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36 (Orig, A moll) 13. Euition Peters. Solvejgs Lied. — Solvejgs Song. Ibsen. Un poco Andante, Cee Der Winer magscheiden,der Frith-ling ver-gelin, der Frih- ling ver- gelin, — The min-termayrane and the springtime may fly, andthe spring- time may fly, wae der Som-mer mag ver-wel-ken, das Jabr verwelin, das_ Jahr ver - welfn; the sum-mer may de-part and the year may die, andthe year may die; + du keb-rest mir m-rii-cke, ge - wiss, dawirstmein, ge - wiss, duwirstmein, ich To me thou wilt re-turn,thou art mine soon or ate, art mine soon or late, T 7875 eG ee is a Tab’ es versprochen,ich har-re treulich dein, ich har-re treu-lich dein, gésnen guvetheemy promive and faithful-ly ean reat, and fun ly can rait ers Sa F Ae aes pe. a Allegretto con moto. J pease? ore fiott hel-fe dir,wenndudie Son-ne nochsiehst, die God watchov-er thee atthe dann of each day, at the Bey ey Pitre corde = s| * 7 pe Sas qi ia EMEtt eS fe eye Gott se-nedich,wenndu— zu Fit-ssen ihm kniest,zu___Fiissen ihm kniest.— God bless thee ev'- ry timethatthou kneetest to pray, thatthou kneelext lo pray, Ae —— ¥ = — pos ¥ 9s Evition Peters 7875 88 poco animato —— Teh will dei-ner har- ren, bis du mir nah, bis du mir nah, und 1 mill tarry here for’ thy coming. my love._thy —_cum~ing, my love; Or f = = Pp PD har-rest du dort o-ben, so tref-fen wir uns da, so treffen wiruns dal A & thoureaititin Heaven, IU meet thee there a-bove. Ui meet thee there a - Bove. AAL [7 poco soxtenutd Edition Peters. 7875

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