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Performance of multicarrier CDMA using

divided se uence frequency diversity over

multipath ading channel

Hying-Kuii Park, Uoug-Jun Ilwnng, Yun-Ho Lcc and

Kyun I I y m Tchah
A ncw multicarricr cock tliviaicln in~illiplcacccu (MC-CDM A)
S ~ S ( C I I I is prqiuwl. lii this sytcin, both rrequcncy iind tiriie
tlivmiiy caii IE nbt:iinctl by uriiig rlividcd spr':idiiig sqiiciicc?:
mid a Kakc Irccivcr. Siiiiiilntion wults show itre( thc pruposcd
M(:-CUMA systcm liils ii high lcvd ol' rohusttrcss iigninat
tiiiiltiplith cll'ccts itiid o i i t p x h n i s coiwcntioii:il MGCDMA
sysiaiis. l'lic infliicncc or changiilg 1110 tiiilnhcr of WP blaiiclics
am1 copied data 011 tlic ;tvmgc bit cr'ror laic is invtsiigatctl.

h i r o d u d o ~ j :Variuus types of in~ilticiirriti.code division ~iiiilliplc

systcm I ~ a v cbccn proposed For iigti d i i h
ratc iipplicalions to rcdocc thc cilkccct of intcrsymbol inlcrrereiice
(ISI) and 10 irilrndiice ii dcgrw uf iidtip(ability to vwying cliatuiel
coiiditioiis. 111i i i i h4C-CIIMA system [ I ] , c;icli cai'ricr is sihjccl tu
iioiiselective fiidiiig ;nntl, witti the icccpliuii or the saint data sym1101 on clii'rcrciilcarriers, frequency tlivcnily is acliicvcd. Iluwever,
tiikss the chip d u n i h i is no longer 11xm tlie channcl dclay
sprt':id, this systciu stfrtrs from scvcrc IS[. 0 1 1 the oilicr h i d ,
MGDS-CUMA syjysleins 121 gm robus1 to niu1tip;itIi Frtding ;mrl
rcqiiii-e il Iowr chip nitc sincc tlie entire h i n d w i r l h of tlie systems
is diviilctl into cqiii-width f q u c u c y haiids. U u l such ii systcni cii~ino( acliievc tYcqiieiicy tlivcrsity sincc suk:irricvs have dil'fcrcnt
data. Aiintlier iniilticrirricr bwsctl DS-CUMA SCII~IIIC,
iii which thc
sariic &ita arc iransinitktl using scvcrd siibcwi-rim, is proposcrl hi
[3]. hi this Luilcr, \be propose ii nciv mullicarricr CDMA sysieiii
which is ;ihlc to xhievc frcqucncy mid time diversity by using
rliviilctl spi-cc;itlingsequcnccs and ti Rake rcccivcr. Compiikr siinulation rcs~il~s
sliow that [tic proposctl system tias ;I liighcr pcrlbrrii: w c h i i n (lit: cot1vcnlion;il multicai'ricr systciiis.

In tlic tl-iiiislnissioii clianiwl, iiiclcpcndcnt f d i n g ror each sdxarrier frcqiicncy a r i w and multipath compuncii~silre ;iddcrl. hi tlic
rccciver, there iirc M S matchcd fillers will1 niic niatclictl filtei, fni
mcli su1)carrier. Rich iiiatchcd lilter. consisis of ;in oscillator with
H tkqircncy cnrrcsponditig IO the heqneiicy of tlic par1icul;u. suhcarrier that is of i n l c i u l mid mi integrator. To cxtfiict ilic dcrircrl
signal's component. pi&il
coi~rclationis calcirkitctl by using ii
divided t'N cork aiid tlicse valucs arc iidricd. A Rnkc rcccivcr is
uscd lo acliicve tiiiic clivcrsity. l'hc dccisiou valucs iirc pnrallcl tn
sci-id conwtetl to obtain ttic dcsircil sigii;iI sequence.


assumed pcrfcct subcarricr synchronisation ;tiid subcarrier s l i ~ l e

estiiiiation, The niiinber of suhirricrs wiis assnmctl to bc 64 (MS
7 64). Thc nu~iibcrof SIP bits (= iM> w x s 2 ( 1 1 1 = 0,I, ..., 6). For
M = 1 (S = 64) wiid JM = 64 ( S = I), the system GII~he corisidcred

a s cowcntional MC-CDMA [I] and MC-DS-CDMA [2], rcspeclively. To make n fair compnrisoii, the data ratc, the transmittcd

PN chip ratc ;incl the i i u ~ i i k rof subcarrim LVHC assuiiicd to be

ihe siltjic rcgiircllcss of thc v;llucs ol M and S.
Fig. 3 shows the bit error rate (BER) agiiinst tlic tiumbcr of
copied brandies S. It1 this Figure, wc observc that thc system pcrfonnance inaiiily dcpciids 011 tlic piramclcrs S and M. For S = M
= 8, thc systcm achicvcs a bclicr tM< perrormance th;1n alhers.
Alsu the perroonnwncc: enliaiiceineiit obtained by the use of a Rake
receiver is highest at S c. 8. From [tic sirnulalion rcsihts; it c;m bc
S C C I ~ tliat thc proposcd sclicinc is siipcrior to coiivcntional
scl~cmcs.TIE main idea MII ;ilso hc cxlentled to niore practical
wirclcss radio environineo(s.

tion bipolar transistors with 10 < 13 < 40 [RI. 111 previous work, n
common problem ivws tlic lunitccl [>-type Mg rlopiiig in thc basc,
which IS rcqiiircil 10 bc as high R S possiblc. httcmpts at iiiiproving
the device pei,foimmcc have incliitletl dimerent techniques, from
selective regrowlli or [lie base contnct regions [9] 10 using p-cype
Sic! iis (lie hnse [II]. In this Letter we report AlChNICiaN HBTs
with good device perhinance at roo111 tempmture without contact regrowth mncl the iisc of other niatcrisil system.



