7 Reasons For Ag Innovation

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Seven Reasons for Agricultural Innovation

Scientists have made great strides toward the possibility of feeding the world in the last century.
Fritz Haber brought nitrogen from the air. Norman Borlaug bred stronger, higher-yielding wheat
strains. Scientists at the Tennessee Valley Authority created slow-release, high-analysis
fertilizers. Still 815 million people experience chronic hunger. The world needs sustainable
agricultural innovation.
Lets not boil this down to a simple equation, that if scientists would only invent the perfect
fertilizer - or seed - or irrigation system - that the world could be fed. Truly with innovation there
is no single silver bullet. Often, sustainable innovation takes a whole clip of silver bullets. If we as individuals, organizations and governments - are going to feed the world, we must buckle
down and collaborate toward entire solutions. IFDC believes this can only be achieved through
participatory approaches involving NGOs, the private sector, governments, farmers and many
others - if not every person in the world.
Consider these next couple of months a call to action. IFDC Perspectives will be looking at
seven reasons the world needs agricultural innovation.

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