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In this section, you are req business practices, {inthis section you should aim to give some background about the type oftechnologyutiised by your business. Remember tht norderforthis tbe Interesting and analycal, your discussion should be more than |ustlsting thetechnology and deseribng suse Instead, you may lke to consider + which technologies are vtalto the operation ofthis business * how do these improve efficiency and. productivity. inthe workplace, ‘+ what are the costs and benefits ofthis technology and i it appropriate for the business; ‘what else could the business use; ‘+ which technologies could they implement inthe Future? Refer othe sample table on the next page which shows you how you ‘an present and analyse the findings romyour research on technalogy atyour busines. Filinthe folowing about the use of technology at your business: List the technology you observed belnguzedinow isbeing used by this business, ured to addres the role end impact of technology in contemperary The followings guideline ato the topics you may wish to coverin your Report. “Anonsite observa ofthe technology being used maya assist you in understanding the implications of thi the busines, ry FTPOS Machine Eero andor Pai ofsate Gee rd aman + second setae + wrest pone Ieraeatoe pone ll ‘Sample Technology Used By Businesses a a sl mace cst 500 + S2nmontiyeosttoue the perches eh slater cos eter fie at + aston peaie who ca 250 rene + riameiet sta ee TranStdoer mt ‘hea niece parton basis rain ore fas dco powng es ‘stig + Heard ee ‘eet “sor oo es se the bank table below to gather information about the technology youhave observed being used at your business. Consder the costs benefits by asking the business owner and by conducting your own research Which of the above have improved eficency anlor productity for ‘this business? To ad mare dept, also ncude how tis technology has improved efciene/productvy. How often does his business update ther technology? Why does this business update their technology? Working at Google Is having updated technology necessary to remain competitive? Comment ith the introduction of newiupdated technology, many businesses Sulfnestoteanadon ‘nd they ned to upskl her employees in howto use eves rte If you think thsi relevant for your Business, yourney want to consider asking the fllowing question Who provides training onthe newiupdated technology? What are the benefits of ensuring employees are adequately trained? Do you allocate » budget for traning employees inthe use of newlypdated technology? ‘Toad more deat toi How do you measure the effilencyoroductivty of employees ‘once newupdated technology has been introduced? ith the introduction ofechrology, there often comes change inthe ay» business functions. There may be tasks that are now obsolete as result of introducing technelogy such as automation. For exam, a factory, a machine may now files onto bottles where before there ‘ere people employedto do this jb. this relevant to your business, you may want to ask the following questions: 15 Have any jobs become obsolete as 2 result of the introduction of rnewtechnology? 6 How stafreacttothe changes? 7 Whatproces(es dd you useto Introduce new technology into the workplace? ‘8 How have you managed the changeover process? 19. What benefits have you notced with the introduction of new technology? 20 Are your compettors using similr technology? 21 Wasthe technology costy to implement? ‘The introduction of new technology usually occurs to improve efficiency. Youmay therefore also want to consider the following rom some of your observations: Didyou observe any increase in productivity at the workplace? Explain, ‘What do employees thinkabout the new technology? Did the technolagyimmprove efficiency in certain areas that stood outto| you? Deseribe how and where there couldbe improvement How up-to-dste was the technology at this business? Does this affect the busines competitiveness? Emerging technologies relates to the most up-to-date technology cumenty avaiable or soon tobe avaiable. If this is relevant to your business, consider including some of the Following in youralicussion ‘+ What emerging technologies do you thik would be of beneitta ‘thisbusiness?| 1+ How aicut would i be to implementintegrate this emerging technology? + Would this emerging technology provide the business witha competitive advantage? What evidence do you have? ‘+ What challenges are there to inreducing this emerging ‘technology into the workplace? + Arethe business's competitors sing thistachnology? ‘Youmey wantto indude some discussion ante ethical implication of the technology if you think itis relevant. This section could become ‘ute lengthy given that there ae more and more ethical sues ariing technology advances. ‘Therefore, you may need tobe selective aso what you include in your Report. Some suggestons ae: + how the business ensures their sjstems are safe so that clientcustomer information's protected; + ‘how they handle privacy issues such as secur online payments eepea pcre chalenge oan iets a ‘how they manage spam, viruses, hacking and other treats to computer systems; whether they uselare considering using cloud based storage Is isa; + how they manage to comply wth legislation; ‘+ how they are protecting their intellectual property? Y, crestor Have you asked interview questionsconducted a survey for this topic? © undertaken secondary research? included a current or ethical issue related to technology ~€9, security treats? considered presenting any information In a table or other relevant format?

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