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Focuses on thought processes and the behavior that reflects those processes.
This perspective encompasses both organismic and mechanistically influenced


Piaget argued that :

The child takes an active role in their own development
Children develop progressively more elaborate and sophisticated mental
representations of the world called shemas, based on their own actions on the
environment and the consequences of these actions
Knowledge is constructed through two processes :
a) Assimilation in which the child evaluates and tries to understand new
information, based en existing knowledge of the world
b) Accommodation, in which the child expands and modifies their mental
representations of the world based on new experiences.
Some of the detail of these stage theories has been criticised and the evidence
now suggests that piaget underestimated childrens abilities.
However, many of his concepts are still accepted and his ideas continue to
influence educators across the world.


0-2 years
Begins to make use of imitation, memory, and thought.
Begins to recognise that objects do not cease to exist when they are not in view
Moves from reflex actions to goals-directed activity


2-7 years
Gradually develops use of symbols, including language.
Able to think operations through logically in one direction.
Has difficulties seeing another persons point of view.


7-11 years
Able to solve abstract probelms in logical fashion.
Becomes more scientific in thinking.
Develpos concerns about social issues, identity.

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