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Prep B Show and Tell Roster

Term 4, 2015
Topic 1 - My birth story Share some special facts about your birth, e.g. where you were
born/who was there/
did something special happen/what did you look like? Bring along some photos to share too.
Topic 2 My families favourite Christmas recipe Share with us your families favourite
Christmas recipe. Tell us what is in the recipe, how you make it and why it is your favourite.
Please bring along a copy of your recipe glued into your scrapbook. If you would like to make it
at home and bring along a taste test for the class you are welcome to, but this is not necessary.
Topic 3 A favourite family Christmas celebration Tell us a recount of a favourite family
Christmas celebration from the past. This might be how you celebrate Christmas Day or
something you have done in the past to prepare for Christmas. Please note that this may not
have been a party. You are welcome to bring along photos to share.
Topic 4 My favourite memory of Prep is - You will need to remember all the fun times we
have had this year and decide which your favourite was. Tell us a recount of this memory.
This term show and tell links in with our Religion, History and English units. The children will again
have four opportunities to share. Dont forget to encourage your child to use a big clear voice, eye
contact, good posture and appropriate gestures.

Mondays 12-10, 26-10, 9-11 and 23-11

Matilda and Hugo Stafford
Tuesdays 13-10, 27-10, 10-11 and 24-11
Gabby and Finn
Wednesdays 14-10, 28-10, 11-11 and 25-

Mondays 20-10 (due to holiday), 4-11, 1611 and 30-11

Henry Page, Sienna and Mikaela
Tuesdays 20-10, 5-11, 17-11 and 1-12
Aiden, Tom and Cleo
Wednesdays 21-10, 6-11, 18-11 and 2-12

Lucy and Lily
Thursdays 15-10, 29-10, 12-11 and 26-11
Sarah and Hugo Dillane

Fletcher and Ben

Thursdays 22-10, 7-11, 19-11 and 3-12
Henry Miller, Olivia and Callum

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