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10/4/2015 — ‘Now 891 —Rizl arrived in Hong Kongfrom Europe Reasons why he left Europe Life in the Philippines has become imposible: without courtesy, wRhout urtue.without justice that is why la Solidaridad is no lenger the place to alve bottle (letter to Biumentrit 30 Dec. 1967) ‘+ He had gWen his hope for assimilation and worked {forts oRemative INDEPENDENCE ‘For the second time his mother was arrested and forced to walle 6okilometers and imprisoned. * Asked the British North Bonco Company to lease a parcel of land tothe Filipinas to occupy and develop. + Also wrote to Gow. Gen. Despujol informing line and his flan and request him to allow landless Flipins to cesablish their homes in Borneo. * Despujol instructed the Spanish consul General to tell Rizal that he did not want to lose laborers. July 6, 1892 + Despujol showed tohim auto-far handbills w/c the ‘custom authorities found in is language when he artived from HongKong, + Despujol did not know that those handbills were planted by ‘an official of the carabineers, nephew of (Arch-bishop) Nozaleda or order ofthe firs" (Baron Femandez, Jose Rizal; Flipino Dector and Patriot, tans Lila Hidadgobaurol 1980) + Despujol issued a decree banishing him to Dapitan. ‘+The place was chosen by the Jesuits who were tasked to obtain Rizal's retraction Reasons Given For His Deportation, ‘1 Head published books and artclesw/e showed ‘isloyalty 0 Spainand which were" Frankly anti-Catholic” ‘+ 2 this novel El Filbusterimo was dedicated tothe memory of three “traitor (Gombura) who were “extolled tirhimasmarys" ‘+3 "Theend which he preserved in his effort and writings in io tend from loyal Flpino breasts the treasures of eu Holy Catholic Faith (Zaida and Zaid p27 1994) F-Dapitan Parish Convent #1 he should retract his errors conceding religion. + 2 He should perform church rites. + 3, He should conduct himself in an exemplary manner ‘aSpanish subject. ‘+ House ~ Square- his home + 204 House —w/8 sides - living quarters of his pupils + 34 House -w/ 6 sides - where his chicken were kept ‘Francisco De Paula Sanchez + Reinforced the argument of FR, Pastells beat filed [kewise to convince and persuade Rizal, ‘+ The faithful Priend who never forsakes Rizal. Inhis poem "Mi Retiro” he tes about his frend who ‘would never forsake him- This friend was no other than his past if, including that in Europe w/e noone could take away from him." 10/4/2015 Holy week of 1894 ‘Fr. Vicente Baliguas, a young Jesuit parish rend at that ime sought the help of Rizal in paintinga backeop forthe altar forthe loafer celebration. ‘e Ralaguas was accompanied bya convent helper named Leonardo Sagal. + In doing the painting Rizal was assisted by “Sister Agustina Montoyaa Filipino men from Cavite who could paint. * Francisco Almidol, aactive painter ofand Dapitan ‘+ Rizal and Josephine asked Fr. Antonio Obach to marry them but the priest said that Rizal had to write a setraction to be approved by the bishop of Cebu. + The lovers agreed tolive as husband and wife when nothing was heard from the Bishop. * Oct 1, 1896 Rizal stayed in hiseabin the whole day ‘+ Fr. Pablo Pastell Superior ofthe Jesuits with whom. Rizal engages in religious debates. ‘+ Mariano Ponce The friend of Rizal who will not forsake him. ‘Castilla The name ofthe ship that Rizal boarded on histrip from Manila to Cuba. + ADon Ricardo CarniceroTitle ofthe poem that Rizal wrote for captain Camicero. + Thetitl of the book that Fr: Pastlls gave to Rizal” Imitation of Christ" + Florencio Namanah the Spanish spy sent to Dapitan ‘tw persuade Rizal to fil some of Rizals papers. ‘Rial could lve at parish conventon theff conditions ‘That Rizal publicaly retract his errors concerning religion and make statements that were cleorly pro- Spanish ogoinstrevokition. ‘sThct_he perform the church res ond moke a ‘general confesion of his pas life. 1 "Thot henceforth he conduct himself nan exemplary ‘manner as @ Spanish Subject and a man of religion”. 