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Tierra Jackson

Information Literacy

1. Use the Internet to find a Technology current event article.

To hack an Android phone, just type in a really long password by Jose Pagliery on
September 16, 2015
2. Write a paragraph summarizing the article.
Lollipop, which is the latest version of the Android phone operating system, has a
flaw. John Gordon, a computer security researcher, figured out that Android phones could
be hacked into by simply typing in a really long password to bypass the locked screen.
Google was given a heads up back in August by Gordon regarding the operating systems
vulnerability, and Google has released a software patch to correct the flaw. However, it
only available for Nexus models (Googles line of phones), so far. There is no sign of
when it will be available for other Android devices due to Androids updating system.
3. Find two additional Internet articles on the same topic.
Hacking an Android phone can be as simple as typing in a really long password

by Max Slater-Robins on September 21, 2015

Patched Android Lockscreen Still a Threat by Jack M. Germain on September
21, 2015

List the key words you will use to do the search.

Android phone hack password

Identify the search engines used.

i. Hacking an Android phone can be as simple as typing in a really


long password Patched Android Lockscreen Still a Threat

Tierra Jackson
Information Literacy
Compare the results from the two searches.
Both and were easy to use. I was able to put my key terms
into both search engines and with both I selected the News link for my results. I was
given very similar results from both search engines, with the more recent articles given
first. I think that having a specific key phrase/terms helped with the search.
4. TRAAP your sources.
Patched Android Lockscreen Still a Threat
Time: Written September 21, 2015 12.52pm PT (no updates)
Relevance: It is directly related to my topic of Android phones vulnerability to
being hacked by bypassing the password and is detailed in the information
provided regarding the issue, steps that are being taken to correct it, and also

advice on prevention.
Authority: The author is Jack M. Germain and he is a qualified writer for
LinuxInsider. At the end of the article it states that he has been writing about


computer technology since the early days of the Apple II and the PC.]
Accurate: The information in the article trustworthy. The author uses direct
quotes from the researcher who discovered the flaw, John Gordon. He also has


quotes from the director of mobile from LaunchKey and a researcher from Eset.
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to inform the general public about the
vulnerability of the operating system Lollipop in Android phones. The article is

not biased.
5. Find two scholarly journal articles on the same topic from the CCBC library
Android Stagefright vulnerability threatens all devices-and fixing it isnt easy

by Network Security on August 8, 2015

Utilizing a Bluetooth remote lock system for a smartphone by Hae-Duck J.

Jeong, Woojin Lee, Jiyoung Lim, and WooSeok Hyun.

List the key words you used to find the articles.

Tierra Jackson
Information Literacy
Android operating system vulnerability
Identify the database you used.
Justify the choice of the database used.
I chose this database because it is a scientific database and technology is a science. The
database also has full-text peer reviewed journal articles.
6. Compare the Internet and Journal articles.
Hacking an Android phone can be as simple as typing in a really long password
(Internet article) vs Utilizing a Bluetooth remote lock system for a smartphone (Journal
The internet article was easier to access than the journal article because it is a
recent news topic. All I needed to do to find the article was type the key words in, and
select the news link. With the journal article, there was more of a searching process,
which consisted of key words, advanced search, narrowing down results by dates,
narrowing down by result typejournal articles. The journal article is older and is not
quite the exact topic as the internet article, although they both deal with the same subjects
of mobile technology and security. I feel the journal article has more of the authority on
the topic. The article goes more in depth and about the technology and discusses a
proposed change in the system. The internet article is more of a report on the latest news,
without going into details into the technology.
7. Cite all five sources in APA or MLA format.
Works Cited (MLA)

Works Cited
"Android Stagefright Vulnerability Threatens All Devices and Fixing It Isn't That Easy." Network
Security 2015.8 (2015): 1-2. Business Source Premier. Web. 27 Sept. 2015.
Germain, Jack M. "Patched Android Lockscreen Still a Threat." TechNewsWorld. LinuxInsider, 21
Sept. 2015. Web. 27 Sept. 2015. <>.

Tierra Jackson
Information Literacy
Jeong, Hae-Duck J., Woojin Lee, Jiyoung Lim, and Wooseok Hyun. "Utilizing a Bluetooth Remote
Lock System for a Smartphone." Pervasive and Mobile Computing (2015): n. pag. Edselp. Web.
27 Sept. 2015.
Pagliery, Jose. "To Hack an Android Phone, Just Type in a Really Long Password." CNN Money. Cable
News Network, 16 Sept. 2015. Web. 27 Sept. 2015.
Slater-Robins, Max. "Hacking an Android Phone Can Be as Simple as Typing in a Really Long
Password." Business Insider. Business Insider, Inc, 21 Sept. 2015. Web. 27 Sept. 2015.

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