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To: The Community of El Paso Texas
From: Carlos Eduardo Orta
Date: October 3rd, 2015
Subject: Racial Public Policies in the United States

Dear El Paso Community,

Through the years of this independent country, we have seen all kinds of political abuse to
several specific communities and groups of minorities of the United States. From japanese
internment camps in 1942, to the unfair takeover of lands of Native Americans during the
18th century, to the slavery and murder of african americans by the hand of policemen
during the 50s, government has had numerous public policies that affect, in a harmful way,
certain minorities. Even today we ought to see government related events that will have to
deal with immigration, and policies dealing with race and origins.
Because of these actions that government took in the past, several organizations unite to
prevent future racist public policies. Groups like the the National Council of La Raza fights
for Mexican American rights, the White Panther Party fights for African American Rights,
American-Arab Anti Discrimination Committee fights for Arab American Rights. All these
created because of injustice of state and demand for better opportunities without
Today, Donald Trump, candidate to 2016 United States presidency, stated in his presidential
announcement his sentiments towards Latin immigrants. His ideology that Mexico and South
America sends in their worst people drafted attention not only from the US, but other parts of
the world too. With his statements from his presidential speech, we can infer that public
policies based on his ethnic ideologies on Mexicos dangerous people and border will take
place during his presidency.
Policies that affect and focus on american citizens with foreign origins have always been
subject of interest, because most of them have been harmful and controversial to a specific
minority group and not always helpful for them.


Walker, H. (2015, July 6). Donald Trump just released an epic statement

raging against Mexican immigrants and 'disease' Retrieved October 5, 2015, from Directory of Organizations. (n.d.). Retrieved
October 5, 2015, from

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