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Anjali Pillai


Production: Copy
Genre: the genre of our production is a thriller. We chose this as we preferred this
genre to horror.
Duration: The duration of our film is two minutes long. This is because we are only
filming the opening sequence, which means that we would need to make our first two
minutes of the film intriguing and eye catching as well as getting our opening
sequence to impact the viewers, to make them want to watch the whole film.
Target audience: The target audience for our production are from the ages 13-25.
This allows us to collect a variety of responses from different ages and will also
enable our film to appeal to the majority of teenagers and young adult age groups.
We have decided to have 13 as our younger age as our production is a thriller and
will contain some disturbing scenes, people under the age 13 may get frightened.
However we feel like 13-25 is an appropriate age, as they would be more interested
than scared of watching the film. We decided to widen our responses by targeting
young adults as well as teens which will allow us to get contrasting results and
responses towards our film as both age groups will vary in opinions.
Our film starts with the estate agent (Soraya), the mother
(phoebe) and the little girl/ daughter (Olivia) walking down to their new house , the
estate agent then hands over the keys and paperwork to the mum. Before the mum
and daughter both step into the house , the mum tells the daughter that she has a
surprise for her , which is that she has decorated the house exactly the same as their
old house as the daughter didnt want to leave the old house behind. After the
daughter is told this, they both step into the house, as the mum steps into the house
she tells the daughter that its just her and her daughter now, as theyre not in
contact with the dad. Once they are inside the house the mum tells the daughter to
go upstairs and play in her room whilst she tidies sorts through stuff in the room
opposite Rosies. Whilst sorting through the many boxes in the room, the mother
comes across an old memory box containing old photos and newspaper articles of
an unknown dead person. Looking shocked of what she has seen she calls for her
daughter and goes into her room to find her missing, she looks into the room again,
and suddenly she is grabbed by a figure and dragged back into the other room.
Shorty after Rosie comes out of her room and stands in front of her mothers dead
body and smiles , she turns around and smiles at the person behind her and slowly
heads towards the staircase.
Character breakdown:
Rosie- Olivia conneely, aged 8, white, female, this character is the little girl in our
production who is also the daughter of the mum who dies. She starts off like a
normal girl but towards the end we start to see change in her behaviour from good
and innocent to mysterious and sly.
Ella- Phoebe Francis, aged 16, white, female, protagonist, this character is the
female lead; she is the mother of Rosie and is the character that dies at the end of
our production.

Anjali Pillai

Estate agent-Soraya Arghandawi, aged 16, Asian, female, this character is only
present at the start of our production as she introduces Ella and her daughter Rosie
to their new house.
Visual elements:
Lighting- the lighting for our film should be bright at the start and towards the end
the lighting should appear darker. This is to show the gradual mood change and
suspense to the end of our film; also as our film is a thriller darker lighting towards
the end would be more suited as opposed to bright lighting.
Camera movement- Similarly, the movement of the camera should have a gradual
change depending on what part we are filming, at the start the camera movement
should be steady and slow however towards the end of our film the camera
movement should have some minimal sharp movements where required and the rest
slow, to create suspense and tension for the audience.
Editing- our editing should be suited and appropriate to each part of the film we are
filming , short quick transitions for parts of the film with suspense and also using shot
reverse shot to show the conversations which take place between the characters.
We will be using the editing software, Final cut pro which includes the latest updated
software, which will enable to us to complete our film and edit.
Setting- the setting for our production will take place in a house, in a casual and
realistic setting as it relates to our characters and is appropriate for our film.
Actors- Our actors consist of Olivia Conneely playing the role of the little
girl/daughter, Soraya Arghandawi playing the role of the estate agent and Phoebe
Francis playing the role of the mother.
Props- the props we will use within our production consists of the memory box which
Ella finds and a doll which the little girl, Rosie will be holding.
Costume- The costumes for the group is mainly casual wear as our production is set
in a realistic setting. Clothes such as jeans and casual tops will be worn, however
each outfit is suited to each character for example; the estate agent will be wearing
smart wear to suit her image such as a blazer and smart trousers and the little girl
will be wearing a floral dress, headband, shoes and a bag to suit her innocent young
girl image and the mum will be wearing normal casual wear such as jeans and a top.
Audio elements:
Music- we are going to have music included in the background of our production to
enhance the tension and suspense as our film is a thriller.
Effects- we will be using sound effects to emphasise the fall of the mother and
where it is appropriate for our film in order to add to the suspense and tension.
Rationale- The reason why we chose this idea for our production is because thriller
films which have a touch of reality tend to do well in the film industry, and as it is a
thriller film it will attract our target audience as well as others to watch the film.
Constraints and contingency: Some of the problems that we may encounter whilst
making our film could be issues with the weather , this is because the first part of our

Anjali Pillai

film is shot outside , if it rains it could possibly damage our equipment or we will have
to re schedule to film on another day when it is dry. Another limiting factor could
people someone not turning up to film, which restricts us to continue filming and
having to reschedule again, if someone turns up late on the day we film, it can affect
the our film as we are filming during Autumn/ winter it tends to get darker earlier, so if
it gets too dark we may not be able to film.
Budget: We will be spending no money on our production as we already have
everything we need to film, including costumes.

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