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Insights into the evolving tastes and desires
of Village Grills most valuable patrons


Background & Objectives

The Village Grill is one of the best-known eateries in the local Burlington area. Known for its unique
cuisine, elevated atmosphere and signature dishes, the restaurant appeals to a wide variety of
Burlington residents. First opening in 1985, Village Grill is well known in Burlington and has an
established customer base. However, the restaurant is aiming to expand its customer base and
appeal to a younger demographic while retaining current customers. Village Grill is also looking to
keep up with current trends in the restaurant industry and is open to making changes.
Our objective is to research current customers attitudes and perceptions of Village Grill in order to
identify what, if any, changes should be made to increase customer satisfaction with the brand. The
following research questions were used to guide our investigation:
RQ1: What are current customers thoughts, attitudes and perceptions of Village Grill?
RQ2: What do customers believe are Village Grills strengths and weaknesses?
RQ3: What characteristics do Burlington residents look for in choosing a restaurant?


To determine the attitudes and perceptions of Burlington residents regarding Village Grill, our team
recruited focus group participants via Facebook and the bestfoodintown e-mail list. We had an
overwhelming response from those who responded to the focus group invitations. In fact, we had
to notify some of the interested customers that they were unable to participate as a result of
capacity limits. We screened for residents who had previously been to Village Grill but had never
been employed by the establishment.
The focus group was completed at Village Grills corporate office in Burlington on Monday
September 29 at 6 p.m. The focus group had 13 participants. Many of participants lived within
a 30-minute drive of the restaurant and were between the ages of 40 and 60. A majority of the
participants were women. As incentives, we provided all participants with appetizers from Village
Grill along with five-dollar gift cards to the restaurant. We notified participants of the purpose of
our study and obtained verbal consent from each of our participants at the beginning of the focus
group discussion. The format for the focus group was as follows:
The moderator began by introducing herself and welcoming focus group participants. After the
participants introduced themselves, they discussed a variety of subjects regarding the quality of
food, the atmosphere of Village Grill, and the overall strengths and weaknesses of one of
Burlingtons best known eateries.
To begin, the moderator asked how the participants felt The Village Grill was unique and different
from other restaurants. The moderator then moved on to discussing broader ideas about
outstanding restaurants and what appeals to customers. Participants were asked to list specific
characteristics about what made a restaurant great.

After addressing some main weaknesses of the restaurant, participants talked about the local
aspect of Village Grill along with the island theme. Participants discussed whether the theme was
relevant and if the theme should be enhanced or simply abandoned.
Finally, the moderator asked the participants to discuss what they thought the restaurant of the
future looked like. The moderator asked about the type of food the participants thought they might
be serving, about what kind of atmosphere they foresaw in the future of restaurants, and what
future generations will look for in a restaurant.

Village Grills theme does not resonate with customers
The tropical theme is unneeded in the restaurant, I find myself having to look around to make
the connection.
Participants did not respond well to the tropical theme at Village Grill stating, The tropical theme is
choppy and not fluid with the menu and the restaurant experience. When asked to go further
in-depth about the theme one participant stated that they felt the theme was tacky. The
participants all felt that Village Grill is known for their good food, management, and consistency and
feel that the restaurant should monopolize on those strengths instead of focusing on a theme. One
participant statedWe accept the theme, but would not be mad without it. Overall, participants
did not seems to feel connected to the island theme, with some even favoring the complete
elimination of the theme. When the tropical theme was mentioned, many participants chuckled and
said Village Grill can easily transition into a restaurant that doesnt have a theme. Overall people felt
that, A restaurant needing a theme, translates to a restaurant that is trying to hide something.
Customers desire a more unique dining atmosphere at Village Grill
Restaurants in cities like Greensboro have a community feel to them and it creates a fun dining
Most participants agreed that Village Grill needs to increase its unique factor. One participant said,
Village Grill is like every other restaurant in the Burlington area. Overall, participants felt that in
order for Village Grill to progress, the company needs to look into changing this mentality of people
being able to go to the Village Grill and experience the same thing that they would if they were to go
to restaurants in surrounding areas. However, most participants felt it is very attainable for Village
Grill to be a leader in the Burlington restaurant industry. Most participants viewed Village Grill as one
of few restaurants in the Burlington area able to somewhat mimic the trendy and unique
restaurants in nearby metropolitan areas (i.e. Raleigh, Durham, and Greensboro). Participants
pointed out Village Grills community atmosphere and unique cuisine as strengths, but some said
these aspects still dont compare to restaurants in other cities. This topic of the focus group evoked
a lot of conversation about participants traveling as far as Raleigh and Greensboro to enjoy unique

