True or False Tag Review Game

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True or False Tag Review Game

Name ____________________________ Date __________ Testing Date ___________

_____ Democratic-Republicans created Alien Act to get rid of immigrants who are
complaining about United States.

_____ James Madison was pressured by War Hawks to go to war against the French.

_____ George Washington sent Chief Justice John Jay to negotiate with Britain.

_____ Thomas Jefferson offered Pirates of Tripoli a peace treaty.

_____ James Madison was the third President of America.

_____ John Adams was a President for only one term.

_____ John Monroe established the Monroe Doctrine.

_____ Impressments is taking over a ship to demand ransom for the crew.

_____ In the Jay Treaty, the French agreed to leave Ohio River Valley.

_____ Peace Treaty of Ghent was signed before the Battle of New Orleans.

_____ Isolationist believes a country should be active in other nation’s affair to protect
themselves from war.

_____ Thomas Jefferson action on the Embargo Act proved he was Neutralist.

_____ If James Madison practiced being a Neutralist, than he would not be forced to go
to war.

_____ John Adams handling of foreign problems was better than how he handle domestic

_____ James Monroe challenged European nations with support of the Spanish Armada.

_____ James Madison was the first President to be active in battle of a war.

_____ Star Spangled Banner was written by James Madison during the War of 1812.

_____ Hurricane and tornado destroyed Washington D.C. during the War of 1812.

_____ Neutralism is a belief to stay out of others businesses.

_____ Tecumseh allied with Britain to stop settlers from entering native’s territory.

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