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LINC 6/7 CLB Competencies and Essential Skills ‘The activites n this section represen a stnple of posible actives that am bud lnguage profcency when wing In academi etings, You can supplement these aclvies wth a range of materi fromm other soures. Below ae the LB competences seni Skils and speci language shils adresse in Une activities 25 CLR 61V: Write one ota paragraph to relate a familar sequence of events of fell story 0 provide | dealed description and comparison of people places, objets, animals, plants, materials. or routines; ‘orto dsenibe a simple process 25 GLB 7-1¥: Write to or three paragraphs to narate a familar sequence of events fom the pas: 10 tell | sory; orto provide a detailed description, comparin, 25 CUB 4-1V; Wate thee or four paragraphs to narate ahistorical event; to tll a tory; to express or analyze opinions om a familar strat tole oo provide a detailed description and explanation of | phenomenon ora proces 45 CUB S-1V: Wee a paragraph to rlatelexplan information in a able, graph, low chart or diagram. ory ‘These activities can help 10 develop the following Essential Skil: + Writing ‘The activities inthis section foeus on the following languages: + Teenitying pants of a paragraph and recognizing standard paragraph ster entiying and wring an ellectivetope sentence + Teeniying and writing sepporting details dentifying organizational feat c+ of an esay + Writing an outline for an essay ‘yinung a thesis statement + Wing supporting sentences Activities Chapter 1 LINC 6/7 Writing Paragraphs and Essays tnoduton to Academie Wing ” ements oa Pratap 8 Supporting Deas. so Chern Paragraphs: Tastons a Crherent Paragraphs: Pronoun Relernce 6 Nanative and Descriptive Paragaphs “ Paragraphs 0 Desrbe a Mocs 6 Paragraphs to Desebe Graph nd Chas “ Weting 4 Paragraph: tng In Practice “ Iniroducon to Essay Writing ° sy Structure. 10 The Satemen, 2 Surrering Braap: Tanstons » ating an Esay. M4 Wing an say Putng ein Pace a Tnsruaor Naver 7 Introduction to Academic Writing | Inemall oun, eect he along qusetions 1 ‘what types of longer writing assignments dd you have at school fe in college, univers of secondary school? ‘what do you find dificult when writing lnger tex (6g. compositions or essays)? ‘Do you think academic writing conventions ar different in Canada than in other counties? How? Do yo want to improve your writing sil?” What do you want to improve? Do you plan on attending college or university in Canada? For what purpose? What kind of wring do you think you will eed? Elements of a Paragraph Topic sentence The opie sentence is usually he fst sentence of he pecagrph and sists the main ees ofthe paagreph A gaoe lople sentence makes pnt that wil be cevelpec in the reso! the paragraph Bedy ofthe paragraph The boey ofthe paragraph consist of sertences that support the tple sentence. They ean provide explanations reasons, acts and examples. There ean be both major ahd miner suaperting dela. Major details support the tale Sentence Minar aetals expend 6, o”prvise reasons and examples a, the maar deta. Sentences that ar linked together Sentences in paragraph se connected to eachother so that reacer can easily read throug the paragraph. This can be achieved by effectively using sitlans: words one phrases that exress connections between to of more ideas. Exarpes of vanstiens Ineluge for nstanee, en the other hand, moreoey, asa esl, ist, an then + Pronouns that refer te something/somesne in a previous sentence: Fer example, My sister used to bush ay ‘air ach night. Tis stall gesture created a strong bond. The oreraun tis" tis example refers to brush my hair at night, and connects the two sentences ‘+ Parallelism: Parallelism can rete to using similar parts of speech (suchas verb forms or nouns) in sentences Using parallel structures makes sentences grammatically comet, In clas, | practise speokng, wring, reacng ard te Ustn shouldbe istening. V0 rte carefully and accurate (should be accurtey Parallelism can alo refer to apesting a smi cenence structure in a paragraph, which can create cohesion and make @peragraph smocther anc easier to read. Consider the two pats of sentences belo. Although Both fe grammatically carec, the second is ease to read In class, | practise speaking and listening. | usualy read and write alot at home Incas. | practise speaking and lstening. At bame, | practise reacing and writing Concluding sentence ‘Reoneluging sentence sums up the paragraph and appears ais end. It is used to signal that the writer has ‘completed what heishe wanted 952) 1 | Find an example of 2 paragraph that includes the above elements. In groups, identity and discuss these element, 2. YPl | Choose one ofthe elements of paragraph writing. Search the Internet for detailed information ‘shout & ft 1 the Information to your classmates. Supporting Details Supporting details expand onthe lope sentence ofthe paragraph ane provide reason, facts and examples to suppor. There eon be sje ane minor getals. Each mje tal suppers te tpie sentence. Miner details ‘elaborate onthe major details. 1. | Read the paragraph below and discuss the questions that follow. ‘icon mest a althier kind of ed meat than Def for various reasons. Bison meat export have sare than doubled aver the past ive yeas, according to Statistics Canada. One reason is that bison "meat contains one-third less ft than beet does Indeed, bison is lower in fat than bec! is. Canadians reed tobe concemed about the amount of ft i thie dits_ Another reason i hat bison ate eased paturally without growth hormones Growth hormones add more chemicals to the mest of any kind of animal. By contrast, bee! cattle are usally tase with growth hormones. Finally. bison meat has 40 percent more protein than beet The Canada Food Guide outlines the recommended daly serving sizeof peoeinerieh foods To rum up, tt eay 9 se shy bison mest, lean alterative to Bet 4 thy way to eat red meat 1. Which thice sentences can be removed to make the patsgraph more effective? [Explain hy cach sentence shouldbe removed, 2. Which sentences include major detals and which sentences include 3. What transitions are used and tha isthe purpose ofeach? 2 _| Read the topie sentonce and the concluding sentence below. Then order the supperting details etal. from 1 te 5 te ferm a complete paragraph, Indicate whether each detail is a majr or a min Topic sentence: Canadians enjoy many ypes of ethnic fod Concluding sentence: Cleatly, Canadians have embraced ethnle foods Many Canadian lamilesrulatly cook spaghetti and lsagne a home, ‘Supporting Details (Cont) 3 | In the following paragraph, four supporting detalls are missing. Select the four most suitable details trom the box below (a tf and write them on the corect lines. Cheek off major at miner to indicate whether the sentence is a maior deta ora miner det 1, The province of Québec offers many taditional and dsunctve foods or example, mot cites and towns in Quebec produce tours 4 adiional meat ple made with pork and spices, 1D major O minor 2 1D major O minor 3 1D major B minor 4 In fac, a number of fastfood esins in Québec have now added poutine to ther mene 1D major O minor jr mio ine 6. Even wstrs from out of province iael to Montréal to enjoy smoked. meat st Monteeal deli 0 maior O minor 7 1D msior O. minor 5) Ofcourse, tour is jst one f many kinds of mest pies available in Qudbe 1b) nat sous aux pois nunes {pes soup mace wth yellow peas dates back toa eat the nineteenth eenury ane beeen as commen Québec lambouse fae ©) Berdes, the taunt eee ist varies "ar eon to retin. 