Guadalupe Ma. Rosales Yolanda de Zamacona Group:212 Cideb

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Guadalupe Ma.

Yolanda De Zamacona

group:212 CIDEB

Topic: CIDEB must go Green, NOW!
Yolanda de Zamacona and Guadalupe Rosales
Background information: The background of this science fair is to
demonstrate to you what are we doing to our planet and how we are
affecting it. We are showing in a simple way whats going on. The
problem is that we are not concerned with what is happening in our
surroundings, so we took CIDEB as a very basic example and we are
going to analyze the green problems that are dealing with the high
school. To show that taking care of our green areas is important we are
making a basic experiment that is comparing two plants; a plant which is
going to be harmed and another one that we prepared with everything
that a plant needs. Our hypothesis for this experiment is that if we put
some effort in taking care of our planet (lets start with something simple
as the high school) we are making a change, we might not know how big
or small is it, so then we can start making CIDEB a green high school.
Problem: People arent concern about whats happening to our planet, if
plants are damaged our environment is damaged and vice versa.
Everything goes on a chain and everything depends on everything.
Hypothesis: Our hypothesis for this experiment is that if we put some
effort in taking care of our planet (lets start with something simple as
the high school) we are making a change, we might not know how big or
small is it, so then we can start making CIDEB a green high school.

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