10/4/2015 '*P 6,200 of ft was given to Rizal '*P2,000 of his share he gave to his father and *P200 to Basa in Hong Keng, the rest he invested thru purchasing ‘agricultural-lands from the coast of Talisay ‘bout kilameter away from Dapitan The debate started when Pastells sent Rizal a book _by Sarda along with an advice that Rizal should desist from his majadleras (foolishness) in viewing religion from the perspective of individual judgement and self-esteem ‘The debate can be read in four (4) letters. ‘Rizal was bitter against the friars because they commit abuses under the doak of religion, ‘* Father Pastells tried to bring back to Catholicism Rizal by telling him that human intelligence i limited, thus he needs the guidance of God Rizal and Father Sanchez * In his aspiration to reconcile Rizal with the Church, Father Pastels sent to Dapitan: ‘© LFather Obach, Cura of Dapkan © 2Fr. Jose Viladara, Cura of Dipolog ‘* 3Fr. Francisco Paula de Sanchez, Rizal's favorite teacher at Ateneo de Manila ‘* Among his fornily members who visited Rizal were: ‘°.His mother *2.His sisters Trinidad, Maria and Narcisa ‘¢3.Nephews Teodosio, Estanislao, Mauricio cand Pruclencio 10/4/2015 /¢Rizal built a house by the seashore of Friar’s Spy Pablo Mercado — assumed name of the spy who visited Rizal at his house and pretended to be a relative by showing a photo of Rizal and a pair of_buttons with the initials P.M. as evidence of kinship. a " SS Rizal’s Encounter with the Friar’s Spy ‘The spy offered to be Rizal's courier of letters for the patriots in Manila, Rizal became suspicious and wanted to throw the spy outside but considering his values aand late hour of the night, he offered the spy to spend the night at his house. The next day, he sent the spy away counter with the Friar’s Spy ‘* The spy stayed in Dapitan and spread tales ‘among the people that he was a relative to Rizal * Rizal went to the comandancia and reported thei mpostor to Captain Juan Sitges (successor of Camicere) © Sitges ordered Pablo Mercado's arrest andl told Anastacio Adriatico to investigate him immediately. Florencio Namanan *a.k.a Pablo Mercado, singleand about 30 years old who washired by the Recollect friars to spyon Rizal’s activities Rizal’s Encounter with the Friar’s Spy The secret mission of Pablo Mercado was not an assassination attempt but espionage only. 10/4/2015 | ee in Dapitan ‘* Dona Teodora and Maria lived with Rizal for a year and ci half. s here when Rizal operated his mother’s right eye. Though the operation was successful, his mother had a wound Infection after ignoring Rizal's instruction of not removing the bandages. However, the infection was immedictelytreated ‘the death of Leonor Rivera left a poignant void in Rizal’s heart. In his loneliness, he met Josephine Irish girl of sweet eighteen who was bom in Hong Kong. Tend oreshos tomes James Bracken and Elizabeth Jane MacBride — Josephine’s parents who are both Irish in citizenship ° Mr. George Taufer ~ man who adopted Josephine after her mother died of childbirth, and Josephine Mr. Taufer became blind so he sought for an ophthalmic specialist. This is how Josephine and Rizal met. Manuela Orlac ~ Filipina companion who accompanied Josephine Bracken to Dapitan. and Jorephine Rizal and Josephine Bracken decided to get married but Father Obach refused to marry them without the permission of Bishop of Cebu. ‘*Hearing of the planned marriage ‘and unable to endure the thought of losing Josephine, Mr. Taufer tried to commit suicide by cutting off his ‘throat with a razor but Rizal was able to prevent this. 10/4/2015 land Josephine *To avoid a tragedy, Josephine ‘accompanied Mr. Taufer back to Manila, Mr. Taufer returned to Hong Kong alone while Josephine stayed with the Rizals in Manila. ‘*Having no priests to marry them, Rizal and Josephine married themselves before the eyes of God. and Josephine Bracken ©The two were happy for they were ‘expecting for a baby. However, Rizal played a prank on Josephine making her give birth to an eight-month baby boy. The baby lived for only three hours. He was named “Francisco” in honor of Rizal's father. When Cuba was under revolution and raging yellow fever epidemic, Rizal wrote to Governor General Ramon Blanco offering his services as military doctor. ‘*Bio Valenzuela — emissary to Dapitan in order to inform Rizal of the plan of Katipunan during the meeting at a little river called Bitukang Manok. Venus — steamer Valenzuela boarded to reach Dapitan Volunteers as Military Doctor in Cuba ‘Governor Blanco later notified Rizal of the acceptance of the offer. The notification came along with an instruction of acquiring first a pass for Manila from the politico-military commander of Dapitan. 10/4/2015 ‘*Upon receiving the acceptance of his offer to go to Europe then to Cuba to help in the curing of patients suffering yellow fever, he wrote a poem “E/ Canto del Viajero” ‘*Esparta ~ steamer which brought Rizal to Manila from Dapitan + Rizal was accompanied by Josephine, Narcisa, Angelica (Narcisa’s daughter), his three nephews ‘and six pupils * As farewell, the town brass of Dapiton played the| dolorous Funeral March of Chopin. ‘* He stayed in Dapitan for four year, thirteen days cand a few hours.

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