4) Secondly, Carssian lve poutine, whieh is tasty bu laf I ©) Some other distinctive Québec tones ate the smoked meat and bagels of Monial, which Gude restaurants and eaes tips on writing the supporting sentences of a paragraph, Choose two 4 Py | Search the internet f Coherent Paragraphs: Transitions TTarston words or phrases can help te connect sentences together and show the reader how they ate related For example, resiions for earring hell show the aaces Mow two subjects ste smile ar eerent. Here are same comran Wresitions for ferent purpases: + Transitions fer comparing ane eanrasting: in the same may; simile a the ater hand + Transitions te give examates ort acd intermation: fr iste; for example such a, tra; to begin wth, second, fact + Transitions to ge reasons or inceate cause and eect: becouse thus; therefor; due to + Transitions te show a sequence ot are: st seeznd tira thea: next ater that finally at lst 1B) | Seateh the Intemet fra lst of transitions for iferent purposes. Create a ist fr your wn use or to postin the classroom or on the class wiki Inteme: serch terms: transitions; transition words and phrases 2 | Inthe following paragraph, identity the transition wards and phrases, the topie sentence, supporting details and the concluding sentence. “ving in a arg city means easy access to diferent types of newcomer information. Hest, magrant serving agence help newcomner find English classes ob search resources, and services that intexpeet and wanslate documents. addition, community information centes provide information about ‘community, soda, health and government services. Moreover, public brates carry multngual books and resources a well as fee Intemet acess, Neweonsers can find information on just abou everything they need by accessing these important sousees of infomation. 3 _| Fill in the blanks befow with the appreprate transitions uch as ‘urtner tially In ation that Tn paricuir | fer example eecifielly In shor Coherent Paragraphs: Transitions (Cont.) 4 Undeitine the transitions and identity the purpose of each one. ‘There are many diferences between the province of Ontatto snd the tetory of Nunavt To begin swith, Ontane, which joined Confederation in 1867, is one of Canada's oldest provinces. By contrac svat became Canadas newest tertory in 1999, In addon, Ontario and Nunavet siler rest in population. Ontario is home to about 10 lion people (or one in three Canatians), whereas Nunavut ‘with only about 28,000 residents, ht Canada’s smallest population, Punhermote, Ontario and Nunavst ‘ach have sifferent language groups In Ontario, especially in Toronto, dozens of languages ean heard Inuktvat snd Fngish ae the ti most Irequently beard languages, Although Ni both part ofthe same country, they siler im many ways navut and Ontario are Wete appropriate transitions to show comparison or contrast in the f wing sentences. 1, Vancouver _____ Montreal ate tes that attract newcomers, 2. New Brunswick, the lagest of anad's three Maritime provinces, s Cana’ ont ‘otialyblmgual province 5. Most of Canada's prownces advance their clocks by one hour 10 marc daylight savings ime from Api to October. Saskatchewan, docs no 4. Tr sourthem and centeal Canada, agriculture of varios kinds flourishes in Canada's Artic regions isnot possible due o perma agricalture You are going to write a paragraph about the challenges of living ina high-ise apartment, Write 2 topic sentence, Then use the sample major and minor details or add your own te write» paragraph Major detaits Minor details + dilial o meet neighbours +o socal space o meet others + not able to plant garden + noyard + doing laundry takes long time + need to cary laundry to laundey room and back Wate one or two comparison paragraphs on one ofthe following topics. Use an appropriate teple sentence and relevant supporting details, Include suitable transitions Coherent Paragraphs: Pronoun Reference Using prenouns neps to connect sentences 1 one ameter by refering fem one sentence back to sentence ‘estar in the eragrsph. When using pronouns, is importa te make clear whet © wh the proroun sretering lo. Gonsies the sentence Below. The “i” reles te smaned salmer, “then” refers ta Cansdions Botish Columb’ smoked salmon is wel/ameus; Consclans often bring I with them on haley oversees as gis tor thelr tenes. 1. | Locate and undertine pronouns inthe following paragraph. Then, lst them in ere on a chart, Along withthe idea te which each pronoun refers ‘Canada’s cheese guru, Gurth Pret, i aling to raise the profile of Canada's litie-known artisanal and regional cheeses, including those made fom cow, goat and sheeps milk. He has conducted extensive ‘oss-countey zesearch on them. He has also spoken at length with many cheese makers about their products. In addition, they and Gurth have developed a number of recipes that sncorporate the cheeses fo encourage Canadians to taste them. As a result of Gurths efforts, Cabadianartianel cheeses are becoming better known and will ne doubt Become more popula in the fare Prenoun Refers to 2. _| Read the following paragraph. Then write the appropriate pronouns inthe Blanks (ofthe hundreds of Canadian atisanal cheeses that Gurth Pretty hat discovered, a numberof have spedal characterises. One of. heeses na Nlgararregion cheese made from the milk of Guernsey cows. Canada has Only a few herds of nd milk is rich and crearny, 0 Y used 1o produce several Kinds of Guemsey Narrative and Descriptive Paragraphs Descriptive parayraahs describe arson, place or thing. Narative paryraghs usually describe an event, series of ‘events, or whal person des o ie. 1. | Read the paragraphs below and answer the questions that fl A. The Group of Seven, a group of Canadian landscape painter in the 1920s, brought the Canadian landscape to wider appreciation through their paintings. Initally most ofthe group members met asemployees ofa design min Toronto. shortly ater that. they often traveled to Georgian Bay and Algonquin Park in Ontario for painting inspiration. Fllowing WWI the painters traveled ‘throsgh Ontario's Muskoka and Algoma regions, where they sketched the landsspe and deveioped far techniques, In 1920, their frst exhibition of Canadian landscpe paintings garaered mixed reviews. Eventunlly the Group of Seven were recognized as pioneers ofa new, canadian schoo! ‘of an. The Group of Seven clearly had & major inftence on Canadian a. especially on AoW it Aepicted landscapes The Group of Sevens paintings oller an unparalleled depicion ofthe unique character of Canada’s landscape: They depict diferent approach to landscape than the traditional Suropean pasorl ou, The paintings featre the rugged nate ofthe atten harsh Canadian landscape; they capture the [Canadian landscapes fel of tamed weildemess, In ation, shey havea bol site nd often ‘brant ase of colour The Group of Sevens ditincly Canadian syle stcessaly shows Canada's rough yet beat landscape 1, Which paragraph is descriptive and which is antatve? How do yeu know? 2. What sth topic sentence of each paragraph? 