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Who am I?

Born November 27th, 1996

I enjoy fishing, hiking and being out in Nature.

I am an avid reader. My favorite book is Factotum, and my favorite

genre is science fiction

My Strengths

I am patient and do not get stressed out easily

Easy to talk to; I like conversations

I have a good voice for public speaking

My Future

I am currently studying to become an Anthropologist. I expect to be in

school for a few more years, but then I will go and do field work out in
the world. I want to become a Professor to pass on my knowledge to
future generations.

If I could have one superpower

I would pick teleportation. The ability to travel wherever I want in the

blink of an eye is amazing, and very convenient too.

If I won the lottery

I would invest a good portion of the money in stocks and technology. I

would use the rest of it to live a frugal life where I dont spend a lot of

If I could be one animal

I would be a Tortoise. Theyre calm and patient animals that I can get a
vibe with. Their shells are awesome too!

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