The Magic Talismans by Zachary Selig - Catalogue - Art Basel Miami 2015 - Bertil Bernhardt Art Gallery - Miami, Florida

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Alberto Guerrero and Bertil Bernhardt

Bertil Bernhardt Gallery presents for Art Basel Miami


22 Surreal Fine Art Paintings
November 30, 2015
Cocktail Reception 6:00 PM
8650 Biscayne Blvd, Suite 20
Miami, Florida 33138
305 606 7757

Zachary Selig Biography:

Zachary Seligs art is a product of Mexican and Latin
American culture. He received the highly esoteric knowledge
of Talisman Art with its intricately correlated design formulae
of cosmological principles at different stages in his life in
Mexico and Caribbean. His first training came through
Mesoamerican Anthropologist Alexander von Wuthenau at
The University of the Americas at age 16 in Mexico City. He
learned the East Indian Hindu Tantric Yantra and
Mayan/Toltec/Purepecha teachings from his mentor the late
Magic Realist painter Bridget Bate Tichenor. At the same

time, he learned Mesoamerican Sacred Geometry from

Surrealist painter Pedro Friedeberg. He then received
initiations as a Solar Kundalini Master with the Naacal
Cosmograms as a Spiritist with Tarascan Shamans in
Guerrero, followed by 16 years as an Afro-Cuban Priest of
Obatala Ayagunna with Yoruba Ajitena' (Signature of the
Gods) applications. He received masters and doctorate
degrees in African-American Religions at the Universidad
Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico.
US Tel 310 622 8758 - MX Cell 52 755 115 1626
Wikipedia Biography Article:
International Movie
Random House
Biografia Espanol :
Francaise Biographie:

Biografa de Zachary Selig:

El arte de Zachary Selig es un producto de la cultura mexicana y
latinoamericana. Recibi el conocimiento altamente esotrico del Arte
Talismnico con sus intrincadas frmulas de diseo correlacionadas
con los principios cosmolgicos en diferentes etapas de su vida en
Mxico y el Caribe. Su primer entrenamiento lleg a travs del
antroplogo de Mesoamrica Alexander von Wuthenau en la
Universidad de las Amricas en la Ciudad de Mxico cuando tena 16
aos. Aprendi el "Tntrico Yantra" hind del este de la India y las
enseanzas Mayas/Toltecas/Purpechas de su mentor ya fallecido, el
pintor mgico realista Bridget Bate Tichenor. Al mismo tiempo,
aprendi Geometra Sagrada Mesoamericano del pintor surrealista
Pedro Friedeberg. Luego recibi iniciaciones como Maestro de
Kundalini Solar con los 'Naacal cosmogramas" como espiritista con
tarascos chamanes en Guerrero, seguido de 16 aos entrenando
como un Sacerdote Afrocubano de Obatal Ayagunna con
aplicaciones Yoruba Ajitena (Firma de los Dioses). Recibi una
maestra y doctorado en Religiones Afro-americanos en la
Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico, Ciudad de Mxico,

The Dynamics and Purpose of Magic Talismans

The word "Talisman" is derived from the Greek root "Telleo",
which means to consecrate. The detailed and disciplined act
of consecration involves ritual ceremony and prayer
prescribed to be preformed on specific cycles of time and
days that gives a talisman its magical powers. A talisman
must be "charged" with magical power by the person
preparing it. An amulet is used for many purposes, such as
averting evil or attracting good fortune, and is always
prepared for a definite reason in specified talisman creation
formula. The care in creating a talisman involves the
symbolic representation of universal forces that are in
harmony with that which is desired to attract or repel.
Through Zachary's gift as a Spiritist, he creates radiant icons
in painting that are consecrated talismans executed in a
meditative state that liberates the viewer from the rational
reactions of comprehension, evaluation, and appreciation.
The effect is a state of rapture between the body, mind, soul,
and the divine.
This epiphany encourages spiritual, mental, and physical
health, clearing the way to further growth and enlightenment.
These talismans project the authentic capacity to sit still in
contemplation of beauty and focus, and are not for
superficial decoration or collection. When ones mind and
body relax, an individual has no choice but to become
healthy. Zachary Selig's Magic Talismans represent the

archetypes within the nature of the universe that are

reflective in humankind and are prepared for definitive
balancing purposes. The icon empowers the viewer with a
specific focus of the imbedded universal forces represented
by the well-calculated design, colors, and symbols in the
painting or film to establish the desired harmonics to be
attracted in Spirit, Mind, and Body. The exquisitely executed
sacred paintings that Zachary Selig creates are purposeful
sensory icons for transmutation that are full of power,
wisdom, beauty, balance, and peace that engender optimum
wellness. They are alive with a passionate and rhythmic life
force that awaken the senses to new perspectives, which
enable an individuated truth to be felt, expressed, and
realized in a new world.