5. ‘What are the supporting tals of each paragraph? 2 | Cheate one ofthe topics below, Write either a descriptive or narrative paragraph. For the narrative paragraph, you can create a timeline ané Brainstorm event/stepe you would like to include Paragraphs to Describe a Process Process paragraphs explain how todo or make something. They often include several instructions o a sequence of sens. Ina araces paregrap, he lope sentence identifies whats being explained while ve suppertng sentences provides sequence a steps. Transiviens fer sequeneig a ardering av use te incite the exces et sess. When wrting »parograph to eseribe process, you can use eller the passive of he etive voice, Regardless of ‘the voce or ver form use, tis generally best to keep Chem eanssteatthreughou the paragraph. 1 | Read the following two paragraphs. In small groups, analyze the paragraphs f structures and transitions used te describe the processes the grammatical A. Conducting a succestl job searchin Canada requires several steps. Fist, check for ob postings oon Intemet sites like mate monstecce srunvavarcopalecom and sows jobbank gcca, Next. polish {Your resumé, Ensue tht it is concise, eroriree and docs not exceed two page i length. after ‘that, put together a winning cover leier Finally, apply for a number of obs, as these can be Ihundreds of epplications fora single postion. There ate many steps involved in conducting a survey. Fist, the purpose of the study the reqlted information, andthe sample population ae ientifed. Then, the questions are developed and the rethod of gathering anewers i determined, Once thsi dane, the survey i conducted, the data are collected and. nally the findings are analyzed and reported 2 | Write 2 paragraph to describe 2 process you knew well. Choose one ofthe tapes below or create your own. Include atopic sentence, supporting details and appropriate transitions. + How to cook a meal + How to plans socal event for a lange gzoup of people + How to set up Skype on your computer + How . (something) works Paragraphs to Describe Graphs and Charts ‘often in seademe writing, students wll use information an acs oresented in charts end graphs to suppor the ‘ple sentence oftheir sragrph, Often, the cata presented in graph table show ehange over Lie. There re speevie verbs, aojeetves ane severbs Cat ean help you deseribe these changes. Far example Verbs for describing how data have changed: + toimcrease + teremain (onebengeed + to.ceeresse + eeour + tobe seedy + 1040 down + torise + te plateau + to decline + teclime + top [Adjectives and adverbs to describe how fast the change occured: + snap + steaay + shary + dramatic + gradual + ramateay + sioiteant + signe + signteanty ‘You can deseribe the changes Jan's LNG Cl: ae Daly tenance by Maths nt ub ne my 22 Fm Oise econ, bs tended B38 From Geto Deen the pe vos ued hk as ice ne ites pragaph te dese the bar graph bee. Witte deta te upper the tele sentence ‘Topic sentence: Average attendance in Jane's LINC eas followed a distinc: pater over ie Paragraphs to Describe Graphs and Charts (Cont.) late supporting details. 2 | Examine the graph below. Complete the paragraph that fellows with appr ‘Canada Penson Plan Employee Contribution Rates ‘The Canada Penson Plan (CPP) sone of Canada's retirement income pension plans. I provides 4 Crelire- Every person aver 18 who earns more than about §3,500 a year contributes to the CPP TBmployees contrbute bout 45 percent of thelr employment earnings tothe CPP but the contribution rate wa not ava tis high, describe the graph below. Begin with the provided topic sentence and 3 | Write « paragraph t sible reasons forthe highs ané lows in your supporting detal prampts, and Indeate «as changed significantly over the past 45 years ‘he crime 1 rimina Code incigents, 1963-2007 10,000 Writing a Paragraph: Putting It in Practice 1 | Waite one or two paragraphs to describe a process, narrate a series of events, or describe a person, place or thing. Choose atopic below or make up your own. Use the checklist below to make sure your paragraph is well-structured and correct. + Desertbe how to apply for Employment insurance + Describe hove fo obtain an Ontatio driver cence + Descibe how to enrol in & LINC case + Describe your frst day on a new jobat your present school in Canada + Describe an embarrasng/ightening/happyimemorable experience + Describe an event that wa a turning point in your Me Desere your dream house or apartment Desere a memory of place you have been to Desatbe a scene from a movie, coer: or pubic event + Describe «character from book, movie ora TV prograta Paragraph structure Does your paragraph contin tape sentence with eler focus? Dees your paragraph inelude msjr ane mir supporting detis? Does each msjr dei relate tothe topic sentence? Are teetniques such 2 ansitions, pronoun references and poral svuctures) used fo make the paragraph coterent? Grammar, spelling and punctuation ‘re pronoun references cles Is every word used and spelles crest? ‘ewer forms used correctly ane cansisenth? SIs punctuation usee eaveeth? Introduction to Essay Writing Just ass paragraah is group of sentences about one ope, sh essay is «group of paragraphs about ane top. Ieontins an introduction wit a thesis statement, supperiing paragraphs are »eanclsion. ‘The introduction and the thesis statement The istesuetion usualy begins with genera escusion ofthe subeet that i flawed by the main ides ofthe ‘essay =the thesis statement. Te sess statements usualy expressed in one sentence and it defines the pot you intend te prove In your essay. A good thesis statement wll Melp you organize yur essay and give it tection; Tris the central ides around whch the rest ofthe esty ls bul ‘The bedy The body of an essay consists of suppeting paragraphs tat expand on the main idea ofthe essay, providing fessor, acs and exarples ‘arte hess Stalemert. Each paragraph Should focus on one ides tha eats Io the ‘thesis statement. The idee Is summarized in the paregrap’s topic sentence. The rest of the garagrph shoul prove ‘or explain the opie sentence. Together, alle pargaahsshouléSupo9r the thesis statement ofthe essay. The lerder af paragraphs snould make logiealserse ‘The conclusion ‘The conclusion sums up the essay and usually expresses the same idea as tne introduction, but in trent weds. Te generaly stats wih a summing-up transition like consequent, in short a in cenclusion. ‘an outline can help stucute and cus your essay. An outline i a plan that Ist a thesis statement, main paints ‘and supaoring details. You can Ist the main points 2s topic sentences forte suppeting paragraphs of the essay ‘This can Delp You organize your pragrapn inthe mast etective orc. 1 LP | Search the Interet fr information on essay writing and answer the questions below Somale sere term: essay writing; seademie esse: Ses of essays: prt of exznys 1, What are some types ofesuys? Describe and give ena uples of each type. 2 Prepare lips on wating an outline and dillerent pars ofthe essay 5, What docs proofreading of an essay involve? Wite tips on editing and prooteading Essay Structure ‘Sample Essay Loan