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To: Tenure Committee

From: Kate Perkins

RE: Fall 15 Semester Goals
There are three main projects I am working on this semester.
1. Create and pilot a supplementary instruction model for 090. This
semester, I am working with an intern to develop an in-class version of
supplementary instruction to increase COMM 090 student retention and
success. The model is a little different than traditional supplementary
instruction, but it will hopefully encourage more participation and will help
pre-college level students learn how to manage their learning in addition to
learning course content.
2. Re-do English 121 hybrid. As you know, the first 121 hybrid I developed
did not go very well. I have revamped the course content and the online
component of the course to more closely align with 121 course outcomes and
student needs.
3. Manage online Chronicle in its pilot phase. This is proving a bit more
difficult than originally thought because the website has a larger learning
curve than I expected. This semester is about working out the kinks.
I anticipate that the supplementary instruction project will take several semesters to
truly complete, but Im hoping the other two goals will be manageable for this

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