dining experiences that are not prevalent in the Burlington area. One participants said, People go
to Village Grill because its the best that Burlington has, but I would rather travel to have a unique
experience than to force it at restaurants in the Burlington area. A majority of the participants noted
that they felt restaurants in Greensboro had more to offer its costumers to providing them with a
unique experience that makes them want to drive 20 minutes away, in comparison to staying
within the Burlington area. These trends included what one costumer mentioned to be the total
packagegood costumer service, rotating menuthat keeps things fresh. Costumers felt
passionate about wanting Village Grill to implement changes that would allow the restaurant to
stand out from other restaurants in the Burlington area. Many participants who categorized
themselves as frequent visitors seemed to be the ones who were most open to seeing these
changes in the restaurant. Most specific changes mentioned were related to the restaurants
atmosphere, including outdoor seating. Many participants agreed that they wanted an expanded
outdoor seating area with a more lively and attractive atmosphere to create an atmosphere of
community. They mentioned that not many places in the Burlington area have this option. One
costumer suggested having music playing in the background for people to enjoy while waiting on
their food. It would be nice to have local musicians to come in and play.
Customers desire changes in Village Grills menu that reflect national food trends
In the 15 years that I have gone to Village Grill the menu hasnt really changed too much.
Locally grown, fresh foods
Farm to Fork was an idea voiced by one of the participants who desired to see a more locally
grown and fresh menu options. This idea sparked conversation about how Village Grill can hone
in on helping out local farmers by getting products from around the area, which will then create
food that taste fresher, customers felt that they would be able to trust the word local more. One
participant stated that being able to have the option of getting locally, grown food would mean a
lot to them, and would be an option that is different and not really seen in the Burlington area. One
participant stated that he would rather pay more for a locally sourced meal if he knew that the
quality was going to be better. Advertising specific locations of where food is being sourced from
would increase customers trust in the freshness of the products that are being used. If the food
was from a local area, it would increase my excitement to go specifically to Village Grill.
A seasonal, rotating menu
One participant said, I would like to see a regularly updated menu the same basic menu, with
seasonal changes every few months to keep things fresh and exciting for returning customers. An
example of this that was brought up during the focus group was Lucky 32, a restaurant located in
Greensboro, N.C. One participant said, They have a menu that consist of the same basic menu
items, but every couple of months the menu change, adds creativity, this allows people to have a
safety net to know that regardless of the menu changes you can always expect for the food to be
good. This idea resulted in a common theme of frequent Village Grill visitors to get bored easily due
to limited options, due to the longevity of the same items being on the menu. However, participants
noted that when they see restaurants change their menus they tend to lose their quality. One
participant said, Never decrease the quality of the food, people will leave if you do that.