pra refers tothe growth of «ey a its auter edges, mainly trough low-densy, single family Homes in suburban seitirgs While urn spa reales esl hat can be attractive to those wh Ive inthe subures, Ir comes at abi pice to society Far some fois, living in # new housing subdivision onthe ee of tow i the bes fl poste rangement Homes here are else enough le counlain Ina pans ean sll rive To wark inthe £98 ar ensue vay Cal {smiles ean afore Big house with ins of land ar green play space fer the Kies, away fom endless hgherises nd busy awrtann sets The te af suburban ie as le Ueuroan sprain eis al aver North Amerie But susuban ie s earcesendent an sees the eniranment. Houses sre spread out ane bul age plats ot land. Sheps, community Tallies and even schools ae faraway from where people actualy ive, s0 most Deople drive everywhere they go. With this spreadout development of suburban ares, publi trenepertation, Such as buses or subways, sn Usvlly realistic option. The Meaty eat use Increases Wate congestion 96 roacs and highways healing nto the ey. In atin, potion fom the inereased numberof cars contr utes to global wating er depenceney resulting ram urban spraml has ¢regsive impact an people's health. Residents whose les revolve around cars dat gel the physical itessbenaitsof walking biking as part of ther dally routines, teend that lads to higher rates of neat disease and ater ilgestes, Carelstes air ollition ean ae contbute te an ineease in respiratory arablems fr people ving n suburb ane urban areas. Finally, he ean othe natural environment and animal and plant species i alo affect. The less of farmlane, consumed by suburdandeveloamert, nas negative imp cations on eeasystems and water supplies. The spread of ‘concrete and asphalt kes it mote sticuk to elect cleen wate hough 2 gaund. while the prevalence of fas and industrial metals nereases the risk of contamination, The natural heats of plants are also heatenes ‘ities ate ying to mit the negative eects of urban sprawl in a numaer af ways. Municipaties are enacting planning palicies shat encourage higher censity esiersial evelopment at underuse lan inthe iy. They are ise tying to make suburban development mote compact, and are inearpeating publi vansperation ideas into ew cevelopments. As population grw:n continues ta focus on urban areas, song civic and plticallasership Will be needed in te areas of transpor.aton, health and evvironmental poy fo ensure the negative fects of “eben sprawl are kept under conv the essay above and discuss the falowing questions. 1, What is the general subject ofthis cay? 2. What claims are male in the thsi statement? Essay Structure (Cont.) 2 _| Read the following paragraphs. Put them in the eorect order so they frm a coherent essay. — Aponquin is x sought-after place for many outdoor activities In the winter, for instance, vistors ‘who are keen on coss-county skiing and snowshoeing will nt be dsappeinted in the summer ‘Alganquin it where some of Canada's bes eaneing and camping canbe foxnd, as well ishing for bas, yellow perch, trot and pike Furthermore, the very poplar wal howl which attract large number of vistors, are held weekly every August, weather and soives permitting — Captured on canvas by Tom Thomson and other members ofthe Group of Seven painters ‘Algonguin Provincia) ark in Ontario is Cana’ rst provincial park. twas established in 1895, The park. whieh i locale in ceiral Ontario between Georgian Bay and the Oawa River covers shout 7.630 square kilometres snd i Ontario angst provincial park, with over 2.400 Jakes. A number of natural characenistics make Algonguin hugely poplar, among, ther ie diversity of habia, is wide variety of lors and Iau, and an airctve array of year-round ‘outdoor seivies —— Allinall, Algonquin Provincial Park offers a notto-bemisied natucl siting (or people whe fenjoy the outdoors, Whether they prefer to admire the various plans, etch gimp of wie ‘amp in nigged surroundings ake in an excing Wolf how. ot just enjoy a pleasant hike along fone ofthe tas, Algonquin i one ofthe best showeases for the natutal Beauty that Omano has totter — Wronquin is home 0 staggering murber of animals ies, plants and tees. Although: many’ ‘mammals such a black bears, moose, poteupines, deer, beaver lying squires and wolves ive stound the paths border, they ca alo be found within the park. Besides mammals, there are birds like herons, loons, andthe over-winteving gray Jay. Moreuver numerous repaes and stmpliblans lke snakes, tute, frogs and toads, Ive in the park In adaltion, Algonquin centalns Sh amazing assortment of ter, such as balsam fr and easter white ceda, aswell a several Inds of roapl, spruce, pine, and ash, Visitor can also find numerous plants Ike the insec-eeting Dcher plant and the uncommon and beautiful pink lady's slipper. —— Tostan with, algonguin’s geographic location provides it with several kinds of natural habitats. For instance, becuse iti located in a transtion tone between southern deciduous forests and norte coniferous fore, Algonquin contains both lay tees and tres with pine-type needles ‘On jsta shor hike, vistors can See maple fares. spruce bogs, beaver ponds, lakes and cis 3 | Writes point-form summary ofthe essay above. Thesis Statement The thess statement sats the main iden ofan essay. Is mil 1a ope sentence ia paragraph. Just a8 lopiesentenee autines wnt the paragraph wil be about, he Thesis sateen eulnes the main points tat wil Be eveoped inthe bocy othe 33). ‘Avettaiten thes stcement needs to make a 900 elim ane nelude the argurents hat support that lai It meees tobe specific and ‘acusee. Cansier the flowing thesis statement k makes elem {ot high in fte Ian fa s E006 For you), and Uist the arguments that wll be mace inthe body ofthe essay. ‘Ait igh in fore and lw in tt i good fr you because theps to maintain» healthy weet, aids digestion and Clcreases the rsh of many cancers 1, Im Canada people are living longer and Jonget. What ate the possible reasons? 2 Watching television has an impact on chiléen, Give examples of how children canbe influenced by television viewing 5. -Agzce ot dieagrec with the following statement: eing successful means camming lot of money. 