AIGaN/GaN heterojunction bipolar

transistors grown by metal organic chemical

vapour deposition
B.S. Shcllon, J.J. FIuang, D.J.11. Lamhcrt, T.G. Zhu,
M.M. Wong, C.J. Eiting, H.K. Kwon, M. Feng and
R.D. Diipiiis
Hcterojuiiclion hipolar transistor< hascc1 011 nluniiniuiii gnlliuiii
IiitriddEnlliuiri idtridc (AIG;iN/GnN) stmciarsi llavc b c c i ~
fabricatd a n d charwcrised. Thc tlcviccs w m grown by iiicriil
o r g ~ i c dicniictil vapour dcposihi on c--pl;inc sapphii-e
sutistratcs. Tlic N p i sttiicitiit consists nf iiti ,!-GIN laycr follmvctl
by ;in ii+-GaN s d ~ d c c t o rcontact, an unintcniioixilly tlopcrl
CinN collcclor, p-C;itN hasc, iincl ari I V - A I ~ , ~ Gciriittcr
~ ~ ~ N with /I+G I N cotitxct. I ) ~ v i c cyicldcd
good transistor pcrfnmincc with :I
UC ctarrcnt gain a s high 215 100 :it room tciiipcratiii.c.
In!mdriclion: The quality of wide-handgap 111-N semiconductor
matcri;ils grown by mctid organic chcinical vapour dcpositiori
(MOCVD) has slcrttlily improved over the Isist scvcral years. This
IIRS led to the deiizoustration of a variety of improved-performance nitride-hnscd devices, e.g. high-brightness light-emitting
diodcs [I],rootn-tempcraturc CW iiijcctinn Iascrs [I - 31, low-dark
curi.cn1 L!V pliotoiliodcs [4], aixl h i g h iwiiismiIductniice fieltleffect Iixnsistnrs [SI.While nitride-based heternjunction field-effect
trniaistors (HFETs) havc hecti rcported widcly [h, 71 tlicrc liavc
bccn onty a Tcw dcinoiistr;itiuns or II[-V nitride-hascd bipolar
junction tixnsistors (KITS)opratiiig at room temperature [X, 91.
The higli-teii~peraturereliability of nitride BITS lias also rcccntly
bccn rcportcd [IO].
The advdntagcs of tising bipolar triinsistor tachnology lic in thc
prccise control of the critical dcvicc dinicnsions (c.g. thc base
width) rhal arc dctcrmincrl by thc growh sequence, as wcll as
nmre linear device pcrrortnanm coinp;ircd with WETS. Thc
reports of TU-V nitride BlTs describe Iieterojutiction hipolar trwisislors (1113Ts) ~ v i hDC curreeul giiins p = 2- ,3 191 and Iiomojunc-


F d x 4 w i m The Alo,l,G;~,,,,,N/G;tNHIIT striicturcs were growti

by low-pr~ss~~rc
mctal olgiuic chciiiical v;ipoiu dcposit ion
(MOCVD) in an EMCOlW LtirboDisc D125 U1M high-spceil
rotalingdisk reuclor on 2.Oiii diwiiielei. c-plane (0001) sapphiit:
substrales, The GaN epitaxial Iilyers were growii at pressui.ts or
-200Torr and the AlGaN emitter layers were grown 211 -1OOTorr
in a hydrogen atnbierit usitig (TMCh), trinietliylalumiiiium
(TMAI), atid aiiiiiionia (Nl-13), Thc n-typc and /)-type cloprnts
L I S ~ are silaiie (SiIiq)
and bis(cy~lopentadic~iyl)maglicsi~~m
(Clp,Mg), reslmlively. A rwo-kiiiperaturc growth proccss was
eiiiploycd with 21 low-iempcra(urc GiiN b u k r laycr grown nt
-540C: and the high-temperature (HT) layers growii W L - I 050C
[12]. First, a 750ntrr lightly dnpcd ,a-EinN HT layer WRS grown to
improve the layer quality for the suhsequent device Iayei-s. The
device striicturc consists of ;4 lpii 11l-G:iNsubcollcctor for conLacl, ii 500nm uninte1i(ioiially doped ({!It>) n-type GwN collcclol;
:ind ;I
150nin p-C;i?-!:Mg basc. Finally, Ihc lOOnm ?IiAlo.rsGao,ssN
emittcr arid lOOii111 n-<hN emitter cniitact layers

ELECTRONICS 1ETTERS 6th January 2000

Vol. 36 No. 1

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