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Why do we need to understand ‘traneportation in Ancient Egypt? Tampon oro no fn Sere reese aa Sera pels sane or poe keae n help us understand how the Ancient jane were connected vith other fears, cultures, and people in their word + This can help us understand how we: the Ancient Egypte mn our Word Five Major Means of Transportation in Ancient Egypt + Walking + Animals + Litters + Chariots + Ships Walking hand Anithestona Most Egyptians went about by foot ‘They used sandals made of papyrus Many travelers used walking-sticks ‘The walking-stck served both as a ‘weapon against robbers as much as a walking aid * Bags wore mst co rial oc Rak were cometines taon tr eing tan” + tt boloved tote ware mins of dnkays in Ancient Eayet : sires norton a + Camels wore probaly not used unt a much ter pation Se Egyptian duieaton + Liters wer etn usd for ceremonial purposes

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