4 Describe a place of interest in you previous country, sich a 3 tourist destination or historical location 5. Review a movie or book you have recently watched 2. YP) | Search the Internet for sample essay topics and select three sample essay questions. Write 2 thesis statement foreach. Then seleet ane ef the topics and write 2 point-frm outline for an essay. Include main points foreach paragraph and list supporting details. Exchange with a partner fer peer evaluation Interne: search terms: same essay topes essay topes examples or search the wnwlsarg weasie fot sample ea) ropes 3 | Using your outline, write the body of the essay. Use ap ‘paragraphs and to link paragraphs with ene another. priate transitions te connect ideas within Supporting Paragraphs: Transitions The par order. Then, write appropriate transition words or phrases fram the lst below. ps inthis essay are inthe wrong order. Number them from 1 te § to shew the catrect ‘on the one hand | by contrast fon the other nand | in aden conversely ‘urthemere ‘even though In coneusion | suchas That ota ttnough yo come doen its sore —— prevention methods fora cold ae diferent than those fr the fh, in btn cases there is no guaranteed way to avoid catching these viruses “together Preventing a cole generally involves washing your hande fequently, avoiding cose Contac: with infected people, and ‘olowing a heathy ilestyle. A dit that includes fuis and vegetables high in vitamin C will keep your immune system song and beter able to fight off colds. preventing the fs commonly involves geting a eeasonal fi vaccine (shot) These lu shois ae available beginning in late October each year They are ie forall, ‘Ontario residents, and aso in a numberof provinees for people belonging to particular risk groups, infants, seniors and pregnant women, cna symptoms and si symptoms difer trom one another ‘old sympioms occur about two days after being infected and include a sore, seatchy throat followed by sneezing and nasal congestion, and sometimes muscie aches It takes the better part ofa day for thece symptoms to develop enough to make you fel unwell Fit symptom, sa Beesr Fpidly ater infection takes place and include chills, sudden fever, ‘Svore throat, dry ough and extteme fatigue, You fel unwell fairy quickly oat during the period from November to ‘Apel s important to distinguish between whether you have a relatively minor cod or the ‘more serious fs. Knowing the dierences between these contagious viral iveates can help You {o deal with them more eleevely and maybe even take steps fo prevent catehing them — Winterime in Canada canbe miserable from a health standpoint. Recause Canadians spend much tere time indoors than out during the winter, they are mote prone to catching communicable dlscases since germs spread more eal tom une petion to another indoors. Colds and influenza fre common Canadian Winter diseases. Although both colds and influenza (commenly known 36 {he fy ae highly contagous viruses, there ae a number ofdierences between them, specially fe thet symptoms, duration apd eleave preventive measures the durations of cols ad fus vary A cold tends to lst rom two to seven Gays and causes minor discomsor. Doxng things staying home ftom work or Editing an Essay Its imortat to eheck your essay fr subjet-ver agreement, pronoun referents, spelling nd punctuation. ‘The speleheekleslure or your computer wil at help you spell the word eaveet, Dut use iearact Use seitianary ar a thesauri yeu are unsure now a ward i see 1 | The essay below has 14 errors in sublect-ver agreement, pronoun referents, spelling and punetuation. Find the errors, indiate the type of each error, and make the necessary corrections. ooking for rentel accomadation is ath who canbe daunting fora newcomer to Cenads, especially yeu sre rat familar with eal neighbeurhocs, rental costs an types ef housing sviae ts important (choose your new pace earful, since heusing, particule in Ontarie, wil be one of your large renthy expenses. There eve several mar steps Invlved in oking for s place tert. The process of Searching fr rental houses and aprtments are not est, but he wil be les stressful lf you flow the steps autines below The fist thing 1 60s to eanduet sum research in the neighbourhood in where yu would ket live ‘an impartant consideration fr bath amenities and eaye-day acti are leat an. In Canadian ets, 11s usualy lit finda place that is within easy walking sistance of work shoppin, se yeu may ees to carprorse and Ive Ith futher away tom these places than you woud ike. Examples of Important amenities in one’s veigibounoed includes stoping, goer, denis, fie department, ereation centre and park. For earyng out your eaye-dey activities, yeu might want fe conic ving in & neignbourndod ati else to ali transportation schools and places a woh. The nex ste is to consider the cost of your rental aecormeeation. Location is usually the main factor in determining how expensive a rental aecorvmedation is In particule, a desable lesion generally Commands hgh ret. You need #2 ng out whether er not utes (nesting and Nye) ae elude in your monthly vert andi ser are nt inched how much extra you will ave fa pay for them. In Ontan, ne monthly cst ot mas highise rental apartments include everthing except athing, telephone and cable service, ally, you must consider the type of housing you wish torent. Depending onthe sizeof your ‘arly and your living rquiemens, you nee te know what the most commen types of house and apartment dwell ngs ‘allo in Canada are. Ifyou want to Ive in a house, for instance, you can ent a naserent azarenert, 2 detached neuse, sericetachec (duplex) house ora raem ina eeming house. I you oreter olive in an parent building, you ean rert an apartment in a walkeup {usualy upto fer storeys) building or in nighise bulging Finging rental accommecation that suits you ard your family’s needs can be a challnge. However f you eoncuet your search carctully, hey will yield rewarding results once you fine a pla t liven 2 Writing an Essay: Putting It in Practice 1 | Choose one ofthe following statementsquestions and write an essay. State a position or make a claim and provide specific reasons, facts and eximples to support your claim. 1, Online lemming ie much more effective than classtoom-baced learning 2 Computers have changed the way we communicate with others 5. living ina reirement home when you are old isa better option than living with a family member, 4, Children shouldbe pa for doing chores around the house, 5. Women make fr better politicians than men 6. Everybody ean contibute to “ving green” 17. What are your professional goss, and how do you plan te achieve thes 18, Compare two places of interes, such as tourist attractions or historical locations Use the checklist below to guide your essay writing 1D Is there these statement tt makes a claim angles the argumentsteasens thal 8490 ‘hat ele? Are there at lest ee supporting paragraphs? Does each suppoting paragraph have» tple sentence that focuses on one point thet supports 1 bees each suppoting paragraph include deta that suppart the topic sentence? 1D Are tecnniques (uch as transitions, pronoun reererces and parallel structures) used to make Grammar, spelling ane punctuation 1D Are pronoun references clear? Is every wor used and spel corecty? Ae verb forms used conecty and consistent? Is punctusion used comecty? Instructor Notes | chapter | Academic skits iting Paragraphs and Essays LING 6/7 ‘This chapter includes activities that can help learners develop the sills and background knowledge they reed to write paragraphs and shor essays. These sks include identifying the structure and elements of a paragraph, writing opie and supporting sentences, sing appropriate transitions and pronotn Flerences, Fecopnising and developing an essay structure, writing a thesis statement and supporting sentences, and eating and proofreading, “These activities ave been guided by the CLE performance conditions relating to LINC 6 snd 7. If you want to develop your own scivities for academic wriing, consider the following performance conditions. Performance Conditions ‘+ Learner text is one to two paragraphs (LINC 6) three of four paragraphs (LINC 7) ‘+ Topics are familiar and personaly relevant {LINC 6) topics and issues are non-personal, abstract