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Title: The Essential Drucker (Peter F.

Question (3)
(a) The question requires identifying the time-wasters from the time log prepared for your
work during a week in the next six weeks from receiving this assignment.
The answer once again does not contain a proper time log. The time log should clearly
mention work done everyday, for a time span of one week. For example: 9:00-9:30: briefing
to the team, 9:30-9:45: meeting and so on. Time log should be prepared only for office
hours. According to the time log presented in the answer, at 8 meetings and correspondence is
marked, but how long did the meeting take place, what kind of meeting is it and from what
time to what time did you spend in correspondence is not clear. The time log should contain
the days of the week separately i.e., Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc. for the whole week
not just one day. For example time log for Monday should show from 8am to 5pm all the
activities done, then Tuesday, again from morning 8am to 5pm and so on.
Time-wasters should be identified from the new time log as well and be submitted.

(b) The answer requires discussing how you can minimize the time-wasters identified in the
time log and improve your time use.
The answer should discuss how the time-wasters identified in question 3(a) will be
reduced. Since, the answer for 3(a) needs to be resubmitted, this answer also needs to be
resubmitted to be in line with it.

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