La Dinmica y el Propsito de los Talismanes Mgicos

La palabra "Talismn" se deriva de la raz griega "Telleo", que

significa consagrar. El acto detallado y disciplinado de la
consagracin implica ceremonia ritual y la oracin prescrita para ser
llevados a cabo en ciclos de tiempo y das especficos que le da a un
talismn sus poderes mgicos. Un talismn debe ser "cargado" con
el poder mgico de la persona que lo prepara. Un amuleto se utiliza
para muchos propsitos, tales como evitar el mal o atraer la buena
fortuna, y siempre est preparado para una razn definida en la
frmula de creacin especfica del talismn. El cuidado en la

creacin de un talismn implica la representacin simblica de las

fuerzas universales que estn en armona con lo que se desea para
atraer o repeler. A travs del regalo de Zachary como Espiritista, crea
iconos radiantes en la pintura que son talismanes consagrados
ejecutados en un estado de meditacin que libera al espectador de
las reacciones racionales de la comprensin, evaluacin y
reconocimiento. El efecto es un estado de xtasis entre el cuerpo, la
mente, el alma y la divinidad.
Esta epifana fomenta la salud espiritual, mental y fsica, despejando
el camino para un mayor crecimiento y la iluminacin. Estos
talismanes proyectan la autntica capacidad para permanecer
sentado en la contemplacin de la belleza y el enfoque, y no son
para la decoracin o coleccin superficial. Cuando la mente y el
cuerpo se relajan, un individuo no tiene ms remedio que ser sano.
Los Talismanes Mgicos de Zachary Selig representan los arquetipos
dentro de la naturaleza del universo, que son reflejo de la humanidad
y estn preparados para fines de equilibrio definitivos. El icono da
poder al espectador con un enfoque especfico de las incrustadas
fuerzas universales representadas por el bien calculado diseo, los
colores y los smbolos en la pintura o pelcula para establecer los
armnicos deseados a ser atrados en espritu, mente y cuerpo. Las
pinturas sagradas exquisitamente ejecutadas que crea Zachary Selig
son iconos con propsitos sensoriales para la transmutacin que
estn llenos de poder, sabidura, belleza, equilibrio y paz que
generan bienestar ptimo. Estn vivos con una fuerza de vida
apasionada y rtmica que despiertan los sentidos a nuevas
perspectivas, que permiten sentir, expresar y reconocer una verdad
individualizada en un mundo nuevo.

The Energy Value of Magic Talisman

The Magic Talismans that Zachary Selig paints are

classically rendered, and are composed of symbolic, colorcoded, design-embedded condensers and magnets
characteristic of the corresponding universal archetypes
within nature. These archetypes have a chain of divine
power, defined as Hindu Kundalini, Yoruba Ashe, or Life
Force', which breaks down the barriers between the
microcosm of man and the macrocosm of the cosmos in a
dynamic interrelationship that synthesize cosmic-dualism. It
is through this psycho-spiritual process and ultimate union of
opposites that the subjective illusionary linear reality created
by the ego blends with the objective non-linear core truth of
the psyche. The ego never dies, as it is eternal, yet it no
longer dominates the mind and allows the Soul with its
purpose to guide. Zachary Seligs Magic Talisman paintings
are created with the purpose of extending, continuing, and
multiplying a prescribed sacred knowledge that is configured
emblematically within the art to attract or repel. This highly
specialized metaphysical technique of painting generates
definitive keys that unlock the doors to consciousness and
enlightenment, delivering Wellness to the Spirit, Mind, and
Body. These elegant and potent amulets project the intended
phenomena's manifestation of the hidden archetype linkage
that connects humankind to the Earth and Universe, which
affects the viewer and environment. The art functions with
the containment of a myriad of diverse supernatural healing
capabilities for a wide array of Wellness purposes. Like all
great works of art, this Talismanic art called Signatures of

the Gods are rare treasures that inspire humankind to selftranscendence.