but familiar (UNC 7) Some ofthe activities ate termed Putting tn Practice, These tasks lle lezners to demonstrate their knowledge nd skill in paragraph writing, They can be used for formative sessment of learner progress You: can use al or some of the activites inthe order in which they are presented or choose the activites that te of interest to the learnets You teach. For more ideas on possible skills and language lunctions relating (0 fscademie sil, see the LINC 5-7 Curiculum Guidlien, Units 1-2 57 1 Inodetion te Academie Writing inves he ob of prearaph wing: en be used oa reeds satan el 1 Thisica warm-up dscuston that inoduces aeademie wring. ean elp you determine how fair learners are with paragraph and essay writing conventions, and how intetested they ate in lmproving their academe wilting sil 58 | Elements of» Paragraph revdes information on paragraph stacture and ways to make paragraphs coherent Discuss the information box: lic rom leans wha, in this opinion, makes a good paragraph. You can provide eamere witha sample patagraph to demonstrates structure (e use paragraphs fom Paragraph ‘Writing LINC 5) 1 Ask Jeamers to bringin examples of paragraphs (eg, fom ateatbook or Intemet) and discuss the structure and cohesive devices used (transitions, peraleism, ec) in them. If earners have duly finding “ideal” paragraphs, discuss the ones they bring and elit ways to improve them, 1. 59 1 Supporting Details Braves practice ientiy ng avd with supporing senterces Tor poagTeph To nwoduce this activity, lit from learners what typeof information supporting sentences should indude (e.g, examples, reasons, factal deta ch ae bere, des, names, desenpions). Have learners compare their ancwere im pais 1 The following sentences cam be deleted because they do not support the tope sentence: Bison meat exports have more than doubled aver the pas five years, according fo Sait Canada; Canadians need to beconseed abot the amount offi tei de The Conde Food Guide outines the recomended ily serving sie of protein ch foods. 2, Sentences with major details are: Ome reaam it that Btom meat contains 1 les fat thaw bef does Another reson is tha bison ave raised naturally without growth hormones: Final, bison meat has 40 pe cet mare roe than bee does. Sentences with minor detail are: Indecd bison i ower in fet than eo Growth hormone ad more chemi 19 the meat of any Kin of animal, By contrast beef cattle are usualy raised with arowth hormones. 3. The following transitions are used + one reat is: anather reason 3. ily: t0 provide reasons in order + indeed: vo emphasize the information + by onirant 10 show contrast, + rosum up: to conclude a paragraph Answers _2_ Many Canadian families reglatly cook spaghett and Issagne at home. maler) 3 Chinese food is another popular etbne food in Canada. (major) T= tusian food is by fat one of the moat popular cuisines. (major) Furthermore, many grocery stores now stack Indah cooking staples. (malo) Tar tm fact, neatly every ety in Canad has at least ome Chinese restaurant (inon) Answers 1. The province of Québec offers many teditional and distinctive foods 2. For example, most des and towns in Québec... major) 3. a) (minor) 4B) major) “sn fact a pummber of Jase fond cheine im Oubee have mew added mimery 5 Ask learners to write «paragraph: emphasize the importance of siruetsring the paragraph (lope sentence foutines (brainstormed ideas) belore they Write Their paragraphs. Have learners exchange their Writing . 61 | Coherent Paragraphs: Transitions Fronces iteration on and practice using Wanaitons in paragraph Ell rom leamers what transitions are and when they ate wie; have leamers add more transitions to those listed inthe information bex 1 Have learners search various websites, Including ESL ones, Learners can create 4 Ist of transitions grouped by purposes. You can have learners practise using these transitions in sentences, 2 The focus of ths activity isto deny the transitions, but you can also use ito reinforce paragraph structure Answers ‘Transitions fst, in aditon, moreover CCondluding sentence: the last sentence “opie sentence: the fst sentence In the paragraph Supporting sentences the remaining sentences 3 Answers ‘Cancer is one of the leading causes of premature death im Canada, but there are several ways we an reduce our risk of developing ths seas. Els. we can eat better Ear example, we can choose foods that are high i fibre and low in saturated fat, sc as black beans and whole grain breads. In addition Wwe can be more active. Specifically, we can exercise fo at least $0 minutes 2 day. Euzthex we can {void smoking or being exposed to second-hand stoke. Binal. we can get screened for the types of Cancer common to our gender. In paniculat. women can have mammograms to screen for breast fancer, while men can have PSA. prostatespecfic antigen) tess to scrcen for prostate cancer I short by taking eps to redce the risk of developing cancer. Wwe can live longer healthier lives 4 Answers ‘There are many diferences between the province of Ontario and the teritory of Nunavut Zo hetin wth, Ontario, which joined Confederation in 1867, i+ one of Canada’s oldest provinees By contrast, Nuns became Canada’s newest tetory in 1999. In addition. Ontario and Nunavat differ greatly in population Ontario ishome to about 10 milion people (or one in three Canadians), whereas Nunavaa, with only about 28,000 residents. has Canada’s smallest population. Eurthermore, Ontario and Nunavut each have dierent langwage groups, In Ontario, especially in Toronto, dozens of languages can heard on the srets ‘very day. Gn the other hand, in Nunavut, where 85 per cent of the residents are Inuit, Inuktitut and English are the two most frequently heard languages. Although Nunavut and Ontario are both part of S Answers 1. Bath Vancouver and. 2. New Brunswick, the largest of Canadas theee Maritime provinces, Diingual province 5. Most of Canada's provinces advance thelr clocks by one hour to matk daylight saving te from Apa to October Saskatchewan, however, does not 4 tn southern and central Canada, agriculture of various kinds flourishes. On the other hand. agseulture im Canada's Arctic regions is not possible due to permnattst Montreal ate cities that attract newcomers 10 Canada’s only offically © Have learners discuss the challenges of living n a high-tse apartment. Ask leamels to write an outline of ‘their paragraph Learnets cam use the major and minor details provided, oF Wile thelr oWn. ASK learers to exchange their paragraphs fr peer edi 7 This acivity can be uted for formative assessment. Leamers can choose one ofthe topics or write few paragraphs for more practic. Sess the importance of eating and proofreading thelr paragraph. 1. 