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Now, go up to the top menus and select

Image Adjustment Threshold


1. First things first! Find an image youd like to

turn into a pop art quad, choose something
with detail and texture, like the lips above.
Make sure it also has depth so later steps
work out better.
2. Next, open the image in Photoshop and go
5. Andtoyour
the image
2 paintshould
the left hand
thisside near the bottom, now choose 2 bright
colours that youd like to choose.

3. Using the small arrow above the colour

swatches put the colour youd like to use in
6. Using the sliders, adjust the threshold until
there is good amount of white to black ratio.

7. Once there is enough white to create the colour

effect, double click on the layer Background and
make it Layer 0.

8. Next, create a new layer using this button

9. Select layer 0 again, and ignore layer 1 for the

moment. Go up to the top menu and click Select
Colour Range.

10. Click the image dot, then up to where it says

Select Sampled colours. Click the drop down
menu and select highlights. Go back down and
select Selection next to the image button. Then ok.
This will select all your white. Lastly hit delete on
your keyboard.

11. Your image should now be only black with an

empty behind.

Select layer 1 again and go to the paint bucket on

the side toolbar and click on the blank space
behind the black area. You should have something
along the lines of this.

12. Use Control and D on your keyboard to deselect

the area. Using the magic wand tool on the side
bar, select, just the background area.

Find the other colour you want to have on the

image and using the paint bucket tool, paint the
background area.

Finally Control D and do the same as above but

with white on any areas you want to be white.
Repeat all the steps with the same image but
different colours 4 times to make a quad. Enjoy!

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