El Valor Energtico de la Magia Talismnica
Los Talismanes Mgicos que pinta Zachary Selig son clsicamente
prestados, y se componen de smbolos, cdigos de colores, y
diseos condensadores e imanes caractersticos de los arquetipos
universales correspondientes dentro de la naturaleza. Estos
arquetipos tienen una cadena de poder divino, que se define como
hind 'Kundalini', Yoruba "Ashe", o "fuerza de la vida, que rompe las
barreras entre el microcosmos del hombre y el macrocosmos del
cosmos en una interrelacin dinmica que sintetiza el dualismo
csmica. Es a travs de este proceso psico-espiritual y la unin
definitiva de los opuestos que la realidad lineal ilusoria subjetiva
creada por el ego se funde con la verdad central no lineal objetiva de
la psique. El ego nunca muere, ya que es eterno, sin embargo, ya no
domina la mente y permite que el Alma con su propsito pueda guiar.
Las pinturas de Magia Talismnica de Zachary Selig se crean con el
propsito de extender, continuar, y multiplicar un conocimiento
sagrado prescrito que se configura emblemticamente en el arte de
atraer o repeler. Esta tcnica metafsica altamente especializada de
la pintura genera llaves definitivas que abren las puertas a la
conciencia y la iluminacin, entregando Bienestar al Espritu, la
Mente y el Cuerpo. Estos amuletos elegantes y potentes proyectan la
manifestacin de los fenmenos previstos de la vinculacin del
arquetipo oculto que conecta a la humanidad a la Tierra y el
Universo, lo que afecta al espectador y al entorno. Las funciones de
arte con la contencin de una mirada de diversas capacidades de
curacin sobrenaturales para una amplia gama de efectos de
Bienestar. Como todas las grandes obras de arte, este arte

Talismnico llamado Firmas de los Dioses" son raros tesoros que

inspiran a la humanidad a la auto-trascendencia.

Title: The Six Roads of Oshun - Los Seis Caminos de

Medium: Oil on Canvas
Dimensions: 24 X 18
Price: Upon request
Oshun is the West African Yoruba goddess known as the
Orisha of love, beauty, art, money, and sex with colors of
gold and white.
Orisha (spelled Orich or Orix in Latin America) are spirits
that reflect specific manifestations of God
(Olodumare, Olorun, Olofi) in If and Yoruba religion. The
Orishas have found their way throughout the New World via
the Atlantic slave trade and are now expressed in spiritual
practices as varied as Afro-Cuban Santeria, Brazilian
Candombl, Trinidad Orisha, and Oyotunji, among others.
Oshun is the owner of gold and the river, where she was
born at the mouth of the river at the point it meets the

These six roads or paths of Oshun represent six different

aspects of the Orisha goddess:

1.) OLODI - Her name translated means Revolutionary .


BU-KOLE Is the smiling Orisha with exuberant

characteristics, who became poor and was given
great wealth by God.


AKUANO Her name means she who was born

dead from the river. She works with the spirits as she
is a spirit herself.

4.) IBU AKUARO Whose name means the Cornish Hen or


5.) IBU DOKO - This Oshun lives where the river is born
and rules the springs of the earth.

6.) IBU ANYA - Her name means owner of the drums

Title: The Victorious Path of Elegua-Olmeca - El Camino
Victorioso de Elegua- Olmeca
Medium: Oil on Masonite
Dimension: 24 X 18
Price: Upon request
The Victorious Path of Elegua- Olmeca is an Afro- Cuban
Ajitena or Signature of the Gods that opens the way to good
fortune. Under Yoruba magical ceremonies the diagram
attracts the Orisha Elegua and all the powers and strengths
within heaven and earth.
The central figure is Elegua- Olmeca, the smallest of
Orishas, who opens and closes roads to all things. He is the
first Orisha who communicates with all archetypes within
The canes have special cabalistic meaning in regard to
creation. The 2 Queztalcoatls shown on the cane and the
arrows are like astronomy symbols of justice and represent
the 16 Odus of IFA signifying magic, medicine, conception,
wisdom, initiation, and the phenomena of the supernatural.
The Quetzalcoatl snakes are ritualistic symbols of the
liberation of the soul in the regeneration process of birth, life,

death, and rebirth.