63 I Coherent Paragraphs: Pronoun Reference Brovies practice In ening and using carec pronoun referents 1 Answers tuncedined) {Canada's cheese gure, Gort Pret, is siming to raise the profile of Canadas litle-known artisanal and regional cheeses, including thase made from cow, goat and sheep milk. He has conducted extensive «ross-country research on them, Secondly, he has spoken at length with many cheese makers about their products. Thirdly. shey and Gurth have developed a number of recipes that incorporate the cheeses, to encourage Canadians to taste them, Asa resuit of Gurth’s efforts, Canadian artisanal cheeses are now becoming beter known, and they will no doubt become more popular a time goes on Pronoun Refers to hore cheeses be Gun ‘hem cheeses he Gunh heir cheese makers they cheese makers them cheeses they cheeses > Ee 3 This acwvity can be used for formative assessment, Learners can write an 9 paragraphs ress the importanee of ealiing and proolreading learners Work line Before writing thei 64 1 Nanatve and Descriptive Paragraphs roids aan wing een or naan I pwragph Tome 1 fom eames examples of mstative ahd deserve paragraphs and pone sions in which they sre write, sch a¢ 4 narative paragraph to deseribe what happened at the scene ofan aceldent/inedent fo a descriptive paragraph to desrbe a house/apartment or vacation rental Answers 1 The fist paragraph is maretive: i uses the past tense to describe evens and actions, and uses transitions for sequencing the second paragraph i dscaipive: i uses the present tense and desenpave ajecives, 2. The first sentences ip each parageaph are tple sentences 53. “The supporting deals for paragraph A narate the significant events and activities inthe work and Mfe ofthe Group of Seven. The supporting details for paragraph B describe the Group of Seven paintings. 2 This acuity can be used for formative assessment, Leamers can choose one ofthe topics or wite a few paragraphs for more practice, Learners can wite an outline belore writing thei paragraphs. Sess the Importance of editing and prootveading 65 | Paragraphs to Describe « roster information abou and practic n witha paragraahe to Gerri 8 process 1 Hct rom learners examples of a process (e8. gving step-by-step instructions on how to change at, tind {job or apply for i: derrbing how papers made, now al ke passed of how an experiment is candice) ‘Ask what specific language (such as grammar structures} they would use to deserbe it Bliit the use of parallelism and how i influences the flow of «paragraph. For example a paragraph can read better if only the pasive or only the active voce is used consistently to deseribe the steps of the process. lit transitions that can be used 2 This activity can be used for formative assessment Lestners can choose one of the topics or writes few parapraphs for more practice, If earners ate nt familiar with any processes, they can search the Internet for information Learners can write an outline before writing their paragraphs, Strese tne importance of cating and proofreading, 166 | Parapet Describe Graphs and Charts ‘ronees information on and practice im wing paragraphs lo deseribe grape and evans 2,3 These acivities provide opportunities for learners to write sentences that describe changes depicted in line ‘raps (20 supports topie sentence ofa paragraph). Learner can use verbs sucha going upldovn staying the same, and reaching high and iw points. Learners ea use einer the noun-vera-adverb or verbadjecive= ‘noun pattern. In their paragraphs, learners ean alto indicste possible reasons forthe changes in the Jine graphs. JLeamers can work individually, tm pats or in small groups. Pats or stall groups can present thelr work on flipehart paper. You can also use the third activity for 3 formative or summative assessment of individual 68 1 Whiting a Paragraph: Pttn It in Practice Prevces an opparurity for lamers to demenstate tel Kowledge and sks I 8 Task Performing this activity requires laeners to integrate a nuraber of skills and language abilities needed to wie effective paragraphs. This task can be used for formative assessment purposer The results of the ‘ssesment can help you and leamers determine what ll need tobe leatned or wotked on. A copy of this task, along with she assessment resus, can be Inluded in the leamer's portfolio for fuze reference ‘This task relates tothe CL competency below. You cam use the sample assessment citera to assess leamers, ‘or develop your own eitrla based on what you have taught. Lamers cin also asess themselves ot each ‘other using the same criteria, For move information on assessing learner progtes, se the LINC 37 Ouricdm ‘Guidelines, pp. 3715 #6 CLE G-1V: Write one oF wo paragraphs to: elate a familar sequence of evens ela story: provide 4 delle description and comparison of people places, objects, and animals plants, materials or Toutines orto describe a simple proces Sample Assessment Criteria Reader can easly understand the paragraph ‘Learner writes topic sentence with a clear focus ‘Learner writes enough supporting details to describe the subject, Each supporting details rlated tothe focus ofthe topic sentence Learner uses vocabulary adequate to the type of paragraph ‘Transtions and logieal connectors are used appropriately ‘There are few grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors ooo0000 1.69 1 Induction to stay Witng ‘ronees background invermalion an the pars of an essay p. 70 | Essay Structure Provides grat ce in identi the parts and elements of an essay 1 Haye leamers answer the questions in groups or as a cas. Answers 1. Urban sprawl 2. While urban sprawt crates lifestyle that can be atiracive to those who live inthe suburbs it comes at abig price to society. 5. The frst supporting paragraph ie bout the attractive lifestyle urban sprawl creates The topic sentence {s supported by reasons why living on the edge of town is attractive (parents can sill dive to ‘work in the cy; families ean afford a bigger howse with more lan: far away trom high-rises and busy streets) “4. The second supporting paragraph is about one ofthe costs to socety of urban sprawl (the effect of caredependency on the environment) 5, The thitd supporting paragraph is about another cos of urban sprawl to society (the negative impact ‘on people's health that eat-dependency creates). The topi sentence is supported by reasons why ‘aredependency has a negative impact on health, {6 The transition finaly is used to ndeate that what follows isthe final reason, or pice to society of ‘stban sprawl 7. The conelasion of the estay (Ar population grovel continues to focus around urban area, tong cic and poll eadersbip wil be needed ta ence the negative ees of ran spre are kept weer cont is elated tothe introduction im that restates the main point ~that urban sprawl comes with negative fleets on society. The conclusion in this extay also makes a suggestion, 2 Tohhelp leatners order she paragraphs, alee then co the ovder of arguments nthe chess statement (underlined below). As follow-up, you ean use questions from the previous page and have learners Answers sragraphs in correct order (with the thesls statement underlined) Captured on canvas by Tom Thotnson and other members ofthe Group of Seven painters, Algonquin Provincial Park ip Ontanio is Canada’s ist provincl park. was extablshed in 1895. The park. which i located in central Ontario between Georgian Bay and the Ottawa River, covers about 7,630 square kilometres and is Ontario's largest provineal park, with over 2,400 lakes. A nummer uf wsueal ‘Sharacteriis make Algungiin hugely popular among them is diversity of habla wide vatiehy ‘Coca and fauna. and an sitracive any of year-ound outdoor activities ‘To start with, Algonguin’s geographic location provides it with several kinds of natura habitats. For instance, because itis located in a transition zone between southern deciduous forests and ‘Ansaersfontinved) Algonguin is «sought-after place for many outdoor activities. fm the winter, for instance, vistors Who are keen on cross-country skiing and mowshoeing ill note disappointed. Inthe summer, Algona is where some of Canada’s best canoeing and eamping canbe found, as wel as fshing for bas, yellow perch, trout and pike. Furshermore, the very popular wolt howls, which attract large numbers of islors are held weekly every August, weather and wolves permitting, Allin all, Algonquin Provinclal Park offers a not-t-be-mlssed natural setting for people who enjoy the foutdoors Whether they prefer to admite the vatlous plants, exich a glimpse of wile, camp im rugged surroundings ake in a exiting wollhow ax Just enjoy a pleasant hike along one of the wal, Algona {sone ofthe best showweass for the natural beauty that Ontario has to offer. 