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DSC 2008 Business AnalyticsData and Decisions Tutorial 2 (Assignment 1)

For groups presenting in Week 7, please revisit the assignment 1 of 2014-02 and
try to answer the following 5 questions on a group basis. Each question can be
answered with more than one analytic method and any method taught in Weeks
1 to 6 can be used. Please prepare a 5-minute presentation. Each group needs to
hand in your presentation file and one-page executive summary in the Week 7
tutorial. Although the answers of some questions are provided, please try to exert
your creativity to propose some new ideas to answer the questions., and
iid=bc_sp_full list Fortune magazines 100 Best Companies to Work For in 2011,
2012 and 2013. Using just those 2 columns of data per year, address the
following 5 questions:
(1) Were companies with higher job growths better ranked? Does the relationship
between job growths and company ranking vary by years?
(2) Do companies with larger number of employees have higher job growths? A
possible claim is that small companies have a greater potential for job growth.
Do you agree or disagree?
(3) Is company ranking consistent over different years?
(4) Which companies should be ranked 1 to 10 overall during the 3 years? (That
is, combine the 3 rankings into 1, and report the top 10 ranks individually.)
(5) Please write an executive summary based on your analysis of Fortune
magazines data.

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