The arrows represent the lake of God where all souls are
born with the Orishas, and the arrows remove barriers to
clean the way to a benevolent path. The arrows symbolize
penetration, direction, empowerfment to the carrier, phallic
masculine power, and swiftness of the rays of the suns
knowledge. The white shield with the small face between the
Quetzalcoatls is a Yoruba diagram with IFA numerical
markings that symbolize Elegua. The sun represents the
masculine beginning and the Moon the feminine beginning.
The 7 Rainbow Stars are the celestial link between heaven
and earth. The ocean is the mother, the sky the father, and
the land the grounding of all that is spiritual into the material.
This talisman bestows the environmental blessing of good
fortune in health, business, family, love, spiritual evolution,
and protection from malevolent influences.

8.) Title: Signature of Elegua - Firma de Elegua

Medium: Gouache on Canson Paper
Dimensions: 24 X 18 457 cm X 61 cm
Price: Upon request
Description: Opens the way for all that is wished for.

9.) Title: Signature of Ogun - Firma de Ogun

Medium: Gouache on Canson Paper
Dimensions: 24 X 18 457 cm X 61 cm
Price: Upon request
Description: For money.

10.) Title: Signature of Ochun - Firma de Ochun

Medium: Gouache on Canson Paper
Dimensions: 24 X 18 457 cm X 61 cm
Price: Upon request
Description: Protects against malevolence and attracts money.

11.) Title Signature of Yemaya - Firma de Yemaya

Medium: Gouache on Canson Paper
Dimensions: 24 X 18 457 cm X 61 cm
Price: Upon request
Description: To solve any problem.


Artist: Zachary Selig
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Dimensions: 4 X 4


1. Root Chakra - Red Ray Application Physical Identity - Function: Life Force:
It grounds us in the physical world and increases our life force, strength, courage, passion
and enthusiasm. It increases the amount of hemoglobin in the blood and improves
circulation, resulting in the release of adrenaline into the blood stream. It is an antidote
for depression and fear. It increases intelligence. Shape: Square. Metal:Lead.
Colors:Orange, Red, and Yellow.

2. Sexual Chakra - Orange Ray Application - Sexual Identity Function: Energy:

Increases sexual awareness by addressing the emotional aspects of self-confidence and

positive thinking, and stimulates social interaction. It is linked to the vital force from the
sun that flows into the body, increasing the process of digestion and assimilation. Can
be used in treatment of spleen, kidneys, and chest conditions. Shape:Crescent Moon.
Metal:Tin. Colors:Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet and Pink.

15. Navel Chakra - Yellow Ray Application - Ego Identity Function:

Intellect and Self-Definition: Differentiating the perception of the physical from
the spiritual, to increase awareness of ones self. The ray of positive magnetic
vibration has a powerful effect on the brain center. Used in treating organs
adjacent to the naval such as stomach, gall bladder, and liver. Additionally, it
treats diseases of the skin and nerves.

16. Heart Chakra - Green Ray Application - Love Identity - Function: Healing:
Balance and Compassion. Equilibrium is reached through balancing the three mental and
spiritual chakras above the heart, with the three physical and emotional chakras below it.
It establishes and increases the ability to love and receive love.

Shape:Circle. Metal:Copper. Colors:Shades of Yellow and Gold.


5. Throat Chakra - Blue Ray Application - Creative Identity - Function: Inspiration,

Wisdom and Learning: Through communication and self-expression, it stimulates
feelings, insight, rhythm, pattern, color, and intuition, into the dynamics of creativity. It
symbolizes harmony, calmness, courtesy, peace, happiness and the will of our Creator.
Shape:Dot. Metal:Mercury. Colors:Green, Blue, and silver.

