determine the correct concentration to use at any given time. So, by determine the
optimum dose and increase coagulant dose as required, we can increase the effectiveness
of coagulation and flocculation method. Besides that, effectiveness may increase by
adjusting flocculators speed or changing flow rate of the paddles.

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1. IWA Water Wiki, Coagulation and flocculation in water and waste water treatment,
retrieved on 29th September 2013, from
2. MECC, Coagulation and Flocculation, retrieved on 30th September 2013, from
3. Ecologix Environmental Systems, Water & Wastewater Treatment Systems, retrieved on

30th September 2013, from

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