Students Doe Exhibit 47

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Students Doe Exhibit 47 ‘Thursday, November 20, 2008 8:15 PM McGinley, Christopher Re: scenario 8 pdf - Adobe Reader ‘Most important is your health! and I am glad you are feeling better. Never worry about how long it takes you to respond. Iknow you have tons on your plate and Tam no prima donna. If need something quick, you'll know. ‘The pic looks great and the fine so much more logical . You are wot alone in ying to solve Ardmore. look ait every day and I know others would lke to resolve its well. IFT remember the fs, HH was at 1049 plus 40; Di, Ted, Linda and David would see taking it down 100 as too low (although David and Linda would be conflicted as they would like to resolve Ardmore), Can you make it ess than 100? Can we cut out some of the original 74? Fa Hite worried that this wll cause the detractors to focus on the disparity in #s in plan 8 already. A magnet would have to be pretty special (like environmental) to attract from BC to HHS cause folks don't want to trade away LM and a bigger LM would keep it richer ‘and more atiactve. I don't think college credit would be enough to lure back the 80 plus that would give the west coasters comfort {Unt HH would stay big enuf. Can we open 100 tition paying spots and would folks take them in tis economy? (maybe after we sename LM east and west) and what happened to no racial isolation? Lots of questions, but no answers, Give ita shot, but make sure that the resolution or lack of one doesnt ow us backwards, especially if t's not resolvable ‘Talk o you tomorrow. From: "McGinley, Christopher" {MeGinleyC@lmsi. org} ee 11/20/2008 06:18 PM EST ro: Lisa Pliskin Subject: RE: scenario 8 pf - Adobe Reader HiLisa, ‘Lam sony that I didnot get back to you sooner. I will call you tomorrow ifthat is ok. 1am sure you understand the pace of things here atthe moment | worked with Ross this afternoon and reviewed the concerns that you mise about 8. Ihave attached a better map of the 8 scenario, 1 just sent him the questions about the addition of those kids in Sabine. I am more concerned about the Ardmore side ofthe map. 1 had ‘nema from Linda late lat night asking iT heard the Ardmore message as unity first~school second. I doa! think that isthe ‘message, I think the message is unity at LM. Thate te fact thatthe quest is publicly tied to the achievement gap issue by some ofthe speakers. Nothing could be further from the truth. Its the “history gotcha” tied to the achievement gap tied to redistricting that concems and scares me moving forward. know this isa dead horse forthe board but lam riding itone more time. 1 wish there was more of a tolerance for higher numbers at LM and that we could use a magnate approach to attract kids to HH. I wish there was a way tocextend the option area into the PV Ardmore section but doing so would not only mean another hundred a LM but many fewer AA Kids at HH. Perhaps lam just venting frustration at this point Speaking of venting... am breathing better and not wheezing so I think things are looking up health wise. Thanks for asking, Chvis Lms007773 From: LPliskin@kravcosimon com {ruillo-LPliskiey@kravcosimon com) ‘Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 1:11 PM. ‘To: McGinley, Christopher Subject Re: scenario 8 pa - Adobe Reader Chis, 1 had a conversation w/Linda last night and again today and I would tike fo share it with you when you get a minute. Idon' think that the balance is quite a precarious Also a suggestion and a couple of 9s. Should we end up there, the new drawing of 8 i beter, but tll think that the heavy black fine should just continue along the bottom ofthe border of Penn Valley and not loop up over the choice area. With a heavy blackline {Were of around it in any way, it looks like itis being carved out. Instead, I would recommend a completely different weatment forthe choice area~just color it yellow. Looking a the map, Pean Valley should all look like it is in the WV/BIH zone-choice is an overlay, not a carving out. Tain assuming, that with only 7Sish HS kids in the choice are, there are sila great dal of PV'ers in each grade level that willbe going to HH, even if all the choice kids chose LM, right? Knowing that you plan to add the small streets off Cherry to the choice area, just like 0 ‘know how many kids are inthe small PV area from Church to Sabine (adjacent to Narberth that i notin choice? Not suggesting anything, just asking it looks like an obvious question, {really really hope you are feeling beter and taking care of youself ‘You sound awful (somry) and Iam worried. I can attest tothe fact that bronchitis tums into pneumonia realy easily ifyou ae not careful i “McGinley, Chuistopher” To: Bonaventuro, Dine" , Eby, David” , “Friedlander, Gary* oa , "Guthrie, Susan* , “Loren, Ted® , "Novick, Jerry” 11/1/2008 09:58 , "Pliskin Lisa Fair (homey” - Subject: scenario & pf - Adobe Reader Good Morning, Some of you asked fora larger version of Scenario 8. This isa copy that can be enlarged so that you may view individual LmsD07774 streets. Iwill be sending proposed timeline late this morning for your consideration. | will be meeting with Ross tomorrow to examine options. eo tached file: scenario 8 pdf) LMsp07775

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