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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam October 10, 2015

What should we do to make our every action an offering unto Him? Bhagawan
lovingly explains to us in crystal clear terms today.

How amazing is this! You can get sacrifices of the highest order
performed by yourself or through scholars versed in Vedic ritual.
You can visit and praise the holiness of diverse shrines and inspire
others to journey thereto. Similarly you can master the highest
scriptures and teach them to many and make them experts. But how
many of you have succeeded in mastering your own bodies, senses
and wayward minds, and turned them inward to gain perpetual and
unchanging equanimity? You embark upon an undertaking with a
purpose, goal, or an end in view. But the endeavour is sublimated
into a yajna (sacrificial rite) only if the purpose, goal or end is the
glorification of God. God is the yajna, for He is the Goal. His grace is
the reward. His creation is used to propitiate Him; He is the
performer as well as the receiver. Every act, where the ego of the
doer does not surface, becomes a Divine offering.
- Divine Discourse, Oct 2, 1981

Any act that is done with purity in thought, word and deed is Dharma. Baba
10 AkqUbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:swnUM,kI krnw cwhIdw hY qW jo swfy v`loN Arpx kIqI hr cIz,Bgvwn qweIN phuMj jwvy[Bgvwn,A`j swnUM
swP-swP,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr:ieh g`l,ik`nI hYrwn krn vwlI hY ik qusIN,Awpxy-Awp jW vYidk Drm dy muqwbk keI kurbwnIAW krdy
ho[qusIN Kud,keI Dwrimk sQwnW dI XwqRw krdy ho Aqy dUijAW nUM vI auh piv`qr sQwnW dy drSn krn dI pRyrxw
idMdy ho[ausy qrHW qusIN keI Dwrimk ikqwbW pVHdy ho Aqy dUijAW nUM vI pVHw ky aunHW nUM aus iv`c lwiek bxwaudy
ho[ieh swrw ku`J krn dy bwvjUd,d`so qusIN auh is`iKAwvW qy ik`nw Aml krdy ho Aqy Awpxy iv`c,mn dI
iekswrqw ilAwauNdy ho?qusIN BwvyN koeI lkS swhmxy r`K ky,aus nUM pUrw krn dI koiSS krdy ho pr d`so kI
quhwfw lkS,Bgvwn nUM,KuS krn leI huMdw hY?Bgvwn hI igAwn hY ikauN jo Bgvwn hI swfw lkS hY[aunHW dw
AwSIrvwd hI,aunHW v`loN swnUM qohPw hY[aunHW v`loN bxweI sirStI nwl hI aunHW nUM KuS kro[auhI hI ,swrw ku`J krn
vwly hn Aqy auhI,pRwpq krn vwly hn[auh krm,ijhdy iv`c hMkwr nhIN hY,Bgvwn dI pUjw bx jWdI hY[(02
AkqUbr,1981 dy idvX pRvcn)[

ijhVw krm,Su`D ivcwrW,Su`D bwxI Aqy Su`D mnorQ leI kIqw jWdw hY ,auh Drm khwauNdw hY[(bwbw)[

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