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JEEVAN 005 AUTOMATIC SCHOOL BELL ‘Consider that a school has 2 total of 8 periods witha lunch break ater the 4° period. Each period is 45 minutes long, while the uration of he lunchbreakis 30 minutes. To stan. the school peon needs to momentary press switch S1. There atter, the bell sounds every 45 minutes to indicate the end of consecutive perods, exceptimmediately aher the fourth peried, whenit sounds afer 20 minutes to indicate that the lunch breakis over. When the ast period is over, LED2 gions to indicate that the entire cycie Is over or this creut should beswitchedelt Incase the peon has been late to start the school bell the celay in minutes can be adjusted by advancing he tmeusing Sw ADV. Each pushing of ewtch sevances he tmeby 4Smates. {29 echoes dosed early, fe pooncen tmnthe bel Secu (ff byrmomentarly pressing sw2 Testing the kit 1. Press sw. Bell scunds for 8 seconds indicating startol frst period. Whist green LED also glows to indicate running ‘conditon of the gadget 2Atthe end of last period. red LED glows to indicate that the periods are ever and then switch of the gadget by manually pressing su2 3.To invocuce celay of curaton in multiples of 4.5 minutes, press sw ‘ADV’ as many number of times. For example to egvance the tering by 45 minutes press 10 tenes. For fast esting use TOut replacing to 1000u! capactor = a i PARTS LIST = 9.25 CARBON RESISTORS SEMICONDUCTORS R4,2,3,4,7, 10,12— 4K ——————7 Pes ICt 04081 LC. —____________ 1 Pe RS 270K 4Pe 1023 —-—— 4017 LC. 2Pes R6, 9————————- 100K 2Pes Ice 5551.6. 1Pe RB. 450K 4Pe 165 7812 Regulator 1Pe Ri1-——-—--—- 10K 4Pe DI TOD13 —— 1N4148 Diode > 13Pcs. Ri. 100E 1Pe 1470 Di8 —— 1N4007 Diode 5 Pes Qt ———--———- TYN612 (or) TYN604 SCR. 1Pe CAPACITORS 1 BEL100N Transistor 1Pe c O.01zFDisc——-1Pe 12,3 BC5é8 Transistor. 2Pes 3. 1000HF25V-——1Pe LD1 LED GREEN 1Pc 4,5. O4uFDisc ——2Pcs LO2 LED RED 1P¢ ie 10pF25V_——-1Pe S1,S2,ADV ———- Push to ON Switch «inj tazsean)—- 3 Pes amie { ieboze 5v—— 1 Pe RLY 12V DC SIC Sugar Cube Relay — 1 Pc BUZZER Continuos Type Buzzer ————— { Pe 0-15V /500mA— Step Down Transformer HEATSINK FOR ICS -~

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