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Betsy Compton

Texas Womans University

Department of Professional Education
EDUC 5113: Law, Ethics, and Professional Roles and Responsibilities
Fall 2003

Why Teach?
When asked why I want to teach, many reasons come to mind. Ultimately, I feel I
need to teach. There is a strong urge inside of me to educate others. During my life, I
have tried to teach everything I have ever learned. In addition to my tendency to teach
everyday activities, I have taught classes in ballet, tap, jazz, modern, creative movement,
musical theater, aiki jitzu, womens self defense, swimming, diving, water aerobics, water
ballet, aerobics, step aerobics, body sculpting, yoga, and pilates. It seems to be my nature
to be the leader and educator.
My joy of teaching comes from the intrinsic rewards. By teaching, I am fulfilling
my desires. My biggest desire is to share with others. The greatest reward is to see the
growth of the educational seeds I plant. I love to help others and share with them what I
have learned. It is also a way for me to communicate within a learning community. My
drive to know and learn about others causes each class I teach to be a new and exciting
By being a teacher/learner rather than just a teacher, one is able to learn and
relearn their personal pedagogy. Continuing my own education, both formally and
informally, is important to me. I will always be a student, just as I will always be a
teacher. This continuation of my own scholarship provides me with more resources as a
teacher. I want to offer my students as much as I can.

One cannot deny the extrinsic rewards of teaching. My strong urges to teach
continue into my personal life as well. Although I want a professional career, I also want
a family. I want to teach my own children as well as others. Being a teacher, I would be
able to teach the same hours that my children are in school. This would insure more time
together as a family. Family should come first. Family members are childrens first
educators in the world. I believe my strong desire to be a mother is directly related to my
strong desire to be a teacher.
In conclusion, the reasons I teach could fill pages beyond pages. Teaching gives
me the chance to help others, share my skills, serve the community, and continue my own
scholarship. These important aspects of teaching can be achieved whether in a traditional
high school classroom, community center, private dance studio, or someones back yard.
Teaching occurs every day, not only in classes, but in every day activities. I need to
teach. My passion in life is to educate others.

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