5.72.1 Thee Statement Provces practice In wilngellecive tess satemenls 1 Have leamers discuss what am introdvetion for an essay could include for each essay prompt and what the thesis statement could focus on. Learners can Work in alts and present thelr staeinents tothe dass on chart paper 2 Leamets can search the Internet fr sample esay topic, of you can provide them with alist to choose irom, There are many web pages with essay topics that contain ists of prompts or open-ended questions. You can alto use theme pages Srom the LINC 5-7 Curriculum Cuielies to cfeae your own Topi. [Leamers can brainstorm possible est use in their esay and then write am otline. You eam also choose ‘one topic and then, t9 model the proces, brainstorm and create an outline of the eesay content with the class, then have leasners work inavidvally, 3 This acivity can be used for formative asessment to help you identify the areas of writing the learners Jn your lass may need to improve. You can provide leeners wit alist of possible transitions to use. oF hhave them research transitions on the Internet or in grammar texts. Suess the importance of editing and proofreading written work. 2.75 1 Supporting Paragraphs: Tanstons Fronces practice in sing teins ad logic! connectors fo connect clues, senlereer ane paragraph 1 Answers Paragraphs in order with correct transitions Wintertime in Canada ean be miserable from a health standpoint, Because Canadians spend much more time indoors than out during the winter they are more prone to catching communicable dscases, since seems spread more easily from one person to another indoors. Colds and ifluenzx are common Canadian. ‘winter diseases. Although both colds and influenza (commonly known as the flu) are highly contagious Ancaersfentinuea) idiion, Uae durations of olds and flu vary. A cold tends to lst from two 10 seven days and causes ‘minor discomfort. Staying home ftom work o schoo, gesting bed rest and drimking hot chicken soup ad other warm liguids ate the best ways 10 deal with a cold. The fly, conversely ass from seven 10 10 days and can cause serious complications (suchas pneurnonia) that can be dangerous for children and tenor clzens Euthermore, prevention methods fora cold ate different shan those forthe fu, even though in bet fases there sho guaranteed way to aveid catching these Viuses altogether. Preventing a cold generally Involves washing your hands frequently, voiding close contact with infected people, and fellowing « healthy lifestyle. A de: that Includes fruits and vegetables high in vitamin wil Keep Your immune sytem strong and beter able fo fight off colds, By contrast, preventing the fa commonly involves geting «seasonal lu vaccine (shot) These “flu shots" (The composition changes each Year according to*he {ype of fs strains active at she tme) are available beginning tn late October each year They ate fee for all Ontario residents and also in a number of provinces for people belonging to particular risk groups, ‘Sich as infants, seniors and pregnant women, In-condlusian. if you come down with a sore throat during the period {rom November to Apri its Important to disunguish between whether you have atelatvely minor cold or the more serous fu, Knowing the dllerences between these contagious vital diseases can help you to dea with them more clfecively, and maybe even take steps to prevent catching them, p. 74 | Editing an Essay rovdes prac ce in wting an essay for Brana spelling an punctuation vars 1 Answers Error types: 1: subject-verb agreement 2: pronoun reference; 5: spelling: 4: punctuation is underlined and correction isin parenthesis ‘+ Looking for rental accommodation isa task acho (which)... (ezortype 2) +The process of searchin for rental houses and apartments axe {is} not easy but he (i) will be less stressful if you follow the steps outlined below. (ero types 1, 2) Par. 2: + The first thing todo is to conduct sum (Some) research in the neighbourhood in whexe (oehieh} yos would lik to ive error types 3,2) + Am important consideration for both amenities and day-to-day activities ae (is) location + futher away fom these places than yo wou! (would) like, (eror type 3) ‘+ Hxamples of important amenities in one’s neighbourhood includes (include). (eror type 1) +public tansportation(,) school and places of worship. (error ‘ype 4) Par}: + You need to find out whether or not wits (healing and hydro) ate incuded in your monthly ren, snd i hem (they) are nol inclided . error type 2) ‘+ In Ontario, the monthly cost of most high-rise rental apartments include (includes) 75 1 Meng am Extay Pang Rin Practice Frevees on pei fr lees Te Grenstaisa FronnGes dT 9k Performing this activity requies learners to integrate a numberof shi: and language abilities needed 10 wie an ellecive short essay. This task can be used for formative assessment purposes. The esuts ofthe sstersment can help you and leamnets determine what sil needs to e learned or worked on. A copy of ‘thi task along with the asessment results can be included in the leaner’ porto fr Suture rterence. ‘This tak relates tothe CLE competency below: You can use the sample assesement eters toasts leamers ‘or develop your own criteria based on what you have taught. Leamers can also assess themselves oF each ther sing the same erteria, For more information on asesing learner progress, se the LINC 57 Curio Gwdeins pp. 37-45. 26 CAB 7-1¥: Write two oF three paragraphs to narrate 2 familiar sequence of events from the past to tell story or to provide a detailed description. comparison 2S CLE SIV: Write thees of four paragraphs to narate a historical event to tell a storys to expeess oF analyze opinions on a familiar abstract topic: orto provide a detailed description snd explanation Of phenomenon ora process Sample Assessment Criteria Reader ean easly understand the essay Learner writes an introduction with 3 well-defined thess statement Learner writes enough supporting details to desribe the sbject ach supporting paragraph ix related 10 the thesis statement Leamer uses vocabulary adequate to the type of essay ‘Transitions and logieal connectors ate used appropeately for punctuation errors oooo0000 ‘There are few grammatical, spell

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