Healthier food options

They should incorporate the idea of less fried food options and more grilled options to reflect the
growing trend of people eating healthier than before. Different participants brought up several ideas
related to healthier foods and received a positive reaction from the rest of the group. The
conversation then transitioned to how people are becoming more health conscious than ever
Creative and unique foods
The idea of fusing different cuisines together, was also discussed. Participants agreed that the
ability to fuse food together shows the chefs creativity and would really set the restaurant apart from
other restaurants in the area. One customer said, Increasing the creativity of the chef and the
arrangement of these items on the menu, is something that would keep me interested in Village
Village Grill is known for their management and service
They pay attention to detail, the management is always on hand and inside the restaurant to
make sure things are going right.
There was an overwhelmingly positive response from several members of the focus group in
regards to the customer service aspect of Village Grill. Many customers noted that the customer
service aspect of Village Grill is often what brings them back to the restaurant. One customer said,
My drink is never empty, because they pay attention the small places that most restaurants
overlook. Another customer noted that they appreciate the visibility of the kitchen and see exactly
how the chefs are preparing the food. Others agreed that it brings a certain level of comfort
knowing that the food is being prepared in an open environment. One participant noted, I go to
non-chain restaurants because I receive better service and my experience feels more personal.
Participants said they dont feel rushed to leave at Village Grill. We live in a culture where people
are always on the go, but Village Grill offers a relaxed environment for people to relax in.
Participants noted the following as distinguishing selling points of outstanding customer service:

You dont have to ask for things: Great Service. Checked on frequently. Needs are
Accuracy of orders: When I say no cheese, I dont want to find cheese in my sandwich
Not getting the bill too early: This happens frequently at chain restaurants, tends to
make me feel rushed.


The Village Grill has a loyal customer base within the Burlington community, and is a well-respected
establishment among its residents. However, through our research we have found that customers
desire certain changes to the Village Grill in regard to restaurant theme, dining environment, and
menu options.
Dont emphasize the tropical theme
During our research, we found that the tropical theme of the restaurant does not resonate with

customers. Some referred to the tropical theme as tacky, and others said that they assume
restaurants with a theme are often trying to overcompensate for something else. Based on
customer feedback, Village Grill should consider the following recommendations:

Alter restaurant logo to convey a non-themed restaurant

Replace some tropical-themed dcor with classic, modern dcor
Promote Village as a local, community-driven restaurant rather than promoting the island

On Facebook and website, include pictures of customers interacting and well-known menu

Continue to promote popular menu items (i.e. Key West chicken) but dont portray food as

tropical or island-themed
Create a unique dining experience
Although Village Grill has a loyal customer base, our research shows that most customers feel that
they are settling with their restaurant experience at the Village Grill. Focus group participants say
that they often find themselves driving all the way to Greensboro for a better restaurant experience
than Village Grill. To set itself apart from the other restaurants in Burlington and to better mimic the
popular restaurants in areas like Raleigh and Greensboro, Village Grill should consider the following

Expand and renovate the outdoor seating area

Create a lively atmosphere by featuring live music from local musicians
Promote community environment by featuring pictures of customers interacting and
socializing on Facebook, website, etc. (outside, at the bar, at tables)

Increase the variety of food options

Customers reported going to the Village Grill for upwards of 15 years, but they have not seen any
significant change in the menu during that time. Customers appeared to be educated on current
food trends on a national scale, emphasizing the importance of local, seasonal, healthy and creative
menu options. Based on customer feedback, Village Grill should consider the following

Keep the same basic menu, but create seasonal specials menus to keep it fresh and
exciting for returning customers
Increase chef creativity with new menu items and food combinations
Utilize nearby farms, etc to add local ingredients to popular dishes. Advertise this on the
menu, etc.
Foster community partnerships with farmers and other food producers to incorporate local
ingredients into the menu
Keep in mind that customers are becoming increasingly health-conscious with the foods
they eat, include healthier menu options
Customers would like to see fusing of different cuisines together to create innovative dishes

Capitalize on the excellent management and customer service

Customers were generally happy with Village Grills service and management. One of the reasons

why customers keep coming back is because they like the personal environment that the Village
Grill has along with the fact that servers are very attentive to their needs. Customers say they look
for the following when they assess good service in a restaurant:

Being checked on frequently by servers

Correctly placing a specific entre order

Customers do not want to feel like they are being rushed, they enjoy a relaxing dining
Based on customer feedback, Village Grill should consider the following recommendations:

Maintain the skilled yet personable customer service style

Have a manager or member of the management team present in the restaurant, sometimes

interacting with customers

Emphasize skilled and friendly management in marketing methods (i.e. social media

Feature a picture and short bio of a different Village Grill team member each week on

Facebook page

While our study revealed several themes and implications useful for the future of Village Grill, we
must consider limitations to our study. Focus groups participants were chosen through a
convenience sampling of subscribers to Village Grills email list and Facebook page. Therefore, the
results cannot be generalized to the larger community of Burlington residents. Similarly, the small
sample size further limits generalizability. Also, when discussing healthy foods, it is important to
remember that focus group participants have a tendency to present themselves favorably.
Therefore, customers opinions on desiring healthier options may not reflect their actual menu
selections at Village Grill. Future research, including a survey, will be conducted to assess whether
our findings can be generalized among other Burlington residents.

Moderators Guide- Village Grill

A. Introduction

Good evening, my name is _________ and I will be your moderator. Welcome to our
focus group discussion. We are Elon University students who work at the student-run
public relations company, Live Oak. We are conducting research on Village Grill as part of
a marketing plan for the restaurant.

For those of you who are unfamiliar, a focus group is a small group discussion to gather
opinions on a particular topic. Tonight, we will be discussing The Village Grill.

My purpose here is not to provide you with information, but rather to listen to your

thoughts and ideas on the topic. I encourage you to share any and all opinions you may

In a focus group, there are no right or wrong answers; I want to hear from all of you equally.
We are looking forward to hearing each and every one of your ideas and opinions. It is
important to hear the thoughts of everyone in this group, because you may have the same
opinions as someone who is not in the focus group this evening. This is a safe space and we
encourage you to speak your mind even if your views differ from another persons here. Its
important that we are able to hear many different viewpoints in order to better our research.
If any questions come up during our discussion, please do not hesitate to ask.

Just so you are informed, we will be audio-recording this discussion. Although we will be
taking notes throughout the discussion, we want to ensure we do not miss anything that is
said. I want to assure you, however, that the information collected will only be used for the
purpose of our research and all of your comments will be confidential. Similarly, if there are
any questions you feel uncomfortable answering, please feel free to not respond.

Thank you for your cooperation, lets begin.

B. Warm Up: Introduction of Participants

1. First, I would like to go around and have every participant introduce themselves.
Please tell us your first name and a little bit about yourself. We would like to know where
you are from, your hobbies, and any other information you would like to share.

C. What makes Village Grill unique?

On your piece of paper, write down your response to the following prompts

1. Village Grill is different from all other restaurants because ________?

2. Unfortunately, Village Grill is a lot like __________?

D. What makes an outstanding restaurant?

1. What specific characteristics make a great restaurant?
2. Lets talk about what you mean by. (great service, good food, etc)
E. Talk about people you know who have been to Village Grill but arent compelled to
go back and people who dont go.

1. Why dont people go to the restaurant?

(bad experience, not their style, love another place instead)

2. Why do people forget about Village Grill or dont come back often?

F. Village Grill is a local restaurant, not a national chain. Does that matter? How

important is that to you?

1. How much pride is there in the Burlington community?

2. Do you think the local/hometown nature of Village Grill can be motivating
and persuasive for first-time customers and/or returning customers?

G. Talk about the concept of Village Grill. It is Island themed.

1. What about the restaurants food/atmosphere portrays the theme? (Key West chicken)
2. Could the island theme be enhanced? Should it be enhanced?
3. Is there a different theme you see emerging? Do we even need a theme?
H. Describe the restaurant of the future.
1. What kind of food are they serving, what is the atmosphere like?
2. What will future generations look for in a restaurant?

I. Closing

We have come to the end of our discussion. We hope to use the information from this focus
group to improve the marketing efforts of The Village Grill.

Does anyone have any additional comments?

I want to thank you all for your participation. Your opinions from this focus group have been
very helpful. Have a great evening.

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