6. Brow Chakra - Indigo Ray Application - Mental Identity Function: Intuition.

Mental consciousness through the astral and solar planes. Self-reflection and higher
consciousness that enables one to receive and see mental models that fuel imagination,
vision, insight, symbol, and pattern structuring, fantasy, and transcendence. Organs of
sight, hearing and smell are influenced. Assists with mental disorders, obsessions and
insomnia. Shape:Cube. Metal :Gold and Silver. Colors:Pink, Blue, Yellow, Purple, and


7. Crown Chakra - Violet Ray Application - Spiritual Identity - Function:

Ascension of the physical to the Spiritual. Supports the development of consciousness,
clairvoyance, physical sensitivity, meditation, and concentration, by relinquishing the
ego. Shape:Pyramid. Metal:Hematitite. Color:Shades of purple and gold.


THE RELAXATIA CODEX CHAKRA CORPUS is a visual alphabet of The Seven
Chakras that delivers the most precious commodity to humankind, inner peace.
After a 3-year apprenticeship with Tarascan Spiritualist-Shamans near Zihuatanjeo,
Guerrero, Mexico 1977 - 1979, Zachary Selig was directed by his ancestral spirit guides
to paint, and document in an art and literary intellectual property, a body of paintings
THE RELAXATIA CODEX identifies the ancient solar philosophies of Mesoamerica,
Egypt, and Asia in one original paradigm that is a precise wellness-alignment prescriptive
for the Mayan 2012 prophecy.
This body of work was created in 1980 and is the foundation of Mr. Selig's series of
books, the first book "Kundalini Awakening, A Gentle Guide to Chakra Activation
and Spiritual Growth"; a Bantam Doubleday Publication was released internationally
in 1992.
Zachary Seligs art is transcended and irradiated by spiritual targets and metaphysical
quests with his own thirst and recognition of light as the source and inhibitor of beauty
and visual art.

The word chakra is Sanskrit, and signifies a wheel. Chacla is the Mayan name for
chakra. Within the surface of the etheric double of our physical bodies, exist a series of
wheel-like vortices, which permeate and emanate outside the dense observable physical
body. The Seven Chakras are major points of power, which function as
psychic vortices in the human body.
They are visualized as geometrical figures, as wheels, spaced on the vertical axis of the
subtle body, which corresponds to the spinal column and brain. Since these Chakras
embrace the entire psyche-cosmos, each is associated with a particular color, sound,
element, planet, metal, and vibration. These internal diagrams mark phases of the
spiritual journey of the Kundalini, the energy that is aroused in meditation for the ascent
of the path to unite the lower earth forces with the higher spiritual forces.


Kundalini is an ancient Hindu word from the Sanskrit language that refers to the basic
life force residing inside every human being. Kultanlilni is the Mayan name for
Kundalni. Yoga' signifies union. The purpose of
Kundalini Meditation/Yoga is to open up and encourage more life force energy to flow
through the body to create union of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.
It is based upon the fact that we all have seven subtle energy centers in our bodies known
as Chakras, which when activated is both powerful and pleasurable in experience. When
the life force is released and allowed to flow harmoniously and naturally through the
whole body, removing blockages, we regenerate every aspect of our being into an ageless


The purpose of THE RELAXATIA CODEX is to humanize the world through sensorial
experiences in art that can catalyst an evolution from the Information Age of the ability to
acquire and to apply theoretical and analytic knowledge to a Conceptual Age that blends
artistry, empathy, emotional expression, seeing the big picture, and pursuing the
The future no longer belongs to people who can reason with computer-like logic, speed,
and precision. It belongs to a different kind of person with a different kind of mind that
senses and expresses being human in concert with rational systematic talents.
The aim of THE RELAXATIA CODEX is to reverse the journey of the individual from
a chaotic outward flow of constant change to an inward state of rest; technically a
reversal of the world of activity to a state of peace. Through the systematic visualized
meditation, practice the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies will gradually
transform into balance and align. With this efficiency in a mind to body link, the
soul-consciousness will become more developed and sensitive. Color being one of the
fundamental elements in the universe, acts directly on the subconscious, which strongly
affects physical, mental, and emotional health equilibrium. The end result and
transformation for the viewer is truly a sense of focus and balance created through his/her
own personal alignment.
THE RELAXATIA CODEX is an instructive tool in art and literature - an enduring
regenerative vehicle for Mind Body, and Soul balance.





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