October 11 2015

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam October 11, 2015

What is the true measure of spiritual success? How should our devotion
express itself? Bhagawan explains to us today.

One important verse in the Gita (Ch 12 Verse 20) states: Those
who revere the dharmic way to immortality, and completely engage
themselves making Me as their ultimate goal with all faith, are
exceedingly dear to Me. What a grand idea this verse conveys!
The Lord has clearly declared therein that those who have these
qualities, that is, those who trust Him as the only ultimate goal and
are attached to Him single-mindedly they are dearest and
nearest to Him. Note the expression, righteous way to
immortality(dharmya-amritham) used here. Ponder over it and
draw inspiration from it. The nectar of the Lords grace is deserved
only by those who adhere to the Lords dharma. Simple folks
believe they have devotion toward the Lord, but they do not pause
to inquire whether the Lord has love towards them. People who
pine to discover the Lords love are rather rare. That is really the
true measure of spiritual success.
- Dharma Vahini, Ch 3.

Dharma is the inner voice of God. It is the conscience that has shaped itself as a result of centuries of
experience and generations of asceticism and austerity. Baba
11 AkqUbr,2015
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au`qr: gIqw dy 12vyN A`iDAwey dy 20vyN Slok iv`c ieh iliKAw hY ik ijhVy lok,Drm qy cldy hoey Amr hox dI
kwmnw krdy hn Aqy AMq iv`c,myry iv`c hI vlIn hox dw lkS r`Kdy hn Aqy myry au`qy pUrw Brosw r`Kdy hn,auh
mYnUM,swirAW qoN ijAwdw ipAwry hn[ies Slok iv`c,bhuq v`fw sMdyS iCipAw hoieAw hY[Bgvwn ny swP-SwP
iliKAw hY ik ijs mnu`K iv`c ieh gux hn Aqy myry iv`c pUrw Brosw r`K ky myrw hI icMqn krdy hn,auh myry bhuq
nyVy hn Aqy mYnUM bhuq ipAwry hn[ieh swnUM,Drm Aqy Amr hox dw rsqw ivKwauNdw hY[ ies isiKAw qy iDAwn
dau Aqy ies qoN pRYrxw lau[Bgvwn dy AwSIrvwd dw AMimRq aus nUM hI imldw hY ijhVw Bgvwn v`loN dsy Drm dw
pwlx krdw hY[Awm lok ieh ivSvwS krdy hn ik auh,Bgvwn nUM ipAwr krdy hn pr auh ies gl vl iDAwn

nhIN idMdy ik kI Bgvwn vI aunHW nwl,ipAwr krdy hn[auh lok,ijnHW nUM Bgvwn ipAwr krdy hn aunHW dI igxqI
bhuq G`t hY[iehI A`iDAwqimkqw dI sPlqw dw pYmwnw hY[(Drm vwihnI,A`iDAwey iq`n)[
Drm,Bgvwn dI AMqr-Awqmw dI Awvwz hY[ieh auh cyqnw hY ijhVI keI jnmW dI ,Bgvwn au`qy pUry ivSvwS
kwrx,pRwpq huMdI hY[(bwbw)[

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