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Does God Really Care About Me?

Do you ever get the feeling that God doesnt really care about you? Do you feel like Hes like a
taskmaster who is only concerned with all of the things you need to accomplish? Does He ever
feel like a distant, impersonal force? And no matter how hard you try connecting with Him, He
still seems so far away?
You certainly arent alone in how you feel. At some point in our relationship with Christ, many
Christians feel alone or begin to doubt that God is a loving God. But heres what you need to
know: Gods attitude toward you is love.
The Bible explicitly tells us that God loves and cares about you deeply.
And even if your emotional connection with Him isnt always there, God is still near.
One of the most touching verses in Scripture that perfectly captures this truth of Gods heart
toward us is found in Zephaniah, which states:
The Lord your God is with you. Hes mighty to deliver.
He takes great delight in you. He will quiet you with His love.
He rejoices over you with singing. (3:17)
So here is the game-changer:
Gods promise is that if we draw near to God
then He will draw near to us (James 4:8).
There is still hope for us
When we simply cannot understand the twists and turns of our path we can run to the One who will anchor us. He doesnt
promise our lives will be free of trouble yet He does promise to hold us close through it all. Never doubt Gods love and care.
He hurts when we hurt. His son, Jesus, went up the agonizing hill to the cross and understands the deep anguish the soul
can plunge to. Thats why we can trust Him to be with us in our times of overwhelming stress.

God continually calls us to come to Him with our burdens and find rest for our souls. (Matthew
11:28 & 29)
He invites us to cast our worries on Him because He cares. (1 Peter 5:7)
He invites us to come to His throne and ask for mercy and grace to help us in our time of need.
(Hebrews 4:16)
He will be our Comforter in sorrow when our heart is faint. (Jeremiah 8:18)
He offers strength when we are weak. (Philippians 4:13)
He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds.(Psalm 147:3)

When our minds cannot comprehend the tragic events we find ourselves in our hearts can reach to the God of all
Comfort to find the strength we need to get through today and to know that there will be help and hope for tomorrow.
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all
comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the
comfort we ourselves have received from God. (2 Corinthians 1:3 & 4)
Take a look at your life. Ho

But how do you do this?


Selamat pagi semua

saudara dan saudari seiman
dalam Yesus Kristus.
Kepada semua peserta dan pegawai
saya ucapkan SELAMAT DATANG
ke Dewan Injil Petaling Jaya.

Tuhan kerana pada pagi ini,

semua dapat berkumpul
dengan rendah diri
penuh sukacita
dapat menyembah Allah Bapa
Tuhan Yesus Kristus.

Beberapa hari yang lalu,

negara kita dilanda masalah jerebu
sehingga sebilangan sekolah
terpaksa ditutup sehari.
Di sebabkan masalah jerebu
kami pihak penganjur
juga berasa bimbang gelisah
Persoalan kami:
Dapatkah KEM BELIA ini diadakan
ataupun terpaksa ditunda
ke masa yang lain?
Hari ini saya puji Tuhan
kerana Dia mendengar
dan menjawab DOA kami.
Tuhan telah menunjukkan kebaikan-Nya kepada kita.
Ini juga membuktikan
bahawa tema Kem Belia iaitu "TUHAN PEDULI"
sangat sesuai dan tepat pada masanya

Saudara dan saudari,

Saya mahu menyatakan,
Saya mahu menyeru
Saya mahu mengingatkan
Saya mahu mendorong
supaya kita semua percaya
sesungguhnya TUHAN PEDULI.
Apabila kamu dilanda masalah atau pergumulan
bawalah masalah atau kesulitan hidup itu
kepada TUHAN.
BERDOAlah kepada-NYA
TUHAN kita mengerti
TUHAN kita mendengar
rintihan dan tangisan kita
Tetapi yang pasti
kita akan beroleh PENGHIBURAN dan KEKUATAN
-------------------------------------------------------------------Untuk Renungan kita bersama
saya baca petikan ringkas daripada Alkitab Bahasa Malaysia.
Matius 10:29-31
29 Kamu dapat membeli dua ekor burung pipit
dengan mata wang yang paling kecil.
Meskipun demikian tidak seekor pun jatuh ke tanah
tanpa persetujuan Bapa kamu.
30 Rambut di kepala kamu pun sudah dihitung semuanya.
31 Oleh itu, janganlah takut!
Di sisi Allah, kamu lebih berharga
daripada banyak burung pipit!

Berdasarkan petikan ini,

saya simpulkan dua perkara sebagai pengajaran kita


(God is all knowing. God is all powerful)
TUHAN mengenal kita setiap orang.
Pengetahuan-Nya sempurna
sehingga bilangan rambut di kepala
kita sudah dihitung semuanya.
Setiap orang itu berbeza
disebabkan faktori jantina, kaum, budaya,
kepercayaan dan lain-lain
Walaupun kita berbeza
kita tetap sangat berharga bagi Tuhan
Dan bagi orang-orang yang percaya kepada Kristus,
kita sekalian adalah SATU dalam TUBUH KRISTUS.
Di sisi Tuhan,
kita lebih berharga daripada burung pipit yang

Yohanes 3:16
Allah sangat mengasihi orang di dunia ini sehingga Dia
memberikan Anak-Nya yang tunggal, supaya setiap orang
yang percaya kepada Anak itu tidak binasa tetapi beroleh
hidup sejati dan kekal.
1 Petrus 5:7
Serahkanlah segala kekhuatiran kamu kepada Allah,
kerana Dia mengambil berat tentang kamu.

Tuhan yang

ari sudut pandang Tuhan

kita sangat berharga bagi-Nya
Disebabkan kita jauh lebih berharga daripada daripada
seekor burung pipit
Tuhan yang Maha Kuasa tidak akan mengizinkan
sesuatu yang berlaku
kepada kita tanpa persetujuan dan izin-Nya.
Saudara dan saudara
Dan bagi TUHAN setiap orang itu sangat berharga.
Sememangnya bagi TUHAN,
kita semua jauh lebih berharga daripada burung pipit
Dalam buku Kejadian,
semasa TUHAN menciptakan manusia pertama
Adam dan Hawa
dia menciptakan manusia dalam gambar rupanya
Sudah pasti manusia jauh lebih berharga daripada burung pipit
Tidak ada apa-apa
Genesis 1:27
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and
female he created them.



Lukas 12:7
Lukas 12:6-7
Bukankah burung pipit dijual lima ekor dua duit?
Sungguhpun demikian tidak seekorpun dari padanya
yang dilupakan Allah,
bahkan rambut kepalamupun terhitung semuanya.

Tuhan me
Lukas 12:8-9
Karena itu jangan takut, karena kamu lebih berharga dari pada banyak burung pipit.
Aku berkata kepadamu: Setiap orang yang mengakui Aku di depan manusia,
Anak Manusia juga akan mengakui dia di depan malaikat-malaikat Allah.
Tetapi barangsiapa menyangkal Aku di depan manusia, ia akan disangkal di depan
malaikat-malaikat Allah.

Matthew 10:29-30
Are not two sparrows sold for a cent?
And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father.
But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.

So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.

Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men,
I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven.
But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him
before My Father who is in heaven.


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