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• Subject:

McGinley, Christopher

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 3:36 PM ''

RE: timeline-- need your ok if possible

Oh -sorry

-----Original Message----

From: [ I


Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 3:36 PM

To: McGinley, Christopher

Subject: RE: timeline-- need your ok if possible

In Plan 8 they go to LM because they are in the PW-Ardmore zone.


Cluistopher" To:


rg> Subject:

"''" <> cc:

RE: timeline-- need your ok if possible

111121200803:32 PM

Yes. That is correct. I realize that ABC house has a strong connection at LM and I am a person who has put his money where his mouth is in terms of children in need. 111at is how I ended up with five instead of four

children. Jesse was a student in Cheltenham who I met when he was in crisis. That being said-- the education of ABC house students is a

generous contribution that this community makes to children in need. I don't see the needs of those children rising above the need of residents

and] know that they will be well cared for at Harriton.

I now have six okays on the new timeline

----Original Message-----

From: [ Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 3:28 PM

To: McGinley, Christopher

Subject: RE: timeline-- need your ok if possible


That's good to hear. Not the same for PW-Ardmore whieh is a very non-mixed community and includes ABC house which really really has a connection with LM .

"McGinley, Christopher"


"'LPliskin@kravcosimon.coln'" <>

<McGinleyC@lrnsd.o ec:

rg> Subject: RE: timeline--

need your ok if possible

1lI12/200803:23 PM

I see thanks. BTW-- I worked with Ross this morning on Seen #8. There are no options around the PV -Ardmore section. The only good news is that the section of PV-Ardmore is not predominantly one race. It is a very very

• mixed community

-----Ongmal Message-----

From: [ Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 20083:21 PM

To: McGinley, Christopher

Subject: RE: timeline-- need your ok if possible

I tried to give you an assist with the Harris issue and David.


Christopher" To:

'"LPliskin@>'" <>

<McGinleyC@lmsd.o cc:

rg> Subject: RE: timeline--

need your ok if possible

11112/200803:09 PM


• I will fix the start date for the public comment period. I am assuming that we will deliberate after the l Sth. ZI can make not of that for the bd timeline.

Two yes so far.

David is opposed to having Harris here on Monday but I,think we need him. I will make him do 10 minutes only.

-----Original Message-----

From: LPliskin( [] Sent: Wednesday, November 12,20083:05 PM

To: McGinley, Christopher

Cc: Ebby, David; Difsonaventuro, Diane; Friedlander, Gary; Novick, Jerry; Pliskin, Lisa Fair (horne); Lorenz, Ted: Kugel, Lyn; Doucette-Ashman, Linda; Guthrie, Susan

Subject: Re: limeline-- need your ok if possible

Looks good to me.

I would add Tuesday December 2nd and note that the Public Comment period lor Plan 3 opens and will run December 2-12. We are not having our public comment meeting until the 8th and the way it is presented, it looks like we collapsed the public comment period for Plan 3 to 4 days .

• Also. don't we need some time for Board dehberation starting on the 15th or will that all occur on January 12?

Thanks, Chris.

"McGinley, Christopher"



Diane" <dianedibon(q·!>, "Doucette-Ashman, Linda"

<McGinleyC@hnsd.o <>,

"Ebb)" David" <>, "Friedlander, Gary"

rg> <gfried636(>,

"Guthrie, SU5<1n" <>, "Kugel, Lyn" <lyn , kugel@yahoo.col1l>, "Lorenz, Ted" <>, "Novick, Jerry"

I JlI21200S 02:42 <>, "Pliskin, Lisa Fair (home)" <lfpliskilli?!leomeasl. net>,

PM "Pliskin. Lisa Fair (work)"


<Ipliskin@*> cc:

SUbject: timeline- .need

your ok if possible

Good Afternoon,

Plan A was the choice of the vast majority of members pf

the Board with some concern raised about bringing a plan our on the Monday of Thanksgiving week (Ted is nol available that evening)lf we bring out

then bring out the new plan on December 1 we would have only two weeks between the time that we share the plan and the time that we would adopt

the plan. That tirueline would create problems. Once we move past the 15 th of December we really have to wait to adopt the plan in January. The

first Monday is January 5 and the first day back from winter break. I

think that approving the plan that evening would present problems. That brings us to January 12th as the approval date. I addressed this

possibility with principals of the middle and high schools. They can

make course selection work with this new date but delaying any further will create some real concerns. J am looking for your approval of the revised Plan A below. If it meets with your collective approval we will publicize the revised plan tomorrow through the Thursday folders and the HSA list serves.


Plan A--REVISED: with end point of January 12th 2009

~onday, November 17 - 6: 15 p.m. -Exec .

• 7:30 p.m. Reception in honor of

Am. Education Week

8:00 p.lII. Business Board Meeting & 3rd

Have Harris Sokoloff discuss values relative to the plan.

I walk through the process from plan one to plan two and current considerations

Board discusses values

3-l-l is discussed in the context of questions (no Ross)

Wednesday, Nov. 190 6:15 p.m. Exec

8:00 p.m. - Public Comment on Values/content of Monday Os meeting

Monday, November 24 U 615 p.m. Exec Executive Session Only

Monday, December 1 U 6: 15 p.m.

&:00 p.m. Reorganization Meeting

_ 8:30 Public presentation of the New Plan Monday, December 8 06: IS p.m-Exec

&:00 p.m. Public Comment on Ole


New Plan

Friday December 12

End of Public Comment Period on Plan 3

Monday, December 15 06:15 p.m. Exec

8:00 p.m. Business Meeting 0 Changes to Plan 3 (if any) Public Comment

Tuesday January 6

End of Public Comment Period on Plan 3

revisions (if any)

Monday January 12th C 6: 15 p.m. Exec

8:00 p.m. Business Meeting Approval of

Redistricting Plan

Christopher W. McGinley, Ed.D. Superintendent

Lower Merion School District



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